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Before I used my free pull on the new NY banner, I thought that Hrid should just come to me, seeing how nicely I treat his OG form (summoner support, good working environment, merges, health care, etc).

He agreed.5c2b4a7d89546_Screenshot_20190101-080333_FireEmblemHeroes.thumb.jpg.c09635ebbc96ed2556d7a8da1fa54e8d.jpg


After that, I put in about 20 orbs to see if I could get Lav... Le... Lae?.. the healer. Instead, I finally got a good Kaze for merging (+spd, he is +6 now) and for some reason FKana. No clue what to do with her. I think I'd have preferred her dad's counterpart, still I can't complain about my luck.

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Alright, welcome to the New Year, Serenes! My first pull's going to be from the old NY banner. Might as well aim for Takumi to get all of his versions.

  1. 4* Cecilia: Or not. 4 blues and 1 green...

Now on to the new NY banner. One free pull, one ticket. Probably going to go red.

  1. 4* Soleil: Meh. And now for the ticket.
  2. 3* Draug: Feathers.

Finally, back to the legendary banner. Various quests and such brought me back to 46 orbs and I can't be bothered to grind more right now. Marth?

  1. 3* Chrom: SP fodder.
  2. 3* Roy: No thanks.
  3. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder? This banner's certainly been generous with them.

I think that makes Reposition #5. That's almost making up for the relative dearth of 5*s. 33 orbs left.

  1. 4* Henry: Nope.
  2. 3* Stahl: Nope.
  3. 3* Chrom: Again?

Why are there so many red 3*s showing up? The game's giving me tons of red orbs and putting total garbage in them. 20 orbs and a 10.5% pity rate.

  1. 5* Eir: Of course the one set with no reds ruins my pity rate...She's +Spd/-Atk, which would normally be meh, but with the upcoming merge update she'll be a fantastic master copy. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 4* Lissa: And here I was hoping for Veronica...
  3. 4* Sheena: Meh.
  4. 4* Cecilia: More meh.
  5. 4* Oboro: Trash.

Reposition fodder aside this banner's been pretty lousy so far. Hopefully I can gather enough orbs to find Marth in the end.

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Another go round the legendary bush, where we'll probably be stung.

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless

3* Arthur (That sucks. +HP/-Spd), 3* Raven (No, I don't want to merge you. +Def/-Res), 4* Raven (STOP IT. +Atk/-HP, that's a pretty good nature though),  5* HK!Marth (I think I'm okay with another copy of him. +Def/-HP, I have to check the first one. Turns out he's the opposite of my fisr one), 4* Lachesis (I mean, if you want me to never touch colourless again... +Def/-Res)

So I guess I'm focusing on the NY banner for Fjorm, not really worth trying the legendary banner again considering what happened the last few times. Also, which is better for HK!Marth: +Def or +HP?

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I finally got a +Atk Caeda for a free pick on the NY banner for last year, after eluding me for more than half a year. Off she went to be merged into my merged +spd/-atk one. Will be wondering how the change next month would affect her current bane. The ticket gave me an OG Henry, which promptly got turned into a manual.

@Jingle Jangle: Stahl spooked me out on the current banner too.

NY Resolution: Save up more F2P Orbs XD

Edited by Karimlan
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Congrats on your pulls everyone!

Grabbed my free summon on the old New Years banner and got a +spd/-hp Azura. Not sure if I want to replace my +atk/-def one since I already invested stuff in her and I’m not sure if I really want to merge and give up the hone fliers fodder. 

Finished off my 11% on the legendary banner with a great pull:

+res/-atk L!Azura (blue duel flying fodder)

+res/-def Flying Nino (new unit)

+spd/-def Summer Camilla

Started the circle off with an Oboro and Arthur too, so it was quite a nice surprise. The Camilla doesn’t quite beat the +spd/-res one I already have built, so she is definitely hone fliers fodder.

Also had two weird free summons on the new New Years banner, both full red circles. First one was a 4* Roy and the second was a Ryoma. Kind of bummed that wasn’t a Hrid or Gunnthra for TT bonus, but I guess it doesn’t matter.

Back to attempting to save for L!Tiki...

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Really liked the new banner and went for everyone but wound up coming out with half after spending a lot of orbs




On another note had a good free summon on the last 8% banner, still in the process of leveling her up




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Didn't do too badly on this one. Managed to get Hrid with very little pain.

Annoyingly, pulled Gunnthra at -Spd +Atk and pulled Hrid at -Atk +HP -.- 

Oh well. Maybe I'll pull a second Hrid with my summon tickets. I'm just happy to have him - he's the only one I wanted from the banner. Do wish I could swap his IVs with Gunnthra, who I couldn't care less about. 

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I got a Ike. A +hp/-attack Ike to be exact. Already outclassed by his legendary version and a pretty bad nature too boot.

I did pull myself a +hp/-res New year Takumi too and I don't mind that pull nearly as much.

I also finally got a 4 star +speed mMorgan that can replace my current -attack Morgan.

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@Rezzy @Arcanite I got a decent haul so far! My priority was Hrid, followed by Laevatein, then Gunnthra. I wouldn't have minded being pitybroken by Fjorm though, as I lacked a green bow.

For some reason, reds were being rare though, while I was bombarded with colorless and green and a little blue. The one and only green I pulled during a session with no red and just one colorless:


WOW. I didn't expect that so soon. Though she got Rezzy'd. As in, is -Atk. 44 Atk isn't abysmal though, so maybe it's still serviceable? I really would like to use her since she's a unique green bow for me.

Now anyone see what I'd said to @Zeo the other day when I commented on his Matthew? Some time later after Fjorm, in a session with a bunch of colorless:




+10 KAZE GET AT LAST! What an awesome thing to finally accomplish and on New Year's! He may have just missed being finished in 2018, but I think this is still just as awesome. :D Best and most adorable ninja. <3 I currently use a +Res, -Def one as the base, though. Think I should go for +Spd or +Atk instead sometime?

And later on...


HANDSOME ICE PRINCE! Now Handsome New Year Ice Prince! <3 He's +Def, -HP, so effectively neutral and just fine. :3 I stopped for now though. I want to see if Ranulf is joining the laguz on that upcoming banner before I try anymore for Gunnthra or Laevatein.

Still though, this game REALLY seems to not want me to get any form of Laevatein! -_- I'm grateful for what I got here so far, but...this is THREE banners now that I've thrown over 100 orbs on where I tried for any of her. :( That is still frustrating.

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25 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

These are what, Eirs number #3 & #4?? Wow, sorry Veronica still evades you. Good luck getting her next time. 

#2 and #3, counting the freebie as #1. Fjorm is at #3 too, counting the freebie as #1.

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7 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Are those New Year pulls rigged to be good or something? To make people invested in the upcoming year of content?

If only man, my haul was:

  • 4* Titania
  • 3* Jakob
  • 4* Gaius
  • 4* Azama
  • 3* Caeda
  • 4* Beruka
  • 3* Eliwood
  • 3* Barst
  • 4* Fae
  • 4* Titania
  • 4* Jakob

Didn't get a thing :(

I mean I would be happy with anyone on the new NY banner but it kept giving me 3 blues instead :/ Also tried two rounds for a better NY!Takumi but only ended up with a single colorless orb. Just gonna wait until the next free ticket tomorrow before trying on the NY banner again.

@GuiltyLoveWow man that sucks D: Really hope that when that rate is finally broken it's exactly the unit you want.

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5 minutes ago, Mau said:

If only man, my haul was:

  • 4* Titania
  • 3* Jakob
  • 4* Gaius
  • 4* Azama
  • 3* Caeda
  • 4* Beruka
  • 3* Eliwood
  • 3* Barst
  • 4* Fae
  • 4* Titania
  • 4* Jakob

Didn't get a thing :(

I mean I would be happy with anyone on the new NY banner but it kept giving me 3 blues instead :/ Also tried two rounds for a better NY!Takumi but only ended up with a single colorless orb. Just gonna wait until the next free ticket tomorrow before trying on the NY banner again.

@GuiltyLoveWow man that sucks D: Really hope that when that rate is finally broken it's exactly the unit you want.

I feel that pain... I keep getting units I already have :(

I doubt I'll get anything from this banner. I already finished most of the new quests so my orbs will just be coming from the training tower quests and TT.

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Everyone is getting great stuff, congrats!~

9 hours ago, Motendra said:


First session on the New Year's Banner. Looks like it's either Laevatein or Hrid for this coming Voting Gauntlet

EDIT: laev's +Atk/-Res, while Hrid's +Spd/-Def

Congrats on getting them so quick!

9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid

So NY banners are here. I just wanted Gunnthra/Hrid so red sniping it is.

Free red pull for main was Henry. Not interested in other orbs so I tried using a ticket, to open a session with 2 reds. 1st red was a Cain (i always welcome Cains!) while the other...was a surprisingly quick 5 star.


It's a Karla! Someone new! Alas she is +HP/-Atk but I'll use her anyway since she's new. Maybe if I get another one in the future she can be Wrath fodder (not really too interested in her to merge and Wrath is valuable). I'll cross that bridge when the time comes but at least Karel can be reunited with her.

Funnily enough free pull from NY 2018 was a 3 star Fir.

Went back to legendary banner for green sniping. 1 green was another Barst!!! Wooo, 2 Barsts in a row! This one was also +Atk/-Res in case I build him I guess. Opened the blue just in case and got a Nowi.


As for my second account, nothing of note from the new banner.

Tried the old NY banner (got Azura and a -Atk Takumi from last year), so I went for red, even if fixing NY Takumi's bane would be nice, I don't use him a lot. No Camilla, but..


My 3rd Saber!?!? 2nd free pull Saber overall in this account as well.

Somehow his natures get worse and worse everytime I summon him, this one is also +HP/-Atk like the Karla. At least I can merge one of these guys in February to remove the bane from my +Res/-HP one!

Tried again for legendary banner for Summer Takumi but got Serra and Jakob at 3 stars. At least Serra is +Atk/-Def I guess.

I'll save up tickets for now, better gather orbs up first.

Nice 5* pulls and those Barsts are always handy

9 hours ago, Nanima said:

Free pulled another NY!Takumi from the rerun banner!

This one is neutral, while my original is +Def -Res. So with the merge update in mind, would it be better to have him keep the Def boon (which isn't that useful at just 20), or go with the small neutral stat boost? Honestly hard to make the call. haha

Nice to get him for free!~ Are you gonna be trying to get more merges?

I'd normally go for Neutral, but with the fixes to banes coming up, no harm in keeping a bit of extra Def~

9 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Best way to start the year than with off focus units! /s

For the New Years banner I got a +Res -Hp (only +Res when the update comes) Sanaki which is a lot better than my old nature so she's appreciated.

For the Old Years banner it was a +Spd -Def Eldigan. I think that will be fun with double Fury and the -Def doesn't matter anymore so it's ok.

Off focus but some nice pulls all the same~ 

8 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Welp, I'm not buying the ice pack. NY!Gunnthra arrived with an excellent +Atk -Res, from F2P orbs. (Also a copy of Eldigan.)

I still plan on buying the fire pack after my next paycheck, but those orbs are going to +10 Spring Catria (or Summer Cordelia if the two copies of Catria arrive on the F2P orbs of February/March).

Congrats on Gunnthra and good luck +10ing Spring Catria, she's a favorite of mine~

8 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Are those New Year pulls rigged to be good or something? To make people invested in the upcoming year of content?

- Old New Year banner, going 2 green, 1 red (didnt take a picture of the circle, coz I wasn't expecting what would come afterwards):

Libra, Arthur, Camilla (didn't have her, so I thought, ok, day won't be total trash at least)

- First circle on the new banner:

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Hate the reds, I'm gonna be honest, but my first three 5* circle on non-legendary, so I won't complain, also, I like Laevatein, so I will take it, even if the third dust-collecting Reinhardt and another useless Eldigam are as helpful as another Raigh and Henry.

13 orbs left, enough to pull another three units on the legendary (base %) for green and blue, so what could go wrong. 1 green, eh, I'll take it.

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Game won't give me anything on the Tellius banner, am I right to assume that? Regardless, I needed that; been a while since I pulled what I wanted or needed, and this batch was insane from probability alone. What a way to start of with a bang, even with those two useless dudes.

Lots of luck you had there, awesome!~

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Ok, so I had awful pulls around Christmas with no Winter unit (no 5* from that banner) and no Azura from the legendary banner using all my orbs there. I got two Fjorms and a perfect Camilla, but overall I wanted only Azura. 

Collected ~20 January orbs and waited for a sign if to give Azura another try. 

Free pull on the old NY banner:

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4* Lachesis

Not the sign I need. NY!Takumi will be missing for another year in my  collection. 

Free pull on the new NY banner (Gunnthrá would be nice):

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4* Hinata

Better, but not a real sign.

Ticket on the new NY banner, no red stones:

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Bow Fjorm, really?

Nature: neutral, which is pure irony. 

So, that was sign enough for me. Opened another legendary session, but got no blue stones:

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He broke my pity rate (10%) from what was left of my horrible December pulls, but he is the second best thing I could get from this banner. Even if the nature couldn't be worse. 

Next try, getting one blue stone:

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4* Cordelia.

Won't ever complain about getting her. 

Ok, let's give it one last try. Four blues:

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Bam! Wow, didn't expect her anymore! 


Which matters less than for Marth. 

So this was a fantastic start into the new year for me, three 5* in less than 20 orbs (if you don't count the pity rate from last year). All new units, one TT bonus and two legendaries. 


Congrats on Marth, Azura, and Bow Fjorm in so few Orbs!~

7 hours ago, Zeo said:

Didn't expect to summon again so soon, but here we are.

So, I gathered up a chunk of the New Years orbs and boosted up my stock from 8 to 33 before going into the two banners. For the new banner I did the full pull, nothing in any of the 4/5 stones, but in the red~

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My good fortune continues. I'm already fit to be tied from the legendary banner. This was just icing on the cake. He's +RES/-DEF which is pretty horrible I must admit, but considering I wasn't expecting anything at all, getting a Hrid is pretty freaking awesome.

 I used my ticket after and there were 2 blue stones, so I pulled the R/G/C stones with nothing to show, so I moved onto the old New Years banner. I don't really need NY!Takumi at this point since Kaze is a thing and I have far more colorless *5's now. But... there were no green stones in the first pool. So I got a free *4 Sothe going for him anyway. I'm done with colorless now so I had no desire to open the other stone, but for my troubles a Sothe is the best thing I could have asked for.

I decided to go back in with around 13 orbs for another shot. I'm feeling pretty light. 2 green stones. In the right one: Cherche. In the left~

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Feeling even lighter. It took exactly a year, but I finally got myself a flying dancer. Unbelievable and for the paltry sum of 9 total orbs. +DEF/-RES isn't exactly the best nature but hey, she'll be able to take a magical hit and her offense is untouched. To top it off, she's got Hone Fliers, what more could you ask for? Officially done with this banner.

I'm 100% done with the legendary after the amazing session I had there and I'm done with the old NY banner as well. My focus now will be breaking my rate on the christmas banner, using my tickets on the new NY banner and seeing what's in store on the beast banner. What a fantastic way to start the year in Heroes.

Hope all goes well for the rest of you.

Nice, congrats on getting Azura and Hrid!~

6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian

Heyyy!!! Congrats on those pulls!!! Flying dancers welcome you to the new year!!! Especially for Zeo since you've gone for so long without one (I guess a year since they were introduced), so big congrats!

Also jealous of your L!marth mampfoid, I still want him to delete those bulky Abyssal dragons!

As for Zeo's Hrid, he has pretty decent 30 Res so that's not too bad, and the -Def can be fixed with his Atk/Def bond. Or meme Barrier Blade build. Kind of like a mixed Red Beruka, so congrats on him! I hope I get him or Gunnthra from the summon tickets (boo there are less this time...)

so I went back to the legendary banner again thanks to TT orbs, just to try greens again. Two greens (and no blues..and better ignore the reds because I want to try for Azura later).

1st was a neutral Camilla. 2nd one..

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Heyy!!! It's Hector! Finally!! The only green I have but that's fine because he has the coveted DC!!!!

He's +Spd/-Def so he is safe fodder for my Myrrh now!

I would also like Nino and Helbindi but he was my main target for DC, so I'm happy the New's Year luck did its magic!




I should stop summoning for a bit and let the orbs pile back up, there are still like 6 days. I'll try again for Azura later, she's the must have unit out of all the banners right now, I hope I can get her to really make Ophelia a force to be reckoned with!

@Nanima Congrats to your Takumi! You've been getting some Takumi luck lately haha

@Alexmender Nice off focus units luck haha. Must be something about New Years hehe


5 hours ago, Granny said:

Before I used my free pull on the new NY banner, I thought that Hrid should just come to me, seeing how nicely I treat his OG form (summoner support, good working environment, merges, health care, etc).

He agreed.5c2b4a7d89546_Screenshot_20190101-080333_FireEmblemHeroes.thumb.jpg.c09635ebbc96ed2556d7a8da1fa54e8d.jpg


After that, I put in about 20 orbs to see if I could get Lav... Le... Lae?.. the healer. Instead, I finally got a good Kaze for merging (+spd, he is +6 now) and for some reason FKana. No clue what to do with her. I think I'd have preferred her dad's counterpart, still I can't complain about my luck.

NY Hrid is ready for that same special treatment

3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

You two aren’t Veronicas!


(Spd/Def and HP/Atk; Spd/Def is absolutely perfect)

I also got a Res/HP Fjorm a couple of days ago. She isn’t Veronica either, however.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @mampfoid @mcsilas

Can relate to flopping trying to get Veronica, though I only did the free pull~

2 hours ago, Maaka said:

Congrats on your pulls everyone!

Grabbed my free summon on the old New Years banner and got a +spd/-hp Azura. Not sure if I want to replace my +atk/-def one since I already invested stuff in her and I’m not sure if I really want to merge and give up the hone fliers fodder. 

Finished off my 11% on the legendary banner with a great pull:

+res/-atk L!Azura (blue duel flying fodder)

+res/-def Flying Nino (new unit)

+spd/-def Summer Camilla

Started the circle off with an Oboro and Arthur too, so it was quite a nice surprise. The Camilla doesn’t quite beat the +spd/-res one I already have built, so she is definitely hone fliers fodder.

Also had two weird free summons on the new New Years banner, both full red circles. First one was a 4* Roy and the second was a Ryoma. Kind of bummed that wasn’t a Hrid or Gunnthra for TT bonus, but I guess it doesn’t matter.

Back to attempting to save for L!Tiki...

Nice Fliers you got there and Ryoma, congrats!

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite I got a decent haul so far! My priority was Hrid, followed by Laevatein, then Gunnthra. I wouldn't have minded being pitybroken by Fjorm though, as I lacked a green bow.

For some reason, reds were being rare though, while I was bombarded with colorless and green and a little blue. The one and only green I pulled during a session with no red and just one colorless:


WOW. I didn't expect that so soon. Though she got Rezzy'd. As in, is -Atk. 44 Atk isn't abysmal though, so maybe it's still serviceable? I really would like to use her since she's a unique green bow for me.

Now anyone see what I'd said to @Zeo the other day when I commented on his Matthew? Some time later after Fjorm, in a session with a bunch of colorless:




+10 KAZE GET AT LAST! What an awesome thing to finally accomplish and on New Year's! He may have just missed being finished in 2018, but I think this is still just as awesome. :D Best and most adorable ninja. <3 I currently use a +Res, -Def one as the base, though. Think I should go for +Spd or +Atk instead sometime?

And later on...


HANDSOME ICE PRINCE! Now Handsome New Year Ice Prince! <3 He's +Def, -HP, so effectively neutral and just fine. :3 I stopped for now though. I want to see if Ranulf is joining the laguz on that upcoming banner before I try anymore for Gunnthra or Laevatein.

Still though, this game REALLY seems to not want me to get any form of Laevatein! -_- I'm grateful for what I got here so far, but...this is THREE banners now that I've thrown over 100 orbs on where I tried for any of her. :( That is still frustrating.

Nice +10 Kaze finally, congrats! And Congrats on Fjorm and Hrid~

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