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Huh, weird. All of those negative emotions I was experiencing not too long up and died just like that. Boon/bane combos could be better as usual (+Spd/-Atk for Azura, +HP/-Spd for Marth) but I have no room to complain about them whenever I get this kind of generosity, especially from a legendary banner.

Note: this was my second circle, not my first. It still made me mentally pee myself in shock and excitement all the same though.

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Not much to report this new Legendary Hero Banner. This is with about... 95 orbs, counting the free summon.

Legendary Hector +Res -Atk, which... well whatever. More Fire Legendary Heroes, thank the gods.

Fjorm appeared twice in the same session. +Res -Atk on the both of them, which... uh... why am I getting +Res -Atk on my Legendary Heroes?

Another Eir, which I don't need due to already +10ing her, but that's either Mystic Boost or Swift Sparrow on someone, so whatever. Didn't bother to check her nature, it looked very +Spd -not Def though.

Summer Tiki! +Atk -Spd, which... alright I guess? Her Spd is still average I suppose. She probably would have gotten Quick Riposte anyways... Dragon Valor, yay! And now I'm just missing Lance Valor!

Alright results. There's a very small chance I might be able to summon again thanks to the 10 day length of this banner, but I'm not counting on it. Either way, these are good initial results. One Legendary Hero I wasn't thinking I'd get (with a fairly eh nature, but it could be +Spd is what I'm telling myself), two fodder Fjorms... for some reason, probably because I'm not allowed to have nice things like Uber Dancers... another Eir, and a unit I wanted but couldn't initially have.

As for one other unit I got, +Atk -Def Palla, which could work with her new Personal Weapon and refine making Spd unnecessary.

...huh, all my Red Tikis have -Spd as their Flaw... what a coincidence...

Edited by Xenomata
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I spent about 100 orbs on this banner (after seeing I won't need to care for the NY banner this year) and got another baby boy! (i.e. Summer!Takumi)

He is +HP -Atk, but I won't need to care about that with the next update. I am just going to use him for removing my originals Spd bane that's been vexing me so and he'll be +Atk only! A really great New Year present!

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Well I got trashed. 2 Fjorms and 2 Camillas (all bad IVs) for all my 130 saved orbs + more paid ones than I'd care to admit.(figured I didn't do much for Christmas so I could spend a little more for this, but bad idea I guess) Sitting at an 11% pity right now too.

I'll have to wait and hope the TT orbs pull through, or it looks like I won't be getting Azura. Camilla merges are nice, but not something I wanted to spend actual money on. The Fjorms are pretty worthless to me since +2 won't change my arena scoring enough anyway.

Edited by Alkaid
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285 orbs saved up this month. Seems best to pull all colors equally based on what I'm missing. As usual I'm hoping most for the seasonal units since they are the rarest of the bunch. Here's the haul

  1. New! Legendary Hector. +Atk/-HP. Broke a 8.5% pity rate.
  2. New! Legendary Azura +Atk/-HP. Broke a 9.0% pity rate

And I'm stopping here with 190 orbs to go. These two are an excellent haul for just under 100 orbs. Seems the best course of action is to snipe reds if I wanted to continue, but that can be infuriating. Especially with no pity rate built up at the moment. I hate having to give up on Dragon valor, but the odds are just not in my favor, and even adding Legendary Marth to my collection won't make it seem terribly worth it. Better to save up for a big spree when the time is right.

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Legendary banner time! I've got 169 orbs on hand and a hankering for L!Marth. Here we go.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: Nope.
  2. 4* Merric: Meh.
  3. 5* Giga!Nino: Yes! And she's +Atk/-Res, which is amazing compared to my +Res/-Spd copy.
  4. 3* Azama: Garbage.
  5. 3* Leon: SP fodder.

No L!Marth, but a great start nonetheless. 154 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lucius: Meh.
  2. 4* Tharja: More meh.
  3. 3* Stahl: Bleh.
  4. 4* Nino: Boring. And I'll take the one blue since it's cheap.
  5. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.

Time to keep going. 134 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lucius: :(
  2. 4* Tharja: >:(
  3. 4* Olivia: The game lagged for a bit, which got my hopes up. Nope.
  4. 5* Helbindi: Hello hello. Unfortunately he's +Spd/-Def, which is garbage for him.
  5. 4* Oboro: Bleh.

Another green 5*. 114 orbs left.

  1. 4* Klein: DB fodder.
  2. 4* Palla: Goad Fliers fodder.
  3. 3* Lilina: SP fodder.
  4. 3* Henry: Bleh.
  5. 3* Seliph: So much hope, so much disappointment...

I'm sad now...94 orbs left.

  1. 3* Maria: Feathers.
  2. 4* Jakob: Meh.
  3. 4* Azama: Ugh.
  4. 4* Klein: Hello again.
  5. 3* Reinhardt: What a garbage set...

74 orbs left.

  1. 5* Helbindi: Again? Well, +Res/-HP is better than +Spd/-Def.
  2. 4* Barst: Finally some Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Eliwood: Bleh.
  4. 4* Palla: Meh.
  5. 4* Caeda: Nope.

So far I've spent 115 orbs for 3 5* units. Not great, but acceptable. 54 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lissa: Feathers.
  2. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Seliph: More feathers.

Plenty of Repo fodder today. 41 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: Meh.
  2. 4* Tharja: A third one?!

Running low...32 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eliwood: Feathers.
  2. 3* Roy: Like father, like son.

23 orbs left, just enough for one more set.

  1. 3* Selena: Even more Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Merric: Meh.
  3. 4* Lucius: Bleh.
  4. 4* Setsuna: Garbage.
  5. 3* Nowi: Was hoping for a last-minute 5*, but I guess not.

166 orbs for 3 5*s and three Reposition fodders. Not very good at all. If I come back I'll be sniping reds only.

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After the newest banner, I'm up to 1,443 total pulled units.


Jeorge (+Def/-Spd): The other way around!

Rody (+HP/-Spd): Not you too. . .
Rody (+HP/-Def): That's slightly better, but still not up to my standards.
Soleil (+Def/-Spd): It didn't work for Jeorge, and it won't work for you, either!
Selena (+Atk/-Def): I can live with this!  But I wanted Reposition fodder. . .
Caeda (+Atk/-Def): I can DEFINITELY live with this!  WOOHOO~!

Azura (+Spd/-Res): She's gonna seriously rock, and she has a tactic to boot!  Unless I'm in dire need of another dancer, she's going on the arena team, and staying there!
Bartre (+Def/-HP): Uhhh. . .no thanks.
Flora (+Def/-Atk): And suddenly Hector isn't as scary.  Or DC Surtr.  But I really wish she'd had a different bane!
Corrin (+Atk/-Res): This is beautiful.  He is beautiful.  SQUEEEE~!
Tiki (+Res/-Def): That's, uh, one way to make a mixed tank?  But I think she'd rather be -Spd, so she can cheese things with QR and her native Lightning Breath.

Damn I got lucky.  With that, I'm missing exactly one Azura, and her banner should drop pretty soon.  Wish me luck~!


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Spent about 388 orbs on the Legendary Banner. I got 2 Floras, 2 Legendary Marths, 2 Summer Tikis, a Legendary Azura, and some decent 4* skill and merge fodder. I am definitely going to be saving up again after this

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She came sooner than I was expecting!


Only had to spent 70 orbs to get Legendary Azura! Nature is +Res/-HP which is decent enough. Also pulled a S!Camilla but I will just grind the 5000 feathers and then have her hand Hone Fliers to either L!Robin or even better K!Hinoka.

Edited by NSSKG151
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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy

So I started with 70 orbs on my second and 60 on my main. Somehow I went down to 0 even though I was interested in the NY banner's red units but oh well.

Originally the plan for my main was green pull for DC fodder and GigaNino, but I also kind of wanted L!Marth/Summer Y!Tiki for anti-dragons and of course, Azura for her busted assist, so I ended up initially pulling all 3 colours anyway for building pity.

In the end, I got this baby dragon!


+Atk/-Def Summer Young Tiki! Now I have all the flying breaths! -Def is a shame, but her weapon gives her +3 Def so it evens out.

I would have liked Legendary Marth but I already have Flora so I think he can wait again when he shows up. Flying anti-dragon dragon (with her Steady Breath Breath weapon) is a nice niche anyway, so I'll take her! Plus getting a seasonal that's only available yearly is better than a legendary hero that comes back more frequently than a seasonal.

Would have liked Azura or any of the greens but no orbs left, so priority is building orbs back up. At least NY banner will be a month anyway, and beasts would be in the regular pool, so as long as I get the rare seasonals in this banner, I don't feel too bad.


As for my second account, I was pity broken by Summer Tiki, who I already had at +HP/-Def. That said, at least this one has a much better +Atk/-Res nature!!!! So merging her it will be, I can't wait for the Feb merge update so she will have no bane!

Then I had 17 orbs left, and decided to risk it to at least try and get a blue hero (even though I already have Fjorm and Summer Camilla). Can't hurt to try and..


It's L!Azura!!!! AND she's also +Atk/-Res!!!!

YOLO pulled through with the best result possible! Shame I didn't have the 3 orbs left to open the green orb (would have liked Helbindi/DC fodder) but I'm done with this banner for this account at least!

Rest of the circle gave me another Hinata (woo!) so that's a plus.

So yeah down to 0 orbs again so so much for the January stash. A good result though, and much better than the past few Legendary banners. Now I hope I get lucky next month, since there's beasts, the NY units AND most likely the summer dancers returning in the legendary banner...

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