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8 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

@Landmaster thanks! I couldn't remember her stats and I was quite tired. Still, when has bad IVs ever stopped someone from using a unit?

Nah's pretty great with anything that's not -Atk, so yep, she's defs on you'll want to use~ Her Oracle's Breath is really good and can make her quite hard to take down~

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Decided that I'm not going to spend a single orb on the 3H banner so went ahead and summoned despite having no orbs. Will also just spend tickets as they come in, but none yet as most of my stamina is going towards clearing up the story/monthly/blessing quests.

3 Blue 2 Greys, 4* Florina.

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@ZeoĀ Ah sorry missed your post, congrats on the Tibarn! He's very fun to use as a Galeforcer and even if it's not the optimal IVs, +Spd might make him double things even when the enemy isn't at full HP so it's workable.

Well when you do use him hope you enjoy him though, hope that'll lift your mood. I do know the feeling though of just throwing orbs randomly and not efficiently saving anymore (it was also after a legendary banner disappointment). Just one of those things, sometines you get things, sometimes you don't so I sort of don't bother saving much anymore and just let chance do it's thing while keeping expectations lukewarm


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Spent 30 orbs on the new 3H banner and ended with Hilda. Neutral, too. That definitely makes up for my terrible luck in the Sothis banner, and I can stop pulling on the new banner aside from the tickets.Ā 

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Ticket pull Hilda! šŸ˜„ Only problem is, she's freaking +Def, -Atk. Probably the worst possible spread because she wants high Atk and her weapon wants her to have low Def. šŸ˜• I hope she can still somehow be useful...

I'm getting too much -Atk now though. Summer Elise, Delthea, now this... That's three out of my last five 5 star pulls. Rezzy's curse must be leaving her and going to me or something.

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Last two tickets now. A free 5* would be nice given I need to save as much as possible for CYL 3 and the next Legendary.

  1. 4* Palla: Good SI fodder.
  2. 4* Seth: Ugh.

So much for that banner.

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When I say that the best pull today was a Raven from the daily banner, then it says all.

At 4% from the new 3H banner I gotĀ a fucking Tate and tons of useless units (Oboro, Est, Ogma...) I could all send home.

Well, it's feathers, but still...

I mean I knew that I have been in a summer depression lately, but the latest pulls make really sad.

Already in the last 3H banner I pulled tons of shit and no focus unit except for an unusable Dimitri.

Three freepulled Deltheas, an unit from 2017, were the highlights in the past three months.

Edited by Rosalina
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Nothing from free pulls and FB tickets, but I finally got a summer Takumi to feed my Bride Cordelia a yummy Desperation bow!Ā 

He is +ATK, so my old copy has to die and Cordy will get Brave+ and Repo (from older SI) on top. 5* rate was pretty good, but I have no use for two spare summer Lindes ...Ā 

16 hours ago, Mau said:

And today after a pity rate of 4.25% I got broken by Kliff. Anotherļ»æ unit I couldn't care less about and doesn't have fodder I need.

1,5 months of summoning almost every single day, I have never been this damn close to just pressing that uninstall button. All this ļ»æfucking game brings is misery ugh.ļ»æ

Ouch, I'm sorry (again). That's a very long suffering. :- ((

Hope other luck (in RL perhaps?) will make up for this mess.Ā 

15 hours ago, Zeo said:

This guy showed up. Huh. +SPD/-DEF which is pretty trash, but I don't careļ»æ seeing as he's the only one I really wanted from the bannerļ»æ ļ»æand the pools were flooding me with blues.ļ»æļ»æ

That's pretty good! I recently switched from +DEF to +SPD. Tibarn is bulky enough to survive one hit and he won't have to take more on PP thanks to sturdy impact. +SPD will help him to double wary armors. We're +SPD Tibarn buddies with @mcsilasĀ now! :- ) hooray!Ā 

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I would LOVE HIlda! Going in to todayā€™s summoning spree, I was intent on sniping green for my girl. Before that, however, I know I had to do something about my 5.3% rate onĀ Hero Fest. I needed to get SOMEONE off of it before I committed to the changing winds banner. I lucked out in around 14 orbs or so: here came Tibarn, alas, at -Spd/+Res. I am just so happy regardless that IĀ got the daddy bird of the skies!

Moving on, I played hard for the chapter orbs and 4 tickets. On my third ticket, at about 3.2%, I wound up with three reds, a colorless and a blue in my circle.Ā Petra was my back up, and, of course, there she awaited me... the princess of Brigid with -Atk/+HP IVs. Yikes, but at least my rate wasnā€™t too high. This is VERY similar to how my luck with the TH banner fared: got my backup on a ticket pull (Dimitri). I just hope I donā€™t wind up with my second backup instead of my most wanted again lol. Oh well, going to continue diving into green with colorless as my new second resort.Ā 

Good luck everyone!

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I decided to do a few more pulls on the Hero Fest banner since I'd still like Nailah. Got no blues two sessions in a row though, so I picked a couple colorless since fallen Tiki is an absolutely ridiculous unit, and rather OP imo as I struggle against her (as well as fallen Corrin a lot. I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em? šŸ˜›

Lo and behold, one of them was her. lol


And she's +Atk, -Def! Finally something really good in the IV department after all that -Atk and such. She's gonna be real helpful in some tough maps, at least I hope so. Maybe if I team her with GD Ike and two other armors on some of them, I'll clear stuff right and left. GD Ike is +Spd, -HP and is just crazy good himself!

Man, I've kinda been pulling 5 stars out the wazoo lately, now that I think about it! XD Would still like Nailah someday though. But I want to keep an orb stash for CYL3 and the legendary banner.

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Used my four 3H tickets on single summons.

(Previous free summon) 4* Florina
4* Fae
4* Roderick
4* Shanna
3* Laslow

Can you tell from the above summons that I was going for Hilda? Because I sure as hell can't.

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Sick of messing around with just enough orbs so I decided to bulldoze some chain challenges and just get it over and done with.

Ticket 4:
3* Sheena
3* Caeda
3* Jeorge
3* Subaki
3* Lon'qu

Wow, not even a 4-star. Impressive.

Ticket 5:
4* Hinata
4* Subaki
4* Lissa
3* Kaze
4* Wrys

Slightly better I guess? Closing with the daily summon:

4* Shigure

All in all still not a bad result from Hero Fest despite the disappointing end. Three 5-stars for exactly 90 orbs is pretty solid in anyone's book. Not sure what I'll do now, so I'll sleep on it.

A hanging 9% pity rate on an 8% banner isn't that bad really so I don't feel compelled to break it, but would still appreciate any of the units there. I feel they're overall about as desirable as the CYL3 units, with one meh unit in each being Surtr and Alm but the rest being great, and obviously the 5* rate is higher. Speaking of 8% banners, it's clearly more desirable than the August and September, not to mention November and December legendary banners with only October being possibly competitive.

If I do no further permanent content, I'll have 12 orbs to spend on the final day of the banner, it wouldn't be hard to make that an even 20 for another full session. Quick count of remaining CC orbs comes to 12 Main Story and 68 Paralogue ones, to add to 30 Squad Assault orbs, 65 Blessed Grounds, 9 Tactics Drills and 94 Normal and Hard Main Story and Paralogue orbs. That's, uh, 278 orbs. Didn't go down as much as I expected to since a few more were added this week, but we'll see if I decide to spend them.

Edited by Humanoid
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Free summon and the tickets gave me these two units for free...


Would of liked to have gotten Hilda instead but I guess I will take these two. IĀ suppose Petra could be useful for fighting beast units in Arena Assault and maybe P!Leo would like Lugh's Gronnserpent tome. Anyways, at least I am walking out of thisĀ with two free five stars and no orbs spent. I can wait for Hilda to show up on some other banner.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Chance at a free Morgan? Yes please.

  1. 3* Wendy: Ugh. I'm feeling greedy, so let's see if the other two blues have anything.
  2. 4* Est: Nope.
  3. 3* Shigure: Nope again.

There goes 8 orbs for nothing.

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A lone red orb, it gave me armor flowers, 6 k feathers and I have no clue if Zelgius is worth foddering to any of my units as of now.

Also got a free S!Xander, which is great since it saves me grails and 20k feathers. No dorcas sadly so I didnā€™t get double pulse. Sorry Marisa, youā€™re still going to end up on the block.

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I wish I could free pull a Zelgius...Ā  Not that I need more sword armors (I have the BK at +10), but because I like him.Ā  Seems like the people who don't like him keep getting the free pull Zelgius's XD

Anyway, broke my pity rate on Hero Fest with a Nailah.Ā  I think that makes three or fourĀ Tibarns (yay!) and one Nailah.Ā  Plus an Ayra, for some reason.Ā  My rate on the reds were pretty good, but more Nailah merges would have been appreciated.Ā  Tibarn is now +6, Nailah is +3.

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Really shitty luck on getting merges (well, merge) for Summer Lyn... it took 276 orbs sniping to get Summer Lyn's first (and so far, only) merge (5.75% listed pityrate - a record high for me on a 3%/3% 4-Focus 1:1:1:1 banner; ~81-82 percentile).

Even pitybreakers (focus and off-focus) are afraid of me!

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After a bunch of nothing on the previous daily bannersĀ I got a free +Spd F!Morgan. My old copy was +Def which did nothing for her so obviously I'll take a bit more speedĀ (both were -Res but that doesn't matter anymore). 33 base is eh but it becomes 36 with Fury so it's workable.

On a sour note, I got pity broken on the 3H banner by Lugh. I'm salty that it wasn't Hilda but at least I got some Rally+ fodder for whatever arena cheerleader I decide to use permanently.

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