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Decided to go for two full rounds on the Mythic banner and....am full of regret. It almost couldn't have gone any worse than this.

4* Abel
4* Arthur
4* Frederick
3* Jeorge
4* Virion

Look at that, everything I want the least in one circle, I'm impressed. Circle 2:

4* Selena (was getting low on repo so I'll take it)
3* Gordin
4* Ogma
4* Titania
4* Klein (oh look he exists after all! Of course still no +atk or +spd copy for my +10 sigh)

Decided to do one last try and only pick green for L!Lyn. But of course there were no greens. So I picked red and:

5* NY!Gunnthra. Oh great, I really needed a fourth. Could've given me DC or Atk/Spd Solo but nooo that would be too lucky.

Screw this game.


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Had 460+ orbs saved up. And this legendary banner is packing seven units that I don't own, so that's a good value proposition. Here's the haul:

  • +Def/-Atk Legendary Tiki from my first pull session. I hear she's insane, but that's what I'd expect of an armor dragon.
  • +Def/-Res Legendary Eirika. Yeah that's a dupe, but one with no pity rate built up so not a loss by any means.
  • +Res/-Def Lugh from a 9% pity rate. I'm probably one of very few players happy to see the little twerp.

Less than a hundred orbs spent and I think I should cut and run here while it looks good. I was hoping to grab Duma, but sniping colorless sounds not fun. I was also hoping to get Gunnthra and Fjorm because they're so rare, but I'm not going to bet on a 1/3 chance.

Edit: whoops, the logical part of my brain slipped and I did another pull. This time nabbing a +Spd/-Def Gunnthra and Mordecai who is also new to my collection and has an optimal +Atk/-Spd nature. I knew I smelt some good units around the corner. Now I'm satisfied.

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Blue orbs were shy for me. Spend around 250 orbs and Naga hasn't show up. Oh well, guess I'm staying in Tier 20. Only got 1 copy each of B!Hector and L!Tiki. At least L!Tiki's bane is gone now and B!Hector is now my highest merged 5 star exclusive unit with +5 merges. He's halfway there to being my first 5-star exclusive +10 unit.

Kind of tempted to dive back in but I don't want to go below 1000 orbs so I think I will call it quits on this banner and hope better things come in the future.

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Went in with 80 orbs for another go at L!Tiki and first try for her mom.

Got another Brave Hector fairly quickly. This one was +Atk, so that's a pretty nifty upgrade to my old neutral one.

Continued further and didn't get too many blue stones so I ended up with this:

She is pretty and comes with alright IVs (+Res -Def) so I do not count this as a loss.

I do hope I can still snatch Tiki or Naga before the banner ends though.

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Hrid showed up after I spent all but three of my hoarded orbs (so ~70 total). Good nature, +def -spd, and because he showed up at all the banner's already better than legendary Hector and Yune's were for me.

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Hector -Spd, +Res

!Laevatein +HP, -Spd

Laevatein -Def, +Spd

Sacrificed the first Laevatein to my Reyson to give him Even Defense Wave. Dunno what I’ll do with the second one. Might use my old B!Hector as Bold Fighter fodder, though I scarce have any knights that I feel like using it on.

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107 orbs got me B!Hector, NY!Gunnthra and Naga. Can say that its a good loot. I need to think about which unit to give BF. I only have one Effie...danged. 
With that I am out of here, rather merge Naga in a better banner. I don't have much bf users though which is good..

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Naga be praised? I mean, her or L!Tiki would be good at minimum. I don't care much beyond Blue this time. Which means the usual luck.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Clair (Not much air with a flier like her. +Def/-Spd), 4* Est (Another bad fodder. +Res/-HP)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Lukas (I could stand to get good blue fodder. +Res/-Def), 4* Silas (Better. Neutral)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Reinhardt (Neinhardt. +Spd/-HP)


3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Silas (I mean, it's Steady Stance. +HP/-Atk), 4* Mae (I would like a lot more Shanna. Please game? +HP/-Spd), 3* Jagen (ONE MORE OLD MAN. I THINK I HAVE MY +10. (4*, I'm not completely mad.) +Spd/-Res)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Shanna (Shanyas! +HP/-Res, more desperation would be lovely.)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Effie (Mehffie. +Res/-Atk), 4* Oscar (Good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 4* Lukas (I think I made a +10. Maybe I should merge up a bunch then to make promoting easier later on. +Atk/-Spd)


3 Colourless, 2 Red (Fuck. Least it's only happened once so far.)

4* Kaze (I am glad to see him. Because he's not 5*. +Res/-Def)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Odin (Odin dumb is here! +Atk/-HP), 4* Donnel (It's the pothead who could be Odin's dad! +Res/-Spd)

9.5% right now.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* F!Corrin (Draconic Aura? I haven't seen her in ages! +Def/-Spd), 4* Catria (Luna I guess. +Spd/-Atk)

So far, not so good.

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I asked Naga to help me to summon herself, and she heard my plea! I got her with ~70 orbs! A +Spd -HP nature! 559906136443191336.png.a519c5c671e2eb8c789c488a776689c3.png


Screenshot_20190530-0810362.png <- And she looks adorable with the White-Flowers Crown!

3 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Decided to yolo for Fjorm, got a Velouria instead. That is great for my Galeforce comp!

I did yolo for Bride Fjorm some days ago and got Velouria as well! I can see that Velouria really wants some attention...

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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This banner has been pretty good to me. It surprises me considering almost every Legendary/Mythic banner hates me and tends to give me the worst thing possible:


She was my free summon. +Hp -Def which is a net win in terms of bulk due to the superboon. 

And like 13 orbs later this one came:


+Def -Res is pretty good, now she's both fast and bulky on the physical side which is what she needs to tank Falchions. It's funny how she came just after her mama and you won't hear any complaints from me. I'll keep pulling to see if I get a second Naga or L!Eirika.

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Bleh. This Mythic banner completely doesn't interest me except for red. Going to take just one set and try my luck. 28 orbs for the record.

  1. 4* Mathilda: Feathers.
  2. 5* L!Lyn: Guess she's +3 now.
  3. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  4. 3* Eirika: Wrong!
  5. 4* Olivia: Ugh...

A cheap 5*, but by far the one I wanted least from this banner. Give me Fjorm or even Lugh, not a merge for someone who already has more than she needs.

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I wanted Naga and Duma. Got Tiki, Hector, and NY Laevatein... Tiki is +Atk, -HP, so she's a keeper. But the other two are fodder, plus I already have Laev.

Glad for Tiki, sad for no Naga...

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Needed +atk Caeda
Needed DC Fodder. 
Wanted NY Lave for Serra
Wanted NY Fjorm for me

14.50 percent =
1 Naga, and 1 Lyn. 

I didn't even know these banners went to 14.50 percent. 
and i still need grima. so i have to go through this torture again *next* month. 
it will be the last time i pull on legendary banners.though. if i want something i'm getting it in the debut banner. 

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Pulled legendary again because l.tiki (and duma) merges + naga

Blue + colorless only: 710 orbs - 20 heroes (~36 orbs/5*)

b.hector x6

l.tiki x 4

ny.laevatein x 3

naga x 3

velouria x 2

ny.gunthra x 1

duma x 1


PS i summon first naga after ~320 orbs

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After buying a few orbs and getting the MHB orbs, I've gotten two Tikis and two Hectors. God damn it, the game doesn't want me to have Naga at all for some reason, it seems. -_-

The second Hector is +Atk, -Def, so I'll keep him. But now I'm not sure whether to fodder the other one like I'd planned or merge him into this one to get rid of the Def flaw.

So I got two dilemmas now that I'm looking for answers on:

+Spd Tiki or +Atk Tiki? I'm kinda leaning towards +Spd, so I'd like confirmation on this being the right choice.

Fodder the first Hector or merge him into the +Atk one to ditch the -Def?

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@NegativeExponents- Congrats, great Bride circle! Hope to see her in a clear! 

@Alexmender Congrats, that's pretty effective legendary pulling! 

13 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Blue orbs were shy for me. Spend around 250 orbs and Naga hasn't show up. Oh well, guess I'm staying in Tier 20. Only got 1 copy each of B!Hector and L!Tiki. At least L!Tiki's bane is gone now and B!Hector is now my highest merged 5 star exclusive unit with +5 merges. He's halfway there to being my first 5-star exclusive +10 unit.

Ouch, that sucks. Hope you'll get her from her next banner! 


For myself: I wanted Naga and Velouria, but had less than 50 orbs. I feel lucky that I got Velouria, who will become my next GF unit. 

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Congrats everyone on your pulls!!!

I pulled this morning, busy day so only just got around to sharing~ 

First 5*s came together 



Laev will be food, may fodder Tiki to Nowi for Fierce Breath, but I’ll hold on to her for now~ Velouria was fine to fix mine’s Def Bane~

Continued Summoning to get the prize of the day 


+Atk. -Spd just like L!Alm last month~ I later pulled another with +HP, -Res, so totally done though with Blue, but sad I couldn’t get a Hector~

A second Velouria appeared with -Atk but still need to get the man of the hour and I was able to snag him after digging a bit deeper


+Res, -Def Dormer! Both Defensive Seasons are safe now and I’ve already been preparing a team in mind for him~

I still need Eirika and Hrid so I dipped back into Red and...


Finally DC for Ares! Alright, last thing I need is Eirika and I’m done~


A dud, unfortunately but someone’s getting Swift Sparrow and Desperation down the line~

I was totally terrified after last month to pull this month but I lucked out being able to get all my goals besides Eirika and a couple extras on the side~ 

I will wait a bit to try for Eirika. Still have to grab Leif from his Banner, then I’ll return my focus on here~

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@Landmaster if it’s any consolation I casually want Quan to make an Earth Emblem team (Gae Bolg is the Earth Spear apparently)

he might come on the VG married couples banner, maybe that’s why he’s not on Leif’s BHB banner

@NegativeExponents- nice double Charlotte! Hope she gets her regular version soon

@mampfoid @daisy jane

So blue on mythic banner is my target. Naga is new, another chance to fix -Atk Bector and -Spd LTiki.

for my main i had 123 orbs and got +HP/-Def Naga in about 60 orbs! In the same circle i got NY!Gunnthra who is +Spd but -Atk (of course all my red melee fliers have a bad flaw like usual). Still, +Spd makes up for it and now the Nifl family is complete (no regular Gunnthra so close enough).

i want to fix -Atk Hrid so spent the rest of my orbs on red and blue but so far nothing. I’ll wait for new banners first before coming back.

as for my second account, i also got Naga, as +Res/-Def in about 40 orbs! Still want to fix my Bector so still pulling blue but no extra 5 stars so far and at 17 orbs. I’ll wait.

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40 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So I got two dilemmas now that I'm looking for answers on:

+Spd Tiki or +Atk Tiki? I'm kinda leaning towards +Spd, so I'd like confirmation on this being the right choice.

Fodder the first Hector or merge him into the +Atk one to ditch the -Def?

Still looking for an answer here...

I'm at like 250 orbs spent so far and still don't have a single Naga. ;_; But I finally got a Silas merge just now! He's halfway to the finish! Five more to go.

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