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So, I might as well see if I don't cry in misery from green orbs in some banner.

3 Blue, 2 Colourless (not even a chance of dupe Sigurd?)

4* Priscilla (Not nearly Nanna enough to be an interesting pull personally at this point. +Spd/-Atk)

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I finally got someone interesting from a summoning session! 2 Greens and 1 red were what I pulled out of a balanced colors session on the new Tempest Trials banner.

+Spd -Res Lon'qu! Finally, I can build the speedster with absurd HP that I've always thought about building, or at least the one that's available at 4*!

...oh also off-focus Female Kana, +HP -Def. And by the technicality of I didn't spend any orbs on summoning her, she is considered the one I free summoned.

She will either become merge fodder or fodder for one of her skills. I'm thinking Fierce Stance since that'll REALLY put some enemy-phase oomph into my Swordhardt or any other enemy-phase unit, but I'm not discounting Water Breath or Goad Dragons yet...

...but really, two free summons on a new banner in a row... and both Greens...

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Guess my bonus unit in my main is Jamke then. Need to level him up now

I think I’m going to run Eldigan, Jamke, Azura because no FE4 dancer, and Lachesis (to be replaced with Ethlyn). My only woe is that I won’t have Pain+ and a forge on that in time for Ethlyn’s arrival.

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Banner with Sigurd is here, let's go. Taking red for free.

5* Elincia Hp+, Spd-, NOOOOOOOOO. I get pitybreaker NOW??

Well, she is new, so we will see her worth.


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50 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao

The gacha is a tsundere. This is my free pull on the tempest banner:

He’s Spd/Def which looks a bit ew-ish but my current +1 is Res/Spd so this one might work out better, maybe.

Woa, nice. Congrats on that beautiful free pull! If he'll get his double Fury refine, then +SPD seems better. 

If he'll run a standard QR + Ignis set, then -SPD is a good bane. 

39 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I think I’m going to run Eldigan, Jamke, Azura because no FE4 dancer, and Lachesis (to be replaced with Ethlyn). My only woe is that I won’t have Pain+ and a forge on that in time for Ethlyn’s arrival.

No Deirdre? Who cares for dancers? 

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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Woa, nice. Congrats on that beautiful free pull! If he'll get his double Fury refine, then +SPD seems better. 

If he'll run a standard QR + Ignis set, then -SPD is a good bane. 

No Deirdre? Who cares for dancers? 

He’s running QR Ignis currently, yeah. No dew to spare, like, ever.

Deirdre would make sense, yeah. But I’m so used to using a dancer already.

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Nothing of note. Tempest banner gave me Camilla and Selena (heh). Took my new 20 to the CYL2 banner. Nothing came of it sadly but a 3.25%.

I already have Deidre, I guess I'm cycling between her and Jamke for my TT team.

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@mcsilas My condolences. Seems like we both got an off banner pity breaker at that 5.5 mark. But at least I got a different brave in the rest of the circle. Blowing a 5.5 on a single 5* off banner is always kinda painful. Hopefully your luck continues to mirror mine because then you should get your Hector in the next 5 or so attempts. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:


The gacha is a tsundere. This is my free pull on the tempest banner:

He’s Spd/Def which looks a bit ew-ish but my current +1 is Res/Spd so this one might work out better, maybe.

Ha! That's who I went for! I want one that isn't -Atk v.v

Congrats :D


Instead, the game has decided to continue egging me on with merging Sigurd up to +10 as it gave me a freebie Sigurd xD If I was to merge all my copies now, he would be my joint highest merge with Young Tiki... but be someone I actually like :D

If I manage to get Lewyn, I might continue pulling on this banner for more Eldigan and Sigurd, but we'll see. Still stuck in green hell on the other banner.

Edited by Cute Chao
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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I got 4* Roy again :/ no Morgan...please rng give me Morgan damn it!


awwww. come on game, give up morgan!!

Today's pull - 
4* Titana. (my 2nd but first 4 star) i should build that up to have some decent axe users.
ugh. i want to really try for Deidre and Myrrh but only few orbs :(

i wish you could cancel summon sessions to save your orbs

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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


awwww. come on game, give up morgan!!

Today's pull - 
4* Titana. (my 2nd but first 4 star) i should build that up to have some decent axe users.
ugh. i want to really try for Deidre and Myrrh but only few orbs :(

i wish you could cancel summon sessions to save your orbs

That's exactly how I feel!  I tried from the other banners and still no Morgan.  I did get Eliwood and Lilian however both 3* and fodder they became.

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49 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Another B!Ike.... Seriously, this guy really likes me because I summon him a lot. 

I'd take him in a heartbeat.  I've spent about ~200 orbs on his banner, 175 paid, and got only one of him and a single pity-breaker Amelia :(

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3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Another B!Ike.... Seriously, this guy really likes me because I summon him a lot. 

At least he is decent fodder, I would rather have him the the 300th Fae that showed up yesterday I am so glad she can't pity break me anymore.

Free pull was 4*Titania and the two pulls I did trying for Lewyn were Nino an Cecilia.  Hopefully Lewyn will show up soon.

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After some whaling I luckily pulled Silvia!~ +Res, - Def, I'm just glad it's not -Atk for once~ Guess she'll be a petty Resistant Unit. I think my pity rate was up to 4.50% and I was getting scared I'd pull Lewyn instead (not that I don't want him but I reeaalllly didn't want to waste too many Orbs on this since they're not limited Heroes and I usually just stop at the free pulls on these)~

Now praayyyeerrrrfuulllyyyy I can get back to hording for Hallololis~ >.>

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Welp, that's it for the FE4 banner. While trying to get Lewyn I got spooked by Julia, good news is that she's a MASSIVE improvement over my old +Def -Atk copy which was basically the worst nature she could have. The new one is +Spd -Def which puts her at base 30 Spd, she's still slow but with some Spd investment and Spd Ploy she should be able to double Nowi and Fae at the very least.

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Purchasing orbs, summon time, you know the dance.


Session 1:Doorway to Destiny

Did not record, but there was a 5* Elise, +HP -Spd...

Session 2: Arrival of the Braves

Clair, Oscar, Roy, Hana, Brave Celica +HP -Res

Session 3: DtD

Lachesis, Quan +Def -Res, Eliwood, Lazlow, Fir

Session 4: AotB

Roy, Hinata, Jakob, Mae, Frederick

Session 5: AotB

Effie, Effie, Fae, Barst, Libra (+Spd -Res)

Session 6: AotB

Raigh, Lazlow, Clarine, Serra, Arthur

Session 7: AotB

Ogma, Klein, Maria, Male Robin, Jagen (+Atk -Spd, honestly seems like a good choice until I can secure better)

Session 8: AotB

Cordelia, Sophia, Leon, Gunter, Titania

Session 9: AotB

Cordelia, Donnel, Seliph, Henry, Klein

Session 10: AotB

Hana, Jakob, Effie, Mathilda, Catria

Session 11: AotB

Male Robin, Caeda, Male Corrin, Raven, Dorcas +Spd -Atk

Session 12: DtD

Male Morgan, Sophia, Nino (+Spd -Def), Sheena, Fae

Session 13: DtD

Wrys, Catria, Subaki, Effie, Merric

Session 14: DtD

Azama, Maria, Sothe, Seth, Hinata

Session 15: DtD

Female Corrin, Soren, Nowi, Seth, Anamnesis Lady Eirika +Res -Atk

Think I'll call it here for now. All in all... meh, not bad but not amazing? Got some good non-5* units at least in Libra and Nino, as well as a second and slightly better Brave Celica, which means I can give someone Death Blow 4 if I want to...

But man... Quan, eh?

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I have GOT to hire someone to both take away and make me forget my debit card details whenever I say "I will stop for now"...

But on the bright side, another Brave Celica, but this time +Atk -HP, which is a great nature to put on someone with Death Blow 4 AND Double Lion! This also means I now have two B!Celicas to give away Death Blow 4...

...and also pity breaking Libra +HP -Spd... but because of the +Spd -Res copy from before, I don't need to settle for crummy Libra and can give someone a Wo Gun+ for free. Neat.

Edited by Xenomata
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