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Got 3* Mathilda 

5 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:





Oooh nice Hardin! Congrats on finishing him!

3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

This was my free summon in the Voting Gauntlet: Destructive Forces banner:


Well... she can be consider a Destructive Force, right? +Def -Atk... worst IVs possible, but I cannot complain because she was a freebie.


Ooof, the IVs, but nice that you got her!

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Got a male Grima on my free summon on my main! +HP/-Res compared to my current +Spd/-HP...although now I'm used to the +Spd lol but I guess +HP is better? Gonna wait untila fter the VG to merge though. 

Had another green orb on the circle and I was tempted to somehow get Surtr for the sweet A skill. Or a Barst for Reposition. I get smoke (yes!) and.....it WAS a Barst!!! Repositions are as good as 5 stars for me so it was worth the temptation.


Congrats on your Grima and Barst! I'd say HP's definitely better, but Speedy Grima memes sound fun~

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Got a male Grima on my free summon on my main! +HP/-Res compared to my current +Spd/-HP...although now I'm used to the +Spd lol but I guess +HP is better? Gonna wait untila fter the VG to merge though. 

Had another green orb on the circle and I was tempted to somehow get Surtr for the sweet A skill. Or a Barst for Reposition. I get smoke (yes!) and.....it WAS a Barst!!! Repositions are as good as 5 stars for me so it was worth the temptation.

Congrats on that free pull! I had my share of free Grimas already, welcome to the club. 

Why do you want to merge? Vengeful Fighter is still a premium skill. 

1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

thats actually a weird one, basically if were going by "unit i like" its likely Brave Roy, who barely have banners. I already kinda sorta +10 Eliwood too, for what it worth

I'm saving up for Roy all the time, but spending my stash at the end of the month regularly! 

BH!Lyn gets another banner tomorrow, poor Roy. 

1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

As it is, its probably saving up for Brave Eliwood of the units that is guaranteed to make it in. Leif would have been nice too, but i think atm im saving up for B!Eliwood

Good luck getting Eliwood! Hopfully he'll fit into your monster armor squad. 

1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Most of my other favorite characters are free(Finn), and not here yet(Good Hardin, Marcus) so its kinda hard to pick. Or uninteresting in context of FEH

Perhaps Finn will get an alt? (no idea if would be a candidate). Marcus seems to have good chances to get an appearance sooner or later, being one of the best units in Eliwoods game. 


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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:


@daisy jane Hooray for that nice +Atk accidental Kinoka! Best asset, she needs the power. Hopefuly Flylivia comes one day, I'm still missing her as well. Guidance banner? 3 move Heron dancer is good though!

Got a male Grima on my free summon on my main! +HP/-Res compared to my current +Spd/-HP...although now I'm used to the +Spd lol but I guess +HP is better? Gonna wait untila fter the VG to merge though. 

Had another green orb on the circle and I was tempted to somehow get Surtr for the sweet A skill. Or a Barst for Reposition. I get smoke (yes!) and.....it WAS a Barst!!! Repositions are as good as 5 stars for me so it was worth the temptation.

honestly Repositions are like gold. basically every flier i have gets it no questions asked (From Barsts too because once I can finally Sack Palla's again, that's instant Moonbow/Goad Fliers/Wings of Mercy Fodder  to them as well). Selena goes to melee units. 

LOL i am so jealous of everyone. lots of Free Pulls today it seemed! LOL if it were me I'd go with the +HP - at least he can tank some more stuff hahaha But congrats Grima! Go figure two days ago, I made a list of people i can skip and (sadly) Grima made it, even though i want him for Dragon Armour Emblem (I'm hoping next month I can knock out some Winter Faes + Hectors, and that can complete Armour KinderDragon instead - and then POOF. Grima banner to tempt me. but I am hoping though to get stupid lucky on Legendary. (game owes me. I blew so many orbs on Anniversary - not ONE Lazura. so I am expecting many Lazuras to grace me tomorrow). 

Regarding Hinkoka - lol i know. like. thank you for making that mistake worth it and bless her IVs too. had Ophelia been Ylgr, I probably would have gone for more Hinoka merges. 

With FlyLivia... she could be on a stance skill banner, a Dancer VG LOL or movement. I'm just hoping she doesn't get colourblocked (even though that means double chances)

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Welp, just got Surtr for my free pull. I really dislike him, so this is useless, but part of me just wants to level him up and throw him in my Aether Raids just to be there. LOL. But he has Steady Stance 4, so like .... goodbye.


OH! Just got Adrift!MCorrin (+HP/-Def) Only used about 20-ish orbs total, so that's nice. If I didn't have Spring!Chrom/Alfonse on my list, I'd try to +1 him.

Edited by Kiran_
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Chance at Surtr?

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Bartre (I really want better fodder to come into the non-5* pools. +Spd/-Atk)

Back to bunnies.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Henry (Henry, no. +Atk/-Res), 3* Palla (WRONG PALLA! +Def/-Spd)

4.25%. Stop. Please.

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Got Yune in ~220 orbs, getting Ophelia (my 1st), Azura (2nd), and Kagero (1st) along the way, leaving Lewyn as the only unit on this banner I don't have.

My Yune is +Atk -Def which might be perfect.

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Another month, another Mythic banner. Not going to go all out this time, but I still plan to spend. 190 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Sheena: Meh.
  2. 3* Hana: Feathers.

I have no interest in the three blues, so on to the next set. Greens and greys now. 186 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: Eh.
  2. 4* Titania: Still eh.
  3. 3* Saizo: And he makes his infuriating return...

Not a hope-inducing start. 173 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kaze: Iceberg fodder.
  2. 3* Serra: Feathers.

Still nothing. 164 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sakura: More feathers.

Of course when I want greens and greys they're nowhere to be found. 159 orbs left.

  1. 5* Lewyn: Another merge for this insanely good mage.
  2. 3* Bartre: Wrong banner, sir.
  3. 4* Saizo: Grrr...
  4. 4* Rebecca: Haven't seen you in a while.
  5. 4* Morgan: Another merge for my boy when I gather more feathers.

That was disappointing. Going to try for one more 5* before I call it quits. 139 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lachesis: Even more feathers.
  2. 4* Wrys: Useful SI fodder.

Let's keep going. 130 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cherche: Pivot fodder.
  2. 4* Virion: How fitting.

Those funny coincidences. 121 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: Meh.
  2. 3* Raven: Worthless.
  3. 3* Rebecca: Also worthless.

I'm starting to think these extra pulls were a mistake. 108 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fae: Similar looks, but not at all similar units.
  2. 3* Wrys: No.
  3. 3* Azama: Also no.
  4. 4* Sothe: Someone might use L&D.
  5. 5* Eir: And now she's +2 as well.

Two merges for units that honestly didn't need them. I still want one really good 5*. 88 orbs left.

  1. 4* Boey: Meh.
  2. 4* Jeorge: More meh.
  3. 5* Eir: Again? Well, +3 is certainly awesome.
  4. 4* Kaze: Meh.
  5. 4* Florina: Garbage.

Alright, that's enough of that. 122 orbs spent for 3 merges and very little decent SI fodder. Not coming back here again.

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Managed to grab Azura and Lucina in just 109 orbs, then Bruno in 71! Very happy with this.

Also got a duplicate Halloween Kagero on the first banner and an Elise on the second. The new Kagero has a way better nature than my old one (+Def rather than +Spd), so I'm planning on merging into the new one. Who needs SI anyway, I already have four units with Bold Fighter. (Kagero, Hardin, Brave Hector, and Duma.)

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Almost 160 orbs down sniping only blues and the only 5* unit I had to show for it was Lucina, who showed up at 10.5%. Disappointing rate, but made up for by Lucina being +Spd at least, opposite of my current one. Down to 12 orbs so looks like Azura will elude me once more.

Edited by Humanoid
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I think I went in with around 168 orbs into this banner.

My aims were W̶a̶l̶u̶i̶g̶i̶ H!Mia, Lewyn, and Yune. I also didn’t mind any of the other ones in colorless but H!Kagero in green would have been a mild spook.

Anyway, at around 90 orbs I got my first 5*



I also got another when I was down to like 50 orbs


I continued up until I was left with only 14 orbs. Ugh, almost 168 orbs and only two 5*, but hey! at least it’s one of the ones I wanted most which rarely happens in Leg!Banners and it happened twice.

Two Lewyns is exactly what I needed. I’ll get the dragon flowers first and then it’s one for Owain and another for Sonya.

I’ll come back to this banner with more orbs and aim for one more pity breaker but as of right now my haul wasn’t too shabby.


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Missing all red and green units. Will avoid blues and likely greys even though I want Halloween Mia. Here's the haul:

  • Legendary Ryoma. +Res/-Def. No pity rate. Good start. Can never have enough distant counter units.
  • Lewyn +Atk/-Res. Broke a 10.5% pity rate. Ouch, wish you were something else after blowing well over a hundred orbs, but he's new to the collection and that's what matters.
  • Yune +Def/-Atk. No Pity rate. Better. Thanks, game.
  • Eir +HP/-Atk. 10% Pity rate. Ugh. When the game confronted me with four blues I knew the remaining one would pity break me.
  • And a +Atk Libra and +spd Reyson which are good enough to promote

This game gave me waaaaayyy too many blues and that cut my orb supply very quickly. Happy to have more units to promote, and recent ones at that, but this was a rough summoning session. I collected none of the seasonals which are the rarest.  Still got 176 orbs in my savings, but next month is the first time Legendary banners will start to include 6 legendary heroes, and that will cut into their potential value for me in collecting more units. This is probably the last legendary banner I will save for unless there's an increase to the amount of units on each one. Lots of anticipation for April, Golden Week should have a Hero Fest, probably a big orb bonus, and some folks are anticipating some permanent change to summoning or some rarity demotions which would be great.

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Hmm, yeah I’d say this is an appriopriately chaotic free pull! Hot damn, it’s legendary Hector all over again! I also managed to get another merge for Ophelia a couple pulls later though sadly she wasn’t +Atk.



Oh, and I decided on a whim to go back for another try at Idunn after getting the Mythic Hero Battle orbs and, well:



Yup. Also, +Atk/-Spd. I don’t know what I did to deserve this on top of the free pull Yune (+Def/-HP is her combo), but I’m definitely not questioning it!


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Ok, 450 orbs in, and this is the result:


Ophelia: Neutral (will be kept for the 5K feathers and Flowers, then dissappear into Titania for a 4x AOE buffbot)

H!Mia:  +Res, -Def (Just to complete the circle, so pretty much a freebie, will be merged.)

Lewyn: +Res, - Atk (have a +Atk one already, so this is fodder, which I really wanted)

H!Mia: +Spd, - Hp (Unsure if this one or the +Atk one I have should be the base. She was the same as the first one I pulled on this banner, a 3 Orb afterthought)

Leg Azura: +Hp, - Spd ,  +Atk, -Def ,  +Def, - Res (Not sure if I should bump her up to +3, or fodder her to someone... )

Lewyn: +res, - Def: (Same as the other Lewyn, fodder =D)

H!kagero: 2x: +res, -Atk  ,   +spd, -Hp. (I think one can be merged for the bane removal on one of them, and since I have a third copy already i might just fodder one.)

Yune: +Spd, - res (OOF, Press F for the Iv combo, but she's here! Chaos incarnate is in my barracks =D I Adore the tellius games so this was a must have.


450 orbs so far. 100 Left plus some unclaimed stuff waiting to be collected.

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Get in, come out with the goods. How hard can it be?

Take a lesson from me, kids. NEVER DOUBT THIS HELL OF A GAME.

~I wanna get Yune out of the way first and foremost, since she is kinda the face of the banner. First summoning of her, +Spd -Atk. The literal opposite of what she would want. I almost feel forced to get another of her to do the merge... It takes a while to summon her again, but this time she's +Atk -Def. Far better.

~Kagero, the other Green I wanted, was cursed from the start: I summoned 3 of her, and all 3 were +HP. -Atk, -Def, -Res. Of course none of them could be allowed to be -Spd, oh no...

~Lewyn, who I didn't need or want because +10 and not that many units can make Special Spiral work all that well. FOUR SUMMONS. Compared to Kagero's 3 and Yunes 2, not to mention all the other colors... that's bad.

~One Brave Lyn +Res -HP. Literally the same asset/flaw as my current Brave Lyn, which works for me.

~One Halloween Mia +HP -Res, which I wasn't really after, but whatever. I don't need to give her a merge, so her staff should be fun to give someone...

~One Ophelia, Neutral. Pretty bad, but Chill Res is alright.

~One Legendary Azura. No need to give B Duel Flying to anyone, so I guess that's just a merge for my +Spd Azura in the hopes she can take a hit slightly better.

~One Eir...

~Lastly, one each of Legendary Ryoma and Legendary Lucina in the same pull. Neither were ideal asset/flaws, but Ryoma just needed the one to get a merge, and Lucina... well, she's already a good unit, I'm not worried about her.

And I'm done. Leaving. Finished. Over it. There's just too many units here I don't want to summon more of to justify trying for the three or four I'd like to keep summoning for.

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I started my Summoning with 127 orbs, hoping for a Yune and a Azura, and...


FREE SUMMON! FREE SUMMON! I got Yune in my Free Summon! I am so happy right now! She is +Def -Atk, but I don't care, because I got her!

Then, the Search for Azura started. In the next circle after the one I got this Yune... I GOT ANOTHER YUNE! THANKS NAGA, MILA, ASHUNERA, that blessed me with good luck! The 2nd Yune is +Atk -HP, so I am thinking of merge them to nullify the bane/flaw, what do you think?

Anyway, circle after circle and summoned on blue orbs... And it was worthy! I FINALLY GOT L!AZURA! +Spd -Atk. I am so happy that I could sing... But I won't.

I finished to summon all orbs in the same circle I got Azura and ended with 30 orbs. I got all that I wanted with less than 100 orbs, which included Yune as Free! I am so happy and I wish you good luck for this and future banners.

My results: Yune +Def/-Atk, Yune +Atk/-HP, L!Azura +Spd/-Atk.


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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So, I just spent my 195 orbs on 10 full pulls. I think my results qualify as above-average:






Their IVs:


Myrrh: +atk-res

Lucina: +hp-def

Kagero: +res-spd

Yune: +def-res (ouch)

Eir: +def-res (definitely keeping the neutral and foddering this)

Overall, can’t complain with the quantity, though I did miss out on some of the ones I really wanted. But I’m so happy I finally have Halloween Myrrh! Now if only she were blue, she could replace a weak spot on my armor team... oh well, I’ll figure something out!

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I'm not one to post in here much, but I think this game hates me



total count is 6 (gave bold fighter to V!Lyn so I have 5 as of now)

I only wanted yune and myrrh, but I also got a celica, but I already had plans for her, micaiah is now running DB4

point is I am incredibly lucky and unlucky all at once.

also, I am still free to play, this is all in about 170 orbs.

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With 395 orbs my highlight are:

  • 3* Titania (+atk, -res)  been looking for that boon
  • Eir (+hp -res) and  (+res, -atk)
  • Brave Lyn (+hp -res)
  • maid Kagero (+hp -atk) twice (+atk -hp) and (+atk, -spd) 
  • 4* Maria +atk -hp, wanted to change ivs
  • Lewyn (+hp -atk)
  • Halloween Mia (+spd -res)

I'll continue summoning later that 10.5 pity has to go away. 

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