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Did some snipping for Grima, no luck just fodder.  I will wait until the Legendary banner is revealed before I try again.  I have been having really crumby luck on pulling for units I want the past two months, I seem to get everyone I don't want.  I hope my luck changes soon.

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I've gotten another off-focus unit on the hunt for Roy. It's Sakura, +Def/-Atk. 

Not sure how many orbs I've spent total on LA, but I know I'm somewhere between 250 and 300 , with more than half of that exclusively pulling grey orbs while the first half was all three focus colors. With no remaining pity rate, I'm giving up here. Glad I landed a Lilina for the Tempest (only after attaining a 4.5% pity rate), but my luck in attaining focus units has been consistently poor for the last four or five months. I don't even look forward to pulling on banners anymore since I know I'm in for a raw deal on anything outside of Legendary Banners. At least when I'm pity broken on those, it's with a great unit or at the very least incredibly rare unit.

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I decided to do some YOLO pulls because...boredom. And Celica would be nice. In about 40 orbs, I got Hardin (+DEF -RES) and Celica (+SPD -DEF) in the same summoning circle. Had some extra orbs and decided to try my luck in the LA banner. Got Roy too (+RES -DEF). All workable natures. Like...dang. Maybe the RNG goddess is rewarding me for my perseverance in that GHB.... I also got one more Merric!!!! I used my last 40k feathers to promote Virion and Shanna...so now I gotta' save again but after Arena rewards and TT rewards, I should have enough to make my Merric +9. 

This probably means I'll spend my remaining orbs on the legendary banner to get absolutely nothing. lol

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i am about to kms holy shit.

i did the Infernal Xander quests for 4 orbs... %3.75 pity rate and 9 orbs


3 Green and 2 Blue (no Celica again)

*selects blue*

summoning animation starts and praying for a 3* Oboro or Est

*5 Star Hardin*

welp there goes my pity rate... at least he is +Def -Res which is really good !

Edited by FiyaaEmburem
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So after having my pity ruined by a -atk Merroc I decided to summon some more hoping for better luck, 1st summon had 2 green orbs and 3 colourless, got nothing of note until the last colourless orb - summoned a +atk -def Takumi, even though he hasnt been meta in a while I am very pleased with considering I've been playing since day 1 and this is the first Takumi I've managed to get, one of the units that I've wanted for a while.

Edited by Marcodian_Elite
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New voting gauntlet banner. Already have Zelgius, Takumi, and Celica, but I don't care about M!Robin, so I'll go for red on the free pull.

  1. 3* Subaki: And of course there's no freaking reds...
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Free pull for the new voting gauntlet banner ended up being a 3* Wendy (she's still my only unit aside from GHBs that's 3*).  I tried again, in an attempt to pull Takumi.

Lo and behold, there are 2 colorless orbs in the next summoning session.  The first one I picked was...Takumi.


I've been hunting for him since March of last year.  Finally, he's come home.  The lack of any exclamation points in this post is meant to indicate how deeply emotional I am about this.

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Main account free summon was a +Def/-HP Tiki at 3 star. Decent, and she's actually pretty rare in my main. Decided to try colorless because CC fodder would be interesting- got a 3 star +Spd/-Def Clarine instead (meh)

Second account free summon for colourless was... a 3 star Clarine...

It's like she followed me from the main account. This one was +HP/-Atk so not the same one, but it also felt like my current 5 star Clarine's senses was tingling as I will fodder her off after the TTs for Fear+, so she summoned a 3 star version of herself to replace her...

2 reds, I guess I could do 1 pull (saving for legendary). 4 star Selena. Great actually, I'm running out of her, and she's +Def/-HP which is decent.....which is the same boon/bane nature as that free summon Tiki earlier!

Two identical units and two identical natures for my red pulls.

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@mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @mampfoid @eclipse @Hilda @Rezzy @Johann @Vaximillian @SatsumaFSoysoy @DefaultBeep @Fei Mao

Holy crap.... after all this time. I went ahead and summoned on the VG banner. 2 reds, 1 colorless. Grabbed the reds. *4 Raigh took my supermerge to +9 and *3 Olivia. Mostly a waste of 8 orbs. But nevermind that!... the free summon was!-


For the love of God! After over a month. Finally Matthew #6! I think I've pulled at least 2 of literally every other *3 colorless along with a Kagero, Klein and Sothe. This one is +SPD/-RES again. That's nice and everything but I'm not sacrificing 4 points of RES for 3 points of SPD. Sticking with Neutral. I think this is probably the most excited I've ever been to pull a *3 from a stone. Progress! Progress!


Edited by Zeo
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Got pity broken by Deirdre on the LA Banner at 4%, so I merged her with the one I already have. Le sigh.

All orbs now go to the Fallen Heroes, though regular Celica is tempting to pull for...

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Great! That makes him 5*+5 now? Perhaps the next legendary Hero will be colorless, that would you give a good reason to pull. 

Should be if we're rounding out the colors and elements. A colorless Legendary Hero with the Fire Blessing. Guess we'll find out tomorrow morning. Trying to save up for a last hurrah at Love Abounds in March, but I'm going to pocket least 40 orbs for the legendary banner just in case.

10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Nice! I wonder if your 11th Matthew will still be a meh nature and you'll have a Neutral+10 haha

Let's hope not!

  • +SPD/-HP,
  • +SPD/-DEF 
  • +ATK/-RES
  • +ATK/-DEF.

I'll take any of these natures while waiting for my optimal +ATK/-HP Matt. A +RES/-HP Matt is interesting though...

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VG banner? It does have some reds I'd like.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Palla (Good fodder. Been a while since I pulled her.)

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

For the love of God! After over a month. Finally Matthew #6! I think I've pulled at least 2 of literally every other *3 colorless along with a Kagero, Klein and Sothe. This one is +SPD/-RES again. That's nice and everything but I'm not sacrificing 4 points of RES for 3 points of SPD. Sticking with Neutral. I think this is probably the most excited I've ever been to pull a *3 from a stone. Progress! Progress!

Nice. I would trade you Matthews for Kagerous if we could...

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