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5 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Guys I had a bonanza of crazy luck.  

126 orbs it took.  Got an Ishtar merge, my first  Azura! +atk/-HP(glorious IV! and actually a unit I've wanted for a long time.  Finally the unit I wanted the most, or close to it (wanted Ryoma maybe more).  WINTER LISSA!  +def/-res which is fine, I res fined her handbell and she rocks.  So now sitting at 74 orbs left, I made my way to sketchy summer.   First pull got me a Shiro merge, anyways 53 orbs later my most wanted unit this summer arrives.  YOUNG SUMMER TIKI!  +HP/-SPD and I don't care, I love and wanted this unit so much! 

I'm not done.  We got all these orb gifts from summer celebration, so I thought well why not pull reds from the legendary banner since I have none of them and want all 3.  50 orbs later I got Exalt Chrom!  +HP/-atk so not the IV of course, but still very pleased. I also got another Winter Lissa!!!  YES!  After much deliberation I decided to give Bold Fighter 3 to my Zelgius who is +atk/-def.   

So in total on these 2 banners....

176 orbs Legendary Lucina banner.  Exalt Chrom, Ishtar, Azura, 2 Winter Lissa.

169 orbs Sketchy Summer banner.  Young Summer Tiki, Shiro, Summer Linde, Summer Takumi, Lyn (sword), and Tailtiu.  

I only found out a few months ago about how pity rate does not reset until the summoning session ends so pull everything on the circle after you get your 5 star if the pity rate is high.  This has benefitted me so much as many times I've gotten an additional 5 star or even 2 additional ones.  



Congrats, that's quite the haul you've got~ I also netted a Shiro and Tailtiu in the Summer Banners than just ended~

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Well, this is an uninteresting banner. Might as well try for an Eldigan merge.

  1. 3* Raigh: Feathers.

EDIT: And now it's time for the next banner. Aiming for Sanaki because Wynaut.

  1. 4* Hana: More feathers.

Quests have brought me back up to 21 orbs, so another set on the legendary banner it is.

  1. 3* Donnel: Garbage.
  2. 4* Setsuna: Meh.
  3. 4* Merric: Eh.

Starting to get kind of frustrated here.

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Three red orbs so I couldn't bring myself to open any of them. Between the single blue and green, went with green for the higher 5* rate.

4* Beruka +Atk -Spd

Well, at least I now have the full spread of good Beruka natures. Atk/Spd, Atk/Res, Def/Spd and Def/Res. Which will be the base for my 4*+10? Wouldn't have the foggiest.

Small attempt at Lucina again:

4* Est +Atk -Def
3* Roderick +Atk -HP
4* Camilla +HP -Atk

Just 8.5% so whatever. Will have a final swing at it tomorrow but can't be too upset if nothing comes of it.


EDIT: One more. 3* Donnel +Res -Spd

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Grinding Wrys was not worth it. I'm at 9.50% now...I just hope to get anything tomorrow, I guess this is RIP for Spd Tactic. I'll go full blue hunting as I don't have any unit from that color.

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Oh wow, my free pull today gave me a 5 star F!Corrin! Its definitely better than the Ogma they gave me yesterday. I think this is the first time my free pull was a 5 star and of course it would be a Fates unit. Now I have to decide if I want to actually build her now since I don't have to waste 20,000 feather on her.


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I've been trying to get her ever since she was released. orz Only needed to spend 14 orbs for her here, but if you add the amount of orbs I spend on previous banners... yeah it's probably closer to 300. Anyway, she is +Spd -Res, which is a bit odd, but very workable. At least she won't be doubled quite as easily once I add Fury.

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Thanks to new quests today I was able to do a final pull of legendary banner.

The very last orb gave me
+atk / -res

My +atk series continues. Like 80% of my last 5* pulls had this boon which is great.

Now I can leave this banner with relieve and a restored pityrate.

Also freepulled an +atk Ares from today's banner. 
Will promote him and merge my other copy into this version.

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Thanks to the daily banners and other stuff, now up to 1,091 total pulled units.  I, uh, kinda forgot where several of these are from.


Gordin (+Atk/-HP): Once again, I pull a good Gordin.  HOW.
Rebecca (+Res/-Def): This turns her into a slightly worse Summer Gaius.  I have a really low opinion of Gaius.
Cordelia (+HP/-Spd): I really need to think about who should get Galeforce.  Maybe a flying archer, if I ever get one?
Jagen (neutral): I'm seriously considering making him a +10.  Someone talk me out of this.

Hana (+Spd/-Atk): If there's ever a staff alt of you, I'd totally take this.
Tharja (+HP/-Atk): Get lost.
Setsuna (+Res/-Spd): The only time I'd take that bane is if the boon was Atk.

Raven (neutral): I guess someone will get a Brave Axe.  One day.
Soren (+Def/-Atk): Long time no see, looks like you're Fortify Res fodder.
Florina (+HP/-Spd): Luckily, Darting Blow is a good skill.
Corrin (neutral): HONE ATK WOOHOO!
Wendy (+Spd/-Atk): It needs to be the other way around!

Lyn (+Res/-Spd): She is going to bait mages. . .and not much else.  Tempted to give her something like Vantage or Guard for maximum cheese.  Every single Lyn I've pulled is either -Spd or -Atk (shout out to Valentine's Lyn, who is +Spd/-Atk).

Selena (+Res/-Spd): But unlike Lyn, you have no business baiting mages.

Ogma (+HP/-Spd): 50 HP is bonkers, but doesn't justify that bane.
Lilina (+Res/-HP): This looks like a bad idea.  I think I'll keep her.
Soleil (+Res/-HP): Hey, you're not Lilina!

Titania (+Atk/-Res): FINALLY!  I don't care about the superbane, I just want a Titania that can hit back!

Well, that was an interesting haul.


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Well, I think I might be at my breaking point towards insanity (or being kinda done with this game). What do all these orbs even matter if I don't pull anything I'm actually aiming at? Months and months of off-focus/off-colour nonsense I can't/don't want to use. How much more tolerant am I supposed to be to this atrocious system. All my monthly orbs and the tedious grind poof, exchanged for mediocre stuff that brings nothing relevant to my barracks (how can I even consider spending money with such an outcome?). Let's see, starting with February, where I pulled Grima on the Fallen Heroes banner, the last unit I actually aimed for:

Valentine: Two Lilinas while trying for Hector, Nothing on Legendary Ephraim banner (granted I only sniped a bit of blue, but didn't commit to much)

March: Branded King - Got Chrom, going for F!Morgan / Nothing on Countering skills while going for Hector with everything I had / Legendary Robin banner - Ike while going for Nowi, he is still collecting dust to this day.

April: Nothing on Nowi&Tiki battle, going for Grima / Quickly pulled a Hinoka on Wings of Fate, making me kinda a hypocrite here since I do like her, but she was -Att (painfully so) and wasn't a must-have when released. / Legendary Lyn eluded me, while I got two worthless Inigos to get consumed by my +1 Inigo, also F!Grima even though I sniped green.... / Pulled Genealogy Ares while going for Lene, and got demoted afterwards, just painful.

May:  Bridal Ninian shares the same interest as Bownoka, was aiming for Sanaki, but alas, she eluded me as well. Flying dancer is ok, but I already have enough dancers / Shiro from Stance banner while sniping for Morgan, he died by my hands / Legendary Ryoma banner, sniped blue for Hardin/Fjorm, got Robin (what a surprise to get the one i don't want)

June: Summer's Arrival, sniped for Noire, got two Lucinas and Tana in its entire duration (yes, three reds while sniping for colorless); Legendary Hector, pulling with everything for the new shiny unit, got Myrrh and Ike of course, and while I do want to merge Myrrh up some day, it is not an immediate goal; Ike is catching dust with his sword counterpart.

July: Hector & Matthew banner, orb wasting at its finest, coz I got nothing and left it with 4,25 or 4,5% (can't remember)/ Few orbs in Sketchy for Tiki or Camilla, got -Att Micaiah, great, thx. / Pulled for Flying Olivia, got Maribelle; yes, Maribelle is a good unit, but again, not my actual target.

August: Pulled Lilina and Brave Lyn while going for L!Lyn or Lissa. Kill me, I am fuming with rage and want to punch someone. I'm just going to be a whiner in the eyes of many, I'm sure, but I'd give up so many of these pulls for a few of my actual desired units and months of upsetting pulls, while the game only provides lackluster content to distract me, are taking me to my limits.

TL,DR: I hate this game.


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@Nanima Nice! She has a superboon in Spd, so it's pretty workable with things like Spd Ploy haha. Glad you finally got her at least.

@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria

As expected, Sanaki came a bit too early two days ago so no Sanaki for this banner. Well there were no reds, but I tried for Green to get free Gronnblade+ for Lilina. Even better, I got another Barst!!!

Second account gave me Subaki. Yay, more QR is always appreciated!

Then back in my main tried again for one Micaiah snipe since last time there were no blues. It was a Shigure, I guess more lance weapon options are nice.

Then went back to the legendary banner again, just to do 1 last snipe for L!Lucina after the Azura last time. Wouldn't that be funny if it actually happened?


....well okay then. This was base 8% rate as well, after the last base 8% gave me an Azura.

Est was the first summon, but glad I rolled the other blue orb to receive Lucina! .....Unfortunately she's -Atk but at least it's not a superbane like Lyn. Lucina is also +HP which is a superboon so...I think I'll just give her Atk+3. I'm just glad I finally have a proper Lucina (and not a MMarth) in my main!

Opening the rest since I wanted a better Kinshi Ryoma/Hinoka, but instead I got a second Robin and a nice +Spd/-Def Lucius! I can finally properly build a Lucius after foddering my 5 star one

Grima is +HP/-Res, and I already had a +Atk/-Res. I could merge her but....I'm also tempted to give Res Smoke to someone. Not too sure to who yet but  maybe M!Morgan like @Zeo's?

Stahl is nice too since I was running out of Swap. But yeah, I got all the 3 blue focus units so that's lucky i didn't get too many repeat units

Tried for Ryoma on my second account but only 2 reds. Both 3 stars, but very good 3 star fodder (FINALLY) in Selena and Cain!

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This banner..... F!Corrin maybe?

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Nino merge then?)

4* Fae (Renewal! +Atk/-Spd, is that better than -Def?)

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@mcsilas Thanks! I am sure she'll be valuable, even if I do already have a fully built Lilina. Red mage used to be a category I was poor in, but now I have a lot of good options. It's always nice to diversify. Also congrats on that Lucina and Robin!

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I miscounted the number of orbs available and turns out I can go again today. So let's go, 8.5%.

5* Legendary Lucina +Def -Spd

Welp, it's only 8.5% but I'm on a high, so let's open the rest even if none are blue.

4* Sothe +Spd -Def
3* Roy +Atk -Res
4* M Morgan +Atk -Def
3* Eliwood +Res -Atk

Not great reds, but that's just my second Sothe, and first fodderable one (good nature but identical to my current one). M Morgan is a slight improvement on my +Atk -HP one perhaps, but I've basically not used mine since he hit 40, so long term project at best.

Happy with the outcome, while it's just the two 5-stars from this banner and they're mediocre in terms of nature (actually Flyoma has the exact same +Def -Spd, figures) they're the top two I wanted, desire sensor foiled. Fixing their natures can come in three months time, but I can finally get to building a flying water team and an infantry wind team. I'm at 0 orbs now so no chance of another go tomorrow, not that I would I think.

Also Roy apparently is hogging the Atk boons. I have 5 in my barracks now and all are +Atk.

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I have all the Heroes on the new banner and only one is good for fodder, really, so I went with green. 

5* Nino. 

Ooookay. Gronblade fodder it is :) 

Would've preferred a not -Atk Eldigan as my free pull yesterday instead to replace my current one but oh well. Not gonna complain at a freebie :)

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@mcsilas congrats, two 5* in one session is always cool, especially at a low pity rate. Lucina works well also at -ATK, I can tell.

Envious if your Grimas though, I'm trying since five banners for her. Res smoke on Morgan sounds like a plan. 

@MonkeyCheez3K Ouch, that's really a horrible streak. Good luck getting what you want next time. 

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41 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I have all the Heroes on the new banner and only one is good for fodder, really, so I went with green. 

5* Nino. 

Ooookay. Gronblade fodder it is :) 

Would've preferred a not -Atk Eldigan as my free pull yesterday instead to replace my current one but oh well. Not gonna complain at a freebie :)

Nice! Free +version of a tome!

@mampfoid I suppose the -Atk balances out the luck I guess haha. But yeah I'm going to use her anyway, so I'll make it work. Future Vision is such a fun assist- I wonder if you'll use it for one-turn clears?

@MonkeyCheez3K Sorry to hear that, it's really one of the biggest shortcomings of this game if you really want someone. Other gacha games have some ways like choose a unit after saving X amount of resources or something similar, so it really sucks to be completely in the mercy of chance with no alternative. Really hope you get to have some luck coming your way at least. :(

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55 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I wonder if you'll use it for one-turn clears?

That was the plan, since she also comes with WoM. I only hope she'll be able to kill something in one round, but WTA should help. 

/Edit: Using the orbs of the three Heroes missions for another try on Grima ... and I get a +HP/-RES Hinoka.

Uff, really bad timing my princess, your brother took the job I offered to you in April for much less orbs ... 

Time to give up on this banner. 

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I managed to get a +DEF -HP Legendary Lucina which made my day! In addition to another +SPD Legendary Ryoma. I honestly don't know what to do with him. Guidance is a seal, and Kestrel Stance is...odd. I'm sure someone would love it. I'll hold off on merging him for now... I don't know why the Hoshido siblings like me. I think I've made my indifference towards them very clear. XD I realized I had a little over 20 orbs and an 8.50% pity rate, so I pulled a few more orbs and got a +ATK -SPD Azura. Send your son, woman.

Yesterday I also got a free Sanaki which was nice. All in all, could have been better. At least I got my Lucina which is all that matters. 

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I managed to get a +DEF -HP Legendary Lucina which made my day! In addition to another +SPD Legendary Ryoma. I honestly don't know what to do with him. Guidance is a seal, and Kestrel Stance is...odd. I'm sure someone would love it. I'll hold off on merging him for now... I don't know why the Hoshido siblings like me. I think I've made my indifference towards them very clear. XD I realized I had a little over 20 orbs and an 8.50% pity rate, so I pulled a few more orbs and got a +ATK -SPD Azura. Send your son, woman.

Yesterday I also got a free Sanaki which was nice. All in all, could have been better. At least I got my Lucina which is all that matters. 

Oooh congrats on those pulls! +Def is a superboon on Lucina so that works really well!

Jealous of your +Spd Ryoma since mine is -Spd haha. Maybe Guidance fodder?

@mampfoid Oh that's too bad about Hinoka but at least she has a niche of being armour effective! Good for AA at least (and maybe a solution to those pesky Wary Fighters in one turn clears?).

To be fair I was looking for a better natured Kinoka when that Grima came maybe she followed Lucina to spread chaos

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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Oh that's too bad about Hinoka but at least she has a niche of being armour effective! Good for AA at least (and maybe a solution to those pesky Wary Fighters in one turn clears?).

To be fair I was looking for a better natured Kinoka when that Grima came maybe she followed Lucina to spread chaos

She is a new unit at least and an alt of a unit I like, so I won't complain (too much). Armor effectiveness isn't too useful when flying Blade mages shoot them into Oblivion already. 

Good luck getting a better Hinoka!

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@mampfoid @mcsilas Thanks, I appreciate it and could use all the luck sent my way. My guess is that the game considers my other pulls als "lucky", so I apparently need a surplus of it. I'm not even asking for much (at least I hope I don't, it's easy to seem greedy in gacha), just enough to follow some of my projects, just to keep me satisfied.  I don't even get merges anymore for my core...

I'll try to be more positive, as a break from the game generally means that I wouldn't return, but my god is this type of game grating.

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Daily Orb + Feh's Summer + Three Heroes rewards = 30 orbs. Dropped 29 on the Legendary Banner, all on blues. Got a +Spd/-Def Bowcina. Yes!

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17 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Oooh congrats on those pulls! +Def is a superboon on Lucina so that works really well!

Jealous of your +Spd Ryoma since mine is -Spd haha. Maybe Guidance fodder?

@mampfoid Oh that's too bad about Hinoka but at least she has a niche of being armour effective! Good for AA at least (and maybe a solution to those pesky Wary Fighters in one turn clears?).

To be fair I was looking for a better natured Kinoka when that Grima came maybe she followed Lucina to spread chaos

Congrats on your amazing Lucius BTW. I should say that while I remember. Treat him well. My poor child is fragile. 

I thought about it, but Guidance is a seal, so I don't really need it as fodder. Maybe I'll give Kestrel Stance to like...Shigure or something. I would give him to you if I could. XD My free pull Ryoma was +SPD too... XD


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I finally pulled Leo! After a year and a half, I finally have all of the Fates royals! He's +Def -Res, but that's okay, I'll make him work. I'm just glad I got him.

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