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Hmm, I want a merge for Tana to fix her Speed flaw, but with the reveal of CYL3 I think it'd be better for me to save orbs. Free pull it is.

  1. 4* Clair: The silhouette was similar enough that I got happy for a moment. Alas it was not to be.

Now for the Hero Fest free pull and Ticket 1. Going to try for Tiki since she's so busted.

  1. 3* Priscilla: Feathers.
  2. 4* Setsuna: Bowbreaker fodder.

Nothing worthwhile there.

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18 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Then it took 38 more orbs but I got +Def/-Spd Male Byleth! Unfortunate bane but at least I have him for now. Unsure if I want to try for Sothis but I should wait and see until the last day first before being greedy.

Congrats on your Alms and Byleth. Funnily I spend the same amount of orbs to get a M!Byleth myself yesterday, with the opposite nature though. Guess I don't need to buy 3H anymore. ^^ 

8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

And holy shit, this seriously just happened.

Oh wow, congrats! She should totally attack with her chair in her special art. 



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With all the new sudden banners, between hero fest (which has good fodder and two missing units), the daily banners which gives another chance at Close Counter and CYL3, I really, really want to be done with this Mythic banner, but the thought of pouring 150 orbs for absolutely nothing makes me want to throw up.

Another 20 orbs for nothing. 11.50%.

This is quite literally the highest rate I've ever had for a legendary banner, ever.

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The most stupid thing happened to me, I bought orbs. Officially a whale now, lol. Stupid because there was no real reason for it as I could have grinded more but it's my birthday and I didn't feel like it. Totally stupid. Overall a pretty unlucky banner for me with many unwanted pity rates.

After getting marth up to +5 the quest is finally over.


She better be good, lol. +atk-hp. So much for my f2p plans. She greeted me with: you are hopeless! Damn right I am 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Nimrod said:

She better be good, lol. +atk-hp. So much for my f2p plans. She greeted me with: you are hopeless! Damn right I am 🙂

Congrats to your birthday and +ATK Sothis! 

Sorry you fell into Gacha's trap though. 

45 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This is quite literally the highest rate I've ever had for a legendary banner, ever.

Ouch, that hurts. Sorry man! 

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Hellish scenario where I have to choose between 8% on the Hero Fest banner and 8% on the first Summer Banner. Ticket swung my decision towards Hero Fest for now, until I have some energy to mine some orbs from permanent old content. I want all these units except Surtr.

3* Silas
4* Shanna
3* Setsuna
3* Kaze
3* Gaius

Welp. Down to 1 orb so it'll take some time for round 2.

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@Zeo Ouch, sorry to hear that, I've been there (I think up to 12% sniping in L!Alm's banner) and it's a pretty painful rate when it goes double digits. Have you been doing full pulls or sniping? Hope it breaks soon.

@mampfoid Oh wow, nice boon for you!

So sudden unexpected banner barrage this coming month.

Looks like I might just not return to mythic except for the usual final minute yolo. Two new banners today. Pulls below.


Had all the units from the daily banner on my second account, so I just picked blue for a random chance at Micaiah. Well I got a Sacred Stone 5 star at least, it was a +Spd/-Def Lute! Always open to more Restanks.

Then I went for Hero Fest for a Nailah chance. None on first circle, but there were two green orbs that looked tempting. Open both and the last one gave me a +Res/-Def Surtr! I can feed my +Spd/-Atk one to Silas now! (unless I merge and get rid of -Def...maybe I'll wait and see if I can grab another Surtr if I get a Nailah on the same circle).

Next circle had 3 blues but no Nailah.

Main pull didn't get anything really.

Back to less than 10 orb. At least tickets mean I need less orbs per circle.



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I'll hold on Hero Fest until I have tickets, I'd still like to try Colourless on the legendary. For now, movement skills free pull.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Barst (Good. +Spd/-Atk)

Edited by Dayni
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@Zeo Uggh. I hate it when you get at the 11'ish mark on these banners. Thankfully it doesn't happen often, but when it does. . .

@Nimrod Maybe good bye to F2P, but we had about IAP back in 2017 that had a fun chart. Here ya go. Just don't go Pingu on us and I think you will be fine :D.

Anyways since I figured I wouldn't get lucky enough to get another Edelgard I just went ahead and threw my handful built up from the other day on the Mythic banner. Banner really doesn't want to give me colorless. But I figured why the heck not on dropping a 13 dollar pack on it, cause why not. And lo and behold a Legendary Alm makes his appearance. I finally have a Pair Up Hero! +HP/-RES. So pretty much neutral. Anyways the fact that I had to buy a pack means that I need to back off of summoning a bit because clearly I am out of orbs.

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2 hours ago, Usana said:

@Zeo Uggh. I hate it when you get at the 11'ish mark on these banners. Thankfully it doesn't happen often, but when it does. . .

@Nimrod Maybe good bye to F2P, but we had about IAP back in 2017 that had a fun chart. Here ya go. Just don't go Pingu on us and I think you will be fine :D.

Anyways since I figured I wouldn't get lucky enough to get another Edelgard I just went ahead and threw my handful built up from the other day on the Mythic banner. Banner really doesn't want to give me colorless. But I figured why the heck not on dropping a 13 dollar pack on it, cause why not. And lo and behold a Legendary Alm makes his appearance. I finally have a Pair Up Hero! +HP/-RES. So pretty much neutral. Anyways the fact that I had to buy a pack means that I need to back off of summoning a bit because clearly I am out of orbs.


Based on that chart I am still a clown fish, lol. Like about half a clown fish.

Anyway, since this has happened and is probably bound to happen again some day (can't trust myself, lol) I will need to take some serious steps and keep it to a minimum. Probably gonna be hoarding orbs and do summons every 2-3 months, lol.

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Man, after my terrible luck in the Sothis banner the game decided to be nice to me. I got an Ares and an Est for the free pull, but the first ticket gave me a Surtr. He was the only one in that banner I didn’t have, so much appreciated. 

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While M!Byleth isn't a guaranteed unit for every player I'm still not gonna count him toward my 2019 5* list. I didn't summon for him, and he was guaranteed for me since I always had the intention of buying FE:3H.

Regardless, my luck is at a high point once more after the mediocre Summer Lilina experience:

Ephraim free pull on the Close Defence banner (Finally some Special Fighter fodder for whenever I might need it, tho he is +Att... which makes saccing him a bit less enjoyable), Caineghis on my one-and-done legendary circle summoning, who'll probably just become a merge, tho I might find use in DD4 on someone else). Random Loki on my quest for another copy of Lilina to fodder off, resetting my rates and therefore making me stop to pull on that banner; maybe I'll get another Lugh at some point for Rally Res Up. Loki makes things even harder, +HP asset is quite useful on her, but my +10 Sakura and Leon are looking at her A-slot in a funny way. If they ever get refines they might murder her....

And today, free pull +Att Elincia, sure, why not - and a second-circle Nailah, finally granting me Null-C Disrupt, which will be devoured by Velouria probably.

I cannot complain with such a nice haul, and while there is a lot to summon for at the moment (for fodder and for the collection), I'll have to collect everything Feh is giving us to spend it on Myrrh merges soon. Sorry, Sothis.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT/M!Byleth): 85

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I can't remember how to get a link that embeds on mobile, either way, I pulled 2 byleths in a single session

Thus far my numbers are

3 Byleths

2 marths 

2 sothis

And 1 ryoma (was forced to pull)

I have a lot of DC all of a sudden.

I was saving for that ninian rerun, but the plan has changed.

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A bunch of banners today. Going to start with the daily, aiming for Hector.

  1. 4* Libra: Meh.

Now for Nohrian Summer. Going to try to get Xander a merge.

  1. 4* Cherche: Pivot fodder.

Sketchy Summer next. Either Linde or a Takumi merge.

  1. 3* Kagerou: Daggerbreaker fodder.

And lastly, Hero Fest Ticket 2.

  1. 5* Leanne: Again? This is the third time you've shown up uncalled for. Well, +Atk/-Def is inferior to +Res, so merge fodder it is.

A free 5*, but one I really did not need. Still, better than another useless grey unit.

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I'm still holding back on Hero Fest and Mythic banners to build orbs. I'm also holding back on A Sketchy Summer, as I'd like to get Tiki. For now, the other free pulls.

Counter Skills.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Boey (Meh. +Res/-Def)

Nohrian Summer

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Cordelia (Stop. +HP/-Def)

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Freepulled Saber from the summer banner by accident.

Wanted to pull from green, but finger slipped on red.

Good result after all since he is incredibly hard to get now and got a great fine.

+atk / -def is not too great since he seems to work as a tank, but I can work it with, I guess.

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