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Got 4 red/1 green on the daily banner. Tried to grab a Karel since I sacrificed my old one months ago (and now he's the one unit on my list I can't max HM for). Picked the wrong red, since I got a 4* -spd M Morgan. Yuck.

Edited by Alkaid
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5 hours ago, Jules said:

My haunt for Micaiah was stopped by this


Honestly this is even better, a FE Lord.
And since he's +atk / -res he's amazing.
Probably not the best dragon tank with this bane, but with Triangle Adept he should have no issues to oneshot Grima.

I stop from pulling from this banner for now and save for CYL.
If I should have >100 orbs, I might try for Micky again.

Ayyeee, congrats~ I was praying for Alm to cockblock me from Micaiah but it wasn't meant to be~ And like someone else mentioned, with Weapon Refine, he should have no issues one-shotting any dragon~

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It's basically the same for me.

My luck in 3% banners is usually better than in Legendaries (aside of the LHector banner with three Hectors in one session). Needed 155 orbs to pull my first and only 5* unit and the last Legendary; even more in the banner with LLyn. I think my highest pityrate in a 3% has been 4.25% yet which was the FE13 banner quite recently. Not high compared to what I've read by other people.
My pityrate for Alm was 3.5% which is alright. Pitybreakers are always welcome if it's new unit, the better if they have better natures. 
I mean it's just an alt, and I have a regular Micaiah already, so I wouldn't be too sad if I didn't pull her.
Still at least one focus unit from a banner would be nice.

Honestly cockblocked by a pitybreaker... and then still pulling the wanted focus unit in the same pulling session is the best way to cause of rollercoaster of emotions.

His refine is sick... but I'm out of dews right now. ;(
I made the mistake by refining two weapons for Hinoka-
Have like 30 dews left now...

Edit: I'm unable to quote since the captchas don't work for me.

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Decided to spend all the orbs I had and could get today to try and get Nephenee, so I can give Wrath to Soleil.

What I got instead for my about 50 orbs:

  • 3* + 4* Clair
  • 3* Abel
  • 4* Robin
  • 4* Oscar
  • 3* Sully
  • 4* Catria
  • 3* Lucas
  • 3* + 4* Jagen
  • 4* Shanna

Uuuugh the only thing I'm happy with of this bunch is the Shanna, which I've been looking for for ages so I can give Desperation to NY!Takumi. The rest is just pure trash to me :/

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2 hours ago, Mau said:

Decided to spend all the orbs I had and could get today to try and get Nephenee, so I can give Wrath to Soleil.

What I got instead for my about 50 orbs:

  • 3* + 4* Clair
  • 3* Abel
  • 4* Robin
  • 4* Oscar
  • 3* Sully
  • 4* Catria
  • 3* Lucas
  • 3* + 4* Jagen
  • 4* Shanna

Uuuugh the only thing I'm happy with of this bunch is the Shanna, which I've been looking for for ages so I can give Desperation to NY!Takumi. The rest is just pure trash to me :/

And this is why I've finally built up the fortitude to not spend my current surplus of literally 50 orbs on neither Nephenee nor any of the dancers at this time.  I'm holding off from spending orbs in attempt to get as close to 140 orbs as possible in time for CYL2.

Of course, all discipline will fly out the window when the Summer Festival banner nears its end.  I WILL HAVE A RED MAGE MICHAIAH!

My sincerest congratulations for your Shanna, and don't think of those other pulls as complete waste.  At least they'll make for nice feather fodder.


Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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Well it took grinding TT for almost all the orbs and being pity broken by Innes, but I finally pulled dancer Xander!  I also pulled my first Sothe which I was happy about.  I can finally start saving orbs now and this banner was much kinder then the Awakening banner.  I have better luck with seasonal and legendary banners then any other banners and after the last few I will only use orbs on those banners from now on.

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@mcsilas Hey! Grats on the Sonya! Nature or no. This makes us free pool Sonya buddies turns out. Mine has an optimal nature of +SPD/-DEF, but I likely would just build her as a Reinhardt/Brave Lucina counter otherwise.

@mampfoid @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria @Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana

As for my pulls. Today's banner gave me one red and one blue. Was hopeful but no Neph. Went in again and 0 blues so I wasted 5 orbs of course. But nevermind that! I free pulled on the red and~


Finally another Chrom!!! It's sad that I've pulled at least two copies of literally every other red unit in the entire pool since the last time I pulled one of him. It's as if the game knows what you want and intentionally holds back. Anyways, this is as good as any *5. Thing is I don't know if I'm going to merge him... +5 would be really nice... but Matthew wants Aether... Fae wants Aether... decisions, decisions.

Will do a full pull tomorrow! Takumi, Ephraim and Lyn! Can't go wrong with a *5 there.

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10 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Hey! Grats on the Sonya! Nature or no. This makes us free pool Sonya buddies turns out. Mine has an optimal nature of +SPD/-DEF, but I likely would just build her as a Reinhardt/Brave Lucina counter otherwise.

@mampfoid @Rezzy @NegativeExponents- @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria @Alexmender @Cute Chao @Usana

As for my pulls. Today's banner gave me one red and one blue. Was hopeful but no Neph. Went in again and 0 blues so I wasted 5 orbs of course. But nevermind that! I free pulled on the red and~


Finally another Chrom!!! It's sad that I've pulled at least two copies of literally every other red unit in the entire pool since the last time I pulled one of him. It's as if the game knows what you want and intentionally holds back. Anyways, this is as good as any *5. Thing is I don't know if I'm going to merge him... +5 would be really nice... but Matthew wants Aether... Fae wants Aether... decisions, decisions.

Will do a full pull tomorrow! Takumi, Ephraim and Lyn! Can't go wrong with a *5 there.

Congrats!  I went on a feather spending spree myself.  Fae needs Aether for my Arena Assault intro team, but I'm at sub 20K feathers now.

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@Zeo Congrats on Chrom! I have always been a bit miffed that Masked Marth doesn't have Aether. It sure would have made me much more excited anytime a rerun occurred.  With most TT units I keep one for collection and others for skills(assuming they have skills). Masked Marth has always felt like a slap to the face to me.

@Landmaster I thought some of the Blue Dragons(perhaps nowi?) could check Alm(assuming he wasn't watersweeping to prevent their counter of course).

@Jules@mcsilas Thanks for the Grats!

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@Zeo Oh cool, was about time! 

I know the feeling, I'm keeping one Cordelia in case I need GF on a new unit for a clear. Even if I really would like to give her the +9 merge already. Don't know if I'll be that patient when the next copy arrives. 

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Ooh, a chance for a second free Nephenee or Sonya+3.

  1. 4* Cordelia: mampfoid, I found your Cordelia. Shame I can't trade her over.

And back to the Festival banner for a quick pull. 26 orbs thanks to the TT.

  1. 4* Titania: Meh.

I'm finally up to a 3.75% pity rate. 21 orbs left.

  1. 3* Raven: Worthless.

Welp, two more failed attempts at Elincia. 

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Free summon 5* Shigure. +Spd -Res.

I've not checked if that's better than the +Spd -HP I currently have, but all the same, JESUS CHRIST FREE SUMMON SHIGURE.

EDIT: With the build I gave him, -Res doesn't die to as many +5 merge +Spd Fury/Moonbow Overwrite enemies... Huh...

Also, because new phone I think, I got asked if I wanna leave a review. Lol.

Edited by Xenomata
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Free summon was a 3* Fir :( Oh well can't complain, I did get a 5* free summon from these dailies which was a 5* Jaffar which I was very happy with. Still, would've been nice to get Lyn simply cause I don't have her yet.

Now to save as many orbs as I can to try and get another Jaffar tomorrow D:

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Near-disaster. Wanted to get my last Lilina, so I opened all reds. All 3-star junk. Opened the final two blues because of my annoyance. Last orb salvaged the pull.

3* Draug +Atk -Res
3* Eirika +HP -Spd
3* Stahl +Spd -Def
4* Jagen +Def -Res
5* Ephraim +Res -Spd

Not having any banners to actively focus on ruins my discipline. Got away with that one. Res/Spd is terrible but I've got an Atk/Def one so eh, immediate merge. And in doing so I noticed he still only has Def+3 in his A-slot, I should probably give him something better.

Decent Draug too I guess after I accidentally foddered my only good previous one.


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@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian

Free summon time.

Of course I don't get any orbs for people who I want but oh well.

Main gave me 3 star Abel More Swordbreaker is nice but using feathers is kind of annoying since I'm barely about 100k which is pretty low compared to my usual stock.

Second account doesn't have OG Lyn so I tried a red. 


A second Sigurd! Finally a free 5 star in my second account from these daily banners!

+Def/-Atk so I now have Close Def fodder! (or Speed Smoke but Close Def is more valuable)


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Today's free summon gave me a 3-star Tiki. Finally, I have been waiting for another one of her to show up so I can finally get my first +10 unit soon. Now all I need is the 22,000 feather to rank up and merge her. Probably going to spend all day grinding feathers through Rivals Domain.

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

A second Sigurd! Finally a free 5 star in my second account from these daily banners!

Nice! I got a Nino and a Frederick. Seriously, game, you can chill with Ninos and Fredericks. And Boeys.

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47 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

A second Sigurd! Finally a free 5 star in my second account from these daily banners!

Sigurd... always a good summon. Congrats, I'm still looking for him.

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So, a shot at a better Lyn, Ephraim or CC fodder. I'd take any of those.

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green (Ephraim?)

5* Shiro (First 5* of these banners! Not Ephraim! Don't Care, Shiro's a pretty great unit! Even if he's a dupe. +HP/-Def, good. He's fodder then. Def Tactic or Steady Stance though, that's the trick)

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Urgh, the several 5* freebie pulls in a row have come back to haunt me in a big way.

4.5% trying to get Xander now - and still not even a Legault to make up for it -.-

Funnily enough, my friend went and pulled both Legault and Xander one after another as a I watched -.- Even more - he's pulling all colours for now since he's still pretty new to this, but his main want is Ryoma xD We keep staring jealously at each other's dancers (although I do adore my Ryoma... I just want Xander to join him!)

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