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59 minutes ago, Eilanzer said:

One more mathilda today...Yep i will not try this banner anymore, 14 mathilda already ¬¬

she's like a cockroach in this one, the algorithm in the banner is laying eggs =.="

I guess it's a sign that you should do a 40+10 Matilda Project. That is if you haven't already.

I've been getting a lot of Seliph ever since playing the game but I yet have any 5* Seliph. 


OT: I managed to pull a Halloween Mia after pulling a 4* Felicia. I didn't expect that. 

As for the Legendary Banner I managed to pull all of the Blue Heroes. I'm feeling blue today and in a good way. 

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1 minute ago, Smog said:

I guess it's a sign that you should do a 40+10 Matilda Project. That is if you haven't already.


Ohhh for sure i already have one 4* +10 mathilda (hell at this pace i can make a full +10 mathilda team) that i will never use and will look with hate at my pool...forever XD

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@Nowi's Husband I remembered you piling up f2p orbs, but didn't thought you'd need to invest in it too. I bet you picked up a lot of 5* units on the way, even if you were sniping.

I might be an orb saver for the promised Binding Blade banner.

EDIT: Where are my manners. Congratulation for your project. Good IVs?

Edited by Garlyle
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2 hours ago, Garlyle said:

@Nowi's Husband I remembered you piling up f2p orbs, but didn't thought you'd need to invest in it too. I bet you picked up a lot of 5* units on the way, even if you were sniping.

I might be an orb saver for the promised Binding Blade banner.

EDIT: Where are my manners. Congratulation for your project. Good IVs?

2 Mia, 2 Zelgius, 2 Katarina, 2 Karel, Ayra, Flora, Ike, Hinoka, H Henry, Leif, Leo, Ares, Elincia (actually really wanted her so this was fine), Alm, and Ophelia.

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I really want Loki just to make the drag that is Arena easier with a savage blow cheerleader. Sadly, i was at 5.75 % pity and got pitybroken by a Brave Veronica with +Hp, - Res. It's the best BST for arena scoring, but no C Duel again. Got pitybroken by Faye twice (which is not bad since I can fodder one to my B!Lyn and keep the other) and an Elise. =[

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Well finally got Niles (-Spd/+HP) tho, but you know what, no complaining about bad natures because I got him with only a 3.5% pity rate, and now I can actually save more than 13 orbs at a time. It's been so long since Heroes wasn't KILLING it with heroes I really wanted. So it's nice to be able to save for a couple days at LEAST.

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I really hope when I am hunting for Airzura in December - I can finally get Flying-Olivia. 
that's going to be the only non-legendary i'm going to be summoning for a while, and I didn't get her in this one.. 
B!Ninian truly makes life SO much easier, and I NEED Olivia now. 

even on the simulator - 10 straight 80 orb pulls (what i earned so far) 
I keep getting 3 Tanas, 0 Olivias. 
it's a sign. a sign i tell you.

Edited by daisy jane
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I gave the simulator a go and Lucina just does not show up...I know she's in the pool but the lack of her is just...ugh.


So I've pulled Genny from the legendary banner and will try for Sumia as my last pull.  Wish me luck!

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34 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I gave the simulator a go and Lucina just does not show up...I know she's in the pool but the lack of her is just...ugh.


So I've pulled Genny from the legendary banner and will try for Sumia as my last pull.  Wish me luck!


good luck! I got a Genny (neutral) and a Sumia - and Sumia was a rando 5* 8% pull so you can do it. 
the simulator is mean to me too. 
But maybe she'll be a CYL or on a focus banner or something. you'll get her, i know you will. 

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58 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


good luck! I got a Genny (neutral) and a Sumia - and Sumia was a rando 5* 8% pull so you can do it. 
the simulator is mean to me too. 
But maybe she'll be a CYL or on a focus banner or something. you'll get her, i know you will. 

No such luck.  :(


Worse still I got Sully and Clair from the new banner as well.  Fodder I guess...

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Let's see if I can get Quan as a free pull...

  1. 5* Quan: Ayyy. Another strong lance cav joins the team! He's +HP/-Def, so mediocre IVs.

Now let's see if my luck can hold. 31 orbs to look for Eirika.

  1. 3* Athena: No.
  2. 3* Sophia: Garbage.

Crap. 22 orbs left, just enough for one more set unless I feel like scraping up more somewhere.

  1. 4* Draug: Garbage. And since the rest of the orbs are all grey, I'm going to go do that scraping.
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28 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

@KMT4ever Nice, Quan is a very useful cavalry unit (not against flying mages). Support with Ethlyn?

Maybe? Anyway, I forgot the Arena season ended, so now I'm back up to 25 orbs. Pity rate at 10%, time to cross my fingers and hope.

  1. 4* Stahl: Worthless.
  2. 3* Seliph: Even more worthless.

Alright, I don't like pulling without a full 20 orbs, but at this point I don't feel like scraping up any more. 16 orbs left.

  1. 4* Boey: Bleh.

And no reds. 11 orbs left, crunch time.

  1. 5* Bridal!Sanaki: ......I'm not sure whether I want her or not, especially since I have Giga!Nino. Her IVs are pretty good though, +Atk/-Spd, giving her a healthy 56 Attack before any buffs. At least my pity rate is gone. Might as well pull one more unit.
  2. 4* Nowi: Garbage.

Well, guess no Eirika for me. That was a hell of a lot of orbs spent there for a 5* I neither need nor want. Well, earlier I got 6 5* for 235 orbs, so overall I think I got off pretty well.

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On the one hand, I still want to get Kliff. On the other hand, I might not have enough orbs to try for him before the banner ends. I'm going to ask for some opinions on that here. I've got 40 right about now.

As for the new banner, if Quan wasn't sharing with Michiah I would be trying for him.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (Well that's awkward)

3* Cordelia (Oh well, should have tried the other. +Atk/-HP)

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Me: Imma not gonna spend orbs until legendary. 
Game: Hey, Daisy... here's a Banner with Micaiah and Quan, you know how much you wannnnt them. 
Me: imma just gonna Free Summon, maybe i'll FINALLY be lucky and get a 5* pull like everyone else
Game: have a 3* Lukas for your trouble (couldn't even be Shanna)

:( I'm never gonna have Micaiah prime. 

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