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Okay, the new Voting Gauntlet banners are here. We'll start with the free pull from Block B, since I don't need anyone from that.

  1. 3* Jagen: Damn. Well, I already have Nowi and Femui at 5*, so no great loss.

Now for Block A. Going for a full pull here since I would like everyone here.

  1. 4* Catria: Ugh, not what I want.
  2. 3* Donnel: Still no Ninian. What will it take...
  3. 4* Mamui: Wrong rarity. Someone might need Dragon Fang though.
  4. 4* Gunter: No.
  5. 3* Clarine: I don't even know why I bothered with this orb.

That was a waste.

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My free summons:


4* Effie

Hey! It was a focus character ahahahahaha xD

This is the first time I summon a Nowi... But she is -Atk mmmmmm... I want a Fae, I don't have one... Or a Ninian, that's why I opened blue (I also want another Oboro but she hasn't showed up again in a long time), but well, it was a new character at least!

Edited by SniperGYS
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free pull in block A got me a second tiki which will be nice for merging.

just spent 46 orbs in the TT banner and still no mist, I've put over 140 orbs in and mist continues to elude me, the best part is I got innes and klein and genny and still no mist. in today's pull though, I did get my first jacob so that's nice thankfully he  was 4* 

and since I didn't much care for block B I pulled colorless and got not mist (virion).

so, things are going a-ok on my end I guess I did get an Ike though which I was appreciative of.

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I got 4* Mathilda and 3* Subaki. I wish I was part of the 5* free pull club. ):

I'm not complaining though. I received 4 5* in under 50 orbs. 2 Performing Azura, a good Oscar, and Cordelia who went to Elincia (I wish she went to Oscar instead).

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So I finally got this beauty...



...after reaching 5%.

... after getting pity breakers 5* Priscilla and Lucius.

... In a nutshell, around 300 orbs for 1 dancer.

Not even the guy I wanted.

And he's -atk. But a dancer job is to dance, so whatever.

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On my free pull from the Threaten Spd banner I got yet another 5* unit. And you'll never get who it is.



It's Innes!!! And he is friggin +Spd/-HP.

Also finally I got the dude who chooses not to show up anymore.



Hello Hinata.


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My free summon on the Block B Dargons yielded this bahaha. She's a terrible nature (-Atk) so she's just merge fodder for Tiki Prime, but the knowledge that she specifically came so quickly and willingly makes me happy enough @w@

Edited by BANRYU
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I'm kind of annoyed.

Summoned on the tempest banner trying to get Ike (or Soren). Didn't get either, and I have a 4.25% pity rate and I'm out of orbs.

All of the Crimean banners seem to hate me. This happened on the Greil Mercenary banner, and the Crimean banner, and now the PoR-themed tempest banner.

Right now, I have half a mind to not summon on PoR-related banners anymore.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm kind of annoyed.

Summoned on the tempest banner trying to get Ike (or Soren). Didn't get either, and I have a 4.25% pity rate and I'm out of orbs.

All of the Crimean banners seem to hate me. This happened on the Greil Mercenary banner, and the Crimean banner, and now the PoR-themed tempest banner.

Right now, I have half a mind to not summon on PoR-related banners anymore.

I feel your pain - I had a 4,25 pity on the PA banner followed by a 4,75 pity broken by Karel and finally a 3,75 and got Inigo. Right now I am at 7 orbs. Still wanna try for azura. Guess it will be tough but there is still plenty of time left. Tempest banner is about to end, though.

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Sigh... so I made the dumb mistake of summoning all 5 times from Threaten Speed banner, and I've been using orbs on that until I finally got 5* Jaffar. +Res -Def, fed him to my Celica to complete her training.

Just now I did a full pull from Dancers banner to boost pity rate... let's just say my pity rate didn't get boosted.

5* Mathilda. Neutral. Guess that's better than crap, though at least if she were crap I could feed Cancel Affinity to one of my archers...

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Gathered enough orbs to try on Block A again. Let's see what it has in store.

  1. 4* Catria: I've been getting you a lot recently.
  2. 3* Donnel: Screw you. Still no Ninian.
  3. 4* Fae: Wrong rarity. Still, I have been looking for Renewal fodder for a while.

The other two orbs were grey, so not going to bother. I really need to stop looking for Ninian. Nothing good comes of it.

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Pulled 3* Donnel and 4* Reinhardt.  Merged the Donnel, fed Reinhardt to Masked Marth for Vantage.  Still missing that Shigure.  I feel like since I got so lucky at the beginning of the banner, I'm not going to pull him till the end, if at all.

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Your mod is a very intelligent lady, because she wanted to go fishing on the dragons banner (block A of course).  423 units pulled total.



And for boons/banes:


Gunter (+Res/-HP): Hey, it's Hone Cavalry fodder~!
Lon'qu (neutral): After the slew of +Atk ones. . .this one will be Vantage fodder.  As soon as I figure out who wants Vantage.  Maybe the Tin Man?
Klein (+Def/-HP): Where's my Reinhardt?
Serra (+Atk/-HP): There's certain builds that like Recover.  I think.

Five out of five are fodder.  But it's good fodder, so I'm happy.


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With todays orbs I made it to 23 and went hunting for Azura. 3%pity rate.  First batch had one green, 4*Merric, second one had none 4*Catria - oh luna. Third one had TWO - thats rare. When I saw the smoke I looked the other side and heard the 5 star hits - hmmmmm....



He is not Azura. Damn!!!!!

+atk -spd, the exact opposite of my other one. Boon and bane teasing me at its best. Which one to keep which one to merge - probably gonna keep +atk.

I wanted to quit the summoning as its very rare to get two 5* units in a row and my recent luck considered... but hey lets yolo. I saw the smoke and looked the other side and heard the 5 star hits.



Hmmm... still no Azura. Can't say I feel satisfied. He is +hp-res btw

Edited by Prince Endriu
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I got tired of saving for the possible BHB banner, so I gathered 17 orbs to try for Olivia. Only one colorless in my first session, and it was a 4-star +Res/-Def Lissa. Okay boon/bane I guess, but I'm more interested in giving her Gravity to Priscilla.

Backed out, got another orb from the Training Tower quests, and tried another session. Still one colorless, and it was a 3-star +HP/-Atk Niles. Garbage, but not for SI, so he'll stick around for now.

There were two blues in the session, and against my better judgement, I used the last of my orbs on them. And it actually payed off! First one was a 4-star +HP/-Def Abel. I'm not really sure if I want to use him, or give him as SI fodder. On one hand, Clarisse really wants Swordbreaker 3, and Abels are a rarity for me. On the other hand, Abel is one of my favorite Shadow Dragon characters, and... well, Abels are a rarity for me. I guess I'll at least keep him until I give Clarisse everything else she needs (82,000 feathers worth of stuff...), and hopefully by then I'll have another Abel.

Last blue was another 4-star Peri. To think that I was in desperate need of her for SI at one point... now I have three of her, and no idea of who to give her too. Anyway, she's +Def/-Res, which gives her nearly perfectly mixed bulk. Cool for an enemy phase unit, not so hot for a player phase unit like Peri. Although I guess 26 Def/27 Res with 33 Spd at 5-star isn't too shabby all things considered.. At least she's not +HP/-Spd like both of my current Peris, so this is definitely the one I'm using.

Bad news, no Olivia. Good news, no Shigure, or any other pity breakers. I'm at 4.00% now, and I may just pull exclusively on this banner until I get something


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So today I pulled Inigo and nearly cried, as it means that I now have both green units from the PA banner.

I think I'll focus on trying to get Ninian before going back to Olivia until after the VG ends.

...It's not going to end well, I've been trying for Ninian for months - just come home for crying out loud, Eliwood and Roy are waiting!

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I'll take a shot at a dancer.

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (I'm not taking the risk of 4 Wendys)

4* Jeorge (I finally pulled him! +Def/-Spd though, he's also poor fodder)

Pulled out, tried again

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Gordin (Must have heard about Jeorge. +Att/-HP, I have better), 4* Est (COME. ON. +Att/-HP, I'm not sure about merging another one on the +Spd/-HP I currently have. Who'd be better to keep as is?), 3* Sully (Meh, another Swordbreaker 2), 3* Cecilia (Still not been pulled at 4*, not going to raise a second one)

8% now.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (This banner I swear. I think I've seen 5 green orbs total)

4* Wrys (Take me with you blablabla. +Res/-Spd, think I have similar. Guess Sakura's getting Rehab), 4* Clair (Been a while to pull her. +Res/-HP, who wants Hit and Run?), 3* Cecilia (What is with her doing this? She's getting sacrificed anyway)

One more shot for now, need to get on with picking up loose orbs

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Where were they all this time?)

4* Cherche (+Spd/-Res. If she were +Att I'd be crying as I'd finally have her best Boon/Bane. For now, sacrifice I guess), 3* Nino (Another bladetome? Her mature's not +Spd, so away she goes), 4* Boey (Another one! +Spd/-Att, is Earth Boost worth passing on?), 3* M!Robin (Bonfire's a nice proc to pass), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav's nice)

Well that was a waste overall.

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