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Well, for now I got a bunch of nothing (not even fodder) and a 3.25% pity rate. I still have the orbs of the arena quests and a few left from the TT so I'll give this another shot later.

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I want everyone but Noire but also want Myrrh if she turns up in the legendary banner. But I don't think I have the willpower for any sort of orb budgeting so I'll just wing it for now until I get any of the units. Barracks are full too which is an extra inconvenience.

3* Jagen +Def -HP
4* Nowi +HP -Atk
3* Titania +Res -Atk
4* Henry +Res -HP
3* Oscar +HP -Atk

4* Adult Tiki +HP -Res
3* Mathilda +Def -HP
3* Camilla +Atk -HP

4* Olivia +HP -Def
4* Palla +Spd -Res
4* Raigh +Atk -Spd
3* Klein +Spd -HP
3* Gunter Neutral

3* Felicia +Atk -HP
4* Jagen +HP -Spd
5* Lene +Def -Spd
4* Eliwood +Res -Spd
3* Abel +Atk -Res

3* Caeda +Atk -HP
4* Gwendolyn +Spd -HP
5* Hector Neutral

Okay, two 5-stars for about 90 orbs isn't terrible, but these are not summer units, despite Lene being about as clothed as one. It's also my third ever Hector, and also my third ever Neutral Hector. Crazy.

Edited by Humanoid
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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Wait what.
I never asked for this. She is even Spd/Res.

Congrats! Mine is +Spd, -Atk. Still be using her.  I also got a +Res, -HP Katerina. 

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Well then... second session, first pull. Third overall pull. She may +atk / -spd, but even with a speed bane, it's still serviceable with her skills. But never even mind stats, I'm just happy.


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Despite not even wanting to pull much on this banner, I still went overboard and spent almost 100 orbs.


- M!Morgan (finally!!) at 4*, +Res -Def.

Sonyas, one +HP -Def and the other +Atk -Res.

- Summer!Cordelia, the one summer unit I had zero interest in. And she is -Atk too. 

Overall verdict: Eh.

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Why does this game do this to me ;-; After 200+ orbs I end up with S!Tana, Sanaki and Ephraim. Tana is -spd like the rest of my red mages and Ephraim doesn't want Innes to come home at all. 4.50% pity rate and I got only blues. This is the third time I've gotten Ephraim while trying to get any form of Innes. Well Tana's art is just amazing so I don't really care about her ivs. At least I got a whole month to gather up orbs and try again. The legendary hero better not be a favourite of mine

Edited by ChickenBits
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I did't like this banner in the first place since Noire ranks amongst my least favourite Awakening characters and Cordelia is just meh. Stil I decided to pull for it to maybe get Tana or that exclusive skill Noire comes with.

120 orbs later and I only have Cordelia with a boring class and a boring skillset to show for it.

I should have called it quits early like my original plan was.

Edited by Sasori
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One last session after quest orbs and the last of the Tempest orbs.

3* Eliwood +HP -Atk
3* Reinhardt +Res -HP
3* Reinhardt +Atk -Spd
4* Felicia +HP -Atk
4* Shanna +Spd -HP

Oh well. Might come back in future but I'm fresh out now. (I know that's a perfect Reinhardt but I've already got one)

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Bad news: I'm out of orbs again, no 5* for me and only Odin, Nowi, Shigure, Seth and Donnel showed up. 

Slightly good news: Shigure is +SPD/-HP. But I won't promote him, because I already have a +Res one at 5* and a lot of other crazily good lances.

@Vaximillian I don't know if its appropriate to congratulate, since you don't like seasonals. At least I'm envious, will you use her? (She is not as ridiculous dressed as other seasonals (S!Camilla) and in FE oceans and thus beaches do exist). 

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

At least I'm envious, will you use her? (She is not as ridiculous dressed as other seasonals (S!Camilla) and in FE oceans and thus beaches do exist). 

At the very least, I won’t send her home. I can’t resist her being so easy on the eyes.

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I had a lot of saved up orbs to burn, so I figured I may as well try for Tana.  It took me a while, though. :sweatdrop:

  1. 4* Palla
  2. 4* Soleil
  3. 4* Selena
  4. 4* M-Morgan
  5. 4* Seliph
  6. 4* Olivia
  7. 4* M-Morgan
  8. 4* Fir
  9. 4* Laslow
  10. 3* Cecilia
  11. 4* Hana
  12. 3* Chrom
  13. 4* Catria
  14. 3* Mae
  15. 4* Olivia
  16. 4* Hinata
  17. 4* Athena
  18. 3* Laslow
  19. 4* Lon'qu
  20. 4* Draug
  21. 3* Odin
  22. 4* Hinata
  23. 4* Eirika
  24. 4* Lilina
  25. 4* Seliph
  26. 3* Jagen
  27. 4* Ogma
  28. 4* Ares
  29. 4* Olivia
  30. 3* Eirika
  31. 4* Lilina
  32. 4* Chrom
  33. 4* Soleil
  34. 4* Lon'qu
  35. 3* Seliph
  36. 4* Soleil
  37. 4* A-Tiki
  38. 4* Tailtiu
  39. 4* Athena
  40. 3* Sophia
  41. 4* Lon'qu
  42. 5* Fallen Celica (+Atk/-Def)
  43. 4* Lon'qu
  44. 5* Leo (+Atk/-Spd)
  45. 3* Sheena
  46. 4* F-Corrin
  47. 4* Fir
  48. 5* Summer Tana (+Def/-Atk)

Mages love +Def/-Atk, right?  :unsure:  At least I got a better Leo.

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First 5* was Horse Chrom, followed by F!Morgan. I despaired, then got S!Cordy, followed swiftly by S!Tana. But my main prize was yet to be seen. Several sessions later, I finally got S!Innes, but he was -Spd/+HP. Figured I'd try for Noire. Got a +def/-res S!Innes, but no Noire. Welp. She'll just have to wait for a legendary banner where I can get F!Grima as well.

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Over 200 orbs spent, which is probably more than I should have used... but I ended up with the two I wanted (Tana and Noire), plus a tagalong (Cordelia) and a couple of nice surprises (Amelia and Ayra). So it was definitely worth it, especially since I've been saving for a while and have a decent stash of orbs left.

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So, quite a bit of salt about the last banner, How fitting the summer banner replaced it. Salt water everywhere.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Sheena (Of course. +Res/-Def, why?), 4* Roy (Well, there's that boi. +Res/-Def, nah.), 3* Lucius (Merge fodder, nuff said. +HP/-Res), 4* Donnel (Well, that merge project's getting some more I see. +Res/-Def), 4* Effie (Well, that's that. +Res/-Atk, what a waste.)

3.25%. If it's like the last banner I might just quit pulling again.

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Now up to 1,018 total pulled units.  I didn't have that many orbs to spend, no thanks to the Scattered Fangs banner.


Rody (+Atk/-Spd): In another dimension, a more masochistic version of myself kept this one.
Lissa (+Spd/-Def): Can you trade with Rody?
Gordin (+Def/-Res): I'm so tempted to do Guard Bow shenanigans with this one!
Priscilla (+Res/-HP): To the merge machine?
Clarine (+HP/-Spd): Do you know how to become skill fodder?  Pull nonsense like this.

Bartre (+HP/-Res): Do I feel like using Panic Ploy on almost the entire roster?  Decisions. . .
Cecilia (+Res/-HP): Good, I was running low on Escape Route fodder!
Cordelia (+Spd/-HP): This is just perfect for Galeforce shenanigans. . .thank goodness she comes with it.
Lukas (+Spd/-HP): Unless I wanted to troll and give him Shigure's gear, NO.
Noire (+HP/-Def): WHEW!  I mean, that's it for my pulls on this banner.  But what in the world am I supposed to do with her?  32/36 means that she's the fastest of her attack tier, but will it matter, if she doesn't have the punch?  With her default bow, she turns into 34/38 on initiation.  Maybe I'll slap Life and Death on her, so she becomes 39/43 on initiation.  Her bulk is already shot anyway.  Desperation should round it out.  I think.

Glad i got my seasonal so quickly, even if I'm not quite sure what to do with her.


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Was conflicted on who to try for my free pull. I'd like Innes for plot purposes, but Tana also wouldn't be bad for flier emblem, and I need red fodder more than I need green fodder. Ended up pulling the one red even though the whole circle of colors looked pretty tempted. (Two greens, two blues, and a red.)

Got a 4 star Raigh. XD Oh well. Everyone's stats look nice, but I just got flier Nino as my new mage flier, so I'm not in desperate need for a third. I need to hope that there's a banner soon that tempts me to pull red and blue because I need merges for M. Morgan, Shigure, and Lukas. I can wait for Innes to be on a legendary banner. 

Good luck on your pulls, everyone!

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I managed to pull a -spd +res Noire. Far from ideal but serviceable. Fury and Summoner support can get her to have mixed defenses...kinda but her + res bulk means that she won’t disintegrate like Bride Cordelia. Also, a 4* Legault decided to drop by. 

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Okay, so as expected, there's only one character I really want from the banner, one I don't mind getting, one I'm meh about and one I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot barge pole.

So I go all in for Innes. 235 orbs.

200 orbs later, zilch.

The last 35 orbs get me pitybroken by freaking Deirdre! I mean, if I get a pitybreak, I would like Myrrh or Hector, at least >.< But oh well, new green. I got a good feeling about the red on that as well, so I pulled and also ended up with Tana for my third flying tome.

Keep on pulling and a few pulls later I get Cordelia, too, because greens are few and far between while colourless is stupidly common (thankfully that one blue orb existed on a four colourless orb circle. I really wish they'd give us the option to reroll colours because greens are stupidly rare).

So three new 5*'s, I guess, and I also got two Barsts. I haven't got Innes yet, but I will keep trying because why not? I won't go crazy for him like I did for Ryoma, though, since I don't need Innes for my flying team (I just really want him and his adorable wyvern) while I needed Ryoma.

Edited by Cute Chao
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...okay I purchased orbs, but these funds are digging directly into the funds I set aside for the Legendary Banner, I'll let you know.

Anyways, I have good reason. Because in my first session, I summoned Jaffar, +Def -Atk. That's bad, but that's still a 5*.

One session later, Summer Innes with +Def -Atk. Not good, but still usable.

A few sessions later, Lucina. +Spd -Atk, but that's still better and usable than whatever my old Lucina had.

Some number of pulls later, and... Karla. +Spd -Def...

No, I have no idea why, in so many orbs, I get 3 pity breakers and only one on-focus... yes, I swear I'm on the summer banner. Not too disappointed about Innes, considering he still has decent Atk and still intact Spd, while gaining slightly usable Def... I'll be able to use him.


Oh, also at some point got my first Ares. Neutral, which I expect to be the best I ever get.

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