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Pulling from Nohrian Dusk did NOT get me any on-focus units, but it DID get me the one unit I've been hoping to get for months now with the perfect (for the most part) nature: +Atk -HP Alm.

This is a big deal for me, I can finally give Alm the mighty Double Lion refine and have it be as powerful as it can be on a +6 merge unit.

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Before I get to the new banner, time to finally pull from the TT banner.

  1. 4* Stahl: Swap fodder.

And hopefully a free pull-Flora.

  1. 4* Tharja: Meh. There are three other reds though, so I'll take the whole set.
  2. 3* Tharja: Really?
  3. 4* Stahl: Really?!
  4. 4* Mamui: Meh.
  5. 5* Silas: Ayyyyy. Of course he's easily the least useful of the four Heroes on this banner, but an easy 5* is an easy 5*. He's +Atk/-HP too, which gives him a nice 52 Atk before refines.

So no Flora unfortunately, but Silas is more than acceptable for only 15 orbs.

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FINALLY GOT HER!  And She's +Spd, -ATK... Oh well... Could be worse. Anyway, I'll be using her. What is up with me getting + Spd, -Atk? First S!Takumi, NY!Camilla, and S!Tana.



Also got this guy while looking with Flora. . + HP, -DEF. Not sure, what I'll do with him. I have 40 orbs remaining, so I'll try pull for Flora. 


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Got 2 greens and 1 of each other color in my free session. Summoned the non-greens and got a Cordelia and 2 junk units. Considering my most-wanted unit is sharing a color, I might just skip this banner. If it was a 3 unit banner without Silas I'd summon, since I want all the girls. Nothing against him, but he'd be a complete waste of my orbs to summon since he's just going to drop anyway.

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Lots of summoning later, and I emerge with some interesting units...

Nina +Atk -Def and Silas +Def -Spd.

I think those are wonderful Boon/Bane combos for them, so I'll run with them and see just what happens.

There was also a +HP -Atk Amelia who just appeared out of thin air, which means Armor March on someone without any regrets!

...or Slaying Axe if I'm a dumb dumb I guess...

Edited by Xenomata
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I'll take a swing to see if I get lucky for Flora first, I'm not interested in getting anyone else and even then Flora's not that fantastic.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (So I am not going for her. Fine then.)

4* Effie (Not a Nohrian I was looking for. +HP/-Def, ew.)

Back to shooting for Quan.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Oh come on!)

3* Merric (Oh look, it's a useless character! +Atk/-Spd), 4* Cherche (I'd like my green fodder to not suck please. +Res/-Spd), 4* Barst (Better. +Spd/-Def), 3* Palla (It could be worse fodder. +Res/-HP)

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206 orbs gave me:

  1. Pitybreaker -Spd +Res Elincia, new unit.
  2. Ephraim, neutral, third time he pitybreaks me.
  3. Ophelia, neutral.

With only 43 orbs left, I'll wait until I've got a bigger supply before I go for Flora again. Happy for Ophelia without a bad nature, but I want an ideal one and, more importantly, Flora. Flora has been one of my most anticipated Heroes for a while, so not getting her would suck.

I've got almost all Chain Challenges left for free orbs, but that's the Cynthia piggybank. However, I'm tempted to crack it open...

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Since CYL2 is gone and I don't care for Fates's banner I could finally give a try for FE4's banner:


... with 15 orbs

My most wanted unit from this banner and a superb new unit!

Lewyn is -atk and Elincia is +atk, so it's a fair deal.
I didn't even think about to get one single green... and now I have him.
Sure, he definitely needs a better bane, but maybe I'll pull him again in future Legendary Banner.

Minimum-principle ftw

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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After getting burned by LA!Roy twice, I was thrilled to see Nina come with Bow Valor into the normal summoning pool.

But not as thrilled as I was to get her as my free summon! +Def/-HP. Finished the summoning session to show my gratitude and got Flora as well! +HP/-Spd. Holy crap. If only I got this sort of luck when I'm dumping hundreds of orbs into a banner.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Usana @Cute Chao @Poimagic @Ginko @Rafiel's Aria @Rezzy

 So will my luck be better than CYL2?

My main account only had 39 orbs, but let's try this.

The first session didn't give me the blues that I wanted. A different Nohrian (3 star Effie) and a Roderick. At least I finally have a +Atk Effie! Although at the cost of a -Def superbane, so not sure if I should use her over my +Res/-Spd Effie. Oh well, I might as well do the full pull since there were 2 reds and 1 colourless. I pick the top red and..


Flora!!! I'm so glad I pulled red and didn't just snipe for blue yet like I planned. +Spd/-HP so she gets a superbane (and I think Spd is her dump stat?) but I'm just happy to get my blue maid! The other orbs are all focus colours but it was a Sophia and a Matthew.

Then I went blue sniping and after like the 4th or 5th session I took a risk with 15 orbs instead of 20 and-


I GOT HIM!!!!! +Def/-Res as well!!!!

Definitely a big change from that 5.50% rate from CYL2! Glad I have the two I wanted the most almost pain-free! Good thing too because I used up all the story orbs.

There were two colourless and I only had enough for 1, but as much as Nina would be nice, I think I'd save orbs for now for next week's banner. Not brave enough to dive into colourless right now.


In my second account, my free blue was a Clair. I then decided to try and open the reds, seeing if something like my main account would happen again-


Looks like the other Magvel cav mage decided to join my L'arachel pitybreaker last night!

On the same top red orb like my other account! AND SHE'S +ATK/-DEF!!! Perfect!

@Poimagic looks like we are Eirkialter buddies! Congrats on your pull as well!

Decided to try and grab some story orbs for another try for more blues. Second session had 2 blues, so I pick one of them and..


My third Hinoka!!! And she's +Atk/-HP, which is the same as my current one. Looks like I have Hone Fliers ready whenever Skylivia drops by!

Did the BHB Quests quickly for another try for blues. Instead I get the Sapphire lancers Sully and Subaki. I think I better stop for now and let the orbs pile up first since the banner will last a while, plus to see what's going to happen next week. If anything, my main's pulls should satisfy me for now.

For once my main account is the luckier compared to my second, but then again, for once the second account gave me two +Atk units compared to the last few -Atk units! I'm happy either way with those two 5 star exclusives!.

@Glennstavos Congrats on your double 5 star pull!

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@mcsilas: Yeee boiii!

I wish my luck was better than what I’ve got. Why did I have to get broken by Shigure and Lute? Why not Delthea, Ephraim, Linde, or Hinoka?

With today’s orbs I got 4★ Oscar, 4★ Cordelia, 3★ Lukas, 4★ Cordelia, and 4★ Nowi.

I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed.

Oh, and my free summon was a 4★ Seth whose shit-eating grin I’ve hated since FE8. Figures.

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@mcsilas I'm sad you didn't get lucky on CYL2 as I hoped you would. My luck transfer seems to have had a delay. but grats on the units you actually wanted with this batch.


As for me, since I skip the Nohr banner, which got me some whatever 3* red unit as a freebie, I continued summoning on Myrrh and even got one with the orbs of today, making it the second one from the banner with a random Dorcas thrown into the mix and for a reasonable amount of orbs (everything since CYL and legendary Marth ended, forgot the exact amount). I'm satisfied and my goal to +10 her is halfway complete, back to saving as I would be a fool to summon with less than 20 orbs for the miniscule chance of another copy. One day.... one day.

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@mcsilas Nice Silas, looking forward what you're building out of him.

My summoning circle was appropriate with 1 blue orb, which was a 3* Corrin. And that's it for this banner, probably try to get Ophelia out of legendary banners one day.

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@mcsilas Woah, luck is back on your side with great pulls, congrats!

I guess the fast Silas was the most important pull, especially with that nature. That will take the tension of you to miss the favorite.

Envious of your +ATK Hinokas, I really need Hone Fliers fodder and I would like to give mine the refinement once she gets a better nature. 


Meanwhile I just did the free pull (3* Lukas). Not pulling from the second good banner in a row is hard, but missing only 4 orbs from TTs (solved new story chapters, CC and missions) I'm at 232 orbs. The legendary banner must have something for me. 

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@MonkeyCheez3K Oooh congrats on the Myrrh! I tried for her last night but got a 3 star Bartre but oh well haha.

Thanks for your luck though- I did get Bector in the end at least (+Res/-HP in main and +Spd/-Atk in second) so your good wishes still worked so thanks for that!

@Garlyle Thanks! Not gonna lie I kind of wanted to do a Berkut's Lance build so -Res kind of hampers with that, but it's still good so I can't complain! I'll keep his lance for now since I kind of need Zelgius counters and anti-armours are more useful for arena but I'm also thinking of a Slaying Lance and Ignis build. Multiple lances seem to be the way to go :P

Reprisal Lance might be fun, too bad Sumia refused to drop.

@Vaximillian Thanks, and I hope you get pitybroken by them soon? Or get Quan. I'm surprised Hinoka hasn't been on a Legendary banner yet, Hone Fliers would be a good skill to pull for in a Legendary banner. 

@mampfoid Wow that's a lot of orbs (I'm jealous!). I wish you luck in the next legendary banner, and hope you get Frima soon! And yeah +Atk Hinokas are a nice change since my first ones were -Atk lol

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Thanks, and I hope you get pitybroken by them soon? Or get Quan. I'm surprised Hinoka hasn't been on a Legendary banner yet, Hone Fliers would be a good skill to pull for in a Legendary banner. 

What wicked ritual should I perform so that Seth never ever appears in my pulls ever again? Ever.
I'm resigned to the fact that Hinoka is a myth, a legend. As for Quan, I’m of course going to keep pulling with all I have, but I’m losing hope. Maybe he’s going to pull a Deirdre on me and decide to show up after almost eight months after his introduction.

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@mampfoid Nice stack of orbs. I've got up to 134, which is above my expectation, but there are still about 40 orbs out there to collect, and 5 days before I start the color sniping. Feels like the game is quite generous with the orbs lately.

@mcsilas Ignis sounds perfect on him, regardless of what weapon he has. He also deserves Quick Riposte I think. And Support with Setsuna.

@Vaximillian How many orbs left out there to collect? I know you can make it. There's still 5 days to go.

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@MonkeyCheez3K Oooh congrats on the Myrrh! I tried for her last night but got a 3 star Bartre but oh well haha.

Thanks for your luck though- I did get Bector in the end at least (+Res/-HP in main and +Spd/-Atk in second) so your good wishes still worked so thanks for that!

Oh you did? Must have missed it. Neato, that makes me way more satisfied that we got what we wanted, even on the brink of the banner running out. The frustration would have been immense, but the joy is so much better.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

What wicked ritual should I perform so that Seth never ever appears in my pulls ever again? Ever.
I'm resigned to the fact that Hinoka is a myth, a legend. As for Quan, I’m of course going to keep pulling with all I have, but I’m losing hope. Maybe he’s going to pull a Deirdre on me and decide to show up after almost eight months after his introduction.

Oddly, Seth is one of my favourite pulls. I use swap on so many units (even more than reposition) so he, Arthur, Stahl and Subaki are always welcome sights xD

Good luck with the Quan pulls. He may be the one that drops - who knows? :)

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Wow that's a lot of orbs (I'm jealous!). 

2 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

@mampfoid Nice stack of orbs. I've got up to 134, which is above my expectation, but there are still about 40 orbs out there to collect, and 5 days before I start the color sniping. Feels like the game is quite generous with the orbs lately.

Not doing any Yolo pulls is hard for me. Since my Celica came fast, I didn't spend many orbs on CYL2 either. Would be cool to arrive at 300+ orbs until the legendary banner starts, but I don't know for sure what the banner on 21th will bring.

1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

I wish you luck in the next legendary banner, and hope you get Frima soon! 


Yeah, I want that F!Grima, but also one L'Ector (for Ostias pulse) and Roy merges.

1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

And yeah +Atk Hinokas are a nice change since my first ones were -Atk lol

I really like Hinoka, she has been one of my first 5* units and the first 5* flier ever. It feels a little bad to use her so few, but flying lance competition is hard.  

2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

As for Quan, I’m of course going to keep pulling with all I have, but I’m losing hope.

Don't give up, bring the family together, good luck! 

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

What wicked ritual should I perform so that Seth never ever appears in my pulls ever again? Ever.
I'm resigned to the fact that Hinoka is a myth, a legend. As for Quan, I’m of course going to keep pulling with all I have, but I’m losing hope. Maybe he’s going to pull a Deirdre on me and decide to show up after almost eight months after his introduction.

So Legendary Hinoka then?

I rarely pull on red so I guess that helps in me not really seeing a lot of Seths. He's actually pretty rare for me (and Stahl as well), so I'm always in need of Swap fodder

Do you hate his character or is it just a Heroes-specific thing?

@Garlyle I married him with Hinoka so I'm tempted to do that again but they both want their respective emblem buffs so probably not in Heroes haha. And he definitely deserves a Subaki sacrifice for QR3 plus I forgot to get Subaki's confession before foddering him off to Shiro last time, so this is a good excuse

@MonkeyCheez3K I might have forgotten to tag you to thank you, since I'm not sure how active you were in the board these days. But yeah I pretty much cleared all the paralogue orbs and have resorted to do some of the shorter CCs but at least it's nice to have him in some form. I mean, it only took to be pitybreaken by another unit for him to show up (4% by Nanna and 5.50% by Ephraim) but at least I can use the free pull on Veronica and avoid colourless. I'll just have to wait on a future banner to fix the -Atk Bector though, but he is still geat- and maybe -Atk will help in securing arena bonus kills anyway (wow that's a weird sentence to type)

@mampfoid Oooh Ostia's Pulse + GF shenanigans will be fun! Hope you get them! And yeah at least Hinoka has a niche now with her Spear, so glad she's not too overshadowed by Cordelia as much now

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