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5 hours ago, Integrity said:

the final pull, that would have bumped me to 14% pity, was legendary lyn.

Oh wow, is it at least a unit you wanted? 

3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

At least I did get her. Neutral nature again.

Congratulations! I guess neutral is good? 

Good luck on your last minute legendary pulls, 12% sucks. 

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47 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Done all I could do for the Legendary Banner and ended up with Lucina, 3 Lady Lyns, and an Ishtar. I'm at the least grateful I pulled Lucina and the Lyns did give me more Wind Blessings, which I was low on, so even though I missed Azura, Lissa, and Liliana, I won't say it's a total bust as Lucina was my main priority and I did get her so, all's well~ 

Oh that is nice!  Ishtar is one of my favorites, and you got the unit you wanted most as well.  Plus Lyn is still the only character with Speed tactic so those extras won't go to waste.

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Only 27 orbs and 11 minutes left...At the least I don't want to end with a pity rate.

  1. 3* Effie: Worthless.
  2. 4* Gunter: Bleh.
  3. 4* Gaius: Garbage.
  4. 4* Kagerou: No.
  5. 3* Eliwood: Trash.

Figures...One last unit, then.

  1. 5* L!Lucina: Praise Feh, the RNG, Anna, Naga, and every other FE-deity there is! The very last unit on this banner, after so many terrible 3* blues, was the girl I've been looking for the whole time! Her IVs are bad, +Res/-Atk, but whatever. Regular and Brave Lucina have skills to fix that. Now I have all four version of Lucina in game, and I am happy. Just slightly annoyed I have to leave the rest of the set.
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Ugh. I got an Azura. I really didn't need her, I already have the perfect Azura.

Managed to get NY!Camilla, too, whom I didn't have,

She's -spd. I'm so fucking sick of this.

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Free pull on the fighter skill banner had only reds and colourless, so I spent 5 more orbs and well... I didn't expect my vengeful fodder to come so quickly.


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For LoD, I already have Minerva, so might as well aim for Jaffar.

  1. 4* Lissa: Bleh.

And for Fighter skills let's see if Hardin'll show up.

  1. 4* Oboro: Nope.

Guess I burned through my luck getting L!Lucina when I did.

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First time spending any orbs on a daily banner, but I've wanted Minerva since the very beginning of the game.

4* Bartre +Def -Atk
4* Arthur +Atk -HP

The Dynamic Duo themselves. Welp, hopefully on her next appearance in a few days. Onto the Fighter banner. No greens and just one blue, figures.

4* M Robin +Atk -Def

Oh well, onto the next banner reveal.

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Aw man I was trying for a Christmas Lissa with better IVs (mine has the worst possible) on the legendary banner, but I lucked out with getting greens like damn. I've had about 5 sessions without any greens at all and most other sessions only had one green :/ I ended up only getting an Ishtar, which is nice I guess cause I was looking for her as Odd Atk Wave fodder, but ugh I just would've liked to at least get some more since everyone and their uncle is always pulling like 3-5 units from these. Nevermind that everything else I've pulled was practically trash, too :/ :/ :/

Meanwhile the free summons from the daily banners have been just as rubbish for me, it seems my bad luck with this has returned full on after pulling about six 5* units in July which was the luckiest I've ever gotten with this game.

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Today must be my lucky day! Spent 90 orbs on fighter banner and I finally got a version of Grima (the male version) and is even +res/-spd (probably one of his better natures). I'll have to thank @silveraura25 for the good fortunes he gave me yesterday.


Other 5 stars I got was another M!Grima (+HP/-Def as usual for me), Effie (also got two of her) and B!Ike (I wonder who wants Steady Breath from him). Now I just need F!Grima in order to complete my non-loli dragon emblem team.

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@mampfoid Dar too bad about the unwanted 5 stars but at least you have some nice premium fodder *coughSwiftSparrowcough*. Hope future ones are kinder to you, and at least Grima is still the only colourless legendary for a bit more

Well caved in and did 1 more last YOLO pull for Micaiah. 1 blue orb for both accounts. Main nwas a F!Corrin, but the seecond account gave me a Reinhardt...who ended up being +Atk/-Def! Finally, a +Atk one to replace my current +Spd one!

As for the free pulls, for the LaD banner, main gave me a +Atk/-Def Clarine (eh...but at least a good nature). Second account gave me her brother- a Klein! Always welcome since he didn't come the day before in the QR banner!

As for the Fighter banner, main had 2 greens and no blues. It was a Hawkeye and Bartre.... so i tried again to get at least a blue orb and there 1 was 1 blue with 2 greens. Jagen, Cecilia and 3 star Soren.....darn my orb stash was halved already..

In my second I had 4 blue orbs- opened all of them but sadly no Fighter armours. Tried a random colourless orb in summer banner and got a Kaze.

Okay I reaaallly need to stop scratching my summoning itch until at least after the video reveal...

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Dar too bad about the unwanted 5 stars but at least you have some nice premium fodder *coughSwiftSparrowcough*. Hope future ones are kinder to you, and at least Grima is still the only colourless legendary for a bit more

Thanks, I'll keep trying for her, also a legendary Healer would be interesting, but I need to pull the other colors for my merge projects ... 

Swift Sparrow is nice, I'm enjoying it on my Elincia, but somehow in most cases its inferior to LnD (offensive) or Fury (defensive/mixed). My best candidate is Siegbert, but he doesn't see much use. I'll sit on those Lyns for a while, perhaps I'll build a new mage in the future who'll want it. 

Congrats on Klein and that +ATK Reinhardt, hopefully your YOLO powers will return with the next banner. 


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So I tried for Minerva on the Life And Death banner free pull, got Beruka.

Tried for Hardin twice on the Fighter Skills banner, came up empty.

Tried one more time and got two Green Orbs with no Blue, so decided to try for a second Grima.

Got +ATK/-RES Minerva. On the wrong banner, but I'm still happy.

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I do want to save for a last pull on the banners that are gone in a few days.

That Fighter banner though..... Oh and L&D I guess.

L&D first

4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Really?)

4* Nanna (Is she a good nature? +HP/-Res, sigh)

No the Fighter banner. Do I go for Grima or Hardin?

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Hardin it is)

3* Effie (Not even 4*. +Def/-Spd is good though!)

Well that was meh.

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7 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Oh that is nice!  Ishtar is one of my favorites, and you got the unit you wanted most as well.  Plus Lyn is still the only character with Speed tactic so those extras won't go to waste.

I do love Ishtar, too. I fortunately actually already had two at my disposal but another and those extra Lyns will be of some use as you said~

Wanted to try for M!Grima since I don't have him yet but my free Summon gave me no Greens, sigh~ I'm not buying any more Orbs for a while so I'll have to naturally grind up if I want to get him. Did get Sully and Hawkeye for my free pulls for both new banners so some decent fodder~

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3 minutes ago, kirauza343 said:

Nope :/

At least I can start saving for CYL; the next seasonal banner doesn't interest me yet.


I'll try that too, but it's more likely I'll get baited by seasonals. 

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The whale-bait banner just gave me a 4* Beruka. While Bold Fighter LA!Lyn is tempting I think I'll just skip it for now. 

Good news is that after the Legendary banner fiasco, a YOLO pull gave me this:


Her nature isn't the best (+Def -Spd) but thankfully she's still fast enough to survive every non-Zelgius armor and QR exists to let her double. No Windsweep+Smoke shenanigans for her though. 

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@Alexmender Wow, nice surprise (despite the nature), congratulations! 

While -SPD isn't optimal, +DEF brings her well above 40 DEF with her A-Skill. Add some buffs and 50 DEF is possible. Her weapon wants her to be EP anyway, I got some nice Ignis blasts out of mine.

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