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I was expecting Yarne to be on the solo banner, I was dissapointed.

Then the free pull happened.

As a tradition, @Rezzy's curse.


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Free pull on the solo skills banner gave me my first Lethe with a +spd,-res nature to boot!  I am always happy to see new units when I pull.

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I didn't have Ishtar, so I decided to pull the lone blue for my free pull on the Vantage banner. A free Ishtar with not horrible IVs would certainly kinda make up for the -Atk I've been hit with lately... Though since I just pulled two free 5 stars in a row, I feel like my luck's been used up...


WELL I'll BE DAMNED. My third free 5 star out of the last four free pulls! Even though I manual'd the other two. Also, NOT -ATK! And not -Spd either, thankfully. +Def, -HP isn't the best, but it's effectively neutral. I can work with it.

I tried for Fallen Corrin and Flora on the Solo skills banner, but none there on the free pull session. Gotta save my orbs for the legendary banner.


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1 hour ago, Nym said:

I was expecting Yarne to be on the solo banner, I was dissapointed.

Then the free pull happened.

As a tradition, @Rezzy's curse.


Same nature as mine, congrats

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After almost 300 orbs I finally managed to get Hilda... FINNAAAALLLLLYYYYY!!!

I am literally relieved now......actually not quite because she is -atk / +spd. She is still one merge away of being awesome. 

For now she is just Ylgr 2.0.

With the remaining TT orbs I try to get another copy of her and / or Petra (who needs a merge too). But for now I am really happy that I finally pulled her because she has served me so well in 3H so far that would not be fair to her not trying to get her. 

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On 8/19/2019 at 8:49 AM, mcsilas said:

Wow, congrats on the double Myrrh!

So another Micaiah banner. And there was 1 orb.

....and I finally got OG Micaiah on my main! Good thing to because the night before I did some frustrated summoning from work stress (and failed to get anything).

...too bad she's +Spd/-Atk but hey, at least I now have the other Micaiah's to cover the other colours (and are arguably better colours for dealing with meta units, I'd rather have neutral CYL Micaiah than a -Atk one). So yeah, in the span of few days I suddenly have a Micaiah/Yune Emblem!

Since I saved the orbs on free pull, tried for Xander/Elincia in dancer banner but just increased a pity rate...time to farm orbs again.

Got nothing on second account though, even if I was fine with both Micaiah/Quan. Unsure if I want to go on this banner or TT banner next time, since I also want Quan.


Congrats on Micaiah! She still evades me, but maybe one day~ But Micaiah Emblem is always nice!

10 hours ago, Zeo said:

Grats on your pulls guys! Even the ones you didn't tag me in (like that Myrrh, mampf!)

I'm extremely conflicted...


I did it... I picked him as my free pull. Every strategic bone in my body as well as my strategic mind told me to pick Micaiah. That she was the more optimal choice that would serve me in more game modes and overall content. That she was a superior color and a unit type that fills a void that Eliwood doesn't. But I ignored all of that and I went with my heart. My heart wanted to unite all of the FE7 Brave Heroes. To pick Eliwood for year 3 after picking Hector and Lyn the first 2 years. My mind is shaking it's own head at this decision... it's literally reeling and it's hard to cope with going against strategy and optimization... yet... at the same time I feel happy under the surface. I have 3.50% on the CYL3 banner. I'm going to try for her before the tempest ends. My new saving rule doesn't apply until september.

I hope I don't regret this...

Nice, he's a good pick~ I sat here an picked Dong without even thinking about it~

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@mcsilas congrats on your new og Micaiah, may the Yune emblem serve you well.

Good luck on the dancer banner!

@Zeo Thanks!

Good choice, I'm enjoying Eliwood (my pick as well) the most so far. If I wasn't low on Cordelias, I'd give him GF in an instant. 

You don't need Micaiah, even if she'd be handy in some situations, most content will remain solvable without her. 

11 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Thanks. I was thinking of handing her Galeforce eventually, since that's one of the many things she can do with her busted stats and weapon. If I had Time's Pulse (I don't), she could even do 4 cd Galeforce with Heavy/Flashing Blade (RIP Raven). And then after she's done with her moves, she can be a WoM beacon that also gives her teammates 4 Atk and Spd! My one-turn career begins

Go for it! Sounds fun. 

You don't need times pulse, just run her with an IP unit, a dancer, L!Hector or Velouria. 

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All Red today.

Vantage first.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Lon'qu (It's not Raigh. +Res/-Spd)

Then Solo

3 Blue, 2 Colourless

5* Corrinkos (Yes! Not sure if I'll merge or fodder yet. +Atk/-Spd)

Back to the dancer banner.

2 Red, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Sophia (Not any good as fodder. +Def/-HP)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green



3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Sophia (Get out! +Spd/-Def)

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@Landmaster @mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy Everyone has been so fortunate with their free pulls throughout these daily banners and I've pulled literally nothing of value so far. Went into the CYL banner again for Micaiah after picking Eliwood and suddenly Green Orbs don't exist. I'm skipping red and colorless (even though Serra would like that ATK/SPD Push 4 and Camilla is a nice unit). It's like the game knows what you want. I'd like Camilla but orbs are tight and I can't spend them on her right now. Anyways, two colorless orbs and one green orb between 3 pools effectively waste me out. But I do still have 8 orbs and somehow achieved a 3.75% without spending all I had so pretty good spot for now honestly. Also got a Raven from the Ward skills banner.

I hadn't pulled on the Solo skills banner yet though so I went in with 8, if I want to pull 3 I can. 2 red, one colorless. Let's go for the colorless, grab my Sakura and get roll-



What the crap... yeah, yeah it's F!Corrin. I already have her at +RES/-DEF but this is more than welcome and she's... what the.... she's +SPD/-HP and let's do some research.

...It's a super asset. What the....

Yeah so... now I'm conflicted... again... I could have potential ATK/SPD Solo or Sudden Panic fodder on my hands or... I could patch up the HP bane on this new Corrin and she could run Sudden Panic better. Decisions, decisions.... all this time and the colorless pool still loves me, Sothis banner aside.

Well... I'm gonna shut up about my luck now.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Well... I'm gonna shut up about my luck now.

Wow, awesome pull! Congrats! 

I love +SPD on most units, but on her it's terribly good. Have fun with her.

Btw: I'm not a fan of skills with HP condition, I almost never can apply them where it matters, in AR and Abyssal maps. 

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Whoa, got two (more) Petras in one circle with a low pityrate. 

Now she is +2 although none of my copies have been +atk or +spd. Forddering does not make much sense to me because all these skills are superrare or unique so it is impossible to inherit two of them at highest level. A speed blue flying range attack is new to me, if I exclude L!Azura whose purpose is to dance, so I want to make her as strong as possible.

A Hilda-merge can wait for now. 

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No Brave Ikes this time, free or no. I pulled a couple greens after the free pull session was green-less. I'd love to pull for him more to keep merging him up, but the legendary banner looms.

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So... I got a Mereeta today when summoning in the Brave Heroes Banner... Since I don't plan to use her, I may farm her HM, get her flowers and then fodder her.

Who is a good Flashing Blade 4 user? My first candidate is Legendary Alm.

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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Landmaster @mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @SatsumaFSoysoy Everyone has been so fortunate with their free pulls throughout these daily banners and I've pulled literally nothing of value so far. Went into the CYL banner again for Micaiah after picking Eliwood and suddenly Green Orbs don't exist. I'm skipping red and colorless (even though Serra would like that ATK/SPD Push 4 and Camilla is a nice unit). It's like the game knows what you want. I'd like Camilla but orbs are tight and I can't spend them on her right now. Anyways, two colorless orbs and one green orb between 3 pools effectively waste me out. But I do still have 8 orbs and somehow achieved a 3.75% without spending all I had so pretty good spot for now honestly. Also got a Raven from the Ward skills banner.

I hadn't pulled on the Solo skills banner yet though so I went in with 8, if I want to pull 3 I can. 2 red, one colorless. Let's go for the colorless, grab my Sakura and get roll-

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What the crap... yeah, yeah it's F!Corrin. I already have her at +RES/-DEF but this is more than welcome and she's... what the.... she's +SPD/-HP and let's do some research.

...It's a super asset. What the....

Yeah so... now I'm conflicted... again... I could have potential ATK/SPD Solo or Sudden Panic fodder on my hands or... I could patch up the HP bane on this new Corrin and she could run Sudden Panic better. Decisions, decisions.... all this time and the colorless pool still loves me, Sothis banner aside.

Well... I'm gonna shut up about my luck now.

Congrats and great IV, too!

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13 hours ago, mampfoid said:


What did you get? 

I picked Eliwood as my freebie and skipped the banner. Micaiah is kind of interesting and I don't have a green flier yet but I would rather pull for her later on a different banner with better odds. Plus I want to save orbs for other banners coming out later this year.

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Ward skills has three units I'd like for merging or as fodder (Not as much for Sigurd but he's +2 so far)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Niles (It is easy Iceberg. +Spd/-Atk)

Once again, Danciah. I want this to end.

3 Blue, 2 Colourless (I think half of these circles have had Red. Why?)

4* Gordin (That would have hurt if I got a 5* here. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Lilina (No. +Res/-Def), 3* Sophia (This is some sick joke. +Spd/-Def)

Pain is everyday now.

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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

So... I got a Mereeta today when summoning in the Brave Heroes Banner... Since I don't plan to use her, I may farm her HM, get her flowers and then fodder her.

Who is a good Flashing Blade 4 user? My first candidate is Legendary Alm.

Ohh, I'd love to get one. Desperation weapons are fun. Congrats! 

3 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

I picked Eliwood as my freebie and skipped the banner. Micaiah is kind of interesting and I don't have a green flier yet but I would rather pull for her later on a different banner with better odds. Plus I want to save orbs for other banners coming out later this year.

I like Eliwood the most so far, so good decision! Good luck on the next banners! 

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Last time the Fortress banner gave me Kliff on an impulse pull after the freebie. Maybe Innes will show up this time?

  1. 3* Sothe: Meh.

A nice orb stockpile is building. I'd like to pull the one blue, but I need to keep up the saving.

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