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2 hours ago, Nanima said:

I'd kill for a -Atk one at this point. Also +Hp means more general bulk so it's hardly useless.

 Yeah that would have totally happened as my own previous attempts yielded. It's the reason I refrain from spending money the most. At least I don't have to feel as bad for getting all this garbage as I would if I spend real money on it.

Now if you'll excuse I'll have to stuff my +2 Brave Hector into some closet. I just don't find much use for armours when they aren't also dragons, so I have gained pretty much nothing from this.

that is what mine is +hp/-atk (well neutral now) but any other of dragon eff hurts her. i
I really hope you can get a tiki soon

(I feel the same way. the only armours i truly love is Winter Tharja (because i like Tharja), and Amelia. one is limited and one shoulda been demoted) - and i never got a winter fae. (HUG) 

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Flier formation banner. Have all three units but I wouldn't mind more, so of course the game gives me no greys. Opened both reds because I'm weak.

4* Tharja
4* Athena

Oh well.

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Flier formation.

I mean, I have all of them and I'm out of orbs anyway after the Naga disater.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Priscilla (It was a 2% chance, I should have seen this coming. Neutral)

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Not that I needed to verbally state it, but I did not luck into Duma or any other 5-star with the last 17 orbs I was able to spend on Naga’s banner. The Flier Formation free pull, though, gave me this:



IVs are the reverse of my first one (+HP/-Def), so as such I’m not sure if she’s a merge or Atk/Res Solo fodder. Either way, I can always appreciate a free pull 5-star.

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Haven't been posting much lately - let's just say I spent everything on the Fallen heroes banner for Mareeta - I did get her and continued, but there were only 3 pitybreakers instead. Now I'm piling up to 107 orbs, so only went for the free summon today.

3* Subaki - I'm just going to put this into the QR fodder bag.

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The legendary banner ended and I got way more stuff than I expected. 3 Eirikas, 1 Tiki, 1 velouria, 1 Lyn, 1 Naga (with an nice nature) and a Laevatain. I merged Eirikas and foddered one, Lyn also got foddered, Velouria is - spd so she is waiting and I use the rest. Also Naga got a DC from a - spd Nailah I had. 

The free summon in the flier formation banner gave me a Selena.

I hope the new heroes are either beasts or bad so that I can skip, cause I have no orbs and yune, azura are returning over the coming months, CYL is coming and three houses will have banner and I have to start saving. 

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Wanted to pull colorless for this free one because I don't have Leanne.

No colorless. Why the fuck does this game keep refusing to give me the color I want to pull for free? When I wanted blue, no blue. Now when I want colorless, no colorless! This is so fucking stupid now.

I only got trash on my free pull, btw.

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Ooh, another chance for Elincia. I'd like a Kinoka that isn't -Spd, but sharing a color is a no-no.

  1. 3* Mamui: Ugh. There's only one grey orb, so I guess I'll spend my 4 remaining orbs on it.
  2. 3* Saizo: He makes his return...

That was an egregious waste of orbs.

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20 hours ago, Nanima said:

I just don't find much use for armours when they aren't also dragons, so I have gained pretty much nothing from this. 

Brave Hector is fantastic for any armor related quest. Mine is +res and can survive almost anything, sometimes even green tomes.

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Eh sure, I’ll make a small attempt at either Caeda or Charlotte.



Well, I see someone’s eager for their re-run. That’d also be the second 5* Julie Ann Taylor within two days.

Asset/flaw was just +HP/-Def, but I appreciate the merge all the same.

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With 3 hours left on the banner, the next a skip, and Little Leif's game being enjoyable enough for me, let me see about getting his dear old dad in 254 Orbs.

Donnel, Mobin, Quan!

Atk bane and Def boon is half good and half bad I guess, but I don't give a care about that.

I bestow thanks to Finn, Glade, Dorius, Selphina, Xavier, and all others who knewth Quan and have whose treasured memories thereof must have granted me to the power to lure him into my world with such swiftness and ease. May the banner of the Gae Bolg fly over all of Manster District/Province and I return its honorable defector its prince's side as soon as I get that repositioning patch working. Hope it shall be that the Gae Bolg itself shall soon fly over Askr grasped by she who is Njorun's reincarnation, raised like a sister to he who is Dainn reincarnate and likewise with his the father of sin and sympathy. Amen! 🙏

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Finally, two years later...


I got one of my favorite characters from Shadow Dragon...twice even within 100 orbs! One has +Atk/-Def and the other is +Spd/-Atk. Will probably keep the +Spd nature one and merge to remove that -Atk bane. Also got three copies of L'Arachel so now I can finally +10 her. Now that I got Linde I pretty much have everyone I want that is already in the game. Hopefully IS doesn't bait me with anything else and I can go back to saving orbs for Farfetched Heroes.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Weekly Revival Banner 1! I've got Linde+1 but she's +Def, not exactly the greatest asset. Blue free pull it is.

  1. 3* Shanna: I've been needing Desperation fodder.

Not Linde, but still useful. Now to snipe a grey or two on the bridal banner with 18 orbs.

  1. 3* Kaze: Bleh.
  2. 4* Wrys: Decent SI fodder.
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Week 1: Linde > Deirdre > Tiki

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (Merge it is.)

4* Gunter (I HAVE THAT +10 OLD MEN! +Atk/-Spd, if I'd known this was next I would have kept Jagen +Atk but alas.)

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3 star trash... But at least I actually got the color I wanted for once (blue). I already have all three of these characters, so I just wanted a Silas merge or two... But didn't even get that.

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