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Over 200 orbs, got:

  • Y!Tiki, merged with my current Y!Tiki
  • Karel: +Spd -HP, merged my old Karel to this one
  • Leo: Foddered for Quick Riposte
  • Mia: Foderred for Flashing Blade
  • Deirdre: Foddered for Speed Ploy
  • Shigure: +Res -Spd
  • S!Innes: +Spd -HP

Game doesn't want me to get Tana or any of the other summer units

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Pulled Shiro, Noire, two Tanas and a Cordelia in 109 orbs. I'd consider this amazing luck, Shiro and Noire even have good natures, but the two units I actually wanted to use, Tana and Cordelia are -Atk, +Def. The second Tana was mercifully a neutral nature but still. I also got a -Atk Bride Lyn last banner. Why are we born just to suffer?

The bad Tana can be foddered for A/S Push (I'm thinking about giving it to a Razzle Dazzle healer) but Cordelia doesn't have any skills worth passing along, so she's probably useless unless I pull a better one to merge with. I suppose I'll wait to see what Summer banner 2 is before rolling again.


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6 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I wanted Noire the most, but would be happy with anybody.  I finally did end up getting her, but not before a -Atk Shigure broke my pity rate.

Ouch, seems a -ATK was obligatory. At least you got her in the end. Congratulations regardless! 

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Bridal Tharja pegged me to hell and back, taking nearly 200 orbs to get (and I got uhhhh, 3 other red 5*s before I finally rolled her?) but it seems like her daughter wasn't that stubborn. Got her on my third roll, using up only 9 orbs + the free roll. Thank youuuuu Noire! So glad I didn't have to dig into my orb hoard. Good luck to everybody else! 

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This is the best bad summon I’ve ever had. Linde is a nice merge, Azura makes me feel less bad for missing Bridal Ninian, and Beruka finishes my currently +9 build. Completely missed the focus units, but no complaints here.


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I'm trying to do yolo summons when I get the orbs.

Out of three attempts at yolo summons, I have had literally no circles with green orbs.

Not getting Innes isn't the frustrating thing. It's not getting any attempts to try at not getting Innes. At the least, it could give me Barst, Fae or Nino - positioning fodder I need >.<

On the plus side, one was a Subaki, another was a Hana and I can't remember the latest one. Still avoiding colourless so no chance at Legault :(

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Help, my Tanas messed up dressing for the beach! 



Zeglius +ATK/-DEF, Leo +SPD/-RES, Leo +RES/-HP

Could do two full summons, both were pretty much WTF???, but better than no 5* or even better than no new units at all. Biggest question, what to do with that Cordelia? Merge or GF backup fodder? 

@Zeo @mcsilas @Tybrosion 


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Went into the Summer banner looking for Tana, Cords & 2 Noire's (1 for fodder purposes obviously).

Hit 4.5% Pty (After a Fallen Celica Pty breaker) before I finally got a focus unit

  • Summer Cordelia (+Res/-Def) - Not the best of IV's, but not bad either really.

Ended up getting 3 Noire's (2 of which are +Spd/-Atk...) before I finally got a summer Tana (+Res/-Spd...). Got my first ever Siegbert along the way as well.

Went in a couple more times sniping red only for a 2nd Summer Tana and....She appears again. This time with +Atk/-Def (Very happy).


Done with this banner now. Bring on the Legendary banner next week! :) 


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@mampfoid Wow double Leo. Free Quick Riposte 3 fodder at least?

Watch you get Summer Leo

Congrats on the Zelgius, +Atk is a nice boon!

How many GF fodders do you have now? Maybe wait until you have a challenge where you either need a merge or an extra GF unit? (It's too bad you always need feathers for GF fodder now unless you pull Lyn)

@Rezzy Darn sorry to hear that rate but at least you have Noire! I just hope her normal version comes soon.

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11 hours ago, Aera said:

You guys are so lucky. ; - ; Hopefully I can pull Innes before the banner’s over.

We're in the same boat. I've pulled two of the summer girls and a Deirdre but no Innes :(

Bear in mind I have only been sniping greens... and yet still managed to get Tana and Cordelia -.-

Shame greens are so darn elusive!

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@mcsilas Leo saves me feathers for QR3, but in most cases QR2 is enough anyway. Well, feathers aren't my biggest issue. Thanks to Auto-HM grinding I'm at 500k+ currently and only few units left to grind. 

Zeglius' nature doesn't matter much to me, since I don't play armors much. At least he works like BK in the Lloyd GHB auto grind strat. He only needed minor SI.

This Cordelia is my only GF fodder, I'll keep her awhile like you said. Never got a Lyn, but also Roy doesn't need feathers to give GF. I won't fodder him as long as I can merge him (currently +5). 

Just a little sad that I keep getting off-banner 5* units. Except Noir all units would have been nice additions to my barracks, in contrast to Leo, Zeglius, Sonya and other units I got recently. 

27 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Watch you get Summer Leo

Yeah, I have to be wary on the rerun of last year's banner and on legendary banners. 

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Got Summer Cordelia with what I think is a decent nature in +Atk -Res. Anything that keeps her power up without impacting her more important defensive stat is nice in my book.

Also, she's the unit I wanted most, so... yay!

(I also only now noticed that her artist is Mayo, similar to her bride form but unlike her base form being Ueda Yumehito... guess she has a new artist now.)

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Got Summer Cordelia with what I think is a decent nature in +Atk -Res. Anything that keeps her power up without impacting her more important defensive stat is nice in my book.

Also, she's the unit I wanted most, so... yay!

(I also only now noticed that her artist is Mayo, similar to her bride form but unlike her base form being Ueda Yumehito... guess she has a new artist now.)

I think that's one of her best natures! Her Speed is already very high, so her attack could always use a little help. 

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That's the total number of Sorcerous Prince Leos I've pulled too. Mine, however, were spread out across almost an entire year (first was gotten from Bridal Blessing's original run, the second from Bridal Bloom). Groom Leo confirmed for 2019, IS? Or at least a Leo that isn't mediocre? Please?

As for the current banner, the gacha gave me what I came for without too much trouble! Oh, and that lance dude (third off-focus Ephraim, so I now own a +3 Ephraim when I've never pulled for him specifically) showed up again for some reason a bit before Cordy (+Def/Res, so pretty alright) did.


Oh and by the way, that Kaze is the first one I've pulled. He's neutral because of course he is.

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@Tybrosion Congratulations on that Cordelia! I would change one of my fresh Leos immediately for her. 

Good luck getting another Leo alt soon, preferably with some nice stats, skills and art. 


I spend my last reserve of 20 orbs (wanted to hold those back for the legendary banner) and got a +SPD/-RES Karla and a freaking perfect Summer Cordelia (+ATK/-RES)!!! @Zeo @mcsilas My luck is back. :-) 

Now the question is, should I sacrifice my Oscar (and a lot of expensive SI) for GF, Slaying Lance and Life and Death 3?

I would waste Sapphire Lance+, TA3, WoM, Brave+, Reposition, Hone Cav, Fortify Cav and a lot of other skills. 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Tybrosion Congratulations on that Cordelia! I would change one of my fresh Leos immediately for her. 

Good luck getting another Leo alt soon, preferably with some nice stats, skills and art. 

Thanks! And yeah a second Leo alt couldn't possibly be worse than first I hope.

And because I don't know when to quit, I went back into Summer's Arrival to see if I could snag one of the other three. Instead:


To be honest, Myrrh (+HP/-Spd) is actually a more preferable end result than Summer Innes would've been if he were in that green stone instead. Though on the other hand, she's more than likely going to be on next week's legendary banner where I'm now probably going to pull her multiple times since that's how my luck usually works. I will bow out of this banner for now though, since it took the pity rate to just about hit 5% before Myrrh showed up.  Oh, and also:


The time draws near for my third +10 5*.

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@mampfoid no don’t fodder Oscar :(

he already has a lot of skills. I don’t know about you but Cains and Barsts are rare for me so all those skills would be a waste. Plus he has been impressive

maybe just use your new regular Cordelia for Shoredelia’s GF?

also congrats on your luck returning! +Atk is great and brings her Atk back on par with the other Cordelias

Karla has a perfect superboon nature as well!


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Congratulations on that Myrrh and those Soleils, looking forward to see her +10 final build. Better getting Myrrh now, sniping on legendary banners is frustrating. 

/Edit: Saw your post too late, thanks! @mcsilas, but yeah I won't sacrifice Oscar. Also spare Cordelia will live for some time, I want to field a Cordelia emblem as defense team next week. 

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Free roll 5* once again, just like Shiro, fittingly enough.

Unfortunately he's -Spd +Def so probably won't be used much. His skills are all 4* obtainable so he's still safe from foddering at least.


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