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15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Like forging in Tellius? That would be awesome. It would be even more awesome if it was also possible to change the weapons’ appearances, but this likely won't happen for the sake of quick recognition. Speaking of the accessories, I want and need Elise’s bows for Selena. They are made for each other.

I’m still wary of delving into grey hell because, y’know, grey hell. Even though it’s a bit more bearable now with Kaze, Sothe, and Legault having been added as four-stars, there are still hordes of Azamas waiting to ambush you with insane cackling. Ew, Azama. Fuck that guy.

Thank you! Mine is +7 already, and I want to max him out. The Hero-King deserves no less. I started building him right after the results for CYL2 were announced, and he got screwed out thanks to stupid vote split. He’s so good with his new Falchion.

Heh, I've given a fair few Azamas to my healers for pain, and I keep the others to promote for Pain+ once the time comes... so that everyone will hate me in the Arena xD 

I promoted my Marth after the CYL, as well, but only the once. He deserved it :) I have to say, I do tend to prefer Ephraim more, but Marth did get more votes so I would've happily seen him in the top four >.<

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Heh, I've given a fair few Azamas to my healers for pain, and I keep the others to promote for Pain+ once the time comes... so that everyone will hate me in the Arena xD 

I promoted my Marth after the CYL, as well, but only the once. He deserved it :) I have to say, I do tend to prefer Ephraim more, but Marth did get more votes so I would've happily seen him in the top four >.<

And that’s horrible. It’s never late to repent!

To the contrary, I couldn’t care much about Ephraim. He’s one of my more disliked major characters in the series. Marth, on the other hand, deserved it hands down. If they keep the vote-splitting for CYL3, I’m going to abuse the stupid system to hell and back. I’ll learn scripting to write a bot that would send votes for everything.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

And that’s horrible. It’s never late to repent!

To the contrary, I couldn’t care much about Ephraim. He’s one of my more disliked major characters in the series. Marth, on the other hand, deserved it hands down. If they keep the vote-splitting for CYL3, I’m going to abuse the stupid system to hell and back. I’ll learn scripting to write a bot that would send votes for everything.

Just script it to send votes for Kent. That'll totally show them... ^.^

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Just script it to send votes for Kent. That'll totally show them... ^.^

Kent is fine. I like Kent. It’s a shame that he’s as underappreciated as he is.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Kent is fine. I like Kent. It’s a shame that he’s as underappreciated as he is.

You have earned my undying adoration for that comment xD 

I keep hoping he'll be added, but it feels less likely now the game is crammed with alts. I can only hope they'll throw him a TT or something, since I just can't imagine them bothering bannering him. I don't care, though. Get him in the game and I will do everything I can to make him as good as he can be :D 

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

You have earned my undying adoration for that comment xD 

I keep hoping he'll be added, but it feels less likely now the game is crammed with alts. I can only hope they'll throw him a TT or something, since I just can't imagine them bothering bannering him. I don't care, though. Get him in the game and I will do everything I can to make him as good as he can be :D 

keep hoping for the magical mass-injection of three-four-stars for the people who don’t deserve five-stars or even four-five-stars. Kaze having been added directly to the pool might set a precedent for that. Or it might not. I want to stay optimistic just for something, damn it. If the Askran trio is being left in the dust, just let me summon my dudes and gals. No way in hell will someone like Reina, or Calill, or Astolfo, or Beowolf, or Bantu, or Castor, or Osian, or…—you get it—make it onto an actual banner otherwise.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

keep hoping for the magical mass-injection of three-four-stars for the people who don’t deserve five-stars or even four-five-stars. Kaze having been added directly to the pool might set a precedent for that. Or it might not. I want to stay optimistic just for something, damn it. If the Askran trio is being left in the dust, just let me summon my dudes and gals. No way in hell will someone like Reina, or Calill, or Astolfo, or Beowolf, or Bantu, or Castor, or Osian, or…—you get it—make it onto an actual banner otherwise.

Fully agreed. Calill might stand a chance due to the boob factor, but people like the Thracian Christmas Knights (they dont even  get a line!), the Sable Knights or the substitute kids would be amazing. 

It would make pulling more fun for me, too. Currently, the only 4* I don't have is Legault -.-

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Fully agreed. Calill might stand a chance due to the boob factor, but people like the Thracian Christmas Knights (they dont even  get a line!), the Sable Knights or the substitute kids would be amazing. 

It would make pulling more fun for me, too. Currently, the only 4* I don't have is Legault -.-

For Calill, it’s more like the leg factor, but yeah. All these B-listers wouldn’t really happen otherwise because if even Micaiah and Leif needed alts of already established characters to “drive” and “sell” their banners, what could be said about someone like Ralph. Really, Ralph. Or Vergil.

Ares and Legault for me, but these are excused by their recent demotion. I really would enjoy seeing more than just Reinhardt, Robin, and Odin when pulling blue, Frederick, Gunter, and Fae when pulling green, and Corrin, Lon’qu, and Raigh when pulling red. They can also distribute the existing high-demand skills to them. Blue Reposition and Fury! Green Moonbow! And so on.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

For Calill, it’s more like the leg factor, but yeah. All these B-listers wouldn’t really happen otherwise because if even Micaiah and Leif needed alts of already established characters to “drive” and “sell” their banners, what could be said about someone like Ralph. Really, Ralph. Or Vergil.

Ares and Legault for me, but these are excused by their recent demotion. I really would enjoy seeing more than just Reinhardt, Robin, and Odin when pulling blue, Frederick, Gunter, and Fae when pulling green, and Corrin, Lon’qu, and Raigh when pulling red. They can also distribute the existing high-demand skills to them. Blue Reposition and Fury! Green Moonbow! And so on.

Blue Tomebreaker and Greenwolf would be good, too, since they aren't in the common pool despite not being high end skills :/ 

More Reposition would be good - swap too. We have lots of swaps but I'm always running out xD 

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I have incredible luck! I'll let you decide if it is good or bad.

After getting Iness, focus firing on reds for his sister. Of course reds don't want to show for me(in fact the deathblow banner was a all green/colorless on my free pull). However, ever since focusing on reds I am apparently being given ALL the 5*'s . . . except the one I want, Tana. So in less than 50 orbs(probably closer to 30) I have gotten Mia and Sigurd. Mia is a -ATK dupe and Sigurd is questionable with his +DEF/-HP versus +HP/-RES natures. I suppose I have close defense fodder for the first time, I guess? Seriously though out of the last 10 5* pulls I am pretty sure 7 or 8 have been off banner. Yeesh. At least it feels that way.

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I wanted to pull a red for Sword Rein as my free pull.

No red. Sigh... So I decide to pick the lone blue and green, and I didn't get anything of interest there. Oh well. I await to see what the next legend banner brings then.

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Huzzah! Pulled Sword!hardt as my free and only pull on the DB banner :D

Seriously thought the focus units were Seigbert, Delthea and normal Rein, but then pulled Mr. Mastersword and remembered normal Rein doesn’t even come with Deathblow XD

Hopefully this is a good omen for the Legendary banner!

(+Spd/-HP by the way, effectively neutral, I’ll take it!)

Edited by Grandosco
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Well sometimes you don't get what you wanted but you get something even more special?  Banners that have color sharing with 2 units (or 3 like legendary) that I want are my favorite.  Cause I am happy with either.  I was pulling reds for Swordhart or Siegbert.  28 orbs total.  Was pity broken by another M Morgan, 2nd time pity broken by him (1st time was on World of Thracia banner, Morgan my lad you are in the wrong world!).  Anyways there was a blue orb there too so pulled and got my first Olwen!  As someone who doesn't have Reinhardt (never pulled 5 star, and though I pulled many 4 star versions never got a single +atk version so never promoted/built), this was welcome.  However what really excited me was when I checked her IVs (+spd/-res)!  Quad Dire Thunder build, a long time dream of mine.  However I never pulled for Olwen cause what are the chances of pulling +spd, plus if it isn't then she is just a worse Reinhardt doing her single attack with much lower atk than him.  So this is awesome.

Anyways besides that, this is why I'm so worried about pulling for Summer Tana and reds in general.  The chance for off focus pity breakers is so so high, and there are quite a few bad ones.  The summer banner is really rough also since if you build up your pity % and no reds show up, well since there are focus units on every other color it will be really hard to avoid breaking the rate.  

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Well, I got an Abel from the new Death Blow banner (I seriously think this is the 3rd one we've gotten, or is it the 2nd one?). I don't really use Swordbreaker much these days but it'll probably come in handy when I reach the Ayra/Karla +10 tier in arena.

Still at a 3.50% pity rate on the Summer banner and I don't have enough orbs for another shot until Monday so eh, I can wait.

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7 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I seriously think this is the 3rd one we've gotten, or is it the 2nd one?

It is the third. The first (last September) had Effie/Hawkeye/Klein while the second (last November) had Elincia/Delthea/Klein.

And I suppose for what it's worth, my free pull was at least someone who has Death Blow (4* Effie). My greed for a better Delthea led me to open the other blue of the set...which only got me a 3* Odin. Oh well, he at least has SI value unlike my blue archenemies Est, Oboro and Donnel.

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So normally I really hate BA3 Desp3 but I have a -def so....

Ephraim (+atk/-def)
Fury 3
Desperation 3
Brash Assault 3

Thoughts as a budget build until I get +atk/-spd Ephraim in which case I'll figure something else out?  Otherwise I'll just hold him in storage some more.

Edited by Lushen
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Free summon 5* WT reinhardt... sigh, almost makes me feel bad for putting over 200 orbs in for him in his original banner

Can't complain though, another merge for my already busted reinhardt

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I contemplated leaving this set after pulling the reds but I'm certainly glad I didn't, especially since Noire got +Spd/-HP though I really would've preferred that on Cordelia.

Anyways, back to trying and likely failing to not give into any more spending impulses and save for the legendary banner.

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God.  Gacha itch, against better judgement I rolled for Summer Tana.  First red orb, got another Lene (my 3rd).  I decided to keep pulling despite that, after 70 orbs got pity broken by +HP/-res Leo.  Man does rolling for reds on banners suck, I've easily had more off focus 5 stars on that color than any other.  

I had -atk/+res Leo.  Well I thought at least this Leo might be better.  It was +HP/-res.  So even worse, or about the same.  I just merged it onto my original. With refine the second is better, but I'm not going to give him one, unless I pull a +atk or something sometime later.  

Good news is pulled my first Ares, 4 star though, it was +spd/-def, so I foddered him for brazen atk/def 3 to Lyn. 

I'm probably not going to pull for Summer Tana anymore, even after the legendary banner comes and goes and after we know the other summer banner.  

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Used 220 orbs (all free) on the Summer Banner. Got my second Micaiah (+Atk/-Res, so she replaces my original), my first Mist (+Res/-Spd), my first Legault (+Atk/-HP) and finally Summer Noire (+Atk /-HP).

Then I do the free pull on the DB banner and get Swordhart (+Def/-Atk). Not gonna complain about a free 5*, tho.

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I didn't try the DB banner yesterday. Well, who knows, I might pull Delthea out of nowhere.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (Are you shitting me?)

4* Seth (Well, it could be good. +Atk/-Def, well he's Fortress Def fodder.)

Back to summer and salt.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* M!Corrin (Hmph. +Spd/-Res, I think I have that already but great nature.), 3* M!Corrin (Womp womp. +Res/-Def, bah.)

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@Zeo Late to the party, but congrats on the new Matthew! Just a few more to go! I really hope you can get your +ATK copy one of these days. We do have a Hector and Matthew banner coming up. Maybe that could give you the motivation to save? I don't know who the third person will be (Lyn? Eliwood? Leila?), but that banner sounds right up your alley. 

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Got female Morgan on my free pull for the Ylissean summer banner. WTF are you doing lol

I really wanted female Robin, though.

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So the two old Summer banners are back, and on a whim I decide to try a little at the Ylissean Summer banner.

Of course the unit I want, Robin, is not available... but you know who were? Summer Tiki and freaking normal Tana.

Tana, get a goddamn swimsuit on, and Tiki, deage by a couple thousand years, why are the two of you here...

Anyways, Tana is +Def -HP, and Tiki is +Spd -Def. Not sure what I'm gonna do with Tana, since I'm not exactly looking to improve on my current +Spd -Res Tana, but Tiki... I'm gonna give Axe Valor to my HNY!Azura. It's been a long time coming.

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