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Golden ticket on NY banner gave me Anamnesis Eirika, which I hope isn't -atk (haven't checked yet). Otherwise, she'd be Swift Sparrow/Desp 3 fodder (like the last one lol).

Edited by Karimlan
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Luck's been pretty good with this banner. Today's free ticket got me a Hrid. +Atk, - Def which isn't the best but I can work with it. Only spent around 50 orbs yesterday and got 2 Gunnthras but neither of them had ideal IVs...might continue trying for another Gunnthra or Hrid with better IV and then fodder the rest. 

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So, I'm going to take a swing at the NY banner with orbs for a second. If it's like the last three circles I bet there won't be a green again.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Well, that's still only one after 4 circles)

4* Titania (....Still not Fjorm. +HP/-Def)

...I've still got 20. Why not?

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green (Seriously, 2 out of 25.)

5* NY!Fjorm (Well, this is nice, just who I was looking for. +Spd/-HP, if only she weren't -HP.)

I didn't have a pity rate, so I'll just use the tokens and this will do me. I am going to be saving for a bit as RD is also a personal pass unless I am too tempted by skills, which is no guarantee.

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My first 5* of the year 2019 is Red Tome Eirika. When I pulled her I thought it was Gunthra at first lol.

Anyways, it is still a good way to kick-off the year. I love RT Eirika's art, her design is very beautiful. 

Also, my last pulled 5* units of the year 2018 were Legendary Marth and Summer Young Tiki. 

I'm looking to use my free tickets to try and pull NY! Fjorm. If not then hopefully I can at least get good fodder. 

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Welp, I knew it'd happen one day. I freaking knew it, but it sure did take a while.

First off, I've been on New years banner since Summer Camilla, and I got Pity breaking Fallen Celica +Res -spd. Forgot to report that.

...and motherfucking just now I got Luke.


+Def -Res, so fortunately he's usable, but...



On 1/1/2019 at 9:26 AM, Anacybele said:

I'm not getting as many comments on my +10 as Zeo did on his... I'm a bit envious. :P Oh well, I'm still happy!

Hold up, you 5* +10ed? That is awesome, that Kaze looks great.

And hey, I'm envious to. I 5* +10ed Eir and Ophelia a while ago and got ignored (though I did kinda whale for them...)

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hold up, you 5* +10ed? That is awesome, that Kaze looks great.

And hey, I'm envious to. I 5* +10ed Eir and Ophelia a while ago and got ignored (though I did kinda whale for them...)

Yep! Thanks! :)

Oh, sorry, I must never have seen those posts. I may not have even been on at the time. But good job! It's even more amazing to +10 a unit that's 5 star exclusive.

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My first summon of 2019 was actually a free NY Azura (+Atk/-HP)! No joke haha.

Legendary Azura Banner - Very good banner for me overall (Sniped Blue & Colourless). Picked up exactly what I was after (Leg.Azura, SM.Camilla copies,  x1 Veronica fodder/merge & my First SM.Takumi).

NY II Banner - Sniped Red, hoping for Gunnthra copies to use in next seasons arena. Ended up picking up a few copies of Hrid instead (One with +Atk/-Spd IV's), which I was content with if it did happen. Used a few F2P orbs later and finally got a copy of Gunnthra (+Atk/-Spd, which is workable for now. A merge later will fix that anyway).

Currently saving orbs for the upcoming Radiant Dawn banner.

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1 hour ago, D4RTH said:

My first summon of 2019 was actually a free NY Azura (+Atk/-HP)! No joke haha.

Legendary Azura Banner - Very good banner for me overall (Sniped Blue & Colourless). Picked up exactly what I was after (Leg.Azura, SM.Camilla copies,  x1 Veronica fodder/merge & my First SM.Takumi).

NY II Banner - Sniped Red, hoping for Gunnthra copies to use in next seasons arena. Ended up picking up a few copies of Hrid instead (One with +Atk/-Spd IV's), which I was content with if it did happen. Used a few F2P orbs later and finally got a copy of Gunnthra (+Atk/-Spd, which is workable for now. A merge later will fix that anyway).

Currently saving orbs for the upcoming Radiant Dawn banner.

ohoo the salt is real my friend ;) It took me 370 to get her (sigh).  great ivs. (mine was +atk/-def)

7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Welp, I knew it'd happen one day. I freaking knew it, but it sure did take a while.

First off, I've been on New years banner since Summer Camilla, and I got Pity breaking Fallen Celica +Res -spd. Forgot to report that.

...and motherfucking just now I got Luke.


+Def -Res, so fortunately he's usable, but...


you got Luke'd? I am so so so so sorry. 


ETA: Today's Ticket = Lilina
4 orbs = NY Gunnthra. YAY!
(not so yay - she's minus spd. of course she is LOL)

Edited by daisy jane
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Fuck the legendary banner. 11% and absolutely nothing. The most I've gotten from this banner is a Gaius with the nature I was looking for and a bunch of draw back fodder (Sully).

Suffice to say, this banner sucks. I wish I could delete Laslow and Beruka from my game.

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30 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Fuck the legendary banner. 11% and absolutely nothing. The most I've gotten from this banner is a Gaius with the nature I was looking for and a bunch of draw back fodder (Sully).

Suffice to say, this banner sucks. I wish I could delete Laslow and Beruka from my game.

:( i'm really sorry to her this. that's so yeucky. 

25 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

New Year Fjorm is creating Resolutions in my barracks!

And with an awesome nature to boot, in +Spd -HP! There will literally be no outspeeding her now!

that is an awesome get! way to go :) 

33 minutes ago, Zelgius said:

I got a +Def/-spd Flora with today's gold ticket. That's pretty cool, I never thought I would get her.

the tickets are very generous today.  congrats :)

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Ha, free summoning ticket gave me NY!Fjorm today. Though I don't really care for her so I will probably fodder her off once the VG and TT is over. I wonder what skill is more valuable from her skillset; Atk/Spd bond, Atk/Spd Link or good ol' reposition?

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So, free ticket, free summon. If I get a third 5* from 10 orbs total....

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Palla (That's well worth picking. +Def/-Atk)

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@Sunwoo Damn that sucks man, it's ridiculous to not get a single thing on an 8% banner :/

2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

4 orbs = NY Gunnthra. YAY!
(not so yay - she's minus spd. of course she is LOL)

*minus spd NY!Gunnthra high five*

A friend of mine got her with -atk, Gunnthra doesn't like good IVs it seems.

My try at the NY banner today got me:

  • Two blue orbs that I ain't touching
  • 4* Olivia
  • 4* Leon
  • 4* Boey

Welp that's it for today. Can't complain too much since I got two 5* units yesterday. Better luck tomorrow.

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Up to 1,489 total pulled units.  I. . .kinda went nuts.


Silvia (+Spd/-Atk): She's utility, and she'll do that nicely with this combo.  She's also my only copy.
Athena (+HP/-Def): Wo Dao or Moonbow, which should I pass on?
Caeda (+Atk/-Def): I can use this!
Titania (+Atk/-Spd): Some units can work with this.  You. . .can't.
Virion (+Res/-HP): That's just awful.

Rebecca (+Atk/-Def): GO AWA--wait, you're actually useful for once.

Lucius (+Res/-Spd): And that's a "no thank you".
Lilina (+Def/-HP): Neither of these help her offense.
Roderick (+HP/-Atk): The other way around!
Nino (+Spd/-Atk): Draw Back fodder~!
Nino (+HP/-Def): More Draw Back fodder~!

Takumi (neutral): Already a vast improvement from my -Atk one.  Will be merged.  Much as he amuses me, I didn't want to support him in the gauntlet, because it means I wouldn't be able to show off my Leon.
Lon'qu (+Res/-HP): That's not helping anyone.
Donnel (+HP/-Def): I think there's one unit total that I'd accept this on.  And it isn't you.
Boey (+Res/-HP): See Lon'qu's comment.
Gunther (+Spd/-Def): Go swap with Titania, you'd both be happy.

Setsuna (+HP/-Def): You're the third unit with this.
Silas (+Def/-HP): This looks hilarious.  He's also my first one!
Hawkeye (+Def/-HP): Not you too!
Merric (neutral): He really wants +Atk, not this!
Lucius (+HP/-Spd): WHY.

Gordin (+Spd/-HP): WHY!  A lot of units could use this, but not him!
Lilina (+Spd/-Atk): Wow, that's surprisingly bad on her!
Lukas (+Def/-Spd): Not bad. . .if I was actually interested in building him properly.
Fae (+Res/-Def): Not the end of the world for her, but she'd rather be +Atk.
Hawkeye (+Atk/-Spd): I think this is as good as he gets.  WOOHOO, something finally went right!

Gaius (+Spd/-Def): If his Atk was better, this would be acceptable.  But alas.
Selena (neutral): Reposition fodder~!
Athena (+Atk/-Def): You have my attention!
Serra (+Atk/-Def): Wait, that might be useful.
Innes (+Spd/-HP): Guys, I pulled Nina as a man.  I think he'll get a spare Swift Sparrow, because Nidhogg's weapon passive screams "player phase".

Mathilda (+Def/-HP): NO.

Frederick (+Res/-Def): Luna fodder~!
Tiki (+Res/-HP): Come to think of it, Lightning Breath is a good weapon.
Jeorge (+Atk/-Spd): Good asset, crap flaw.
Virion (+HP/Atk): The other way around!  Again!
Setsuna (+Spd/-Atk): That flaw is fatal.

Setsuna (+Atk/-Def): This, however, might be worth it.

Donnel (neutral): Well, uh, I still use HP +5.
Chrom (+Res/-HP): AETHER FODDER!
Morgan (+HP/-Spd): Whee, a free Dull Ranged donation~!
??? (+Def/-Atk): Savior of the voting gauntlet, and with a really bad flaw.  I have plans for them, which will involve that Selena I pulled earlier.
Palla (+Def/-HP): The mystery unit can also make stellar use of Moonbow!

Raigh (+Def/-HP): Not you too.
Lucius (+Spd/-Def): That's more like it!
Wrys (+Atk/-HP): . . .really?  I mean, that's a good combo, but not on you!

Now that was a pull session.  Here's hoping the gauntlet cooperates!


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Last month, I summoned 5 Laevateins in the Hríd's Banner, and now another Laevatein pity broke me in the New Year's Banner!!! I never though I would be angry by having a +5 5-Stars exclusive unit! At least Laevatein is a good unit.

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Well, I finally broke my pity rate on the legendary banner.

Summer Camilla. Just a summer Camilla. Nothing else. 11% and just one summer Camilla. None of the green or red 5-stars, which I wanted more. No Veronica, or even a better natured summer Takumi.

Well, at least she's not a duplicate. I'll take it and leave this cursed banner.

EDIT: She's +atk -def. That's ... well, she may not be what I wanted, but if you're breaking my pity rate anyway this is how to do it without pissing me off. Have a good nature.

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Does someone know the odds in this banner? I've had some real luck/unluck in this banner. All I want is just a 5* focus(red) and I am calling it quits for this banner, beast units are coming soon and I have to start saving. And my l have been getting random 5* stars always that are not within this banner and never having gone beyond 3.25 pity rate. An Elincia, a sanaki, a flynoka and an Ares. And all I want is a either a Gunnthrá or a Hríd.

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