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Got the last ticket and finished the quests. 27 orbs right now.

  1. 4* Hana: Meh.
  2. 4* Gaius: Feathers.
  3. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.
  4. 4* Florina: *sigh*

Silas is handy, but still nothing of much value.

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3RD TICKET: Robin... (+10 Robin dream)



So of course I decide to yolo 5 more orbs and...


Thanks Duma.

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So I went back into Within Darkness hoping to fish out either colorless dragon and got a circle with four colorless and one red. Naturally, that lone red was the one that had a 5*...but:



It was a third off-focus brave Celica within a little less than three months the gacha apparently thinks I'm Satsuma for some reason

I have no clue what the hell her deal is (maybe Mareeta and her slightly superior raw Spd pissed her off), but as you can see my brave Celica is +Spd now because that is what this latest one had (flaw was -Rezzy but that obviously didn't matter). I am perfectly OK with this development but Corrin and/or Tiki would've been nice too.


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1,902 total pulled units.

Spoiler alert: I didn't get Veronica.


Marth (+HP/-Res): Eh.  Sorry.
Athena (+HP/-Atk): Someone will appreciate Moonbow.

Cecilia (+Res/-Atk): Someone will definitely appreciate Escape Route!

Hana (+HP/-Atk): Maybe I can do a 4* merge of her or something.
Corrin (+Res/-HP): Or him.
Tiki (+Res/-HP): Or maybe I can use her weapon for someone? Bonfire's useful, too.
Tailtiu (+Spd/-Res): Hey, not bad!  I mean, you're good fodder too, but still!
Reinhardt (+Def/-Res): Not quite my idea of a -raven mage!

Corrin (+Atk/-Spd): Y'know, if Yato's refine wasn't totally changed from its original, this would be hilarious.
Ophelia (+Res/-Def): Eh, she's here to blast things, and that's what she'll do.  A bit ironic that she came off of the darkness banner!

Lilina (+Res/-HP): I'd rather have her burn things to the ground.
Hinata (+Spd/-Atk): Fury fodder~!

Mareeta (neutral): GO SUMMON TICKETS!  This was the unit I wanted the most off of the banner, so I'm stoked!  She's got a lock on the Phantom Speed seal.  Not sure what to do in her C slot, though.

Hell yes, spent eight orbs on the Darkness banner for two 5* units, one of which I was looking for~!


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Tried a little for Mareeta and got Tiki (+ATK/-RES) instead after 35, so I stopped. 

15 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Everyone's been pretty lucky it seems, congrats guys!

I can finally leave the Picnic Banner with my 2nd Genny, she was the first Orb I opened~ I was so happy to get her easily after 2 Veronica pitybreaks~

Yay for second Genny and the full toastyness! 

13 hours ago, Nanima said:

This banner was pretty crazy for me.

My free summon was this:

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Okay? I didn't really want her, but she didn't cost me anything and didn't break my pity rate, so this is fine. Heck I might even use her. Her IVs are workable (+Def -Res). 

So then I went a bit wild, since I really wanted Tiki and I have a hard time reigning myself in once I start summoning.

About 150 orbs later:

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Yes!! My target for this banner arrived! As heartbreaking as the circumstances were, I was really happy to see her. Her Def bane bothered me a little but not too much in the end.

So I was very elated but also done with this banner. I had a pretty high pity rate going and so decided to pull up the rest of the circle. The result of which I assume to be interesting to @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane and @mcsilas:

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Sakunyan enjoyed a happy meal and is now immune to magic on enemy phase!

Oh and then I actually used the summoning tickets I had in reserve. To top off this glorious day:

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Goodbye unfortunate bane. We hardly knew ye.

So yes... while I did spend more than I wanted, right now it's hard to feel bad. xD

Wow, you got what you wanted and even more. Congrats! 

Why did you want Tiki in particular? 

13 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

And I got a Female Corrin in the next circle that I used my last ticket. She is +Def -Hp


Congrats again! May she bring the catastrophe to your foes! 

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9 hours ago, daisy jane said:

she is going to be soooo scary :)
You did so well that's amazing!!

Thanks, and yep she already is. haha

@mampfoid I just really love Baby Tiki. She was my first natural 5* ( I rerolled for my Takumi). And thank you!

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Spent all my summoning tickets and got nothing good or useful out of it. Had to start digging into my orb reserves and after about 80 orbs I got one of the possessed dragon girls...


Tiki came with +Def/-Spd and is the one I mostly wanted to get. Not the ideal nature for her so I spent 70 more orbs before another one came with a +Def/-HP. Okay, she really wants a defense boon but at least the speed bane is gone. Unfortunately Corrin didn't show up and I don't really want to spend orbs to try and get her yet. Might try again depending on what Bridal Heroes and the Mythic Hero are this month or I might wait until Corrin shows up again on a different banner.

Down to 1250 orbs now. This month has already done a good job of making me spend 250 orbs on the Brave and Fallen Heroes banners. Kind of hoping nothing else I want comes out this month. Still glad I was able to get Tiki though. Now there needs to be a green dragonstone Tiki so I can just make a dragon team with nothing but Tiki with all the colors. Mythic Future Past A!Tiki when IS? Now I wait for F!Delthea's GHB to come out tomorrow so I can get her.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Yes, finally got her. Took me another 30 orbs this morning after I completed quests.


IVs are not great, but it doesn't bother me.




Edited by Garlyle
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Tickets #2 and #3. First session had no greys again, so this banner has shown me three circles so far with a grand total of zero grey orbs. Great.

3* Palla

Luckily the next one did have two.

4* Priscilla
4* Nanna

A pair of rare troubadours for me, so not a terrible outcome - just my second Nanna ever and I've only pulled maybe 5 Priscillas since launch, amazingly. So then, one more ticket to earn and use once I get a few more orbs over the coming days, probably when the arena orbs come through.

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Got Mareeta yesterday for a mere 4 orb, +Speed -Def. It's perfect.

And now a ticket gave me Corrin, +Attack.


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I still have 180 or something orbs.

I'm going to regret this if Quan's on the Leif & Nanna BHB.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Jakob (Terrible unit! +Def/-Atk), 3* Odin (It's fodder. +Atk/-Def), 4* Stahl (Stahl the ball, that's not what I want. +Atk/-Res)

3.25%, why yes I remembered I pulled after Tiki and did this circle on purpose.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Azama (Knowing my luck, he'll still be a bad nature. +Atk/-Spd, case in point.), 4* Marth (He's honestly only really worth it for merges now. +Atk/-Def)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Klein (I wish I got him more. +Def/-Res)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Klein (Granted? +Atk/-Def, actually perfect nature!)

2 Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

5* Fallin (I mean, I wanted a better Tiki, but still. +Def/-HP, Fine.), 3* Kagero (Kageno. +Spd/-Res), 4* Reinhardt (I don't have Mordecai you know. +HP/-Def), 3* A!Tiki (Wrong Tiki. :P +Res/-Def), 3* Ares (Neat. +Spd/-Res, better than +Atk?)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Tailtiu (I've missed this. +Atk/-HP)


3 Colourless, 2 Blue

4* Rebecca (Rebecnah. +Res/-Spd), 3* Saizo (Saizo deez pity rates. +Atk/-Res), 4* Jeorge (I'd rather a lot of other units. +Res/-Def)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* M!Robin (I was happy to see him for once. +Atk/-HP)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Maria (Marinah +Res/-Spd)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Nanna (Could this be it? +Def/-HP, have you ever seen a unit cursed with a boon?)

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Catria (Have not pulled in ages. +Res/-Def)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Lissa (Lissah no. +Atk/-HP)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Klein (More like Klrei! +Spd/-HP), 4* Kaze (Could be worse. +HP/-Atk)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Leon (Really not all that. +Res/-HP), 3* Kaze (Probably bad again. +Spd/-Atk)

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Gordin (That's not a 5*! +Atk/-Spd, Bullseye!), 3* Leon (Leono. +Def/-Res), 3* Clarine (Is she a +Atk? +Def/-Atk definitely not.)


3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Maria (Remember when she was 5*? +Def/-Atk)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Clair (Remove from the pool? Remove. +Atk/-Def)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Sakura (It's world Healer day apparently. +Atk/-Def)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Oboro (Obhellno. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Red, 2 Blue

4* Shigure (Well, could be worse fodder. +Spd/-Res)


3 Blue, 2 Green

3* Roderick (Rody rides again. +Res/-HP)

4 Red, 1 Green

4* Seliph (Just a Seliphup. +HP/-Def)

3 Colourless, 2 Blue

5* Fane!Tiki (TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. +Spd/-Atk, Okay, that's hilarious.), 4* Klein (4 in one day. I am blessed. +Atk/-HP), 4* Azama (Let me guess, bad nature. +Def/-HP, as expected), 4* Lukas (I am not getting your refine. End of. +Spd/-Res), 4* Peri (Oh, another bad lancer. +Atk/-Def)

I might regret the spend, but I did get what I was looking for. Shame I didn't get Berkut or Mareeta though. Tiki has both +Atk/-Spd and +Spd/-Atk, I'm off to think on that.

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10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Tried a little for Mareeta and got Tiki (+ATK/-RES) instead after 35, so I stopped. 

Ooo congrats on Demon Tiki!

9 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Spent all my summoning tickets and got nothing good or useful out of it. Had to start digging into my orb reserves and after about 80 orbs I got one of the possessed dragon girls...


Tiki came with +Def/-Spd and is the one I mostly wanted to get. Not the ideal nature for her so I spent 70 more orbs before another one came with a +Def/-HP. Okay, she really wants a defense boon but at least the speed bane is gone. Unfortunately Corrin didn't show up and I don't really want to spend orbs to try and get her yet. Might try again depending on what Bridal Heroes and the Mythic Hero are this month or I might wait until Corrin shows up again on a different banner.

Down to 1250 orbs now. This month has already done a good job of making me spend 250 orbs on the Brave and Fallen Heroes banners. Kind of hoping nothing else I want comes out this month. Still glad I was able to get Tiki though. Now there needs to be a green dragonstone Tiki so I can just make a dragon team with nothing but Tiki with all the colors. Mythic Future Past A!Tiki when IS? Now I wait for F!Delthea's GHB to come out tomorrow so I can get her.


9 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Yes, finally got her. Took me another 30 orbs this morning after I completed quests.

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IVs are not great, but it doesn't bother me.




Congratulations! Happy you got her!

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So much for my impulse control. Scrounged up 20 orbs, so here's one set on a 4% pity rate.

  1. 4* Hinata: Meh.
  2. 4* Laslow: More meh.
  3. 3* Tailtiu: Okay.
  4. 4* Jagen: Figures...

Up to a 4.25% rate now. I'm pretty much all out of readily available orbs too.

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got Corrin +res -hp and Berkut +spd -res.

interesting how Corrin's skill relate to how she is afraid of hurting others with her power, so she can only release her full power when by herself.

and Berkut's weapon is how he sacrificed the person closest to him to obtain power.

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Forgot to mention that I decided to just complete pulling for everyone last night, screw being patient.

Berkut is still +Res, but he now has a possible +Atk. Considered merging into +Atk, but I think I'll hold onto Berkut's great Res potential for now. Not gonna merge +Atk into the +Res yet though, I'll keep it around... just in case.
Corrin got pulled +HP -Atk. Might not sound like it matters, but it means the first merge won't go into her Atk like it normally would. Decided to merge into -Atk instead of -Res, for the slight Spd edge.
Tiki got 2 copies pulled before I got -Atk Corrin above. One was +Res, the other +Def. Between them and +HP, decided to keep +Def.
Mareeta remained the same. No merges, no new pulls, just good ol +Spd -Def Mareeta.

Think that's it for me from this banner.

Edited by Xenomata
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@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey and anyone else I might have forgotten

This was probably the worst luck I've had in quite a while.  I just wanted Berkut, but ended up getting everyone accidentally.  Blues were rarer than a living parent at the end of a Fire Emblem game, so I would pick Reds and Greys before backing out.


Loki and Maribelle were repeats.  Maribelle, I'll probably merge, and Loki will probably be foddered to a staff unit so I can use a +10 Cleric in Arena.

I finally ended up getting Berkut, who I seem to have forgotten to screenshot, but here he is now.


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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

@Nym@Anacybele@Vaximillian@DarkLordIvy@XRay@Raven@Captain Karnage@TheTuckingFypo@GuiltyLove@Infinite Dreams@Tybrosion@Johann@SatsumaFSoysoy@Garlyle@DefaultBeep@Shoblongoo@mcsilas@Mackc2@Momentai~@Rex Glacies@Tree@Ginko@Tolvir@Anime27Arts@Poimagic@Jave

@TheSilentChloey and anyone else I might have forgotten

This was probably the worst luck I've had in quite a while.  I just wanted Berkut, but ended up getting everyone accidentally.  Blues were rarer than a living parent at the end of a Fire Emblem game, so I would pick Reds and Greys before backing out.


Loki and Maribelle were repeats.  Maribelle, I'll probably merge, and Loki will probably be foddered to a staff unit so I can use a +10 Cleric in Arena.

I finally ended up getting Berkut, who I seem to have forgotten to screenshot, but here he is now.


Well you've got more luck than I do Rezzy.  I haven't been able to get a single 5 star off of this banner at all :/

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@Rezzy Not a bad haul, but sucks that it took so long to get the one you wanted.

Also, is the curse finally over? None of those units are -Atk! Berkut is even +Atk/-Spd, which is ideal for him!

As for me, I decided to try out some leftover orbs from the new Chapters and got a second Mareeta. She's +Def/-Atk, so I decided to merge the original +Res/-Atk on the new one and now I have a +Def +1 Mareeta. I'm very satisfied with what I ended with, since she's one of my all-time favorites.

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16 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Well you've got more luck than I do Rezzy.  I haven't been able to get a single 5 star off of this banner at all :/

Hopefully you can get something soon.  I had to build up quite the pityrate.

8 minutes ago, Jave said:

@Rezzy Not a bad haul, but sucks that it took so long to get the one you wanted.

Also, is the curse finally over? None of those units are -Atk! Berkut is even +Atk/-Spd, which is ideal for him!

As for me, I decided to try out some leftover orbs from the new Chapters and got a second Mareeta. She's +Def/-Atk, so I decided to merge the original +Res/-Atk on the new one and now I have a +Def +1 Mareeta. I'm very satisfied with what I ended with, since she's one of my all-time favorites.

Maybe the curse is over for now, but at what cost?  I'd prefer to get them easily at -Atk, then have to blow hundreds of Orbs before getting anything.  At least Berkut's nature is nice.  It's funny that everyone is either + or - Spd.  My original Maribelle was also -Spd, so this will help erase it.

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@Rezzy Well I see you too couldn't be bothered to let ham lord Berkut have anything better than a 4* Subaki inheritance-wise. But no really, the kit mine has is 100% identical to yours but has a substantially shittier +HP/-Res combo.

That being said, he's the only focus unit I've gotten so far (in addition to a +Spd sword Celica that was decidedly not of the fallen / dark variety) and he's easily my least favorite and least wanted out of the four here. Don't you just love that desire sensor too? I'd preferably like to obtain both lady dragons (Mareeta would be a nice bonus, but nothing more) to return to 100% for both Tiki and Corrin, but I can't say that I have particularly high hopes. 

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