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@Zeo @mcsilas

So my bad luck with legendary banners continues ... 70 orbs and I wanted Grima. To a lesser degree Marth and Faye. 


Not that it would have changed anything, but Legault is -SPD and Kagero -ATK. Kagero was the worst possible 5* pull for me, already got an +ATK version. 

Edited by mampfoid
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Full pull once then sniping red and green. Trying to not go in too deep, but will see how long it takes for something to pop up.

4* Raigh +Res -HP
4* Roderick +Res -Spd
4* Clarine +Res -HP
4* Seth +Spd -Def
3* Jagen +Res -Def

(3 blue, 2 grey)
5* Nephenee +HP -Spd

4* Sophia +Def -HP
4* Hinata Neutral

3* Boey +Res -HP
4* Camilla +HP -Res

4* Boey +Def -Res
3* Raigh +Spd -Res
3* Cecilia +HP -Atk

3* Lon'qu +Spd -Res
4* Eliwood +HP -Def
3* Roy Neutral
3* Hinata +Res -HP
4* Libra +Def -Spd

5* Bunny Alfonse +HP -Atk
4* Boey +Spd -Res
3* Marth +HP -Res
4* M Robin +Atk -HP
5* F Grima +Spd -HP

Opened the last two orbs there because there was a good chance I'd call it quits there. Grima showing up made it a sure thing. 91 orbs down for three 5-stars is decent, though none were ones I actually wanted (Marth, Swordhardt, Vector, Faye). Still, Alfonse is new and can keep his regular self company on the bench, Grima gains another merge, Nephenee is Wrath fodder once more, my third to be foddered.

Besides that, a couple of Hinatas to sweeten the pot, but sadly no Lilina or Nino, just a ridiculous number of Boeys. Libra is new to me at least and worth 5000HM. I'd say 90% chance I'm done with this banner, but as there's nothing on the horizon that I'm really looking forward too, I'll reevaluate this on the final day of banner.

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Darn, too bad about your luck @mampfoid but at least you can fodder of Kagero’s weapon? Maybe if you get a future Danxer?

i held back on this banner, since i still need a CYL and to break dancer banner pity.

pulled 2 reds in main. Wings of Mercy is always welcome and also have a +Spd/-Res Eliwood at 3 star. Tried 1 blue and it was +Atk/-Def Cordelia. Ignored colourless since i only had 30 orbs and while flying dagger would be nice... i’d rather get one of the red heroes if I summon again.

second account gave me 2 reds and 3 blues. Good fodder at least since I have a Roy and Hinata from it. Not sure if i should pull blues since I’m only missing Nephenee but I guess i can get her anytime so there’s no desperate need. Plus i have a perfect Fjorm and just got Lancina earlier in the month..

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Nabbed the two reds in my first pull. Didn't get a focus unit but did get a +Atk/-Def Tharja. I was kind of hoping for a +Spd version but this is probably just as good. Another character to raise is great news! I normally have to spend hundreds of orbs for this result.

And that's it for this banner. I'm saving up orbs for the next legendary banner. Though it is notable that I'm missing all three reds and probably would have spent a bit on this if not for CYL being such a good investment.

Edited by Glennstavos
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I never thought i'd say this, but Valentine Hector (-defence/+res) pity broke me on this banner. I like him, but I wanted Marth more. Now the rest of my 80 orbs lare reserved for the geneology banner.

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My goals for this banner were petty broad, with literally anything but Rein, Gunnthra, Fjorm or Faye being a goal to pull for me. Marth, B Lucina, Kagero (for her dagger to fodder) and a non -atk Grima were my priorities, though.

Used 160 orbs summoning full circles and it took me until 11% until anything showed up. B Lucina broke my rate, which would have been a good pull since I've wanted her badly since CYL1's release... but she's -spd +res. Of course every unit I summon that I actually want has garbage IVs these days. I guess I'll slap Swordbreaker on her, but that still sucks. 2 circles of summoning later, I got Rein instead of Marth from a red. He actually has a great +atk -res IV, so I can't complain there, but he's who I wanted least as far as the units I didn't have off this banner.

Only fodder of note is 2 Legaults, finally giving me some Atk Tactic. Still no copies of units I'm merging or any Hinatas for Sothes that I really need. I don't know why the good stuff on red/colorless just refuses to show up for me most of the time. At least Legault finally happened.

I really wanted that bunny Kagero to fodder her dagger to regular Kagero, but now I'm out of orbs so it doesn't seem to be happening. I hope a regular pool unit gets added and demoted with a Wo Dao effect dagger soon, since it sucks if I now have to wait until next spring to try and get it for my Kagero project.


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Did  full pull

all 3 stars of Hinata, Shanna, Donnel, some chick i already have (can't remember her name but she was one of the people you can get if you beat her banner), and Arthur. boo. 
grinding to 105, and trying again (Maybe,  there are a few days left i Healing Focus and in FEH Summer, so i could see if i could get more of those guys)

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Marth's banner has arrived!

I'm going to pull it! Hoping for reds and greens. I've got over 160, I should be fine.....

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Sophia (Well that's a bit meh. +Res/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Seth (He should have been better than this. +HP/-Res), 4* Tharja (Not really all that interested. +HP/-Def), 3* Raven (More meh fodder. +Atk/-Res though is really good. Should I use him?)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Stahl (Honestly I'd rather he was 3* Exclusive. +Spd/-Res, not all that useful on him), 4* Frederick (Luna. +Spd/-Res, no thanks), 4* Frederick (It has been a while since this happened I think. +Res/-Atk)

8.5% now

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Sheena (Well, is Svallin Shield in any way viable? Neutral), 3* Nino (Another one. +Res/-Spd, am I glad I have a good one)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (I swear, F!Grima has been calling me this banner for it to take this long for none to show up)

4* Bartre (That's disappointing. +HP/-Spd, nah), 4* Draug (Ward Armour. +Def/-HP), 3* Raigh (You shouldn't have. NO REALLY. +Atk/-Res)



3* Sully (Phew. If only she were better fodder. +Def/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* M!Morgan (Well that's alright. +Res/-Spd, fodder then), 3* Laslow (Merge fodder most likely. +Def/-Atk), 3* Barst (Nice. +Def/-Spd)


3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Sophia (...... +Def/-HP)

3 Colourless, 2 Red

4* Athena (Moonbow. +Spd/-Def), 4* Raigh (Well that 3* is more useless now. +Spd/-Atk)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Stahl (Disappointment. +Atk/-Spd, not really needing with his spread)

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Soren (It's been ages not getting him. +HP/-Res)


3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (OH MY GOD STOP)

4* Palla (Good fodder. +Res/-Atk)

3 Red, 2 Colourless (Can I get a full round with Green and Red?)

4* Athena (Well, it is Moonbow. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Hana (L&D. +Spd/-Res, is that better than +Atk/-Res), 5* HERO KING (THE KING HAS ARRIVED! +HP/-Def, not a great nature by any stretch.), 3* Azama (Asshat continues to suck. +Def/-Atk, actually alright, but +Spd pls.), 3* Sakura (Ugh. +Res/-Atk, ugh)

That sucked, but I did get a legendary.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Darn, too bad about your luck @mampfoid but at least you can fodder of Kagero’s weapon? Maybe if you get a future Danxer?

The only dagger users I'm using (Sothe, Legault, Felicia) have better weapons. 

SPD/RES Bond is a strange skill, perhaps it'll work on a healer? 

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Around 35 Orbs...
Reinhardt, most unwanted red. But I guess I cannot complain 35 orbs are good enough. Still after all this talk about skipping…shame xD Now it is time to let that banner go away. I do not want a second Reinhardt.

At the end of the banner I am again at the threshold of 800 orbs, just what my limitation should be. 

Edited by Stroud
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21 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

The only dagger users I'm using (Sothe, Legault, Felicia) have better weapons. 

SPD/RES Bond is a strange skill, perhaps it'll work on a healer? 

Actually, that works. A lot of healers want good Spd/Res anyway. Or even Sharena to help her survive dragons in arena?

@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria

Anyway, went back to summon on CYL to clear my 4% rate...

...pity rate still climbing on my main. 1 blue and 3 colourless..I shouldn't have pulled on the colourless (urgh, Jakob and Jeorge again. Lissa's okay since she gives Gravity). I should really just pull blues already.

As for my second account....of course I get no blues. I pick a colourless in case Veronica appears and..


.......ah. Nanna has the honour of breaking my pity.

As you can see I decided to open the rest hoping for any CYL unit but alas.

At the very least:

-Nanna is +Atk/-HP. Pretty ideal, and saves me feathers on promoting one! Plus I needed Veronica since I only have Maribelle as a second horse healer, so Nanna works, too. As  much as I like her, it still feels bad to be pitybroken by a unit available at 4 star. Funnily enough, she came right after my free summon Leif on the healing skills banner...funny coincidence/destiny @Vaximillian? (Huh. Only missing Grolwen to complete Thracia)

- Kaze is +Spd/-HP. Still not the -Def that I want but second best thing.

- LIBRA! New unit! Also +Spd/-HP! Superbane on HP but that's probably his most ideal bane anyway!

-Henry is +Atk/-HP. Neat, also ironically replaces the one I just fodder to Leif for Ignis minutes before I summoned.

-Gaius is +Atk/-Def. Probably not using Gaius anytime soon but that sounds like a pretty good boon at least

So yeah, back to 3% with no CYL unit, but at least I did get some good natures out of it. Funnily, all except Gaius were -HP.

Might try again but will definitely focus on blues now but first I need more orbs.

Really hope CYL gives me a focus since I'm skipping the legendary banner...

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Yes, I finally got her! I have been trying for months to get L!Robin and after depleting most of my orbs I finally got my own. She's +Def/-Spd but if I give her Quick Riposte she will probably be fine but I am just glad she is not -Atk. Finally, my dragon team of A!Tiki, F!Corrin, FH!Robin and L!Robin is complete and of course it happens after L!Marth became a thing.


Other highlights were that I got a Kaze with +Spd/-Def so I will finally start working on a dagger unit and start merging him up. Also got my tenth Tailtiu so she will be at +9 now. One more and I can +10 her.

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@mcsilas Absolutely a coincidence, but a happy one. My Nanna came on the same circle as my (third) Leif back on their debut banner.

Speaking of debut banner, I got him as my third pull:

Unfortunately, our lady and goddess @Rezzy graced us two with her divine touch, so my Hero-King turned out to be Spd/Atk. I’m still going to try for more and better, of course.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Lau @Motendra and anyone else who cares.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas Absolutely a coincidence, but a happy one. My Nanna came on the same circle as my (third) Leif back on their debut banner.

Speaking of debut banner, I got him as my third pull:

Unfortunately, our lady and goddess @Rezzy graced us two with her divine touch, so my Hero-King turned out to be Spd/Atk. I’m still going to try for more and better, of course.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Lau @Motendra and anyone else who cares.

We are kindred spirits, it seems. Tho mine was the free pull and at +Res/-Atk. 

If all else fails, I'm supporting him

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57 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Actually, that works. A lot of healers want good Spd/Res anyway. Or even Sharena to help her survive dragons in arena?

Can't think of an offensive healer that wants RES over ATK or and defensive healer that wants  SPD over DEF. Sharena already good SPD/DEF bond from a spare NY!Camilla. 

57 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

.......ah. Nanna has the honour of breaking my pity.

Too bad about the pity breaker, but that nature is cool. Also congrats on +SPD Kaze and Libra. 

27 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of debut banner, I got him as my third pull:

Wow that was fast. Congrats! 

Actually +SPD is pretty good. With his sword he'll arrive to 42 without even having something on A or S equipped. ATK arrives to 47 with Falchion (A & S still free), which is definitely workable. 

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My luck sucked at first, and I got nothing but trash, a Nephenee, and Lene in the first 150 orbs or so, both of which I already had, including a Neph with good IVs.

But then finally:


+Res, -Def isn't horrible either, so yay!

And then two summons later:


ALL DONE! :D Marfy here unfortunately got Rezzy'd, but he's also +Spd, so at least it isn't completely awful IVs. 47 Atk is still workable anyway.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

52 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of debut banner, I got him as my third pull:

Unfortunately, our lady and goddess @Rezzy graced us two with her divine touch, so my Hero-King turned out to be Spd/Atk. I’m still going to try for more and better, of course.

lol wow, we got the exact same IVs. I have just under 95 orbs left though, so I'd rather save for now instead of pulling for another one of him. And knowing my luck on this banner so far, I won't get a second one anyway... xP

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Made a minimal investment on the legendary banner (35 orbs). The result:

5* Gunthrrá Atk+, Res- (kinda weird combined with her A skill, but she's my first)

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After using 260 on the banner, my highlight are: 







No LegMArth, but I do have a 

  • +hp-res  Bunny Alfonse, and a -atk +res one.
  • +atk -def VHector
  • Gunnthrá merge
  • -speed +res SwordRein

I was expecting other units, instead I'm satisfied with my results.

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