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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Getting the unit we want on a free summon is still to be implemented I guess. Will you try harder for Elincia? 

Probably not. I can wait for a pitybreaker.

Boon-bane hunting is never good for my f2p orbs (don't have much right now anyway). Plus even worse if they come from red pitybreaker hell (shared focus as well! Although Aether isn't so bad) so I'm satisfied just having her at least.

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Main: Dug into the stash a bit. Ended up with a pile of 3-star trash, and Libra and Sumia as my 5-stars. Almost sent their sorry asses home because they weren't worth dipping into the stash, then realized that Silas could use that Reprisal Lance, and checked Libra's IVs to find +Atk -HP.

Alt: Free pulls Ike...+HP -Atk. Unless your name is Ninian or Kliff, those IVs are only detrimental.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid

I free pulled a... actually I don't even remember, that's how forgettable it was. It was red though, and I pulled yet another Lucius cause you never know when that last Matt will show up. Took me down to 99 orbs which irked me, but oh well.

Then I let my self control fail me and after free pulling green I pulled the 2 reds cause Owain but no avail so I went down to 91 orbs. You guys are right, I'm going to save my tickets until the last day because it makes you want to spend orbs which is probably the intent and it throws a monkey wrench into saving. Then I think about how the gray stone could have been an Eir and the blue an Ophelia.

The fodder was great though. Hinata and Cain to replace the Fury/WoM I just used a few days ago and my 11th Merric to give Excalibur to my supermerge and finish him!

Anyways, back to saving until the next new banner comes up. Self control is kicking back in.


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Dug into the stash again to upgrade Eir to +Spd -Def and get a spare Light Blessing. Now at 40 orbs left. I’m done except for the free pull tickets.

I actually checked the IVs of the Est that showed up along the way because of the new weapon...-Atk, bye.

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Between my last post and now, I went full Mass Summoning on Hero Fest. I don't remember if I was just tired or decided that I needed to wait for luck to waver to my side. And waver it did, but I decided to just report the big ones here.

The big one I didn't think would happen, Eir +Atk -Def. With the free Eir plus a few trash Eirs and one +Atk -Res Eir, that makes a +5 Eir with good Attack and no need for Defense. Nice.

Enough Ophelias to bring my +Atk -Res Ophelia to +8 (she was 5 before this banner). Just one more and I could probably consider her +10 for what it's worth, as her Atk would be unable to get any higher.

Elise pity broke me, but with +Atk -Res, which is a far better nature than I have gotten with her before. She is now +4 merge.

Lewyn with +Spd -HP. I also got two separate +Spd -Atk and the trash one from before, and prematurely merged into one of the +Spd -Atk ones. But this is fine to. Nothing wrong with +2 merge when I still don't even know what I wanna do with Special Spiral, if anything.

The final of the CYL2 Brave Heroes, Sacred Twin Lord Ephraim, has arrived, and he is +Atk -Res. Dear god he is gonna be strong...

I also got various fodder units for various needs, some 5* as well, which... stings a little, but whatever.

So... just saying here, I've been trying to make an update to How Many 5* units do I have for months now, and have been stalling because I just didn't want to for a while, also because coming with with something to say about everyone while remaining at least a little witty is really hard for well over 200 units now... this is gonna be a nightmare with how many 5* units I got now...

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Since IS has generously bestowed yet another First Summon Ticket on us, might as well knock that and the BHB banner's free pull off. First, the BHB and a shot at Elincia+1.

  1. 4* Mamui: Bleh.

Now another shot at Ophelia.

  1. 4* Sully: Draw Back fodder.

Oh well. Need to save up for the next Legendary banner anyway, particularly L!Marth.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

...Is it alright to say f*ck this game even though I just got a second-ever free pull Elincia? Yes, she did get shit IVs (-Spd) again just like all of my previous Elincias. 

yes. this game can pound sand right now  No Elincia on Legendary (to the point where they've skipped her on Legendary for newer units). now i'm this close to Airzura. (my orbs are ready for her). and they give me an Elincia banner nowand she's sharing a colour with Ike. (sigh). 

my hope is she has a focus during the year next year. 

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And up to 1,404 total pulled units!  I gotta update this more often!


Lilina (+Res/-Spd): Not the best, but definitely not her worst, either!
Olivia (+Res/-HP): Hone Atk fodder~!
Lukas (+HP/-Def): It's him or Leon as my first +10.
Noire (+Atk/-Spd): I. . .uhhh. . .what?!  The +Atk is better than neutral, and -Spd still leaves her with a somewhat respectable 33. . .hmmm. . .Swift Sparrow might be able to patch her up.
Matthew (+Atk/-Res): Holy. . .WHAT?!  Alright, time to train you up!

Camilla (+HP/-Res): Or maybe that Noire I pulled can use Savage Blow or something?

Lukas (+Spd/-Res): I really wish you could swap with Noire.
Nanna (+Spd/-HP): You have my attention, miss!  I need to see what my current Nanna has first.
Gordin (+Atk/-Res): OMG, this is amazing!  But I might have one with this combo already.
Roy (+Res/-Def): I think someone might want TA one day.
Arthur (neutral): He's surprisingly good fodder.

Athena (+Spd/-HP): While I prefer +Atk, this isn't the end of the world.

Jeorge (+HP/-Def): Maybe one day, those area specials will be useful.
Kagero (+HP/-Def): I never thought of shipping her with Jeorge, but it's looking far more attractive now. . .
Ike (+Atk/-HP): My current Ike is +Res/-Def.  He's being replaced.
Lewyn (+HP/-Res): His offensive stats are intact!  WOOHOOO~!  If I ever pull Silvia, I'll play FE4 through.  Seriously.
Beruka (+HP/-Spd): I like the bane, but I really wish she was +Atk.

That had some unexpectedly good things in it.  Sorry @Zeo for stealing your Matthew!


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Well I went for it. MANY 5* units later, and I have my first ever 5* +10 unit. And it wasn't even Elincia like I thought it would be, but Ophelia. I'll be posting in THAT thread later!

As for all the other 5* units I got...

  • Owain +Atk -Def and Neutral. Pretty neat.
  • More Lewyns, enough to +6 him if I really wanted to. None of them are as good as +Spd -HP though.
  • Brave Celica +Spd -Res. Amazing nature IMO, but I'm not sure I want to replace the +Atk -HP I currently have...
  • Silvia +Atk -Spd. Do not like, but whatever. I have +Res -Def lined up for promotion some day since she makes a good magic tank, so I guess this Silvia can provide some extra Res for when that comes to fruition...
  • Sothe. Don't care what nature.
  • Eir +Spd -Def, as well as a number of other Eirs to get my currently lined up +Atk -Def up to +8... whoops... well, she can reach +9 with this, but I'm trying to decide if I want +Atk or +Spd...
  • Jaffar +Def -HP. I could merge my current +Atk -Spd into this one and improve the defensive ability of Jaffar, but... I dunno.

Welp, this image applies now more than ever.


It's a good thing I still have plenty left for Christmas shopping...

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I actually got a 5* Ogma from the free pull on his banner. I was just looking for a free Hinata/Soleil, but the game wanted be a troll.

+atk -def though. I have both a +atk -res and +spd -res laying around I could promote to merge this one into, but I wasn't really intending to build or spend dew on him. Pretty funny pull, though.

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New Power Banner #1 gave me Peri~ Nice and Glimmer~

New Power #2 had no blues so I go for a Red, maybe it'll be Alm~


.......Okay, wasn't expecting that~ Not the SOV unit I was looking for but I haven't gotten him yet so, not a problem~ +Res, -Def isn't really good for him but he doesn't have any real fodder so I guess I'll keep him around~

Alright well that was interesting, guess I'll get my Summoning Ticket free Summon


WTF IS HAPPENING???? 2 FREE 5*s that I didn't have already????

She's pretty good, +Def, -HP~ Now I can reunite her with Silvia~

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3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

New Power Banner #1 gave me Peri~ Nice and Glimmer~

New Power #2 had no blues so I go for a Red, maybe it'll be Alm~


.......Okay, wasn't expecting that~ Not the SOV unit I was looking for but I haven't gotten him yet so, not a problem~ +Res, -Def isn't really good for him but he doesn't have any real fodder so I guess I'll keep him around~

Alright well that was interesting, guess I'll get my Summoning Ticket free Summon


WTF IS HAPPENING???? 2 FREE 5*s that I didn't have already????

She's pretty good, +Def, -HP~ Now I can reunite her with Silvia~

i am so stinkin jealous LOL

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Day 3 for Lewyn, only 1 green orb in the circle.

4* Frederick - curse you Awakening characters (nah, he's green Silas)

The other summons didn't had green, I went for reds and got 4* Corrin(Dragon Fang fodder I guess) and 4* Fir. (Fir merges are always welcome)

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

guess who just got Owain...

Hey wow, congrats! You got a cool guy, seems it's your lucky day! 

That would be a perfect ticket-pull for me too! 

2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

WTF IS HAPPENING???? 2 FREE 5*s that I didn't have already????

Awesome luck, congrats! 

Saber is still pretty rare. 

2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I actually got a 5* Ogma from the free pull on his banner. [...] Pretty funny pull, though.

Congrats ... that one was surely unexpected. 

Already his prf without refine is nice. You could make a Yamada Akihiro emblem. 

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