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I’ve been summoning on the LA banner just to see if I could get Lyn or Roy.

First summon session after getting Vector had a +def/-spd Elise... ok I guess. she was gravity+ fodder for Serra so it’s not all bad.


Why!? I can’t tell if I’m lucky or not for summoning three 5 stars in a row. At the very least I finally have some Swift Sparrow fodder!

She’s +hp/-atk. I guess I could keep her since I’m in need of horses as she is still good regardless of IV’s 

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This has to be the first time a summon has made me shout something out loud.

In this case, it is "FUCKIN FINALLY" and the unit is Valentine Roy. +HP -Spd, so not the best, but it's far from the worst, plus it's literally the same nature my WE!Tharja has and she's done pretty well off so far so hey maybe I can make Distant Defense 9 work on him. I did also get a 4* Setsuna from the pull, so I can get him the weapon ASAP as well as get him the training needed thanks to the TT.

Either way, FUCKIN FINALLY. I seem to be the one person who can very easily escape colorless hell with the units I want in tow, and I am so sorry to everyone still stuck.

Also I did the pull around when the clock rolled over to the 14th PST, so... don't read too far into it, but mah boi really knows how to pull through.

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TT is here, but I only have Lyn.

Can that change?

4 Blue, 1 Green (Really?)

4* Frederick (Well, least it wasn't an off focus unit. +Spd/-HP)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Gaius (Not even good fodder), 5* Hunktor (I DON'T NEED MY GREENS! The monster has arrived. +Res/-HP isn't great, but it's not +Spd so it's not all bad.), 3* Nino (Drag Back's nice fodder.), 4* F!Corrin (Well, Draconic Aura's nice. +HP/-Atk), 5* Roy (ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Not the Roy I was looking for, but whatever. +Atk/-HP, actually debating promoting the one I have to merge.)

Another 2 5* session, and I almost got what I was looking for too.

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What’s the probability of getting all the new focus units in the seasonal banner + innes for 82 orbs?

I think I i should buy a lottery ticket after this



Edited by Larrim
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@Zeo @Cute Chao

Tried to get some Valentine's luck on Valentine's Day.

All I got was a 4.25% rate in the hunt for Hunktor and 12 orbs left for my second account :(

In my main, I was pitybroken by a +Spd/-Res Shiro in my hunt for Lovelyn. Is that better than a +Res/-Spd Shiro? (Oh hey it's the complete opposite!)

Oh and there was a 3 star +Atk/-Def Serra, +Spd/-Def Odin (finally a workable boon) and a 4 star Camilla too


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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @Cute Chao

Tried to get some Valentine's luck on Valentine's Day.

All I got was a 4.25% rate in the hunt for Hunktor and 12 orbs left for my second account :(

In my main, I was pitybroken by a +Spd/-Res Shiro in my hunt for Lovelyn. Is that better than a +Res/-Spd Shiro? (Oh hey it's the complete opposite!)

Oh and there was a 3 star +Atk/-Def Serra, +Spd/-Def Odin (finally a workable boon) and a 4 star Camilla too


I'd say the bane is better... not sure about the boon though. I'm not the best person to say, though, so I'll just say congrats :D

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So I am either insanely lucky or unlucky. Went and dropped 20'ish orbs plus about 20 dollars, this time on the movement banner. I don't have Tana yet and I figured any non-blue sessions I could pull green for more Amelia merges. So 20 bucks later I have 2 Amelias from back to back sessions and an Elincia from an all red session. Uh. . . I mean that is great and all. But I would have settled for a single Tana. Oh well my Amelia is now +8 I suppose. Now I need to debate on if I should spend my TT orbs on this banner to try and get her to +10 on this banner.

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Been sniping grays in hopes of getting Roy. Got up to a 4% pity rate before being broken by Faye. But this is a good thing. Of all the 5 star greys that could have come, it was one of the two I am missing. Plus her +Def/-Spd nature is pretty good. I've still got half a month to grab Roy, but I'm starting to lose confidence. The odds of getting him are 1:1 with another pity breaker, and a 4% pity rate isn't the highest I attained on this banner.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @Cute Chao

Tried to get some Valentine's luck on Valentine's Day.

All I got was a 4.25% rate in the hunt for Hunktor and 12 orbs left for my second account :(

In my main, I was pitybroken by a +Spd/-Res Shiro in my hunt for Lovelyn. Is that better than a +Res/-Spd Shiro? (Oh hey it's the complete opposite!)

Oh and there was a 3 star +Atk/-Def Serra, +Spd/-Def Odin (finally a workable boon) and a 4 star Camilla too


I would keep the +RES Shiro for the extra bulk. He doesn't really need the speed. I was less fortunate. I built up 17 orbs and went in (with intent to pull green and blue) 2 colorless and 3 red of course. Got a Gordin, went back in with 12 orbs, 1 blue, 2 green. Cool I'll pull those. Got a *4 Roderick.

CRAP I ONLY HAVE ENOUGH ORBS FOR ONE MORE PULL. I have 12 orbs but I forgot I needed 13 which forced me to pick only one of the two green orbs and the one I picked was a *3 Cecillia. The fact that I potentially left a Lillina or Hector on the table is something that's going to bother me for a while. Not going back into summoning until I have enough orbs for a full pull. 

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40 minutes ago, Zeo said:

CRAP I ONLY HAVE ENOUGH ORBS FOR ONE MORE PULL. I have 12 orbs but I forgot I needed 13 which forced me to pick only one of the two green orbs and the one I picked was a *3 Cecillia. The fact that I potentially left a Lillina or Hector on the table is something that's going to bother me for a while. Not going back into summoning until I have enough orbs for a full pull. 

Yeah, I never pull unless I've got 20 orbs. You never know what you might get. Of course the way things have been going recently for me "what" usually means nothing...Anyway, the beginning of the Tempest Trials has been bountiful as usual, so I've got 21 orbs. I picked up V!Lilina on a 3.5% pity rate, exactly what I have now. Let's see what lies in store.

  1. 4* M!Robin: Amelia does need Bonfire...
  2. 3* Nino: No thanks.
  3. 4* Lilina: Meh. She's +Atk/-HP, but I've already got a 5* copy.
  4. 3* Cherche: Worthless.
  5. 3* Henry: Also worthless.

I guess I need to put more damn orbs into this banner. The game won't even give me useful SI fodder anymore.

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I did a summon this morning. I think it was so bad, that I don’t remember what I got. Pity percent is 4.75, my highest. Seriously, my luck has been horrible lately. This is worse than the NY!Banner, but at least I got two of the units there. Hopefully I can get Lyn soon.....

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After being pity broken by Abel and B!Ike I finally managed to pull V!Lyn! She's +res/-def, so luckily not the worst combo in the world, and I'll finally have armor march and a mage for my armor team. Now I can start saving up orbs for whoever our new heroes end up being.

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It seems RNGesus took pity on me and gave me the unit I wanted the most.


+Spd -Res. It's not perfect but it's more than serviceable (actually it's super good for the set I have planned for her!). Now I can finally make an Armor Emblem team.

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I think I am giving up on the LA banner.  Lilina is cool and having her at +4 is nice and I did get a Takumi.  I really want Vector but after pulling for him for almost a week I know when to quit.  Hopefully I can get him from a legendary banner.  Of course if the next regular banner is not one I want to pull on I might try one more time.

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Free pull on the TT banner was a 4* Oboro.  While I have no uses for her, this finally means that the only 3* character I have left (aside from unwanted GHB ppl) is Wendy.  Everyone else is 4* and up, thankfully.

Y'all, I've never had to hoard orbs before when I wasn't interested in any of the banners.  I wish I could take the 40 orbs I have stocked up and pour them into the Legendary Heroes banner that just past.  I'm going to be salty about that forever, I think.

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I got her!


@SatsumaFSoysoy @GuiltyLove @Arcanite @DefaultBeep @mcsilas @mampfoid @Rezzy

And in my third blue stone on this banner, too! HP/Def which is very much acceptable.

It only took me a year and two weeks to get her. After she’s already come home wearing a veil. Who next, Lucina? Linde? Ryoma?

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

And in my third blue stone on this banner, too! HP/Def which is very much acceptable.

It only took me a year and two weeks to get her. After she’s already come home wearing a veil. Who next, Lucina? Linde? Ryoma?

Wow, your luck has certainly improved lately.

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