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Dang. New banner hurts my feels. While it's really tempting to pull for Ayra, not only is she on a banner with Eldigan, but I spent too many orbs trying to get Eldigan. She looks great, but this is such a bad way to introduce her...and I'm totally not willing to risk it atm. This gal is going to try to save her Tempest orbs this time around. 

Nevertheless, I pulled the two red orbs I was given just in case someone was hiding there. Free summon was Selena (+HP -DEF). So Reposition. Yas. Second pull was Marth (+RES -SPD). Oh well. I'm down to 4 orbs. And now I'm going to save. Maybe Ayra will be on another banner in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

*goes for my free pull on the TT banner, sees a lone red*

Please be Ayra, I thought.

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.....Sure. That's perfectly acceptable too. The boon/bane is +Def/-HP, and my number of free pull 5*s is now at two.

+Atk -Spd 5* Seliph here.

(two other red orbs for Henry and Caeda, both 4*).

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I really am feeling like I'm going to have to pass on Ayra. There just isn't enough orbs for her. I got a Raigh as my free summon and the other 2 red orbs were A!Tiki and Lon'Qu. Haven't had Bonfire fodder in a long time so that's cool. As much as I want Ayra. Blowing orbs only to get a -ATK/-SPD one or worse, an Eldigan is... unattractive with how tight orbs are right now.

Will probably pass on this amazing unit.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I finally joined the free 5★ club on the Ayra banner.

It even is a red hero.

It even is a sword hero.


It is a Roy.


On the bright side, he can be... Seal Def 3 fodder?

...Yeah, I can't think of anything. I'm real sorry. Is he at least your first 5-star Roy, so you can get that conversation?

I'm also curious what his boon/bane is, if you know.

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Main account- 2 reds. Free is 4 star Hana, while other is 4 star Hinata. At least another Fury fodder!!!

Tried again- 3 reds. All 4 stars. Marth, Lon'qu and Stahl...

Second account- 1 red. 3 star Lon'qu....

Tried again- just greens and colorless. 3 star Nino.

20 orbs left. Last desparate pull for ANY bonus unit? ANOTHER 3 star Lon'qu, 4 star Olivia, and TWO 3 star Barsts...

Dang I knew I used up my summon luck too early in the month. Looks like the hunt for dancers is over as I just want at least ONE 40% bonus unit for the TTs, who will now be my main source of orbs :(

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Whoa. Freebie was a 4 star Ogma on TT banner. +Atk/-Res. And it's the first Ogma I've ever pulled. That's insane luck. 

I won't be hunting reds on TT banner with the orbs I've been saving. I'd love to add Eldigan or Ayra to my collection, but they're not seasonals. And I only need a 20% focus unit to comfortably earn all the TT rewards. Good luck to everybody else though!

Edited by Glennstavos
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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'm also curious what his boon/bane is, if you know.

This is my third 5★ Roy. And he’s HP/Atk. Better him to turn out –Atk than Ayra, at the very least.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

This is my third 5★ Roy. And he’s HP/Atk. Better him to turn out –Atk than Ayra, at the very least.


Oh, dude.

I'm especially sorry now.

Hopefully you're luck will turn around before the end of the Tempest, and you'll end up with Deirdre. At least I assume you're still going for her first, anyway.

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I did 3 pulls tonight.

My free pull on the TT banner was 5* Ayra.  Still can't believe that happened. 


Seems the FEH Wiki has her stats up.  She appears to be +HP/-Res, which is pretty much neutral.  I'm a happy camper.  :]

I also did a couple pulls on the Holy War banner.  I already have Sigurd, so I'm aiming for the two mages.

4* Stahl (No green/blue orbs)

3* Beruka

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Hopefully you're luck will turn around before the end of the Tempest, and you'll end up with Deirdre. At least I assume you're still going for her first, anyway.

Yes, yes I still very much am. I’m a stubborn cat. I must have at least one of the Heim ladies.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, yes I still very much am. I’m a stubborn cat. I must have at least one of the Heim ladies.

I figured. There's a better chance of getting her than getting Ayra, considering that Eldigan guy. Well, technically the chance is exactly the same, but... you know what I mean. Two reds and all that.

I think I may actually switch to Ayra and Eldigan personally, since a 2% chance of getting someone I don't have is better than a 1% chance. If I get even one of either Ayra or Eldigan though, then I'm going straight back to Deirdre.


Oh yeah, and since I didn't actually mention my free pull (one red in the entire session... thanks game), it was a 4-star Lon'qu. Great.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, yes I still very much am. I’m a stubborn cat. I must have at least one of the Heim ladies.

Totally rooting for you.  :):  I'm not a very frequent poster in the main Heroes discussion thread, but I read pretty much all of the posts there.  Seems you've been excited about Deirdre for a while now, so if anyone deserves to get her, it's you!  

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Surprise banner with Ayra!

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Selena (I guess Reposition's nice. +Def/-HP, and there she goes.)

Worth a shot I thought. Don't really have orbs to pull right now. Also, 3 banners with something worth going for  and not enough orbs to do it. That's just mean.

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So I was surprised to see Ayra, but I finally got the banner with Eldigan on!

Having had such good luck recently, I went for it, figuring if I got spooked by Ayra, that was fine 'cos I liked her.

170 orbs and four frickin' Ayras later, I am no longer happy to be spooked by Ayra. I just want an Eldigan! One Eldigan! Even if he has to be the usual -Spd or -Atk...

But I can't pull on the banner any more. I have thirty orbs left and there may be a limited banner v.v So I'm saving them. If I get good luck on the limited banner, I might try again -.-

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I was really hoping that Ayra would be the tempest trial reward but I guess it's Arden. I got a 3 star Palla for my free pull on that banner. I got a +speed -HP Deirdre from the genealogy banner so I'm done with that now. I went back to the performing arts banner for greens and


Inigo number four. I went clockwise from Baetre so when I pulled him I had visions of all of those greens being him. Then I saw Beruka, which was somehow even worse. Then Inigo killed my pity rate (it was only 3.25, but still...). Things looked bleak when I pulled Cherche but then I saw she had a 10 attack base so I checked a calculator to be sure. +attack -resistance! I finally have my brave Cherche~

This Inigo is -speed + defense which apparently is the best nature for taking down Reinhardt and brave Lyn in the same match but I think I will stick with my original +attack -HP. I'm gonna keep him around until I get gronnraven and triangle adept 3 fodder to test before merging. If I get another Inigo I will probably send home all of my Olivias. I figure each copy is bringing her kid with her. 


Edited by Momentai~
removing massive picture
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Well this banner has made me really sad.

Got baited and used all 100 of my stocked Halloween orbs since I really want Ayra.

Used them all for a bunch of trash 4* Seliphs, Raighs and... finally spooked by +spd -res Eldigan. Fuck, this banner is cursed, I knew he'd screw me out of getting her.

It's at least A 5* but I'd honestly have preferred my rate for Ayra to just keep going up after 100 blown orbs.

(Free pull was 4* -spd M Corrin, btw)

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I went for my freebie wanting to get a Red hopefully.  There were no Reds, so my free pull was Frederick.

Ayra would be nice, but she shares a color and my Orbs are all gone from the last Banner.  Did they say they datamined 4* stats for her?  It also says she might have a new rarity after the banner ends in the new notice, but getting a new character like this is pretty unprecedented, so I don't know what to think.

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After complaining about not having any orbs for Arya and feeling cheeped out. For my free summon I got a AYRA that is +res, -hp  version could be worse. This make the third time a got a five star for a free summon, previously was mCorrin and Gray. Luck has sided with me, now about that Inigo.

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FFS, three separate summon sets, none of them had a single red orb. How does that even happen?!

Ended up with a 4* Robin, 4* Subaki, and 4* Odin. Complete and utter waste of 10 orbs.

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