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I got my first Elincia in months!

...on the Christmas banner...

...but on the bright side, I got Gentle as Snow Eirika +Res -HP on the same pull, so it all works!

And in a later pull, another Holiday Dear Fae, this time +Atk -Def. Probably better than +Spd, even if it hurts her Defense a little, which is fine.

For my last 5* of the night, and perhaps for a while, Jaffar +HP -Atk, which is the exact opposite ideal nature I'd want for a Jaffar, but whatever. More merges for the base.

Edited by Xenomata
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37 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well, currently I don't know what to pull for. The predictions for December legendary don't sound too good for me and I will have enough orbs from TTs to pull on NY2019 (if there is someting nice on it). 

Just wanted a bonus unit for TTs (since this time I can't promote an unused 4* unit) and arena. Tharja and Alfonse will do.

Yeah, there's not much on the known horizon for me either(that's why I splurged on the hero fest). I'd kind of like Eirika since she's a new type of unit, but I'll probably wait to see what the NY banner will be. Since it's just some armors and no favorite characters are present, I'm holding off. Had they thrown in a flier on a reindeer or something like I was hoping I would have been dumping all these TT orbs immediately.

37 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That happens with so many new units I get. :-/ 

Mhm. Way too often I get new units and they just end up sitting in the barracks..

Edited by Alkaid
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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Alexmender @Landmaster

Umm...so I waited for the arena orbs and with 10 orbs in hand, I tried again for Hero Fest, just because 5% is too good.

On one hand, all I got in my second account was a 6%+ pity rate, getting a -Def Lukas and -Spd Soren as my final pulls. Oh well, for some reason this account has poor luck in Hero Fests anyway.

In my main account, on my quest to get a non -Spd Lewyn there was 1 orb. I open it and...


+Res/-Def Rhajat! On a flat 5%?!?!! I already have a +HP/-Def one so not quite sure if I should switch, since she's a great Reinhardt counter (on the one hand at least it will let her survive Bow Lyn better I guess?). Might have to check, but maybe she can be Distant Def fodder if she's worse.

5 orbs...and I really want to try again, and there were minutes left from the Hero Fest banner. Another session, and 1 green orb again, but that's all I need. I open it and..


YEEEEESSSS!!!! Clutch 5% Lewyn summon!!! I can't believe I got a base rate 5 star back-to-back! And he's neutral, so I'll definitely take it! My old Lewyn can go to Ophelia now! (Unless there are other better Special Spiral users?)


Well that was a ride. Then I grinded orbs just to have enough for a full pull for each Christmas banner.

Well to contrast my Hero Fest luck, my main account pulled trash on the new Christmas banner (Est, and Jakob, both 3 stars while the rest were reds so I ignored them). As for the old Christmas banner, it was very red- 4 reds and 1 colourless in fact. So I just pulled reds and got some meh fodder, nothing amazing but workable like Henry.

Now for my second account, there were 3 colourless, 1 red and 1 green. I ignored the red, green was Beruka, colourless was a -Spd Matthew, -Spd Sakura and..


HOLY WHOA! I got Winter Eirika!!! +Spd/-HP (lol at Spd boon) but who cares I got her with minimal effort! Always nice to grab the one you want quick, looks like that bad Hero Fest luck turned around since I was spared from diving into colourless hell for too long.


Nice pulls @SatsumaFSoysoy!  Shame about no focus but those are some really good units!

@DarkAlf That's fair, I just hate the idea of how they changed Aether Raid to this new blessing system. I'll keep her for now at least since I want to get to Tier 19 asap so I can have more fun making defense maps. Maybe until I get an Alm, Eir can stay heh.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Then I grinded orbs just to have enough for a full pull for each Christmas banner.

Eirika so pretty I cannot even. Lewyn is very good, too. The guy is currently doing his best in the tempest.
I wouldn’t mind getting Rhajat either, I’d build her like a green Tharja.

I got a Sothe (L&D3 fodder needs no nature) and an Ayra (Res/Spd, even worse than my previous Res/Atk) on Tharja’s banner. I’m actively pulling for Tharja. Yes.

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Eirika so pretty I cannot even. Lewyn is very good, too. The guy is currently doing his best in the tempest.
I wouldn’t mind getting Rhajat either, I’d build her like a green Tharja.

I got a Sothe (L&D3 fodder needs no nature) and an Ayra (Res/Spd, even worse than my previous Res/Atk) on Tharja’s banner. I’m actively pulling for Tharja. Yes.

I mean Close Counter is really nice. That reminds me, my second account also had 4 red orbs for the old Christmas banner but sadly no Tharja as well (already had her but Close Counter would've been nice, even if I was actively looking for a Lissa/Robin)

That said not really gonna spend orbs on the old Christmas banner, I think my main target now is Lector for Myrrh's DC then maybe Tibarn. Or whatever the NY units are.

Eirika's art is nice and I like the staff design but I think I still like Cecilia's art more, she has a really nice dress as well!

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Eirika's art is nice and I like the staff design but I think I still like Cecilia's art more, she has a really nice dress as well!

Cecilia is the best because of course she is, and I’m pulling for Tharja not because of her CC but because I like Tharja.

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Managed to get C!Eirika in 20 orbs but she was +Def/-Atk. Decided to go against my better judgment and ended up spending 240 more orbs trying to get a better nature but got pitybroken by FH!Robin. Welp, not the worst thing in the world since FH!Robin now either gets his first merge or his ward dragon skill gets passed on to his just as corrupt 'legendary' female self.

Edited by NSSKG151
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58 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

ad they thrown in a flier on a reindeer or something like I was hoping I would have been dumping all these TT orbs immediately.

exactly. :-) 

34 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

looks like that bad Hero Fest luck turned around since I was spared from diving into colourless hell for too long.

Congrats, your luck returned with perfect timing. You get flooded by awesome units that seem to avoid me (like Lewyn and Rhajat). 

32 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m actively pulling for Tharja. Yes.

Whelp, what happened? Opposite day? 

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For my free pull on the Gifts of Winter banner I got a 4* Subaki. Meanwhile on the ru-run of Winter's Envoy with my 370 orbs my highlights are:

  • 5* Soleil (+def -spd)
  • 2 Winter Tharjas
  • Winter Robin (+def, -spd)
  • 4* mMorgan (+atk, -def) Been looking for that
  • Ryoma (+spd -hp)
  • Winter Chrom (spd -res)
  • Fallen Celica (+hp -spd)
  • Winter Lissa (+atk -hp)
  • vanilla Lucina (+spd -def)

Pretty good stuff, I'll pull more later



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THANK YOU GAME. This makes me so happy after I'd been sick the last day and a half with an annoying stomach flu. And I still have over 100 orbs to save for laguz! And maybe NY Azura.

I still hate armors and would've much rather had a wyvern Ephraim, but...I decided his outfit is really neat and I loved that "I got you something!" special trigger line lol.

Oh yeah, he's +HP, -Res, so yay no bad IVs. Not optimal either, but I can work with it.

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Well I managed to snag C!Erika within 30 orbs and my free pull on the rerun banner gave me my first Grey.  I am going to try for C!Tharja and C!Fae for the heck of it.

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@mcsilas @Anacybele @Jingle Bells @EricaofRenais Congrats on all your great pulls, everyone!

6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

That's fair, I just hate the idea of how they changed Aether Raid to this new blessing system. I'll keep her for now at least since I want to get to Tier 19 asap so I can have more fun making defense maps. Maybe until I get an Alm, Eir can stay heh.

Same here regarding the blessing system, especially since you can only have one blessing total instead of two on each hero (one from each of the 2 pairs of 4), otherwise there's one team I'd use in a heartbeat that's unfortunately already fire-blessed.  I'm lucky to have gotten those 2 extra Eirs, so next week when it's light season I can take advantage of 160 points/battle with 2 Eirs and 3 light-blessed heroes (PA!Azura, Aversa and Laevatein [bonus unit]) - hopefully I'll get to Tier 19 by the end of this season so that I can use those extra points to try to attain Tier 20 next season.

The free pulls on the winter banners for me were nothing too special - +Atk/-Def 3* OG Chrom on rerun (Aether fodder!!), +Spd/-Atk 3* Effie (Wary Fighter fodder!!) on new banner.  I think the game is telling me not to spend any orbs on these banners, and I certainly won't.

Edited by DarkAlf
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@Anacybele congrats on Ephiriam!  :)


7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Alexmender @Landmaster

Umm...so I waited for the arena orbs and with 10 orbs in hand, I tried again for Hero Fest, just because 5% is too good.

On one hand, all I got in my second account was a 6%+ pity rate, getting a -Def Lukas and -Spd Soren as my final pulls. Oh well, for some reason this account has poor luck in Hero Fests anyway.

In my main account, on my quest to get a non -Spd Lewyn there was 1 orb. I open it and...


+Res/-Def Rhajat! On a flat 5%?!?!! I already have a +HP/-Def one so not quite sure if I should switch, since she's a great Reinhardt counter (on the one hand at least it will let her survive Bow Lyn better I guess?). Might have to check, but maybe she can be Distant Def fodder if she's worse.

5 orbs...and I really want to try again, and there were minutes left from the Hero Fest banner. Another session, and 1 green orb again, but that's all I need. I open it and..


YEEEEESSSS!!!! Clutch 5% Lewyn summon!!! I can't believe I got a base rate 5 star back-to-back! And he's neutral, so I'll definitely take it! My old Lewyn can go to Ophelia now! (Unless there are other better Special Spiral users?)


Well that was a ride. Then I grinded orbs just to have enough for a full pull for each Christmas banner.

Well to contrast my Hero Fest luck, my main account pulled trash on the new Christmas banner (Est, and Jakob, both 3 stars while the rest were reds so I ignored them). As for the old Christmas banner, it was very red- 4 reds and 1 colourless in fact. So I just pulled reds and got some meh fodder, nothing amazing but workable like Henry.

Now for my second account, there were 3 colourless, 1 red and 1 green. I ignored the red, green was Beruka, colourless was a -Spd Matthew, -Spd Sakura and..


HOLY WHOA! I got Winter Eirika!!! +Spd/-HP (lol at Spd boon) but who cares I got her with minimal effort! Always nice to grab the one you want quick, looks like that bad Hero Fest luck turned around since I was spared from diving into colourless hell for too long.


holy cow, look at you! 
(send your Rahjat luck!  - either that or let the girl have a focus banner?! - though not now. but i mean. soon ;) ) congrats, friend!

7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Eirika so pretty I cannot even. Lewyn is very good, too. The guy is currently doing his best in the tempest.
I wouldn’t mind getting Rhajat either, I’d build her like a green Tharja.

I got a Sothe (L&D3 fodder needs no nature) and an Ayra (Res/Spd, even worse than my previous Res/Atk) on Tharja’s banner. I’m actively pulling for Tharja. Yes.

Rahjat is on my wishlist. i hope she comes one day. 
Good look for Tharja. (I'm going in for her once i get Airzura)

2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well I managed to snag C!Erika within 30 orbs and my free pull on the rerun banner gave me my first Grey.  I am going to try for C!Tharja and C!Fae for the heck of it.

Way to go! :) It looks like Eirika is coming very quickly to people which is nice to see. 
I hope you get them both :)

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Congrats everyone on your pulls!~ Seems most people are having decent luck getting the focuses~

To no one's shock or surprise, I spent over 100 Orbs only to get 0 focus units~

But the only Green Armored Dragon that matters was my free Summon


YEESSSSSSS, now I can sleep peacefully at night. No more regrets about just letting him go by without even trying on the Legendary Banner a month ago because I was saving Orbs~ +HP, -Spd, which is fine I guess~ 

So more than 100 Orbs later, nothing~ I wanted at least one so I could have a bonus unit for TT but no luck for me~ So I just went until I was pitybroken~


Another unit I needed, the Blue Manakete reign of terror against me is over~ 

Well I only have 106 Orbs now so I'll wait to revisit this map and the rerun (which didn't give me anything of note either) after the NY units are revealed~ 

8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Alexmender @Landmaster

Umm...so I waited for the arena orbs and with 10 orbs in hand, I tried again for Hero Fest, just because 5% is too good.

On one hand, all I got in my second account was a 6%+ pity rate, getting a -Def Lukas and -Spd Soren as my final pulls. Oh well, for some reason this account has poor luck in Hero Fests anyway.

In my main account, on my quest to get a non -Spd Lewyn there was 1 orb. I open it and...


+Res/-Def Rhajat! On a flat 5%?!?!! I already have a +HP/-Def one so not quite sure if I should switch, since she's a great Reinhardt counter (on the one hand at least it will let her survive Bow Lyn better I guess?). Might have to check, but maybe she can be Distant Def fodder if she's worse.

5 orbs...and I really want to try again, and there were minutes left from the Hero Fest banner. Another session, and 1 green orb again, but that's all I need. I open it and..


YEEEEESSSS!!!! Clutch 5% Lewyn summon!!! I can't believe I got a base rate 5 star back-to-back! And he's neutral, so I'll definitely take it! My old Lewyn can go to Ophelia now! (Unless there are other better Special Spiral users?)


Well that was a ride. Then I grinded orbs just to have enough for a full pull for each Christmas banner.

Well to contrast my Hero Fest luck, my main account pulled trash on the new Christmas banner (Est, and Jakob, both 3 stars while the rest were reds so I ignored them). As for the old Christmas banner, it was very red- 4 reds and 1 colourless in fact. So I just pulled reds and got some meh fodder, nothing amazing but workable like Henry.

Now for my second account, there were 3 colourless, 1 red and 1 green. I ignored the red, green was Beruka, colourless was a -Spd Matthew, -Spd Sakura and..


HOLY WHOA! I got Winter Eirika!!! +Spd/-HP (lol at Spd boon) but who cares I got her with minimal effort! Always nice to grab the one you want quick, looks like that bad Hero Fest luck turned around since I was spared from diving into colourless hell for too long.


Wow, nice clutch Lewyn Summon and free Rhajat! I see a lot of people put Special Spiral on Ophelia, she's pretty good with it combined with Missletain's effect~ And Winter Eirika came home quickly, too! Also nice, bad luck always turns around~

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