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Final day, having 9 orbs left. Better try for Lewyn while I can.

3* Frederick =(

I failed to get Lewyn. Technicly there are still 12 orbs I can get: 8 from CC and 4 from Forging Bonds. However I think getting any of them in time is beyond me. I got 150 stamina potions, but still.

Edited by Garlyle
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Have been busy so haven't been around for a bit but grats on everyone's good pulls. @mcsilas especially with that clutch Elincia and a Lewyn on both accounts! Sucks about the nature but what can you do. I've already decided I wasn't pulling on that banner so I'm sticking to that.

Nothing of note for me since Ephraim. The PA banner was unexpected though so I'll be going for PA!Olivia and Shigure which means I can safely avoid greens. After the free pull session the Muspell banner is sadly a skip. Orbs are too scarce and there are too many banners as well as potential ones.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm disappointed I summoned both Lute +Spd -HP and Fallen Celica +Def -Res instead of a good Odin from the New Power banner...

I've gone and lost it now...

As for other notable summons from my mass summoning that I can't be bothered to record because it's not the BIG mass summoning, 5* Cherche +Res -Spd, and Mia +Atk -Def.

Lute and Mia are the best results here, given that Lute has +Spd (which actually is a nature I'm considering not going for just because +Res locks down so many units via ploys), and Mia can overwrite the +Atk -Spd I've had for... not that long actually. Fallen Celica can either be merge fodder or Chill Spd fodder, and Cherche will either be a merge fodder or Hammer+ fodder.

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Just the one round will do me for now.

4* Hawkeye Atk/Def
4* Soleil Spd/Atk
3* Raigh Def/Res
3* Frederick Res/Spd



EDIT: Second account got a free Laevatein because of course it would.

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Did surprisingly good on the Muspell banner so far. I was going to wait for the legendary reveal to drop first, but.. I haven't pulled in a while so I gave in.

About 70 orbs spent, and now I'm sitting at 100 left. I got an Elincia pity breaker about 40 in, +atk -hp. My 3rd perfect IV Elincia, and she'll be merged into my +atk -def one to put her at +4. I love my Elincia so this is a fine pity breaker. 30 more orbs got my Laegjarn, my main goal. +res -hp, which is basically neutral, so good enough for me.

Very happy with the results! I would still love to get Laevatein, but that might be too greedy right now. With the legendary banner and Halloween coming up, I might have to restrain myself to see if I can afford pulling for her later. My orbs are really crying right now between all these good banners right now and in the near future.

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After giving me Celica and Eldigan, the game didn't seem to want to give me even a chance to get one of the Muspell characters -- free session had only blues and colorless.

Fine by me, I don't care about them anyway and no paralogue orbs makes me want to pull on this banner less. Got a free 4-star m!Robin.

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Pulled with 50 orbs and got 1 Laegjarn, just what I wanted. Now I will wait until the end of this banner and decide depending on the next ones.
I am 770 orbs now D= At first I thought about testing my luck for Laegjarn merges, but I don't want to regret it if Rinkah,Tatiana, Zeke come out of nowhere. Still I will try to merge her with time.

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I didn't record a single pull like I usually do, but I do have a number of results to share...

After my first pull which had Laegjarn and Helbindi, in the following order are the 5* pulls...

  • Elise
  • Ike
  • Helbindi
  • Helbindi
  • Tailtiu
  • Quan
  • Helbindi
  • Sky Olivia
  • Helbindi
  • Celica
  • Tailtiu (+Spd -HP)
  • Leo (+Def -Spd)
  • Laevatein (+Spd -Def)
  • Laevatein (+Def -Res)

Yeah, it took 4 extra Helbindis, of which I only really needed one to give to a Green Infantry Dancer, and a number of other pity breakers, including one crummy Tailtiu and one great Tailtiu, yet another crummy Elise (+HP -Atk), Quan on the first day he has as a normal pull unit, and a freaking awesome Leo, to get even one Laevatein... and I got two on the same pull.

...I hate this game sometimes...

On to the next banner, we have... oh shoot, +Atk -Res Ophelia.

Edited by Xenomata
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50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Xenomata Wow great pull, congrats! 

My free pull today was Silvia ... at 4*? Didn't know she was demoted. Seems she is +SPD/-ATK, not sure because 4* stats are not up yet at Gamepedia. 

Awesome - f2p people have a chance of +10ing another red dancer -

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Anna, goddess of RNG.... I offer you my orbs. Gun and gun, orb and orb. My heroes, my heart... All of it offered that you may feed. Scourge me!

(Man, that was stupid.)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Best boy?)

4* Camilla (Not remotely who I was hoping for. +Def/-Res)

I can decide if I pull again later, there's plenty more banners in the future. That will do for now.

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Wow congrats @Xenomata! Is that the first session?

Also nice freebie @Korath88!

Second account gave me 3 reds- Palla, Tiki and a +Spd/-Def Eliwood. Decent pull I guess.

Main account had 1 red and 4 colourless. That makes things easier, since I really lacked the orbs on this account. 4 star Olivia, next.

Sadly no green orbs but they're here for a month.

@Zeo Thanks, those quick successions of Lewyn were really mind-boggling, especially since I see people having a hard time pulling him so I feel bad. I can't complain though, good luck with the orb-saving! I pray the next banners would be kind since I would like a Fanlivia.

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52 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow congrats @Xenomata! Is that the first session?

Helbindi and Laegjarn? Yeah it was.

I'm calling it here. The one time I want to pull for Odin, and everytime he is -Atk or -Spd... even something dumb like +Def -Res would be fine, but nope...

Ugh... I did manage an Odin with 5* +Res -Def, but I was being stubborn once again... I really need to learn to just accept what I'm given...

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I have my main account and a second (My first but I could not use it for a time, so the second became my main).

My main account got nothing in 56 orbs.

The second get this with 180 orbs:




Three Laegjarn, one Laevatein, and one Helbindi. The first Laegjarn (the one with the golden heart) is +atk -res

I don't know if I have to be happy (with this luck ) or sad because my main account got nothing

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At least I got a red orb in the free summoning, I was interested in red anyway. But not it 3* Hinata which I got. Let's hope I can collect myself in case the legendary banner is good.

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