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5 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

 Caineghis, I hope this Legendary banner will have HS Sakura and B Veronica. Then next month Caineghis could share with  Alm and Eir. 

Funny someone should mention mister lion king only a few posts ago...


This just happened in only my second session on the new summer banner. At least I didn't already have him and he's from best continent Tellius, so nice acquisition!

...Unlike the freaking Kinshi Hinoka that blocked me from Gunnthra as well later. I guess I don't mind merging her, but really. I got two pitybreakers and no Gunnthra in over 100 orbs already. That's not cool at all.

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6 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

 Caineghis, I hope this Legendary banner will have HS Sakura and B Veronica. Then next month Caineghis could share with  Alm and Eir. 

oohh. i've been so used to calling him Mufasa. LOL his actual name always stumps me. 

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8 hours ago, Nanima said:

Had to spent only 5 orbs before this adorable girl showed up:

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+Res -Def, which is a bit unfortunate, since I had thought to have her replace Spring!Camilla as a flying Raven Mage. Oh well, I'll think of another build for her~

Really glad I didn't have to spend many orbs, since I'll be going for Yune (and Towel!Hinoka if she is there) next week.

With Bunmilla, Bride!Sanaki, Summer!Laevatein, and hopefully Yune I'll never need another green tome flier again. ever. xD

Congrats on getting her easily!

8 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Free summon was a +Atk Laevatein, so that was amazing. Decided to try for her Sister, 21 orbs later, no dice. Oh well There is always the legendary rerun at some point. Have to save for Eir, Alm and hopefully Cain.

Nice, congrats!

7 hours ago, Dayni said:

I mean, Tana and Innes are coming up.

But the Muspell siblings are great as fodder and Laegjarn is a unit who could be insane.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (The game wants me to try. It's a trick isn't it.)

4* Catria (Luna. +HP/-Atk), 5* Summer!Laegjarn (First Circle WOO! +Atk/-Spd- ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS AGAIN! Keeping her around, I might get better), 4* Clair (I may have hyped a second. 😛 +Def/-Res), 4* Bartre (Not worth the shot. +Res/-HP), 4* M!Corrin (Corrino. +Res/-Spd)

I think I'll be back, but I'm going to steel myself for the legendary and summer banners.

Lucky first circle, nice!

3 hours ago, Usana said:

Well this bled me dry. I was mainly aiming for Laegjarn(I just like her period, even if I am not a huge fan of her summer design) and Helbindi so that he and Ylgr can be playmates. Between green and colorless I'll pull green. First session nets me a 5* blue . . Shiro(+RES/-HP). Gah I have mixed feelings. Don't have him and as a collector I want everyone, but I really don't like off banner pity breaks on seasonal banners. Several more sessions in and a session is all green and colorless and I get a 5* green . . . Ranulf(neutral). Again I don't have him. But again he is only filling an empty space and I would much rather have gotten the on banner unit. Next session 1 green and 4 colorless. A 5* Laevatein(+DEF/-SPD) appears. Well I think you have the better summer design and you can certianly replace my Spring Camilla for defense green flying mage, but still I was hunting your sis since she would get used more. I finally run dry in a session with 2 blues and 3 reds. Only 5 orbs though. I get a Mae. I can't leave it at that so I break down and grab a 23 orb pack to finish this up. The other blue was indeed hiding a Laegjarn(+ATK/-HP)! The reds weren't hiding best bro though. Sadly Ylgr will have to go without her playmate.


So this banner ate way too many resources. I mean my 5* rate wasn't bad, but half of them are basically useless and won't ever get off the bench. Heck they may just stay level 1 forever. But I guess I don't have annoying Shiro and Ranulf shaped holes in my hero collection anymore. That is something, yes? A better something is that both desired units have quite workable boons.


Ooof, sorry it took so many Orbs but congrats on some of the goodies you got there and filling up the HeroDex~

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This banner is fucking stupid.

Of course the first unit was easy, Summer Helbindi, but he's fucking +Spd -Atk. So I decide "Okay, I'll keep summoning Red because +Spd sucks".

Summer Laevatein wasn't too far off, +Def -Res.

And then fucking Pity City. Among them? TWO Laevateins (normal) and Surtr.

Pity, pity, pity, and then I got so mad I just turned my phone off, chucked it to a corner of the bed, and went to sleep.

On waking up? Oh hey there's Sumbindi. +Res -Spd is good, thanks.

Almost immediately Summer Gunnthra came +Def -HP. And maaany summons later, Def -Res Summer Laegjarn.

...but not without another fucking Surtr in between. GODDAMN MAN, just put a speedo on if you wanna go swimming so badly.

The other pitys? Two Tibarns, Flora, Sumia, Adrift M!Corrin, FemKana, and Lugh were all off-focus pity breakers.

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Wow, seems like a lot of us are having bad luck today.

I finally got Gunnthra after like 500 god damn orbs...and she's +Def, -Atk. 😕 I'm glad to have her at all, but...that just freaking sucks. At least my Caineghis didn't suffer such a fate. His IVs aren't the greatest, but +Res, -HP isn't bad either.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I pulled a Mikoto and a SECOND KINSHI HINOKA before that Gunnthra showed up. 😕

Well, male Morgan likes Infantry Rush. Glad to give it to the kid in any case.

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36 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, seems like a lot of us are having bad luck today.

I finally got Gunnthra after like 500 god damn orbs...and she's +Def, -Atk. 😕 I'm glad to have her at all, but...that just freaking sucks. At least my Caineghis didn't suffer such a fate. His IVs aren't the greatest, but +Res, -HP isn't bad either.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I pulled a Mikoto and a SECOND KINSHI HINOKA before that Gunnthra showed up. 😕

Well, male Morgan likes Infantry Pulse. Glad to give it to the kid in any case.

It's Infantry Rush 😉

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, seems like a lot of us are having bad luck today.

I finally got Gunnthra after like 500 god damn orbs...and she's +Def, -Atk. 😕 I'm glad to have her at all, but...that just freaking sucks. At least my Caineghis didn't suffer such a fate. His IVs aren't the greatest, but +Res, -HP isn't bad either.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I pulled a Mikoto and a SECOND KINSHI HINOKA before that Gunnthra showed up. 😕

Well, male Morgan likes Infantry Rush. Glad to give it to the kid in any case.

if we had trading i'd take all your HInokas for my Silases. 😄 
(seriously though im sorrry it took 500 orbs for a broken unit)

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55 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

if we had trading i'd take all your HInokas for my Silases. 😄 
(seriously though im sorrry it took 500 orbs for a broken unit)

But Silas is a 3-4 star pull now, that's not really a fair trade. lol

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So in the end, after untold amounts of orbs...

>Helbini is still +Res +1 merge. Figured that he's pretty much literally his normal self but Red, so may as well treat him that way.
>Gunnthra is still +Def -HP no merge. It'd have been one thing if I didn't already have Summer Linde, who is very similar to Gunnthra save a few small point allocations and much less HP, but I also already have Summer Linde at +10 merge. I couldn't be less interested in Summer Gunnthra than I already am.
>Laevatein is +Res +1 merge. Not worth trying for +Atk or even Neutral, +Res is still a superboon so it's alright.
>Laegjarn I managed to pull with a perfect +Spd -Def. Don't think she needs a merge, and I pulled two copies of her with meh assets/flaws, so that's either a merge and Swift Sparrow 3 fodder or two Swift Sparrow 3 fodders.

I'd say I literally could not afford to summon anymore if I wanted to also afford summoning the remaining units I don't have yet, but fortunately I'll be starting work soon (at a library!), so that should help to finish up before I can officially say "I'm done, I do not need anymore units thank you". But now to just wait for the Summer Banner revivals to finally get Lance Valor... and also the remaining summer units I don't own I guess.

Now who among my army wants this tasty, tasty Swift Sparrow 3 most...?

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. . .holy crap, I jumped to 2,006 total pulled units?  Wonder who was lucky 2,000?


Soleil (+Def/-Atk): No and no.
Laevatein (+Res/-Def): That's. . .unfortunate.  I'll figure something out, but -raven isn't it.  Camilla's safe!

Tiki (+Spd/-Atk): I didn't appreciate that in your younger self, either.
Camilla (+HP/-Atk): Speaking of Camilla!  This one's pretty bad.
Reyson (+Res/-HP): He's worth foddering, at least!
Florina (+Res/-HP): What's up with my fliers getting wonky natures?
Sakura (+Res/-Def): WHY.

Olivia (+HP/-Res): STILL NO.
Silvia (+HP/-Atk): I think I can make use of her sword?
Gunther (neutral): Perfect, I need to replace the one I foddered earlier.
Frederick (+Atk/-HP): Everyone, take lessons from this guy.  This is workable.
Gordin (+Spd/-Def): The only time I'd be happy about this is if he did this in Shadow Dragon.

Ogma (+Atk/-Spd): This may not be one of the better ones for him any longer.
Fae (+Atk/-Res): A merge should fix that bane of hers!
Raven (+Spd/-Atk): Merge fodder.  Maybe.
Donnel (+Atk/-Res): This guy needs a PRF weapon.
L'arachel (+Atk/-Res): Much better!

Tiki (+Def/-Res): Not the best, but definitely better than the previous one!

Ogma (+Atk/-Spd): He demoted himself, so no.
Chrom (+HP/-Spd): Wonder who wants Aether?
Ares (+Atk/-Res): The greater world knows that you're a veritable god. . .
Eirika (+Def/-HP): Uh, maybe Hone Spd fodder?

Caeda (+HP/-Res): Can't think of much combat use for her!
Laslow (+Res/-Def): Or him.

Merric (+Spd/-Def): You need +Atk far more.

Henry (+Def/-Res): See Merric.
Raigh (+Res/-Spd): That's. . .ow.  And congrats on being 2,000.
Olivia (+HP/-Res): Unlike just about everyone else that got this, she's a 5* I didn't have before.  Not the best, but I'm not using her for combat!

Athena (+HP/-Spd): Moonbow!
Athena (+Spd/-Def): I think she wants +Atk more.
Barst (+Def/-HP): Reposition!  Just what Laevatein ordered!
Cherche (+Res/-Def): That's a hard no.

That's two off-banner units, and my orb stock is dangerously low.  I think I'll deal with this for now.


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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

hehee a girl had a try though, right?

Yeah, no harm there. 😛

Just now, Tree said:

Depends on the quantities. I'd definitely trade Hinoka for eleven copies of Silas. 😀

One Hinoka for all those Silases? Yeah, I think I'd do that too, though I actually only need five to finish merging up mine.

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1 minute ago, Tree said:

Depends on the quantities. I'd definitely trade Hinoka for eleven copies of Silas. 😀

lol lemme see...

Just now, Anacybele said:

Yeah, no harm there. 😛

One Hinoka for all those Silases? Yeah, I think I'd do that too, though I actually only need five to finish merging up mine.

actually lol i have to laugh because i did get a Silas while i went for Laegjarn
More excited that i Finally got EST. finally. now i can +10 Best Girl. 

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Just now, daisy jane said:

lol lemme see...

actually lol i have to laugh because i did get a Silas while i went for Laegjarn
More excited that i Finally got EST. finally. now i can +10 Best Girl. 

Heh, I see! Nice job!

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23 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Nah. I was bad. I was supposed to wait until the Chill Skill Banner to see if Flying Livvy is there. 

Don't feel too bad. I was supposed to use my big orb stash for Summer Frederick merges only to wind up blowing it all and more on Gunnthra. I'm just lucky I can spare some money on the game sometimes.

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Didn't want to pull much, but Laeg was looking too good (art, skills and movement type/weapon combination). After my free pull got her within 5 orbs, but with -SPD. 

Should have saved my orbs perhaps, but getting a second one seemed good for foddering reasons as well. So after spending nearly 90 orbs overall, I got this in addition to the -SPD Laeg: 


Male A!Corrin +ATK/-HP shortly after that, summer Laeg with +ATK/-DEF, wow!!!

I consider myself very lucky, since Corrin is a new untit as well in my roster. :-))


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Yay, new Tempest Trial banner. Picking blue since my Ylgr is -Spd and could use the merge.

  1. 4* Donnel: Trash.

There were 3 other blue orbs, but I have to save everything I can for Julia. Oh well.

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Well, at least I managed to salvage one of the missing 2017 brides after failing to get any one of Sigrun, Tanith or Pent sorry Louise. She's +Spd/-HP too, so I could have some fun with that base 40 Spd. 

I also went back to Future Past to try for Nah or Kjelle. I did get Kjelle (+Res/-Def) fairly easily, but only succeeded in getting my pity rate up to 3.50% trying to snipe Nah. Ah well.



Oh, and I ignored colorless under the assumption that Brady will demote. So if he doesn't demote, you now know who to blame.

Lastly, the TT banner free pull was a 3* Tharja so summer snow loli is still my only bonus unit option. 

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Have and don't use Laegjarn, and not interested in either Helbindi or Ylgr. Because it offered two blues and a green, I went with the green.

4* Cecilia

5-6 more weeks of saving, god help me.

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Have and don't use Laegjarn, and not interested in either Helbindi or Ylgr. Because it offered two blues and a green, I went with the green.

4* Cecilia

5-6 more weeks of saving, god help me.

I know your pain...


Went blue for the TT banner and pulled Mathilda- I don't care about her IVs so trash fodder she is.

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