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16 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Finally, two years later...


I got one of my favorite characters from Shadow Dragon...twice even within 100 orbs! One has +Atk/-Def and the other is +Spd/-Atk. Will probably keep the +Spd nature one and merge to remove that -Atk bane. Also got three copies of L'Arachel so now I can finally +10 her. Now that I got Linde I pretty much have everyone I want that is already in the game. Hopefully IS doesn't bait me with anything else and I can go back to saving orbs for Farfetched Heroes.


congrats! it's always great to get that long await pull 🙂 

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The newest banner gave me a 4* Roderick, I'd have liked to improve Linde's nature but it's ok. At least I have all 3 of the featured units. 

On sadder news, the 5.25% rate on the bridal banner ended with me getting Pent instead of Tanith. Normally I'd be pissed about it but now that Cynthia is coming (and won't be impossible to merge to +10) I'm ok with the results, at least I can pair him with Louise so they can be the shining couple they're meant to be. Nature: +Hp -Def so neutral.

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Wanted green > red but no greens, felt compelled to open both reds.

4* Hinata
4* Stahl

Hopefully for most tickets I won't have to spend any orbs like this.

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Free pull gave me no colorless. Free 4* Donnel. Okay. That's the right game.

Second circle gave me one colorless and a 4* Lissa. Okay. That's  the right game, and a little closer. 

Third circle gave me no colorless again. 4* Oscar. Hm....not quite.

Fourth circle gave me FOUR colorless. The first one pulled was a completely neutral Brady. Didn't bother pulling the other ones, but I'm so happy. 15 orbs for my best kiddo? Yes, please. I'm hopeful that he'll drop down to 4 stars because I'd really like to make him a +10 project. 

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Picked up two tickets so far, so here's 3 free pulls. Let's see if I can find Morgan and Morgan some more of their friends.

  1. 4* Lucius: Nope.
  2. 4* Henry: Another nope.
  3. 4* Serra: Feathers.

Nothing there then. Now back to the bridal banner for Fjorm. 37 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Felicia: Eh.
  2. 4* Leon: No thanks.
  3. 3* Nanna: Good SI fodder.

Greys really don't like me. 24 orbs left.

  1. 5* B!Fjorm: Never mind then! She's neutral, which is decent. At least she doesn't have a bad flaw. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 4* Leon: Again?
  3. 4* Serra: Again?!
  4. 4* Rebecca: Garbage.
  5. 3* Nowi: Ugh.

There's always a sour feeling whenever I take the rest of a set and it turns out to be a waste of orbs. Still, I got Fjorm in all of her flying-healer glory. Now I must save up everything for the Lucina-B!Lucina-Julia weekly banner.

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Used up all tickets and did not get Kjelle. With that I am gonna skip on this one. I like Kjelle and Brady, but I find it better to summon on a different banner for them. And I am still set on saving up. 

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Yay! I obtained best kid in with my second summon ticket.

Brady is +def/-res so nothing important has been hampered but I kinda wanna keep rolling till I get a +spd one. But then again I feel he is likely to demote (which I would love so I could +10 him easily) so maybe I should just try to get a Yarne or Nah with my free tickets and start saving up my orbs.

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On 6/9/2019 at 7:28 PM, Alexmender said:

The newest banner gave me a 4* Roderick, I'd have liked to improve Linde's nature but it's ok. At least I have all 3 of the featured units. 

On sadder news, the 5.25% rate on the bridal banner ended with me getting Pent instead of Tanith. Normally I'd be pissed about it but now that Cynthia is coming (and won't be impossible to merge to +10) I'm ok with the results, at least I can pair him with Louise so they can be the shining couple they're meant to be. Nature: +Hp -Def so neutral.

That was my thought when Pent broke my hunt for Fjorm earlier.  At least he and Louise go well together. Just earlier I thought I was going to join you in being sad since Sigurn(+ATK/-SPD) broke my hunt on a no colorless circle(I keep getting 5* on this banner when no colorless are in the circle). However, I figured I would truck on and dump the rest of the map orbs/special pack orbs. And my persistence payed off. The next circle had no colorless either, but the one after that had a ton of colorless and a single +HP/-DEF Fjorm waiting for me. So you have my condolences, but boy am I glad I didn't join ya!

Of course no I have no orbs for the kids. But they didn't have much that I wanted since Nah's C isn't a hone type effect. I will be perfectly content with Cynthia.

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Used up all tickets and 80 saved orbs. Got a pitybreaker F!Kana (whom I didn’t have, so she’s very welcome), and in the very last pull I got Nah. 

F!Kana is +Atk/-HP (Yay!) yet Nah is +Res/-Atk (Yikes!), but I’ll totally take it since I got these two cute Manaketes with very few orbs. 

Also done with the banner. With the Nah pull and Cynthia in a couple of days, I’ve got what I wanted the most from this banner. 

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I got the last two tickets. Lucky stars?

  1. 4* Matthew: Meh.
  2. 5* Laegjarn: That's a surprise! I could always use another sword flier, and +Atk/-Res is about as good as it gets for her. With that I have everyone from Muspell except Surtr, whom I'd rather have stay away.

A nice final pull from this banner.

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2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:


Yay! I obtained best kid in with my second summon ticket.

Brady is +def/-res so nothing important has been hampered but I kinda wanna keep rolling till I get a +spd one. But then again I feel he is likely to demote (which I would love so I could +10 him easily) so maybe I should just try to get a Yarne or Nah with my free tickets and start saving up my orbs.

Oooo congrats that you got him for free!!!

@mampfoid @daisy jane @Nanima @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Landmaster

So the time is here, Brady's one of my favourite children so even if he demotes, I was hunting for him first and foremost since it may take months to see him (looks at Thea).

Only had like 25 orbs on my main. On my second session I opened 2 colourless orbs with nothing, but accidentally pressed "Summon more" when there were no colourless orbs left, so I picked green...


Oh. Looks like I got a quick Yarne. +HP/-Atk unfortunately so no Heavy blade shenanigans, but hey Siegbert can have a cav Galeforce partner. Also my first green beast cav in this account! Plus it feels good to get someone who won't demote while looking for a potential demote unit.

Sadly back to 3% but on my very last ticket session..


I got the boy! (Gosh his art is tall, the tip of his hair is pretty much at the top edge of the screen)

Pure neutral, which I can't complain about! Now I can reunite the talented arts trio of Owain (language), Inigo (dance) and Brady (violin)! I can't believe I got all the guys and half of the banner so fast already, and I think I'm done since I now have 5 orbs left (need to pray for luck for a quick Celica next week with these measly orbs..).

Also strangely got a lot of perfect natured Eirikas and Lilinas along the way which is strange since they're really rare for me.


As for my second account, ironically I started with more orbs (30) but got nothing from the tickets so I had to grind all the remaining uncleared story maps until I got to 3.50%. The result was a +Atk/-Def Brady!! Only one 5 star but the +Atk definitely makes up for it!!!

So yeah unexpectedly fairly quickly done with the banner, so now I need to grind orbs again. I'll be leaving for holiday anyway so the time away will probably mean I can let the orbs gather for a while.

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Free pull was a 4* Gunter so that was very meh.

But my first summon ticket gave me a Yarne! And he’s +atk/-spd so I won’t feel guilty at all about feeding him to someone for his atk/spd solo after I do his ordeal (probably Lethe for nice weapon synergy and to help her since she’s -atk). 

Not sure what color I’m gonna pull with the rest of my tickets now...Yarne had the fodder I wanted but I’d like to at least try for someone else, but Kjelle’s the only character I’m even somewhat interested in but I really hate armor units and she’s got nothing that really interests me enough. I guess I could go for Nah and the bonus doubler because that seems fun to mess around with.

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5 free pulls. I'll see what I get.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Lilina (I mean, a merge, maybe? Neutral)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Olivia (I have no idea why I'd want any more copies of her. +Res/-Def)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Kjelle, I mean I don't have much in the way of armours)

3* F!Corrin (You're not Adrift Corrin. +Res/-Spd)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (Why not Yarne)

3* Merric (This was a waste. +Def/-Res)

I'll see what arena seasons look like before considering trying again. I don't have that much reason to bother and I already got Chrom on a horse.

Edit: Datamine shows I have a good unit for next season, so I'm good.

Edited by Dayni
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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Oooo congrats that you got him for free!!!

@mampfoid @daisy jane @Nanima @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Landmaster

So the time is here, Brady's one of my favourite children so even if he demotes, I was hunting for him first and foremost since it may take months to see him (looks at Thea).

Only had like 25 orbs on my main. On my second session I opened 2 colourless orbs with nothing, but accidentally pressed "Summon more" when there were no colourless orbs left, so I picked green...


Oh. Looks like I got a quick Yarne. +HP/-Atk unfortunately so no Heavy blade shenanigans, but hey Siegbert can have a cav Galeforce partner. Also my first green beast cav in this account! Plus it feels good to get someone who won't demote while looking for a potential demote unit.

Sadly back to 3% but on my very last ticket session..


I got the boy! (Gosh his art is tall, the tip of his hair is pretty much at the top edge of the screen)

Pure neutral, which I can't complain about! Now I can reunite the talented arts trio of Owain (language), Inigo (dance) and Brady (violin)! I can't believe I got all the guys and half of the banner so fast already, and I think I'm done since I now have 5 orbs left (need to pray for luck for a quick Celica next week with these measly orbs..).

Also strangely got a lot of perfect natured Eirikas and Lilinas along the way which is strange since they're really rare for me.


As for my second account, ironically I started with more orbs (30) but got nothing from the tickets so I had to grind all the remaining uncleared story maps until I got to 3.50%. The result was a +Atk/-Def Brady!! Only one 5 star but the +Atk definitely makes up for it!!!

So yeah unexpectedly fairly quickly done with the banner, so now I need to grind orbs again. I'll be leaving for holiday anyway so the time away will probably mean I can let the orbs gather for a while.


i'm glad you got lucky. (Yeah Celica's banner is at a NOT GOOD TIME for me, I can't really complain too much because i already (bless) have a good one. but i would have loved to stuff some merges into her. same with Elincia. but my orbs, right now are for Hectors. and/or maybe a try at getting NY Hrid/Grima this legendary. I'd liek to do the NY banner redux this year without having to kill myself to get 3 of the 4 units. but Hector, Hinoka, Tana are the prime targets for me

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Free summon and tickets gave me nothing but trash. Really want Yarne to feed to Panne so went another three rounds and


I'll take it!!! +res, -hp, not even bad, the fates beasts team is finally complete :D

Also got my first Mordecai, so orbs well spent.

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This was... hard... to watch. Nah was the one I wanted most, but of course it took far too many orbs for her to appear, and only after like four pitybreakers.

>Yarne came first +Spd -Def. Not bad, could be better.
>Brady was next, +Spd -HP. Pretty good.
>Kjelle is +Def -Spd. I'll take it gladly.

Nah... it took two separate Leifs (who I've had +10 for a while now), a Meisterhardt, Keaton, and Lethe before she appeared +Res -Def. And then I felt obligated to get her a merge because screw that Superflaw in Def.

+Atk -Def on the second, which... sigh... thank god for the merge getting rid of flaws...

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Free pull and the tickets gave me a Kaze merge, a second Rhajat and a -atk,+def Brady!  He may not have the best stats but I got best Awakening kiddo and on one of the free pulls so I won't complain.

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So of course they introduce my daughter-in-law and Yarne right on the cusp of S!Elise's return. While I usually skip New Heroes Banners, these two were a must get~ Legendary Banner and Leif took a lot of Orbs out of me so let's hope they come quick.

Maybe around 50ish Orbs in...



+Res, -Atk Surtr. Now sis, -Atk? Well we can either grind him up for the Anima team just to sit there and be annoying like the rest of them. Or, we can steal his feathers and make him a tasty snack for Lene. Decisions....

We pull a bit more and...


My daughter-in-law is here! +Res, -Def isn't the best, but I plan to use her in Astra Season, so that Defense can be mitigated.

Pulled a bit more and the Green Situation was getting worse and worse. In one of the Red pulls when there were no greens...


.....Okay...if you were going to come now, why did you make me spend all those Orbs a week ago?!! +Def, -Res. Well, merging into the Neutral gives him more Spd so that's what we're doing.

Greens getting scarcer and scarcer. Pulling on another one~


Oh...a fourth Lewyn. I honestly want to +10 the man but every time I try to merge, I'm thoroughly bullied. I was just thinking I might give Ophelia Special Spiral to improve her AR performance. We'll have to see.

Getting ultra paranoid at this point that Yarne's scaredy ass is just going to hide out until I give up~


Alas he is finally here! I'm fully prepared for a bad IV, and when that happens, I get Neutral! I pulled the rest of the Red to try to see if a better Nah would pop up, but nothing~ Time to recuperate for S!Elise~

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Oooo congrats that you got him for free!!!

So the time is here, Brady's one of my favourite children so even if he demotes, I was hunting for him first and foremost since it may take months to see him (looks at Thea).

Only had like 25 orbs on my main. On my second session I opened 2 colourless orbs with nothing, but accidentally pressed "Summon more" when there were no colourless orbs left, so I picked green...


Oh. Looks like I got a quick Yarne. +HP/-Atk unfortunately so no Heavy blade shenanigans, but hey Siegbert can have a cav Galeforce partner. Also my first green beast cav in this account! Plus it feels good to get someone who won't demote while looking for a potential demote unit.

Sadly back to 3% but on my very last ticket session..


I got the boy! (Gosh his art is tall, the tip of his hair is pretty much at the top edge of the screen)

Pure neutral, which I can't complain about! Now I can reunite the talented arts trio of Owain (language), Inigo (dance) and Brady (violin)! I can't believe I got all the guys and half of the banner so fast already, and I think I'm done since I now have 5 orbs left (need to pray for luck for a quick Celica next week with these measly orbs..).

Also strangely got a lot of perfect natured Eirikas and Lilinas along the way which is strange since they're really rare for me.


As for my second account, ironically I started with more orbs (30) but got nothing from the tickets so I had to grind all the remaining uncleared story maps until I got to 3.50%. The result was a +Atk/-Def Brady!! Only one 5 star but the +Atk definitely makes up for it!!!

So yeah unexpectedly fairly quickly done with the banner, so now I need to grind orbs again. I'll be leaving for holiday anyway so the time away will probably mean I can let the orbs gather for a while.

Congratulations on getting Brady on both accounts and your Yarne! With Bunny Fang, he doesn't really need Heavy Blade anyway. Have a nice holiday!~

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