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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! Yeah I'm content with the outcome. Perhaps the natures could have been better, Hrid only wants DEF and ATK and I get -ATK of course. Like his siblings (-SPD Gunnthrá & -ATK Ylgr). 

Who do you want to get? 

Stupid natures trying to ruin your joy, do you plan on merging him or just one copy? When it's a hero you only want one of, it's extra annoying.

I would like as many Lucinas and Hectors as possible and maybe a Hrid, maybe? No, actually I really want a Hrid, but I am not interested in the other reds, so I just get red, when it is with 4 blues,  there are no blues, or after a 5*.

Grima will have to wait until february, colorless is meh again.

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6 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on your 5*~ A better nature is always at least a win~


5 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Thanks!  I'm just really glad I can avoid colorless for a while haha.

Yeah, bummer about the bad Hrid natures.  Despite -Atk, do you intend to run Galeforce on him?

I can imagine, it was hard enough for be to get ONE Grima then ...

Galeforce was an option, to have him double units more or less impossible to double (like Abyssal Lloyd). But 53 ATK is not enough for Heavy Blade. He would need QP and Ostia's pulse. 

6 hours ago, Noir said:

Best part? Not a SINGLE bad nature.

Hrid is +atk -spd, Flyoma is +spd -HP, Bowcina is +Spd - Def, Grima is +Atk - HP

Woa ... awesome pull. Impossible to not brag. :-) Pretty envious on those natures, I'd love to have all four with good boons. 

2 hours ago, Azuris said:

Stupid natures trying to ruin your joy, do you plan on merging him or just one copy? When it's a hero you only want one of, it's extra annoying.

I would like as many Lucinas and Hectors as possible and maybe a Hrid, maybe? No, actually I really want a Hrid, but I am not interested in the other reds, so I just get red, when it is with 4 blues,  there are no blues, or after a 5*.

Grima will have to wait until february, colorless is meh again.

I only wanted one copy and I'm done with the banner, do the nature is is annoying indeed. 

Good luck getting a big heap of Hectors and Lucinas! Plus a wild Hrid of course. 

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Went into the banner with 280 orbs. Goals were Lucina, Cordelia (with better IV than my +hp -def), FGrima (with better IV than my -atk +spd), Noire, Nina, Ryoma and Hrid. Hector acceptable as well since I don't have him.

On my free summon I got.. Lucina, +spd -hp.

Absolutely amazing. I'm so glad she was blessed with a good IV too, since I actually use her. I've been on a pretty nice roll for the last few banners getting free/near free focus units, even if half have had bad IVs. I guess the luck is still balancing out from how bad things went on the Loki banner. (still regret buying all those extra orbs..)

I spent about 55 more orbs trying to snipe colorless but didn't get many, and eventually got Laevatein +hp -res out of a red. Not what I was looking for,, but not bad for either fodder or a merge. I'm unsure now what I want to do on this banner. I still really want all 3 colorless units and my other targets, but since I already landed a great Lucina I'm unsure. I could still use another Surtr to replace my +spd -def one so I can feed it to my Beruka instead. I also don't want to be out of orbs for Christmas... I'll probably end up sniping some more colorless anyway.

Edit: YEP I summoned more for colorless. +atk -res Nina and +hp -atk Laevatein after another 80-ish orbs. Got a Sothe and some Legaults for fodder too. Guess I should stop now at 150 orbs left to have something for Christmas. I'm sad to wait until summer to try for Noire, but I usually do awful on legendary banners so overall this was a really good one for a change.

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Oooooooh thank goodness. While everyone else was complaining about Adrift and Fire/Ice, I was THANKING the overlords for their Camilla obsession that they stopped creating characters I wanted for a little bit, because I got to save up 170-ish orbs for Legendary!Lucina (and Hrid, but I didn't know if he was gonna be on the legendary banner until Fire/Ice). And I was worried, cause even 170 orbs on the banner doesn't mean you'll get what you want.

BUT, with 74 orbs to spare (so almost exactly 100), I got both Legendary!Lucina (+Atk/-Def) and Hrid (+Atk/-HP)(and Kana, but I don't care about her)! With no pitybreakers! I only drew that lone green orb on the same summon I got Hrid and figured might as well see if I got Summer!Innes, but instead it was poorly drawn fodder. Hah.


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Knight Paradise Cordelia +Res -Def.

...meh. I already have +Atk -Res, but I also don't really think she needs a merge that badly... thinking maybe it'd be fun to give her Lance to someone, but who...?

I'm also calling it there on this months Legendary banner. Not because I'm low on hope for it or because I don't like the units here, because I have relatively high hopes for it and think the unit selection is pretty good this month... rather, it's because I don't think I'll be able to get enough orbs to try for another 5* here and still be able to exhaust the pity on Fire and Ice before that banner ends.

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@Vaximillian Mine's -ATK too, but I almost never notice. She's +SPD as well, and I think she's just a great horse to have. 


There were two blue orbs on my first circle, so I pulled both. First one was a 3* Gwendy, but the second was Legendary Lucina (+DEF -HP) like my first one. I'll always accept merges. :3

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Its been a while since I posted here. Congrats on everyone on your good pulls.

On the other hand, I wasted over 180 orbs sniping blue, cause I wanted L!Lucina and Summer Cordelia. Guess what, got pity broken by 2 Ninas. Wow. Heres to hoping December orbs will be enough to try again.

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@Vaximillian Oooh congrats!! Too bad you have the dreaded -Atk bane as well in the banner but at least she looks like a nice character to play with, and she shines with debuffs anyway so that can offset the -Atk. Ploys are also really nice to use.

@Usana Oooh congrats on that perfect Bector! I'm jealous, I wish I had the orbs to fix my -Atk Bector/L!Lucina but alas.

@mampfoid Oooh congrats on your pulls! And hey at least Hrid can be eventual DC if you don't want to use him

@daisy jane Sorry to hear about your pulls, it's annoying when you save a lot of orbs and don't get as much 5 stars as you expect (or get the wrong ones). Still, L!Lucina is a great pull. Future Vision is a great skill to use that it doesn't matter if she doesn't have the perfect +Atk/+Spd boon. Any of the Myrrhs would appreciate Hrid's DC, but maybe flying Myrrh appreciates it a little bit more. Laevatainn's not the fastest sword user anyway but at least a native Spd Wave can somewhat make up for it, or just focus on one-shotting.

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28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Oooh congrats on your pulls! And hey at least Hrid can be eventual DC if you don't want to use him

Thanks! I'll be using Hrid at least in Arena. So far it's fun to play with debuffs and his sword in Forging Bonds. 

For Arena I have to think of an Assist and seal for him. Perhaps swap, Reposition is too rare. 

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From 480 orbs to 299 trying to finally get female Grima, and in the end, I get an all blue banner with only one summer Cordelia on it, the unit I wanted the least. Almost an entire month's worth of saving orbs and I don't even get anything to build. This wouldn't have felt so bad if the recent main banners hadn't been the least interesting since I started playing, but now it feels like any teambuilding content has come to a grinding halt.

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@Landmaster Finally got around to doing the simulator on my Ryoma's. It appears as if the two perform pretty darn close for many builds I am looking at. Basically I really want to run Bushido with him since it is his unique card that makes him stand out amoung swords. Wo Dao + Bushido tends to prefer +SPD/-ATK on offense and neutral on defense. At least with the sets I tried. Firesweep comes up weird because neutral lands so very close to one shotting a bunch of stuff that Life and Death prefers neutral and Swift or Fury prefer +SPD/-ATK.  Also I refined him the wrong way. Turns out +DEF is his best Wo Dao refine for offense and defense. At least for a +SPD/-ATK. For neutral he needs a speed refine on offense and a defense refine on defense.  I even ran a +ATK/-RES through the build and the +SPD/-ATK performed quite similarly on offense, though +ATK/-RES does appear to be his best bet. And just like Neutral it prefers different refines for offense and defense whereas +SPD/-ATK is like whatever dude just give me a bit more physical bulk and I am all good. Basically the attack loss seems to mostly hurt him on the defense. Looking though his inconclusives there are a whole lot of 3 or less HP units sitting there. And if he loses the defense he gets shot down by stuff like Ayra, Ephraim, Brave Celica, Elincia, and his fellow flying Ryomas. The extra attack is needed to bring down Hector, Amelia, Armored Robin, and Flying Robin. If he can have both the Attack and Defense, like Neutral gets, then he gets to bring ALL of them down instead of just one set.

All that said though so much depends on the skills he is running and the buffs he is getting. There are a lot of setups that just fall flat on +SPD/-ATK whereas neutral performs amiably with all the ones I looked at. But for my build it seems like I am safe running +SPD/-ATK. This also means I can fodder him instead of merging him. Though Kestral and Guidance aren't exactly in high demand for me.


@Thane Ouch. It is always painful to burn that many orbs on a Legendary Banner and get so little back.

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4 minutes ago, Usana said:

@Thane Ouch. It is always painful to burn that many orbs on a Legendary Banner and get so little back.

Before this I got a -Atk +Spd Flora in some 400 orbs (thankfully with a neutral Ophelia on the side), so I'm starting to wonder if I need around 1000 orbs to get a single unit that I want, and perhaps one that isn't completely crippled by a bad nature. I haven't built a new unit since the beginning of October. Guess all I can do now is wait until that godawful Ylgr/Surtr banner ends and hope the next offers something of interest.

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I said I wouldn't test my luck here again, but after the rage-inducing struggle that was the GHB I need to vent some steam. Here's hoping I get a 5* quickly. 110 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Nowi: Meh.
  2. 4* Donnel: Worthless.
  3. 5* S!Innes: Hello! You can join your sister in the flying squad. +Def/-HP IVs are decent too.
  4. 4* Jakob: Eh.
  5. 4* Serra: More eh.

I've been way too lucky on this banner. 7 5*s for 131 orbs, averaging out to more than 1 per circle.

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Did another two summoning rounds today and got... a Ryoma :/ Really the last thing I wanted ugh.

Though while looking at possible candidates for Guidance I realized that my dragon teams are infantry/armored and include Young Tikini so I guess he can make himself useful after all.

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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I only wanted one copy and I'm done with the banner, do the nature is is annoying indeed.

Oh, that's bad, then. I'm sorry.


14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Good luck getting a big heap of Hectors and Lucinas! Plus a wild Hrid of course. 

Thank you.


13 hours ago, Alkaid said:

On my free summon I got.. Lucina, +spd -hp.

Nice. Congratulations.

Good to see the game is giving you something good as well, after trolling you in Aether Raids.

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4 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@daisy jane Sorry to hear about your pulls, it's annoying when you save a lot of orbs and don't get as much 5 stars as you expect (or get the wrong ones). Still, L!Lucina is a great pull. Future Vision is a great skill to use that it doesn't matter if she doesn't have the perfect +Atk/+Spd boon. Any of the Myrrhs would appreciate Hrid's DC, but maybe flying Myrrh appreciates it a little bit more. Laevatainn's not the fastest sword user anyway but at least a native Spd Wave can somewhat make up for it, or just focus on one-shotting.

thanks :) yah. i figure having a bit HP doesn't kill anyone and then just able to future vision everything is fun! hopefuly when she comes (she's with awesome people) and i can get a better nature. that's an idea. I can cultivate her for killing people. (Karla is also -spd. (but i have to laugh that Laeveatein's highest speed is Karla -spd. hahahaa).  I think i was more salty about the lack of fodder (and -atk etc on the units i did get (and needed). i was stupid lucky last month, so it kinda balanced out.  But saving for Legendary for me  really works (for right now). because i don't know if i'd be lucky and get 3 or so five stars within 116 /119 orbs (for 3 banners - as i had 350 this month)

my motto is no 5* is a bad 5*. :) 
Yah I am going to use Hrid for the month - and see if i can make due with him. if i don't reach for him at all - he dies for my green baby. :)

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1 hour ago, Azuris said:

Nice. Congratulations.

Good to see the game is giving you something good as well, after trolling you in Aether Raids.

Thanks! For as much as I've been getting annoyed by AR this week, I can't deny the game's been going easier on my pulls lately to compensate.

Good luck on getting some Lucinas yourself. I'd love to get merges for her too (and Summer Cordelia), but I'm afraid of going into Christmas with no stash to work with. Still kind of tempted to keep trying for Noire(next summer's a long wait), but I'm attempting to restrain myself.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

Good luck on getting some Lucinas yourself.

Thank you.


1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

I'd love to get merges for her too (and Summer Cordelia), but I'm afraid of going into Christmas with no stash to work with. Still kind of tempted to keep trying for Noire(next summer's a long wait), but I'm attempting to restrain myself.

Yes, it is always risky to go into seasonal banners without a lot of orbs, as you could miss out on someone you really want and then it's a long wait.

But they could have brought back Lucina faster, 4 month again, even Hrid is only 3.

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2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Thanks! For as much as I've been getting annoyed by AR this week, I can't deny the game's been going easier on my pulls lately to compensate.

Good luck on getting some Lucinas yourself. I'd love to get merges for her too (and Summer Cordelia), but I'm afraid of going into Christmas with no stash to work with. Still kind of tempted to keep trying for Noire(next summer's a long wait), but I'm attempting to restrain myself.

Weird, I'm finding the same phenomenon happening to me lately as well, tho legend banners are another story and only bless me when they feel like it

Still gunning for both Lucy and Grima

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