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Whilst I have got nothing from the Legendary Banner yet with a 11.5%, I pulled Gunthraa with my fourth summoning ticket (=3%).

The tradition of having great luck in 3% and poor luck in 8% banners continues.

I mean I did not really need anyone of this bunch, but if I wanted one unit, then her, so this was nice at the end. She is +atk / -def, which is pretty good. It was a very nice bonus from nowhere.

She will eat a Cordelia and a Hinata to get a fury + desperation + galeforce combo, which already worked very well on my BraveRoy. Although swift sparrow is a nice A-skill too. Hmm...

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Wow, my luck is being annoying!

I'm being conservative with how many orbs I spend a day, so for the free ticket, I got 5* Siegbert (why!?) and THEN on my next pull I got NY!Fjorm (thanks no reds) and THEN on my next pull, I got a 5* Ugly Celica (yay Death Blow 4?).

I have never gotten so many 5* on so few orbs, and yet somehow never the one I want!

Then I had to do one round of pulls on the Kliff banner (I was at 3.5%) and VOILA! 5* Kliff (like I wanted!). So then I went back to the New Years banner, thinking my luck had changed, and got 3 reds, and got 3 Eliwoods (all 3*).

So I'm waiting until tomorrow's free ticket now. What a saga. Hrid is hiding so well, and I can't use all my orbs because Laguz are coming soon.

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9 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Ha, free summoning ticket gave me NY!Fjorm today. Though I don't really care for her so I will probably fodder her off once the VG and TT is over. I wonder what skill is more valuable from her skillset; Atk/Spd bond, Atk/Spd Link or good ol' reposition?

if it were me, I'd go with Atk/Spd Link. I LOVE this more than I thought i would, and considering that any support movement triggers, it's gold (Please please let this be a sacred seal one day).

8 hours ago, Mau said:

*minus spd NY!Gunnthra high five*

A friend of mine got her with -atk, Gunnthra doesn't like good IVs it seems.

My try at the NY banner today got me:

  • Two blue orbs that I ain't touching
  • 4* Olivia
  • 4* Leon
  • 4* Boey

Welp that's it for today. Can't complain too much since I got two 5* units yesterday. Better luck tomorrow.

woohoo!! but i can't complain. i got the unit i wanted (and when she shows up in the summer, i can try for a merge (to only fix that spd), but i figure with buffs etc, she'll be a-okay. i just laugh that i have the two fastest fliers in the game.... with -spd. but she cost 4 orbs (thanks ticket) so i really can't complain. If Game - please let me pull Flying Olivia tomorrow i promise not to ask for anything for.. a while. (i don't wanna trap myself there LOL). but please Flying Olivia. Pls? (if not her, Fjorm, M!Grima or Lene pls ). 

I wish you a good pull tomorrow Mau! 
(though anytime I get Olivia i'm happy, so that's good and I like Leon. but we want 5*'s game!)

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9 hours ago, eclipse said:

Wrys (+Atk/-HP): . . .really?  I mean, that's a good combo, but not on you!

I LOL'd.

Today's Golden Ticket gave me regular Eirika. Still no luck after plopping down orbs on the Legendary Azura banner. I just hope I won't get jinxed by another Fjorm or Summer Camilla.

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Call me a sucker for willingly buying the new year bundle rip-offs, but hey I still got New Year Fjorm and Laevatein neutral as a bonus. Also, why wouldn't I buy them if I was gonna dive right into the semi-mass summoning anyways?

Anyways, here are the results of 280 orbs in the Legendary Azura banner...

+Atk -Res Summer Takumi (FREAKING AWESOOOOME.)

The following three came in the same session...

  • Another Legendary Hector (+Atk -Def, but with the update coming to Flaws on Merged units, will it even matter? Actually would the drop in Defense really matter when his Atk is superbooned? It looks awesome.)
  • Also another Summer Y!Tiki (This time +Spd -HP, which I don't know if that's better than +Atk -Spd per say, but looks awesome nonetheless)
  • Finally, another Summer Camilla (+Spd -Res, the polar opposite of the +Def -Spd I trained this morning. FREAKING AWESOME.)

I finally legit summoned Brave Veronica, with +HP -Res. Not sure if I wanna merge into this Veronica, merge into Neutral Veronica, or use her for Wrathful Staff fodder (god knows I need it badly)...

Flora +Atk -Res. Good boon, questionable bane. Good pull.

And then 280 orbs were spent. Good results, even if all but one of the results are just better asset repeats of units I already pulled.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid

I'm tired, don't feel like posting an image. Got a Swordhardt from the pool yesterday. He's just a merge since he's neutral and my first one is +DEF/-HP which is basically the same.

Gonna save up orbs until beast units pop up. Still need to break the rate on the Christmas banner and honestly if not for the free tickets I'm pretty sure I'd be done with the NY!Banners.

Edited by Zeo
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14 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid

I'm tired, don't feel like posting an image. Got a Swordhardt from the pool yesterday. He's just a merge since he's neutral and my first one is +DEF/-HP which is basically the same.

Gonna save up orbs until beast units pop up. Still need to break the rate on the Christmas banner and honestly if not for the free tickets I'm pretty sure I'd be done with the NY!Banners.

yay for Swordhardt! :) 
:) hopefully you get a good beast, Zeo :)


5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Call me a sucker for willingly buying the new year bundle rip-offs, but hey I still got New Year Fjorm and Laevatein neutral as a bonus. Also, why wouldn't I buy them if I was gonna dive right into the semi-mass summoning anyways?

Anyways, here are the results of 280 orbs in the Legendary Azura banner...

+Atk -Res Summer Takumi (FREAKING AWESOOOOME.)

The following three came in the same session...

  • Another Legendary Hector (+Atk -Def, but with the update coming to Flaws on Merged units, will it even matter? Actually would the drop in Defense really matter when his Atk is superbooned? It looks awesome.)
  • Also another Summer Y!Tiki (This time +Spd -HP, which I don't know if that's better than +Atk -Spd per say, but looks awesome nonetheless)
  • Finally, another Summer Camilla (+Spd -Res, the polar opposite of the +Def -Spd I trained this morning. FREAKING AWESOME.)

I finally legit summoned Brave Veronica, with +HP -Res. Not sure if I wanna merge into this Veronica, merge into Neutral Veronica, or use her for Wrathful Staff fodder (god knows I need it badly)...

Flora +Atk -Res. Good boon, questionable bane. Good pull.

And then 280 orbs were spent. Good results, even if all but one of the results are just better asset repeats of units I already pulled.

well you know - you got the units you waned, and you got some great stuff. 
I is jealous of your +atk Takumi ;) 

Re: Veronica - i think until you got the best IV spread for her - I'd keep the neutral (for F2P guides (just in case) and fodder off that veronica. :)

I am jealous of your summer camilla. (WHY. IS. FJORM. IN. THIS. BANNER? (also. it mattters not because Airzura ate all my orbs lol)

Re Tiki:I have +spd/-hp. according to gamepress this is her best nature. see:



+SPD: Tiki is incredibly fast with 37 base Speed, and a +SPD boon will make her so fast that she can not only avoid nearly all doubles, but can also be considered a potent Player Phase threat.

  • -HP: Despite impacting both physical and magical bulk, a -HP bane is ideal for Tiki to avoid having to take a bane in any other stat.


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Two more New Year's tickets...

  1. 3* Athena: Nope.
  2. 4* Eliwood: Meh.

And with 25 orbs, back to the legendary banner.

  1. 4* Lilina: SP fodder.

So much for the flood of reds I was getting earlier. 20 orbs left.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: Grr...

Marth really doesn't want to show up, does he?

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Went in for my two freebie summons and got a +Atk/-Spd Takumi and a +Spd/-Res Ike. Sure these are extremely outdated units and not new to my collection but wow is that weirdly lucky. They'll also replace my +Res/-Spd Ike and +Res/-Spd Takumi who will have a lot to gain from a merge both before and after the change to merged units. Thanks Fire Emblem Heroes.

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New banner, new summon. I didn't mind what I got so I went colorless because QR3 is nice to have. Got a 4* Maria.

In other news the Christmas banner is making me die on the inside. 5.25% pity rate and stupid colorless hell just keeps throwing Marias/Serras/Setsunas at me. I hate it sooo much.

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5 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

New banner, new summon. I didn't mind what I got so I went colorless because QR3 is nice to have. Got a 4* Maria.

In other news the Christmas banner is making me die on the inside. 5.25% pity rate and stupid colorless hell just keeps throwing Marias/Serras/Setsunas at me. I hate it sooo much.

Sounds like the winter banner is treating you worse than it is me. I'm only at a 3.75% right now.

Then again, I did take a break to summon on the legendary ...

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With a new BHB comes 9 orbs and a new banner. I've got everyone at 5*, so might as well aim for Clarine since she's technically at the top of my roster as my first unit to become 5* (Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna aside).

  1. 4* Matthew: Nope. There's 3 other grey orbs, which makes me apprehensive about who could be inside them, but Marth still eludes me.

Another New Year's ticket...

  1. 4* Sakura: 4 greys and a blue, exactly like last set.

The BHB gave me a total of 30 orbs, so more red sniping.

  1. 3* Athena: Please go away.
  2. 4* Mamui: No...

21 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: What do you want from me, Feh?!
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19 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

In other news the Christmas banner is making me die on the inside.

At least you haven't gotten pity broken yet: 




Fuck this stupid banner and its refusal to give me the first flying Azura between this year and last year. And yes, Grima is so getting foddered for Vengeful Fighter for his insolence.

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17 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

At least you haven't gotten pity broken yet: 


  Reveal hidden contents


Fuck this stupid banner and its refusal to give me the first flying Azura between this year and last year. And yes, Grima is so getting foddered for Vengeful Fighter for his insolence.


why won't he ever come to me?! ugghhhhhh

BHB - got a crap Catria. (sigh). can't give me Silas. Can't give me Est. can't give me a good IV Catria. ca-mon, game. 

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid

I'm tired, don't feel like posting an image. Got a Swordhardt from the pool yesterday. He's just a merge since he's neutral and my first one is +DEF/-HP which is basically the same.

Gonna save up orbs until beast units pop up. Still need to break the rate on the Christmas banner and honestly if not for the free tickets I'm pretty sure I'd be done with the NY!Banners.

Darn, at least you'll have one bulky Swordhart after the merge update! Hope you get a good result from the Christmas banner!

@mampfoid Funnily enough when I got Karla, I was looking at the Karla from a friend that visited my castle.

But yeah luck had been kinda of shakey in the past few days since New Year's. Of note was both Ticket 3 and Ticket 4 gave me Karla's daughter Fir in a row...

Well now that we are in the 5th ticket I decided to just use it anyway and I get 2 reds instead of the 1 red per day before. First red..


It's Flora! Now she and Felicia can be in clears together! And I can ignore the red in the legendary...

....or so I thought. She is +Res/-Atk.... Don't really feel like going red again but at least +Res makes for some monster ploy support, and if I can get +Res/-Atk Deirdre to work then Flora can work out.

Other red was a 3 star Olivia who was quickly booked.

Free summon from BHB was a 3 star Sophia.


In my main account, my orbs were disappearing trying to get L!Azura (or any blue 5 star at his point..) 9% for now but I really should control my orb hand until the beast trailer...

In the meantime, I do my 5th ticket and get my second 5 star in the NY banner!


Hey it's NY Hrid!! We're fellow Hrid bros now @Zeo!

...and he's like my regular Hrid with the unfortunate +Spd/-Atk. All my melee red fliers have bad natures (-Spd L!Ryoma and Elincia..)

At least I have a back up if NY Corrin loses (maybe I'll wait to train him up until after the VG result)

Oh well I mostly just want him for the art really. Not sure if I'll come back to this, Azura has priority then beasts but two 5 stars ain't a bad result.

...even if both were -Atk. Actually wow, all my 5 stars from the NY banners are -Atk.

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@mcsilas Hey, great pulls and cool units, congrats! You didn't have Flora in that account already? 

Too bad about the natures, but I tend to ignore bad banes lately and everyone is still fun (like L!Hrid, L!Marth, Owain and L!Azura). 


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42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Darn, at least you'll have one bulky Swordhart after the merge update! Hope you get a good result from the Christmas banner!

@mampfoid Funnily enough when I got Karla, I was looking at the Karla from a friend that visited my castle.

But yeah luck had been kinda of shakey in the past few days since New Year's. Of note was both Ticket 3 and Ticket 4 gave me Karla's daughter Fir in a row...

Well now that we are in the 5th ticket I decided to just use it anyway and I get 2 reds instead of the 1 red per day before. First red..


It's Flora! Now she and Felicia can be in clears together! And I can ignore the red in the legendary...

....or so I thought. She is +Res/-Atk.... Don't really feel like going red again but at least +Res makes for some monster ploy support, and if I can get +Res/-Atk Deirdre to work then Flora can work out.

Other red was a 3 star Olivia who was quickly booked.

Free summon from BHB was a 3 star Sophia.


In my main account, my orbs were disappearing trying to get L!Azura (or any blue 5 star at his point..) 9% for now but I really should control my orb hand until the beast trailer...

In the meantime, I do my 5th ticket and get my second 5 star in the NY banner!


Hey it's NY Hrid!! We're fellow Hrid bros now @Zeo!

...and he's like my regular Hrid with the unfortunate +Spd/-Atk. All my melee red fliers have bad natures (-Spd L!Ryoma and Elincia..)

At least I have a back up if NY Corrin loses (maybe I'll wait to train him up until after the VG result)

Oh well I mostly just want him for the art really. Not sure if I'll come back to this, Azura has priority then beasts but two 5 stars ain't a bad result.

...even if both were -Atk. Actually wow, all my 5 stars from the NY banners are -Atk.

OOh FLORA!! eww minus atk. 
OOH Hrid! :) 
but ewwwww. minus ark. what is with that. 
I'm the same. all the units who need spd - minus spd. 
all the units who need atk. -atk. it's like the game KNOWS. 

(which Azura? Airzura? Tomezura? (so many Zuras...)

19 minutes ago, Necrofantasia said:

After Gunnthra yersterday Fjorm showed up today. Two freebies in a row.

Meanwhile I am desperating on the Legendary Banner with a 12% pityrate...

I guess this IS gacha!

oooh Lucky with Fjorm! 
I got another Gunnthra :)

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@mcsilas You're two for two now with the Floras which is awesome! A shame about Hrid's nature but it's great you got him. I'm not in a much better boat myself. +RES/-DEF is pretty bad. He loses his best stat essentially and even with the boon he's nothing to write home about in terms of mixed bulk. Still he's a niche unit so that's cool.

I ended up taking @mampfoid's advice and instead of spending 5 orbs like an idiot, when I accidentally cleared the BHB on my desktop instead of iphone I just went ahead and grabbed 20 orbs for a full session trying to break my rate on the Christmas banner. Probably not the best course of action but that 3.50% has been bothering me. In the end, two Kleins, one Fae and an Effie. I can certainly do worse than that, but with Beasts on the Horizon and more tickets (and potentially orbs) to be spent on the NY banner, I can't help but feel a little wasteful here. Now with a 3.75% banner as well. Maybe I should quit. That 5.75% rate on the Halloween banner still haunts me.

Saving the last 3 tickets on the NY banner for later. Won't pull anymore there until the beasts come out. Then I'll do a full session with whatever orbs I have at the time. Down to 18 for now with most of the Tempest and monthly orbs still needed to be grabbed.

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Now at a 4% pity rate on the winter banner. Ugh.

That said, I did pull a perfect +atk -spd Cherche from there, so it wasn't a total loss.

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11 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Now with a 3.75% banner as well. Maybe I should quit. That 5.75% rate on the Halloween banner still haunts me.

That's exactly where I quit. 

3.75% isn't that good anyway if you compare it to Hero fests and Legendary banners. 

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