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Two greens, one each of the rest. Genny is the only one I don't have, so easy enough decision even if I want a dozen Minervas really.

4* Jakob


Three more days, three more days, three more days.

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Oh look, a banner where I could take any of these units.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Bartre (No thanks. +Def/-Res)

That's my free 5* streak broken. Oh well.

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Revival banner gave me a Henry, I always appreciate some Ignis fodder. 

The good news is that I finally got her:


There, the Lyn collection is complete once again and I'm not going to suggest another one as a joke because that's jinxing myself just like what happened when I got OG!Lyn. 

There's also something intersting about all my Lyns. Outside of Legendary Lyn all of them have perfect natures (+Atk for brave and +Spd for the others). It surprised me when this one followed the trend and came at +Spd -Res. 

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On 7/26/2019 at 3:50 PM, mcsilas said:

Only had like 35 orbs despite the legendary but YOLO I guess!

Master of Yolo is back with a unit on both accounts, congrats! Velouria is great and I'm looking forward to see Brady once finished. 

Also congrats on Ephraim! I think boons/banes don't matter too much on this type of unit. I still haven't found a special fighter recipient for mine. 

On 7/26/2019 at 5:10 PM, Landmaster said:


Oh, that took long, but that boon should be worth the wait. Congrats! 

Will you fodder her like @Maaka's +SPD Lyn?

Also congrats on Brady, he looks like an insta-promotion. 

On 7/27/2019 at 8:18 PM, NSSKG151 said:

Thankfully Sumia showed up after spending 75 orbs and now and can merge her on my other one to get rid of that defense superbane.

Congrats getting her fixed!

Are you using Sumia much? I've never tried to get her, my lance Fliers feel pretty complete. 

11 hours ago, Alexmender said:

The good news is that I finally got her:

Perfect Lyn collection, nice - congrats! 

Will you do a Lyn clear? 








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Gosh. Darn. Nab. It.

Got up enough orbs to pull a bit so I figured I could pull for Edelgard. 2 green orbs got me a Boey and. . . a Sutr. That makes 3 off banner pulls for this banner and 1 on banner. Well next session. 2 green orbs. Hawkeye and . . . Hebindi. That makes 4 off banner pulls to 1 on banner. I am having a really high 5* pull rate, but that is kinda pointless since everything I am getting, other than Claude, may as well be sent home since I have 0 interest in them.

Please. Stop. Raining. 5*'s. On. Me. At least stop raining the ones I don't want. It is like being slapped in the face over and over and over and over and over again.

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On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 10:45 PM, mampfoid said:

Congrats getting her fixed!

Are you using Sumia much? I've never tried to get her, my lance Fliers feel pretty complete. 


Honestly I use Cordelia and Catria more than Sumia since they are merged up but Sumia is one of my favorite units to use anytime I feel like playing through Awakening. I at least have her built up to use in modes like Arena Assault and Rival Domains/Grand Conquest. But yeah unless you like her there are plenty of other options for flying lance units since Sumia is locked behind 5 stars and isn't getting a prf weapon anytime soon.

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Well with today's influx of orbs I got up to 18. More than I thought I would. First session. 1 Green. And Thank goodness it is Edelgard. Finally!

But I had a bad feeling. -ATK/+SPD. Yep. That figures.

The question is. Do I want to try to get 1 more to neutralize the bane and maybe get a better boon.  Meh. I don't have much I want from the Mythic Banner. So I open a new session. 1 Green. Like usual. Lugh makes an appearance. . . What. Is. Wrong. With. This. Game! Also -ATK. Cause when it rains 5*'s on you, it pours bad bane/boon on you as well.

Does anyone want my luck? I am tired of it! You can have it! Just no more off banner pulls. . . please!

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59 minutes ago, Usana said:

Well with today's influx of orbs I got up to 18. More than I thought I would. First session. 1 Green. And Thank goodness it is Edelgard. Finally!

But I had a bad feeling. -ATK/+SPD. Yep. That figures.

The question is. Do I want to try to get 1 more to neutralize the bane and maybe get a better boon.  Meh. I don't have much I want from the Mythic Banner. So I open a new session. 1 Green. Like usual. Lugh makes an appearance. . . What. Is. Wrong. With. This. Game! Also -ATK. Cause when it rains 5*'s on you, it pours bad bane/boon on you as well.

Does anyone want my luck? I am tired of it! You can have it! Just no more off banner pulls. . . please!

sent u a friend request

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. . . WHY?! Clearing training tower quests(I hate doing these, so I always end up putting them off until late) got me enough orbs for another YOLO, which given how few green orbs I get per session was fine I thought.

Oh, Hi Rhajat. Where did you come from? Well that makes a 75% off focus rate. I suppose I should thank the Gacha that it decided to this at the same time I was blessed with a large number of 5*. This type of off focus rate REALLY sucks when you are actually having to drop large amount of orbs per 5*. Starting to wish I kept better track of how many orbs I was shoveling down this banner. Pretty sure this is my most prolific summoning streak I have ever had. 35-40 or so orbs per 5* I think. But it is easy to underestimate how many orbs you have sunk.

@Nimrod Request accepted. I had actually thought you were already on my list. But apparently not.

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Me: All I care about is Greil. If I can get Greil, I will stop pulling.

*three sessions later, get +HP -res Greil*


EDIT: Also pulled +HP -spd Minerva on the other banner.

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A lot of nice to have on this banner, but nothing else to do. So I'm using 75 orbs + free pull to get ... one Cordelia (only blue stone I pulled). 

/Edit: ~130 orbs overall and I got a L!Marth (+ATK this time to fix my old -ATK). After my luck with the recent banners, this was disappointing. 

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100 orbs gave me Distant Defense 4 fodder Caineghis and two of these girls on a thone...


Well, I finally have a defensive Mythic Hero for Aether Raids. I got one with +Spd/-Def and the other had +Def/-Atk and since I think +Spd is her better nature I'll keep that one and merge the other one to remove the bane. Too bad I haven't gotten far in Three Houses yet so I don't know too much about her story.

I don't know who I want to fodder Caineghis off to for Distant Defense 4. Maybe Kaze or Black Knight will like it.

I'm kind of tempted to jump back in and keep trying for L!Alm since I would like to have him but I really need to keep saving orbs for Farfetched Heroes.

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250 orbs got me this +1 extra Cain and Byleth who were manualed before i snapped the pic:

Went some Blue and mostly Greys, and full circled if there was one red/green and the rest only blue or grey. First circle contained Lyn. Byleth was a full red/green pitybreaker.

I am happy with 9 5 star units in 250 orbs. Got an Alm merge for AB scoring, an Eir for 161 lift in AR, a new tank for in AR, who is +2 already. (Though wondering if + Res or + Def would be better.) Byleth is DC wrath fodder, Ryoma is 6000 feathers(much appreciated) and flowers. Fjorm is my first merge ever, strangely enough. 

All said and done, a great haul! 


For clarity, it starts at Lyn, the Byleth in the barracks was the free one.


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I had 401 orbs saved up. After my supreme luck last time (18 units in about 500 orbs), I had high expectations. - LMAO!

My goal was to get Azura, Alm and the new dragon.

Here is the reality of what happened:



Thats almost 100 orbs in, +def IV



About 150 orbs later, +hp

At this point I decided to just to colorless and blues 



Clicked red by accident, -atk

Now just to get one more unit before orbs run dry



+res-def, could be worse I guess.

19 orbs remaining - saving up for next months legendary banner

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44 orbs spent gave me Caineghis and Byleth, both +HP -Spd. I was kind of hoping to get Alm so I can finally have a Pair Up Legendary, but these two are pretty amazing as fodder so I'm more than happy. I think I'll stop here and start saving for CYL, or maybe the next Pair Up Legend. 

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Wow... this banner was lined up to be perfect. Perfect fodder in every color but one and good units as well as most wanted ones in almost every single color again, but one. I thought to myself the only way to lose would be to pull something like a bad nature Byleth or Valentine's Greil, but even still there would be value in that.

But what I didn't know... was that the only true way to lose would be to pull absolutely nothing. And that's exactly what I did. 116 orbs for a 10.50% rate and not a single *5.

I feel sick to my stomach. Clears can wait, I need a break.

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Alright then, this is the big one. I have made a deal with the devil for this session. This is the high-water mark, I don't see myself collecting this many orbs again anytime soon, if ever.



The big needs are Azura and Alm, everyone else is a bonus. The strategy I will be starting with is to open all Blue and Grey, and if my pity rate is low and there's a single Red or Green I'll open it for now, while my orb count is high.

Session 1: 3 Blue, 2 Green
4* Sully
5* Fjorm Neutral
4* Silas

Welp, not a bad start. The least interesting unit I could have gotten but can't complain at this early stage. My +Atk -Res one is henceforth merged and promoted to the primary one, and I'll keep the original free neutral one for F2P strats.

Session 2: 3 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Grey
3* Shigure
3* Lucius
5* Legendary Azura +Def -HP
4* Gunter
3* Sully

And there she is! I can't believe it happened so fast, and I've spent hundreds of orbs on previous banners to get her unsuccessfully. Meh nature but y'know, dancer. Plus I'm continuing on blue as it was always my intention to get at least a +1 merge.

Session 3: 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Grey
4* Brady +Atk -HP
4* Sully

My first ever Brady, that's cool.

Session 4: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 2 Grey
4* Lissa
4* Lucius
3* Mathilda

Session 5: 3 Blue, 2 Green
3* Nowi
4* Florina
4* Peri

Session 6: 4 Red, 1 Blue
5* Legendary Azura +HP -Def
4* Adult Tiki
4* Chrom
4* Sophia
4* Silvia

Wow, and there my first goal is now fully complete. Opposite and slightly better nature than the first one too. At this point I still had a little under 600 orbs, which is way more than I expected to have left over, so plan change: I'll start opening reds. No change for greens, I'll only open them if there's a single one.

Session 7: 2 Red, 1 Blue, 2 Green
4* Oscar
3* Caeda
3* Selena

That's the Oscar I need to complete my +10 project, neat.

Session 8: 2 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Green
4* Silas
4* Nowi
4* M Corrin
3* Silvia
5* Greil +HP -Atk

In truth, Greil doesn't help me at all with that terrible nature, but he's new to me so whatever.

Session 9: 2 Red, 1 Green, 2 Grey
4* Lucius
3* Lissa
4* Sophia
4* Ares
4* Titania

Session 10: 1 Red, 3 Blue, 1 Grey
4* M Morgan
4* Subaki
4* Maria
5* Fjorm +Def -Atk
3* Silas

Unexciting, but a second merge is always good for stats, more value than the third merge at any rate. Hopefully that's the last I see of her for now.

Session 11: 3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green
3* Seth
4* Olivia
5* Towel Ryoma +Atk -HP
4* Titania
4* Raigh

And there's the final blue, who is new to me. Good nature even if I doubt I'll use him much. With that I'm stopping on blues since only 1/3 of the units have any appeal to me left at this point. And indeed I've decided to take a break from the banner for today despite the string of good luck. I'm down to 490 orbs and I'm going to switch to the Three Houses banner since I still have four tickets, and the banner ends on the same day as the Mythic one, making it pointless to wait.

Final Analysis:
176 orbs spent, 44 units pulled for 6 five-star units at an excellent 13.6% rate. Considering I spent in excess of 250 orbs for the measly return of a single five-star the last time I spent heavily on a Legendary banner, I consider this karma.

I have no doubt that I'll be back on this banner, either tomorrow or later, but I'm giving myself some time to sleep on my strategy. It's either going to be all-in on Grey or double-sniping on Red and Grey. I want any number of all the greys, maybe up to one Byleth and two Sothis would be nice but I don't want Marth even slightly. There is also the open question on how many orbs I'll reserve for a last ditch attempt at Summer Laegjarn, since her banner lasts a couple of days longer than the this one.


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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Wow... this banner was lined up to be perfect. Perfect fodder in every color but one and good units as well as most wanted ones in almost every single color again, but one. I thought to myself the only way to lose would be to pull something like a bad nature Byleth or Valentine's Greil, but even still there would be value in that.

But what I didn't know... was that the only true way to lose would be to pull absolutely nothing. And that's exactly what I did. 116 orbs for a 10.50% rate and not a single *5.

I feel sick to my stomach. Clears can wait, I need a break.

Oh no..really, really sorry to hear that 😞

That's really rough to hear, it's crushing to have hopes up high with a 'safe' stash but have bad rolls of the RNG. I don't know what to say, but yeah just tale your mind off of it right now, the banner is here for a week with orbs in the near future with a half-year anniversary soon.

But yeah really sucks when you built up a stash and get nothing, so I just give up on saving a big stash.

I don't know if it helps but I have try not to expect too much when summoning since it's not as painful if the RNG hits you in the face 😞

Was really rooting for you to finally get the one you wanted. Wish you all the best if you come back to it!

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After such a disappointing session I grinded some orbs and some more orbs, got to a 10% pity rate and felt like I don't like this game anymore.






Back to saving orbs for real

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