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I landed myself a Hinoka. +Res -HP, but a Hinoka nonetheless. I'm... in a generous mood, so she gets to remain the bearer of Hone Fliers. Not so sure if she gets inheritance.

For those wishing to emulate my example, I was playing PoR, and my last peg-related move was to put Marcia in a river to take on a brigand (she has a sword now).

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/dying noises


The craziest thing is that I was actually at the base 3% pity rate? I think this is the best session I've ever pulled oh god I'm still freaking out. (Henry is +ATK -HP and Jakob is +HP -RES to boot!)

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Was trying to aim for Neko Sakura, but he showed up instead. Not upset though, since he's pretty good. Neutral nature, which is alright. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @Rezzy

But this also means I won't be using my CC Merric meme in Arena anymore, because this guy is probably worth more points with higher BST and good skills...

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So to no one's surprise, I lied about saving my orbs and decided to try sniping for Hinoka on the flier banner, mostly just for shits and giggles. Let's just say that the results were...interesting.



No, I don't know what the hell my luck is anymore either. What you see here was just two out of three summons that I did today (the third had no blues and just netted me a 4* Chrom). +Res kill me please/-Def for Ogma, +Def/-HP for Hinoka. So now there's truly nothing left for me to go for on the current banners that I don't already have so maybe now I'll actually stick to saving my orbs now.


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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Was trying to aim for Neko Sakura, but he showed up instead. Not upset though, since he's pretty good. Neutral nature, which is alright.

Good for you, congratulations!

I couldn’t care less about these units and him specifically though, but if you like using these, all power to you!

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I suck at saving.  481 total pulled units.



I got my Christmas pull a little early.

And for boons/banes:


Cecilia (+HP/-Spd): Escape Route is a legit skill.
Palla (+Res/-Atk): Moonbow or Goad Fliers?  Hmmm!
Gaius (+Atk/-HP): Wow, he's competent!  Squishy, but works damn well with Poison Strike. . .and it's not like I just drew a Saizo or anything. . .
Nino (neutral): I really don't need two -blade mages, but Soren's native tome ain't doing it.
Titania (+HP/-Def): I think there's a unit out there that wants Armored Blow.  Like that new Henry, but that's because I'm completely and utterly insane.

Gaius was a sweet surprise.


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@Vaximillian @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @GuiltyLove @Rezzy Ayyy lmaaaao. I decided to spend orbs anyway, since I wanted to fish for QR fodder for Jakob, and bam, here she is. +Atk -Spd, unfortunately (seriously, I seem to have a -Spd curse on me...), but it's fixable by teaming her with Brave Lucina (who is also -Spd lol).

My primary goal for this banner is now over, so I think I might save and see what comes during the rest of the month. If I don't find something to sink my orbs in, I'll try for Nowi and maybe a second Sakura who would hopefully be a better nature. I also kinda need QR fodder. A lot of QR fodder.

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Hallow'een has passed. It's time for a Samhain summon!

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Arthur (Well, Lacebreaker fodder *shrug), 3* Barst (Good fodder today), 3* Lon'qu (Vantage is never a bad call), 3* Serra (This is seeming more like my earlier summons), 4* Cordelia (+Spd/-Def. You know what, this is fine. I'll raise her.)


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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


@Vaximillian @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @GuiltyLove @Rezzy Ayyy lmaaaao. I decided to spend orbs anyway, since I wanted to fish for QR fodder for Jakob, and bam, here she is. +Atk -Spd, unfortunately (seriously, I seem to have a -Spd curse on me...), but it's fixable by teaming her with Brave Lucina (who is also -Spd lol).

My primary goal for this banner is now over, so I think I might save and see what comes during the rest of the month. If I don't find something to sink my orbs in, I'll try for Nowi and maybe a second Sakura who would hopefully be a better nature. I also kinda need QR fodder. A lot of QR fodder.

Congrats my d00d

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Finished an Armor mission to get to 17 and pull for the last time for a bit, and so it figures I get the remaining armor unit out of it. image.png


I pulled Sakura and Jakob within 25 orbs of one another on the first day, but Henry and Nowi were stubborn. But now I just need Nowi, and I have 29 days to do it Please don't let this be Radiant Dawn's month

Sakura - +Spd, -Atk. Ow.
Jakob - +Spd, -Atk. Ow.
Henry - +Atk, -Spd. Lol.

Edited by Sonic Boom
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3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


Was trying to aim for Neko Sakura, but he showed up instead. Not upset though, since he's pretty good. Neutral nature, which is alright. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Arcanite @MrSmokestack @Rezzy

But this also means I won't be using my CC Merric meme in Arena anymore, because this guy is probably worth more points with higher BST and good skills...


Do you have Armor March or another means of getting Jakob around for Arena?

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Ayyy lmaaaao. I decided to spend orbs anyway, since I wanted to fish for QR fodder for Jakob, and bam, here she is. +Atk -Spd, unfortunately (seriously, I seem to have a -Spd curse on me...), but it's fixable by teaming her with Brave Lucina (who is also -Spd lol).

You should fodder the dagger to Kagero if you know what's good for you

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It's the 1st of November, what do I get?

3 Red Orbs, that's a good start. *opens*
Adult Tiki. If I had the feathers I could make a +10 4* Adult Tiki and I already trained one with perfect IVs.
Raigh. Go away, brat. You're useless as fodder and I don't need another red mage in my roster (Celica, Katarina and Leo).

An Eldigan. My 1st Eldigan. An Eldigan that I used as Fury fodder.
Why? He was +Res/-Atk. Any other combination would have been fine to keep but this is the worst. I already have enough Sword Cavaliers (Xander for DC, Luke for Brave Sword, my favorite Paladin) and don't really care about FE4, so ... no regrets.

And this concludes my pulls from the Tempest Trial banner. Got 2 5*-Stars (Elincia, Eldigan) for relatively little investment, pretty good.
Still need 5 more Hinatas though.

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Used almost all of the free November orbs fishing for Nowi. Nothing but a 4* Cain as notable.

Realized maybe I should hold off on the Halloween banner since Ayra and Hinoka go away so soon. 

Bought 75 orbs to try for Ayra again. Not a single 5*, literally no fodder of value either. Just sent home basically everything I pulled.

That brings me to like 200 orbs on Ayras banner with nothing but an Eldigan to show for it, and 160 on the Halloween banner for a Jakob instead of Sakura/Nowi. 

The months of bad luck with so few good spots for the past few months is really getting tiring. I didn't even try for Hinoka really, whom I've wanted for months, since every other banner's been busting my balls and my orbs. 

Edited by Alkaid
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Might as well join the group of people who can't muster enough willpower to save orbs. I said I wouldn't, but let's go digging for Ayra again.

  1. 4* Sophia: Well, I was looking for Dragon Fang.
  2. 4* Laslow: Meh.
  3. 3* Eliwood: No thanks.

Other orbs were blue and green, so let's try again...3 red orbs. Promising...

  1. 4* Sophia: Okay, that's enough.
  2. 4* Marth: Hello. +Atk/-Res, but I prefer my +Spd one. Arden could use Pivot though.
  3. 3* Tiki: No thanks.
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At 20 orbs again, so I tried to make use of my 3.5% pity rate. One green, two red, one blue, one colorless. The green got me a 4-Star Arthur, but the colorless got me a second Halloween Jacob!  With +Hp -Def, I think he’s a bit better than my original +Def -Atk, especially after merging, so I’m done with this banner. 

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Finally managed to pull a banner unit. After going up to 4.25% i got myself a +spd -def Henry. Could be better, but I can dig it. Finally have armor march for my armor emblem team

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Well this is godamn great! Very great! (plz understand the sarcasm)


Why game? Why? At least gimme a Healer I don't have as 5* D; !!

Now I have a 5*Lucius + 1 Since... I didn't know what to do with him, so mmm yeah... Thanks game :/

Well, these was my last summon on Halloween banner, better save my orbs for obvious christmas banner and see if I have better luck (well I actually ended with 2 5* in less than 100 orbs but)

when are you going to gimme Innes game?

Edited by SniperGYS
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