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2 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:


Wow, beautiful. Congrats!

13 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Got a 5* on the Halloween banner

Sigurd, Hp+, Atk-


I give up =(

Ouch, I'm sorry for you. 

At least from your Avatar it looks like you'd merge him, right? 

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@daisy jane @mampfoid Thanks guys, I am more relaxed now. Better play smart and save orbs for better times.

As for Sigurd, he might be merged to my previous one. Close Def I use the seal when I need it, and Spd Smoke is not the C skill I need. I'll think about it.

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Free pull was a normal Eirika. Haven't seen one of those in a while so cool. Same nature as my last: +ATK/-HP. Already have that nature promoted though.

Spent on the other red and green orb for an Arthur and a Marth. Felt wasteful. It was only 8 orbs but still. I know I've decided to let the PA units pass me by again but there's a New Heroes banner coming and I don't know if the units will be ones I want and at the rate I'm going I'll only have around 40 orbs when it drops.

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I was kind of hoping to save orbs since last month's banners gave me nothing but disappointment from pitybreakers outside of L!Tiki. However, I saw Mage Eirika on the BHB banner and just had to try to pull for her. I spent about 130 orbs and the RNG Goddess herself must have decided to shower me with grace because...


I managed to get two of her along with two reposition fodder copies of Selena. Funny enough one of those Eirika's nature is +Atk/-HP just like that 5 star L'Arachel I pulled a couple months ago. This kind of makes up for me still failing to PA!Azura. Also got some more copies of Lonqu for merges later on since I want to actually make a build and use him now as my infantry sword along with Marisa (who we hopefully get another copy of soon from Heroic feats so I can get her up to +2).


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The BHB banner gives a chance at Ephraim. Why not?

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Myrrh merge?)

3* Cherche (There could be better. +Spd/-Def)

Back to Hallow'een.

2 each Red, Green,1 Colourless.

4* Kaze (*sigh. +HP/-Atk *sigh), 4* Draug (I kind of need an armour for this. +Res/-Atk), 4* Draug (FINE, YOU WANT +10? Fine! +Res/-Atk)

That was a bad session.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian

Well those BHB orbs sure disappeared quick.

I gave myself a rule- to at least get 1 green orb. That was a stupid rule- I didn't get one until my 4th session.

For the record, free summon was Roy. I'll take it, TA is rare for me. I don't have a red horse mage as well so I just picked the red orb everytime there was no green (next was a +Atk-Res Cain), although in the 3rd session there were 3 reds, and I bailed after 1 gave me a -Atk Sophia.

4th session finally had green- a +Atk/-Def Soren and 3 star +Spd/-HP Sheena (if I cared about superboons for scoring this would be perfect I guess? She's rare and when I get her it seems to be +Spd most of the time)

So. Strangely good natures for most but none I really cared for. Then I noticed it was the last day for the PA banner, and I thought, it's not like Fanlivia will have a rerun anytime soon (the Halloween units will be back in a few months), so one last try....

...And I kind of feel defeated. Out of 3 sessions, there was only 2 colourless which was a Setsuna. Picked blue then bailed in the next sessions- I got a +Atk/-Res Shigure (normal one, not PA) and +Atk/-Res Cordelia, but I already promoted the same Shigure and already have a Spd Cordelia (although she's -Def I guess..is she worth replacing @mampfoid with a +Atk?)

Now down to 1 orb. I think I'll call it and retire from this banner. The real unit I need to hunt for is Jakob, I just wanted Olivia for her aesthetic and art. Yeah I don't have a colourless dancer but I guess Danxer will come in a few months and he's probably the better unit anyway. Oh well, until next time Fanlivia, Skylivia will probably be a better dancer anyway if she's in the legendary banner.


As for my second account, again no green orbs for the BHB banner. Free summon was a Lilina. Next session had no greens again, picked blue and got a Jagen (who is rare in this account so I'll take it)

Then I decided to try again for PA banner to try and replace my +Def/-Spd Axura, despite being broken by Inigo a fortnight ago. Who knows right?

No greens again. Picked colourless and received a -Spd Matthew...at least i didn't steal a food natured Matthew from you Zeo!

Another sessions, no greens. Red was a 3 star Athena.

One last try. 1 green. Okay this is my final try...




YES!!! Didn't actually expect her after that Inigo pull but here she is. Now comes the nervous wait of checking her boon/bane...

....She's +SPD!!!! Perfect! -Res, so she has 4 less Res but a merge will give her 1 more HP which kind of makes it a regular bane I guess? Either way, I'm just happy about the boon! Now I can actually use other seals instead of Spd+3 on her!

So while I didn't get Fanlivia, getting the best boon for Axura certainly makes up for it!


5 orbs left on both accounts again. Really hope next new heroes is Binding Blade or something so I can save and to keep fans happy. Although I wish it's Book 3 already since Paralogue orbs aren't enough :(

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Well those BHB orbs sure disappeared quick.

It’s not your first Azura, is it? Duplicate pre-Flying Olivia dancers are quite annoying because they are strictly merge fodder, sadly.

My BHB orbs are pretty safe for now because I’ve spent 15 before even getting them, haha.
I can now safely turn my Spd/Atk Olwen into birbskill fodder for Caeda or something. This one is neutral.

I wish we knew something about the upcoming banners beyond the fact that we do, indeed, have banners upcoming (herp derp).

Oh, I also got a Spd/Res Caeda (still no +Atk, RIP). Better or worse than Spd/Def if she isn’t ploying? Will birbskill be a good idea for her at all in place of her current Fury?

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Funny thing about today's banner ... I guess Ephraim got overexcited and didn't want to wait for his actual banner. Kind of like m!Grima on the distant defense banner. Free pull was a 3-star Nino. I think.

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@Vaximillian Yeah not my first one, but a definite upgrade to my -Spd one who was even squisher because of the lower speed. I'm definitely merging her anyway so I'm happy


What's with the red tome in front of Olwen's background? Either way congrats! Maybe ask @LordFrigid for Caeda tips? I feel like Fury seems to be a good A skill for her to bump up her Atk even more but maybe Swift Sparrow could be a good alternative if you don't like recoil. Caeda's are so rare for me as well... I don't even have a good bane to promote so I get to miss out on the Wing Sword fun :(

But yeah I really wish we had more info beforehand (remember when they mention Lyon as the GHB when the calendar came out?) At least that started nice speculation instead of random wild guesses.

Really hope it's not Farfetch'd heroes since they're usually Paralogues and I don't have orbs if it's Owain.

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

What's with the red tome in front of Olwen's background?

Oh, that’s icon for Bolganone app I use to look up game stuff, including natures. It’s convenient and lightweight and I can definitely recommend it.

Yeah, I do like Fury because it’s such a well-rounded skill and helps her in many fields (including her Atk and bulk) but I don’t even know. Let’s wait for LordFrigid then, he is definitely going to notice the ping, haha. I’ve got enough Caedas to complete merging her up (she’s at +6 now, there are four more on the bookshelf and the one I’ve pulled today) to match her man.

Maybe the Farfetched is going to have Aversa. Flying Nino showed me in action how great flying mages can be, and I can’t bring myself to use the seasonals.

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Finally got my Halloween Myrrh.

+Spd -HP isn’t optimal but that is one way to get 180 BST

I’m out of Hectors I’m willing to sacrifice though, so someone else is dying tonight...

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22 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Oh, that’s icon for Bolganone app I use to look up game stuff, including natures. It’s convenient and lightweight and I can definitely recommend it.

Yeah, I do like Fury because it’s such a well-rounded skill and helps her in many fields (including her Atk and bulk) but I don’t even know. Let’s wait for LordFrigid then, he is definitely going to notice the ping, haha. I’ve got enough Caedas to complete merging her up (she’s at +6 now, there are four more on the bookshelf and the one I’ve pulled today) to match her man.

Maybe the Farfetched is going to have Aversa. Flying Nino showed me in action how great flying mages can be, and I can’t bring myself to use the seasonals.

Oh I thought it was a visual glitch and wanted compensation orbs

Aversa would be nice. Would make sense for a GHB but it feels like they'll be too nice if they give us a free flying mage. Still the best option for a red flying mage to go with the blue Morgan and green Flying Nino. Really makes PvE content so much easier like the BHB

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The Laegjarn I summoned is weird.  She's got 48 HP @ lvl 40 and 36 speed (which is low for her) what's the deal with the IV?  Is it a super boon or something?


ETA nvm apparently her skill gives her HP which I didn't know or notice...*rolls eyes*

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19 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Aversa would be nice. Would make sense for a GHB but it feels like they'll be too nice if they give us a free flying mage. 

Yeah, after Ishtar and the other villains had been made summonable, it’s pretty clear that Aversa won’t be a GHB either. Which is fine, I guess?

I honestly expected Sumia to be the first mage flier in the general pool but they decided to go with Morgan, oh well.

Now if only they demoted Hinoka into 4★-hood so that I could actually have a shot at Hone Fliers…

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Knew it'd happen, but I'm glad it happened the way it did: Halloween Niles +Atk -HP.

Dumping the lowest HP among Armors in exchange for more power, I'll take it. Niles could probably make for both a fast and powerful Brave Bow user if I feel his base kit doesn't do much good, the only real hindrance being his color.

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I decided to use my free pull on the twins+Myrrh banner and got all 5 green nodes. I wonder if Myrrh is actually in one of them... Pulled Beruka as my free. Considering pulling the other 4 since this is so strange... Hmm but... Nah. There are other banners I want units from more.

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@NSSKG151 That is a nice set of reds there!

@Korath88 Yay! for 180bst!



My pulls didn't result in nearly as much excitement. However, it does seem as if my Legault drought has come to an end. Got 3 total while pulling for Mia. Of the three I have a +ATK/-RES, +SPD/-DEF, and a +RES/-HP(this one is soooooo dead). But now I have to decide which one to build and which ones get horribly murdered for ATK Tactic.

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Freebie was Nino~ Now I'm strongly debating trying to go for Myrrh after having failed every banner she's been featured on since L!Hector >_> Had I not spent so many Orbs on PA I would but I'm a bit low now~

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