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I think this is now the time for me to stop spending money on this game. My spending behaviour for this game is getting out of hand. The very thought of becoming like @Ice Dragon  makes me very afraid.
These are the results of 750 Orbs (~100 free Orbs in there).


Myrrh (Hp/Def)
Brave Ike (Def/Hp)
Leif (Res/Spd)
Brave Ike (Atk/Def)
Brave Ike (Def/Spd)
Myrrh (Res/Spd)
Elise (Atk/Def)
Myrrh (Hp/Res)
Leif (Res/Def)
Myrrh (Hp/Res)
Brave Ike (Hp/Res)
Brave Ike (Res/Hp)
Myrrh (Atk/Hp)
Brave Ike (Def/Atk)
Hector (Res/Atk)
Bride LA Lyn (Spd/Hp)
Bride LA Lyn (neutral)

Marked the highlights in bold. Guess for which Green unit I spent all these Orbs for ...
At least I am now satisfied for a long time and can leave this behind me.
- I'm not even mad at Hector's stats. He is literally my +Def/-Spd Hector with +10 Res and far better kit. Insanity.
- BK, Lukas, Nowi and Dorcas have now Steady Breath and I have 2 more left as fodder.
- I got 2 very good Myrrhs and I gave Nowi Hone Dragons. Now I have full buffs on my Dragon team.
- Elise is a small but nice upgrade compared to my +Atk/-Spd one.
- Leif completes the Lord collection, I guess? The first one is pretty much Drive Atk fodder and the 2nd is almost neutral?
- The two LA Lyn were in the same session as Hector and at least offer some solace since I can now give Soren Atk Spd Bond.
- I got tons of Barsts and some Selenas, so a lot of my units are now 'optimally' built. Still need 3 more though.
- The only regret I have is the lack of W!Tharja or more L!Hector for VF. Sheena still needs that skill.


Edited by The Priest
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I still have 0 self-control... I went to the Legendary banner with 13 orbs to see if I could get a Myrrh, ended with another Brave Ike. I seriously think I'll get this guy to +10 before I find a unit to give Steady Breath to. He's virtually at +4 right now

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

The very thought of becoming like @Ice Dragon  makes me very afraid.

Come to the Dark Side. We have skill fodder for ages.


1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Bride Lyn (Spd/Hp)
Bride Lyn (neutral)

Valentine Lyn.

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Final chance to get anything from the Legendary Banner. I had scrounged EVERY SINGLE ORB I COULD for this pull. Every single July quest (2) and (3), Arena orbs, a few daily orbs, and I had to buy 3 more but STILL.

2 Colorless, 1 Blue, 1 Red, and 1 Green... and the green was a 3* Camilla.

The Blue was a 4* Roderick.

The Red was a Winter Tharja [+HP -Spd], which is the same as my current Tharja. She may be a part of my core arena team, but I now have some Vengeful Fighter fodder...

The Colorless? They were Both Elise... and neither is ideal whatsoever. One is +Def -Atk, the other is +HP -Spd.

Still, I just needed to end this pity rate, not get 3 5* units at the same exact time. I'm glad.

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@mampfoid oooooo congrats on finally getting SunTana!

-Atk is a shame but better than -Spd! I still need her for my main so congrats

also it seems you want her for her weapon  anyway and i think it might be fun for your GF clears!

now let’s just hope they relase an Aerobatics SS

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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid oooooo congrats on finally getting SunTana!

-Atk is a shame but better than -Spd! I still need her for my main so congrats

also it seems you want her for her weapon  anyway and i think it might be fun for your GF clears!

now let’s just hope they relase an Aerobatics SS

Thanks! Yeah I'm glad and the bane doesn't hinder her much. 

Too bad she can't learn GF, but perhaps I'll find a way to use her in a clear. Aerobatics could be useful on a mixed team, but I'll run her with fellow fliers and Flier Formation seal. 

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Well pick my locks right open, 5* Matthew is +Atk -Res.

He wasn't my FREE pull, that would be 4* Lucius, but SERIOUSLY???

Where's the guy who has the uber Matthew, cause I'm in sudden need of some inspiration...

Edited by Xenomata
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Free pull - Lucius! Merge.

9 orbs on Summer banner. Tana and Eirika (merge)! This banner has been super generous to me ever since I crossed that 100 orb threshold.

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Urgh, only 1 green showed up on first session - and it's a 4* Hawkeye. Time to wait a bit since I do wonder what's on the Luna banner (since it's coming tomorrow).

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VG banner, finally claiming my freebie plus whatever else the red and blue gods give me.

4* Sophia +HP -Res
4* Est +Atk -HP
5* Sigurd +Spd -Atk

I felt a tinge of regret when Est showed up, but the Sigurd vindicated me even with his crappy nature (it's fine, he'll be merged into my decent +Def -Res one). Happy with that result of course, and Sophia finally goes to 4*+10. I'll have to reward her by upgrading to Raudrraven+.

8 orbs left then. Do I summon on the BHB banner? What are the odds of more than three greens anyway? Or even one?

You guessed correctly. No greens.

4* Kaze +Atk -Res

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3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Well pick my locks right open, 5* Matthew is +Atk -Res.

He wasn't my FREE pull, that would be 4* Lucius, but SERIOUSLY???

Where's the guy who has the uber Matthew, cause I'm in sudden need of some inspiration...

That would be @Zeo. His Matthew is basically a god, and as a minor Matthew worshiper myself if I do say, that's a pretty darn good Matthew. 


Today was already a good day. Free pull Hector made it even better. He's even +RES -DEF (the opposite of my current one), so I have zero regrets foddering him off. To whom? I don't know yet... I've got ideas, but nothing's finalized quite yet.

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Free pull from Hector & Matthew's banner gave me +Spd -Def Dorcas. I already got one +Res -Atk from Valentine's Hector banner. I think that the +Res one is slightly better.

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@Xenomata @Rafiel's Aria Yeah tha'd be my Matthew. Unfortunately while I would love to have gotten the same luck as you, I came up with zilch. First there were 0 green orbs, period across 3 summoning pools and one of them had all blue and one colorless. So I had 0 chances of getting a Hector. Not that I was pulling specifically for him but still wow.

No real colorless luck either though. No *5 Matthew or Serra, both of which are merge projects. The fodder was decent though at least. Nanna, Klein, Setsuna and Kaze with Clarine and Serra being stand out stinkers.

Either way, I used 26 orbs for essentially fodder and got nowhere. 41 > 15.

Back to saving.

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This game astounds me. New banner so free pull. I don't need a third Hector and I have a 5* Matthew so decided I might as well go colourless for Serra.

Four reds and one green came up so I changed my mind and pulled for Hector.

5* Flying Nino!

I mean, I had been complaining about the FE7 people blocking me from getting other FE7 people, but heck, I'll take that xD I didn't have her before and don't really like Camilla overly, so a new flying green mage is fine with me :)

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9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:


This game astounds me. New banner so free pull. I don't need a third Hector and I have a 5* Matthew so decided I might as well go colourless for Serra.

Four reds and one green came up so I changed my mind and pulled for Hector.

5* Flying Nino!

I mean, I had been complaining about the FE7 people blocking me from getting other FE7 people, but heck, I'll take that xD I didn't have her before and don't really like Camilla overly, so a new flying green mage is fine with me :)

Wow, way to trick the gacha into getting you a green orb and no colourless! Haha

Congrats on the Flying Nino though! She’s a very good unit to have!

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Pulled a freebe Hector, so my Chrissa now finally has her DC.

It seems the mantra of "It's not going to be Hector. There's no way it'll be Hector." May have tricked the sensors.


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So Free pull. No Greens. Not a single one. Bunch of blues though with 1 containing a 4* Mathilda. Afterwards I cleared the new battle for 9 orbs and decided to make a run for S!Tiki, the banner hasn't built up any pity since I have been focused on Tana. No Greens. 3 colorless and 2 reds. Well no matter. I'll just a pull this colorless down here - Takumi! Hmm. . .  I guess I may as well pull this colorless up here. . . Gauis! Must. Resist. Pulling. On. Last. Colorless.


I HAVE THE WILLPOWER! I made a good will save and successfully resisted buying enough orbs to try that last colorless orb. Oh and Both of them are +ATK. Takumi is -HP(ouch) and Gauis is -DEF. Didn't really want either of them. Close Counter is nice and all but I still have the freebie to burn. But hey I can't really complain since I filled a Gauis sized hole in my barracks. May have been better if I got Freddy instead of Takumi(I kinda wish we could see what was hiding under unpicked options. I would have laughed if it was Freddy. After I screamed of course). Don't have him yet.

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So, chance for a free Hector?

3 Colourless, 2 Red (OF COURSE)

5* Katarina (AW SHIT, I SKIPPED THE SCREEN, ONLY TO SEE THIS! WOW! Last of the tacticians with the Robins. :P +Def/-Atk sadly, though she is Swift Sparrow as well.)

So, back to crying about Summer Corrin.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (OF COURSE)

4* Felicia (Phew. +Spd/-Atk, ugh.)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (Really?)

3* Rebecca (Least it's not the worst fodder. +Res/-HP)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Finally)

4* Jagen (For the merge I guess. +Spd/-Atk, that's just awful), 4* Oboro (Well, I do have a high merge one. +Spd/-HP. Why?)

3.5% now. :(

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Willpower nearly slipped again. (which is why I removed it from the BHB thread)

Main: Luna fodder, Hone Cavalry fodder, and 1,650 feathers. At least I hit the next 20k out of it. Not buying orbs here, I'm not letting Oho! break my budget for Ohio.

F2P alt: Free pulls a desperately needed Camilla so Elise can get Savage blow.

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Yeah, my will has increased. I skipped the legendary banner and I encourage to skip Banners.
I am at 450 orbs again and I still save up for Rinkah.
I don't expect any interesting character on the next banner, because Insys sneaks around my favorite characters anyway. So skip skip skip and I encourage to skip. If you are f2p and don't really need a unit from a banner skip.

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Since the legendary banner completely drained me, I just went for my free pull with no expectation.

I chose 1 out of the 5 red orbs that was offered to me to take a 3* Fir. I already have 4*Lv40 of her, I might promote her soon.

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