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I had 60 orbs and with my last orb I pulled Lute with the shittiest boon and bane possible: +DEF -RES ... Anyway, I wanted to pull her, so I'm happy. And having a bonus unit for TT is all that counts. I would have liked to pull a Dorcas too. Pulling several Bartres felt like an insult and made me wish we'd get PowerCreep!Bartre from FE7 as well.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Robin, Odin, Odin, Sully, Corrin, Chrom, Est. No Lute, no 5★s. Not cool.

You should save for Ice Sharena anyways.

Went into my free pull session, telling myself I'll get all red and greens. Only 1 red.... and three blues plus a single grey...., welp ok then. Aaaaaand 4* Palla, damn. Oh well, could be worse (gtfo Raigh). Now for the long wait till legendary banner.

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Ice Sharena is guaranteed, best FE8 girl Lute is not. Also a tempest is incoming.

But you want the best for all the Sharenas, and she is best girl period. Priorities must be followed! (I'm just joking anyways, would like a Lute as well, but can't afford distractions, unfortunately)

Btw, why did you pull Blue? - EDIT: never mind, Lute is blue, thought to have read on reddit that Lute was red, my bad, ha

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
I'm a doofus
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Decided to do a pull from the new banner since the Halloween one hates me and I was not disappointed :]

Got myself a Dorcas Def+ Spd- which is ok in my book. He can fill the Hector shaped void in me because Hector continues to elude me :sob:

Wanted to get Lute from my pull but this works too. He even references the mutton poisoning!

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12 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

But you want the best for all the Sharenas, and she is best girl period. Priorities must be followed! (I'm just joking anyways, would like a Lute as well, but can't afford distractions, unfortunately)

I’d also have loved if Lianna was in the game too. I must have the whole Sharena Emblem, damn it!

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So, I did what a lot of the people here to. I went in with bulk. 105 orbs. 

Went in there, free pull was a bunch of crap, no green orbs, kept going and got some Fury fodder, another Odin (!) and a not +ATK Rein, orbs hit below the 40s and-



What a nice surprise. It's Ross' bestie and Artur's bae. Checked her nature and bad news is she's -ATK, why does it have to be -ATK?... good news though is she's +SPD which gives her a respectable 33/38 offense with her tome. But that offense could have been 36/38 so that sucks a whole lot. Either way, she's here and it didn't hurt to get her!

And in the first orb in the session directly after that-



Now that's what I'm talking about! But with every silver lining there's a cloud. She's +RES/-ATK. Even worse than Lute. It's probably the second worst nature possible for her, but you know what I'll take it over -SPD. She's still a favorite and I'll still use her.

Orbs started getting low and I tilted towards sniping. I thought I was at the end of the road, heard those 5 stars and then-



My heart dropped. Had she been Dorcas I would be done with this banner. Alas it's not him. She's +ATK/-DEF to boot. Unbelievable. Had Dorcas had that nature it would have been a win, but nope. The character I didn't care about got a good nature. Go figure. Had she shown up before Halloween Henry, I would have rejoiced. There's no place for her, but I guess she's here.

Pretty great haul for 104 orbs. Could have gotten luckier with the natures but what can you do. I'm more or less ready for the tempest now. Still will be hunting for Dorcas, but I won't be spending any more orbs of any kind until the special summoning event where I will make the decision as to weather Dorcas is more important than Ayra, S!Camilla and some of those other units.

Man though @Rezzy, did you have to get me twice?

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Tonight's Pulls - Farfetched Heroes:

63 orbs spent.  

4* Draug
3* Laslow
4* Seth
4* Caeda
3* Oboro
3* Tiki
3* Female Corrin
3* Sully
3* Laslow
4* Marth
3* Gwendolyn
4* Palla
4* Male Corrin
4* Est
4* Henry
4* Mae

Nothing good... A little disappointing, but not unexpected for only 63 orbs.

I will keep pulling on this banner until I get 1 of the focus heroes, if possible.  I'm trying to get Mia or Lute because I'm a fan of Mia, and Lute has a nice design (not really into her as a character, though).  I'll stop when I get one of them.

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Paralogues lead to more orbs, leading to more summons!

First, the Farfetch'd Heroes!

4* Oscar (+Res/-Def. Ugh, better than -Spd), 4* Nino (Could it be.... +SPD NINO! Woot! She's also -Res, but don't care, merging.)

Will likely try again soon.

Then more ToD because of course.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Seth (+Def/-Atk. Fortress Def fodder)

3 Blue, 2 Green (HNNNNNNN-)

5* VampHenry (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- +Res/-Def. Better than -Att but still, right? He's up there for most frustrating though!)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Henry (Not remotely what I wanted. Well, you are fodder), 3* Eliwood (DAMMIT! Well, it's ward Cav fodder)

Well, that was awkward. I have pulled both guys on ToD TWICE NOW. No witch for me it seems. OR MAGE BREAKING CAT.

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I was actually interested in Dorcas for that Distant Counter axe but...


I got double-Titania'd instead. Double @Rezzy attack!

At first I was annoyed, but then I saw their natures were +Res/-Def and +Atk/-Def! Certainly better than my current +HP/-Res one.

Not totally sure which one is better though, maybe I should wait until the new meta slows down but I guess +Atk is always a good boon? Although maybe a +Spd one is the best.

At least I wasn't Bartre'd! (That was my other account which was a garbage pull along with Raigh but at least I got another Henry fodder. 4 star Soren was +Spd!.....but -Atk so he'll be merged)

Edited by mcsilas
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Free pull was 3* Barst, and since there was a blue orb in the circle I went for that too.  3* Est.  I want Lute, but I don't know if I want her enough to deplete my stash even by a little, knowing that the 8% banner is coming.

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

So, I did what a lot of the people here to. I went in with bulk. 105 orbs. 

Went in there, free pull was a bunch of crap, no green orbs, kept going and got some Fury fodder, another Odin (!) and a not +ATK Rein, orbs hit below the 40s and-

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What a nice surprise. It's Ross' bestie and Artur's bae. Checked her nature and bad news is she's -ATK, why does it have to be -ATK?... good news though is she's +SPD which gives her a respectable 33/38 offense with her tome. But that offense could have been 36/38 so that sucks a whole lot. Either way, she's here and it didn't hurt to get her!

And in the first orb in the session directly after that-

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Now that's what I'm talking about! But with every silver lining there's a cloud. She's +RES/-ATK. Even worse than Lute. It's probably the second worst nature possible for her, but you know what I'll take it over -SPD. She's still a favorite and I'll still use her.

Orbs started getting low and I tilted towards sniping. I thought I was at the end of the road, heard those 5 stars and then-

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My heart dropped. Had she been Dorcas I would be done with this banner. Alas it's not him. She's +ATK/-DEF to boot. Unbelievable. Had Dorcas had that nature it would have been a win, but nope. The character I didn't care about got a good nature. Go figure. Had she shown up before Halloween Henry, I would have rejoiced. There's no place for her, but I guess she's here.

Pretty great haul for 104 orbs. Could have gotten luckier with the natures but what can you do. I'm more or less ready for the tempest now. Still will be hunting for Dorcas, but I won't be spending any more orbs of any kind until the special summoning event where I will make the decision as to weather Dorcas is more important than Ayra, S!Camilla and some of those other units.

Man though @Rezzy, did you have to get me twice?

Sorry, making all the new characters having extra BST just makes me want to zap them.

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

I was actually interested in Dorcas for that Distant Counter axe but...


I got double-Titania'd instead. Double @Rezzy attack!

At first I was annoyed, but then I saw their natures were +Res/-Def and +Atk/-Def! Certainly better than my current +HP/-Res one.

Not totally sure which one is better though, maybe I should wait until the new meta slows down but I guess +Atk is always a good boon? Although maybe a +Spd one is the best.

At least I wasn't Bartre'd! (That was my other account which was a garbage pull along with Raigh but at least I got another Henry fodder. 4 star Soren was +Spd!.....but -Atk so he'll be merged)

I wish I could have them.  I need to make my Titania +10.

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I was sniping for Dorcas, I had 40 orbs and I only found 4 green orbs in the entire session... and when I decided I would just pull with my 5 remaining orbs it gave me 4 greens... Typical 
Also only skill fodder I got was Barst, despite being forced to pull blue 4 times I still have yet to see another Shanna (I want desperation fodder goddammit.) 

Edited by Mackc2
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On 11/7/2017 at 11:49 AM, Rezzy said:

Congrats, hard to say whether to pull or wait, since I have no idea what is next.


@Rezanator +Atk -HP

Just like Henry

I love you Rezanator~


And guess who happens to have 2 piping hot repositions ready to go? ME! UWE HEE HEE

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The free summon was a bust. Nothing but 5 reds, luckily I got my first Tharja from it (+Spd -Atk). It's not the best but she's a blade tome user so I guess -Atk doesn't really matter to her and +Spd is always nice.

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Free pull was Nowi, but due to the paralogues I had enough to pull from all but 1. Had two orbs left. Wanted to see what was under that green, so I bought a 13 dollar pack and found me a 4*Nino. Should have quit while I was ahead, yes? Doubly so since when I spent the rest of the orbs on the halloween banner my 5% pity broke on a draw of 3 blues and 2 colorless. The colorless I pulled first was Sakura(the other was a 3*Wrys)! That could have made me happy, but the catch? +Def/-Atk. Why?! Does the game just not want me to have a dagger that I can reliably field? I mean +RES/-ATK, not great but at least the boon does something. But +DEF?! But I just had to know what was under that green orb. Thought I might not only get my first even free summon 5*, but a triple 5*. Pretty sure that would also be a first. I really wanted a Mia, I would have pulled on red first, but when doing a full or mostly full pull I tend to start at Nowi's position for some reason.

Oh and before I forget Lute is a +RES/-HP. Neutral magic and lose some physical durability, but that isn't her job anyways. And makes her Ploys easier to land so not bad.

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Decided to spend 100 more orbs on the Halloween banner and finally got witch Nowi with +def/-res. I think I'm done with summoning for now until the Legendary Heroes banner. I need to save orbs.

4 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Next can Corrin get his Yato buffed soon.

I can definitely see that happening some time down the line. Wonder when will get '+4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res when this unit attacks' Omega Yato. 

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