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Only did my free pull on the 1 red I got, mainly hoping for at least a Soleil or Hinata.

..got a +atk -res 4* M Morgan. Oh well. I hope Nino wasn't hiding in the 1 green I had.

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Oh man... I was super nervous going in because this is my first time pulling for a unit without having my credit card as a crutch since like...the beginning of spring last year. I had a lot of orbs saved up, but the RNG can be cruel. 

325 orbs ---> 253 orbs got me my first 4* Ares (+RES -SPD) and a +SPD -DEF Flying Nino! 72 orbs and I got the unit I wanted most and someone else for my Herodex. Thought about pulling more, but you know, I'm happy with my Nino. I'm going to start saving again just in case someone else I want comes along.

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Welp, I hate everything.

First session, one of each important color, and none of them had anything special.

Second session, 2 green, and 1 of each other color.

Colorless, nope. Blue, nothing thank god. Green, bartre. Other green, Cherche.

Red? Fucking Reinhardt.

FREAKING MEISTER-HARDT PITY BREAKER well at least he's +Res -Def rather than somethng -Atk, which I guess is better than anything I could say about any of the other units I pulled...

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No real plan since 60 orbs isn't enough for a plan. Will probably drop greys pretty early on since I assume Legault is a demotion.

4* Chrom +Spd -Def
3* Lissa +Spd -Def

(Siblings with identical natures, kinda cute I guess)

5* Karla +HP -Spd
4* Barst +Res -Spd
4* Felicia +HP -Res
4* Niles +Spd -Def

That didn't take long, but -spd is a blow. Is she better than neutral Mia? No idea.

4* Athena +HP -Atk
4* Cecilia +Res -Spd
3* Kagero +Def -Spd

4* Adult Tiki +Res -Spd
4* Cecilia +Res -HP
4* Kagero +HP -Atk

Need to collect some orbs now. Luckily I've got the Normal/Hard Bridal maps still available.

3* Cherche +Res -Spd

5* Eldigan +Spd -Atk
4* Titania +Def -Atk
4* Eirika +Atk -Def
3* Maria +HP -Atk

I had to wait until the animation finished to tell whether it was Eldigan or Ares. And disappointingly he's just as bad as my existing Eldigan, identical.

4* Merric +Def -Spd
4* Sophia +Def -Res
4* Hana +Spd -Res
3* Matthew +Def -Spd
4* Setsuna  +Spd -Res

So then, two 5-stars for 90-odd orbs. Not terrible but the units are a little disappointing. Might go again in a week or so but I'll chill for now.

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After doing some story missions I forgot to do, I got enough orbs to do some summoning and...after some fodder (Barst, Frederick, Leon and Sothe were the most notable ones), I got a +def -res Flying Nino.


...crap. I seem to be cursed with crappy IVs for my 5* units lately. Well, at least Flying Nino isn’t limited so she’s bound to spook me in the future. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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So, I now know why I had no luck getting anyone new from Ryoma's banner.



Firstly, no I don't know why Boey was involved in all three of these pulls. That aside, yeah I think I'm already done with this banner. Karla got +Atk/-Spd and you can add me to the +Spd Nino (+Spd/-HP) tally too. As for Genny #4, I think I'll hold onto this one since I still have an every so tiny bit of hope that Elise will come home.

It should probably go without saying that I'm quite happy with how things turned out, especially in regards to Nino!

And on top of the above, I successfully sniped Ninian over on Bridal Bloom!



......Yup. I sure did get a Ninian alright.


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Got yet another 4* Ares on the free summon. Did a few pulls but gave up quickly due to shitty spawns.

Returned to the Bridal Bloom banner and got a loli Tiki and a +Spd/-Res Bride Tharja in only 48 orbs. My bride collection is now complete - woot!

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Got Karla three summons in, followed by Legault about 20 pulls later. Greens were scarce, so Nino came home last, still have about 50 orbs to save for the next banner. Interesting note, after I pulled Karla, her daughter followed right after. I would've laughed harder if it'd been Karel.

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Got the new Nino in 180 orbs along with pity breakers Hector and Julia.  So glad for the demotions because that would have been Merric and Camilla breaking me before, now almost any green 5* is a wonderful pull.  She's -Spd, the worst possible IV for her weapon, but I'm not going to be greedy and try to get a better IV since I need to save for Witch Nowi merges. 

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So yeah, flying Nino alt? Of course I'll try.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Well, that's not a bad start)

4* Gunter (Well that's a Hone Cav. Alright. +Res/-Atk), 3* Arthur (I guess? +Atk/-Def), 4* Nino (WRONG NINO! +Res/-Atk, I guess that doesn't matter.)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Sheena (Merge I guess. +Spd/-HP, man that's poor.), 3* Arthur (It just doesn't stop apparently. +HP/-Res)

3.5% That'll do for now. Last banner already broke me, I should try to hold back a bit.

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I feel like I should hold back.

Because the free pull on the Blazing banner offered me 5 blue ones. So I just took the free 3* Odin and bailed out. It's a sign if I saw one.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian @Poimagic 

 @Rezzy @Cute Chao

Wooo! 4 orb summon! Sheena was my free pull, and the only other green orb was Peganino!


+Def/-Res which I'll take!

Especially nice since my Springmilla is +Def/-Spd, so speedy green mage flier is a good niche to fill! This also makes up for not getting a new unit from the Legendary banner in my second account.

Main account gave me a regular Nino as Draw Back fodder though. Tried the red out of the 4 reds and got me a +Atk/-Res Ogma which is neat.

Then I tried for Julia/Deirdre/Bride Ninian but alas, now down to 7 orbs with nothing. Looks like no orbs for Shiro.

Congrats on your Flying Nino as well @Poimagic!

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Well I didn't want the new heroes too badly. Though ATK tactic fodder would be nice and a speedy green flier to pair with Corrin would be cool. So I mostly pulled the story orbs on Green and Colorless. Got a couple regular Ninos and . . . a Myrrh. Wrong magical green flying little girl. I was hoping if I had an off banner pull that it would have been Amelia, to finally +10 her. But Myrrh is great too. Probably my favorite dragon from any FE game. Plus it let me make that magical statement. I did enjoy writing that as it popped into my head.

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24 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I pulled the new Nino only using 5 orbs. She is +res/-def, which can help her out in some situations


Wow, that's very lucky. Congratulations! 

3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wooo! 4 orb summon! Sheena was my free pull, and the only other green orb was Peganino!

That was fast, also neutral offensive stats are good. Congratulations! 

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Congrats :D

I had a green and a colourless on mine so tried both. Arthur (yay, swap fodder!) and Wrys (good healer fodder if more make it into the game). Leaving it there, since I'm not overly interested in them ^.^

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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wooo! 4 orb summon! Sheena was my free pull, and the only other green orb was Peganino!

Wow, congrats! Teach her how to read already.

Meanwhile, my endeavours aren’t going too well:
I’ve never had my rate climb this high in sixteen months.

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