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I pulled ANOTHER off-focus 5-star, this time a Fallen Tiki. But then, with my last ticket, I pulled Phina! So, good luck all around! Neither of them had ideal IVs but also not bad IVs, may as well be neutral. I might spend a couple orbs and see about pulling someone else, or maybe a Phina with better IVs, but I also need to save for the Halloween reruns.

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Used three tickets and spent 12 orbs on green orbs and she is already here...


Well that was fast! I thought my orb stock would have to suffer through much more but I guess Naga decided to bless my summoning luck today. Nature is +Atk/-Res so not the most ideal nature since she is meant to fight mages with AoE specials but its fine. While I would really like to jump back into the banner and try to get Phina, Sirius and more merges for Nagi I think I'm done with the banner since I would really like to save as many orbs as possible for the Farfetched banner. I'll get Phina and Sirius some other time.

And with that my green haired dragons from Archanea team is complete featuring A!Tiki, L!Tiki, FH!Tiki and now Nagi.

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9 hours ago, daisy jane said:

if it makes you feel a little better Nagi's atk  (witht he bane) is what Nah's attack is at Neutral. (and Nah can hit like a truck).

Yeah, I realized Nagi is first and foremost a tank and not a nuke. +HP is at least a defensive asset, I might build her for now.

I realized I actually had one ticket left on the Forging Bonds. I get Lethe...+Def -Spd, made into a book.

The real surprise here was Mercedes. The off-focus pull of her was +Spd, so I promoted my other copy of her to merge away the flaw and handed her a dark blessing. I can't wait to pull for Sothis to put together an alternative dark season team.

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Well I managed to complete my Duet of Dire Dancers. The Reinhardt I got earlier is +SPD. The Ishtar I just got is -SPD. Why couldn't they be flipped?

 Basically everyone took a hit to a stat they would rather not take a hit to, barring Reinhardt who probably doesn't care that he traded some defense for speed, even if the speed is effectively useless. Well whatever, they are dancers so I suppose having their ATK(Nepheene) and their SPD(Ishtar) nuked doesn't matter much.


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With today's orbs I got a +spd -Hp Yarne. I gave him two dragon flowers and his mother's B and C slot and he is awesome. He and Caineghis are definitely now part of my newly formed beast team. Didn't get any focus units but in arena I will use Astram anyway so I am good. 

Now should I save orbs (and luck) for the mythic banner, or should I continue pulling with the daily orbs hoping to get lucky and pull something?

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I got tokens.

I got o-orbs.

If I get Nagi, who could ask for anything more?

(I really hope I get her.)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Sheema (I really don't care for more of this. +Res/-Atk), 4* Barst (This is good. Neutral)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Not like this?)

4* Legault (There's so many colourless I need, why not them? +Atk/-Spd)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Barst (More like this then! +Def/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Titania (I mean, if I had enough feathers, I'd merge all my good G1 units. Alas. +HP/-Res)


3 Colourless, 2 Green

5* Gronnwen (Well, it fixes her bane. +HP/-Atk..... Well this is not the base one.), 3* Hawkeye (We need skill refinery for units like this to be useful. Neutral)

Well crap, 1 pitybreaker. Outta tokens too.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Titania (Shame her skills are poor enough. +Def/-Spd)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Cherche (I wasn't searching for her. +Res/-Def)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Virion (Certainly not for him. +Atk/-HP)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Fae (Nae. +Spd/-Def)


3* Arthur (Can 1 get more than 1 a circle? +Atk/-Spd)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Cecilia (Nope. +Res/-Atk)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Arthur (Again, no? Neutral)

4 Red, 1 Green (That's a Bantu mine.)

3* Soren (Can this stop? +Def/-Spd)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

3* Barst (Look, this is getting tedious. +HP/-Atk), 5* Nagi (YAHGI! +ATK/-SPD AYYY THAT'S PERFECT!), 4* Raigh (BAN HIM. +Spd/-HP), 4* Lilina (A +10 could do some damage. +Def/-HP), 3* Donnel (Useless waste of orbs. Stupid. +Def/-HP)

Shame about no Bantu, but I will wait on legendary and might pull for Nephenee again, so to finish:

Used my tokens,

Got my o-orbs,

I got Nagi, whooo could ask for anything more, who could ask for anything


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Got pitybroken by YT!Olivia #1, Siegbert, WOT!Reinhardt, Hubert, YT!Olivia #2, Nagi, and BE!Alm. That is 6 red pity breakers and 1 green pity breaker.

Fuck Siegbert. I will give WOR!Reinhardt a pass since he is Reinhardt, and BE!Alm too since he is neutral.

I just want 2 Phinas.

— — — — — — —

I finally got Phina as my eighth 5*. I think I am done summoning for today. I do want a second copy though. Maybe I will just let the second copy pity break me in the future or something. 

Edited by XRay
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3,185 total pulled units.


Roy (+Res/-HP): He's not even good fodder. . .
Ogma (+Atk/-Def): Hey, not bad!
Reyson (+HP/-Def): Hey, that's bad!
Gaius (neutral): He really needs a good asset.
Clarine (+HP/Def): That's bad on you too.

Corrin (+Def/-Res): At least Dragonic Aura's decent for fodder.
Hana (+Res/-Spd): This isn't bad.  This is awful!
Fir (+HP/-Def): So is this.
Caeda (+Res/-Spd): Yuck.
Clarine (+HP/-Atk): I mean, maybe for stupid Pain shenanigans?

Est (+Def/-HP): At least I don't feel bad when I turn her into a combat manual!
Peri (+Res/-Atk): Also yuck.
Bartre (+Atk/-Def): And this is good too!
Raven (+Res/-Spd): I don't ship you with Caeda.  Ever.
Setsuna (+HP/-Def): Really?

Mae (+HP/-Res): At least I won't feel bad about using her as fodder!
Nowi (+Res/-Atk): I generally don't feel bad about turning her into a combat manual.
Corrin (+Spd/-HP): I can either be dumb with unforged Yato, or merge him into my existing one.
Arthur (+Res/-Spd): He might've had an argument for +Atk, but this?  Nope.
Barst (+Res/-Atk): He's useful fodder.

Tiki (neutral): Better than Nowi, but will most likely donate her weapon one day.
Arthur (+Spd/-Res): I guess?  This is weird.
Yarne (+Spd/-Def): Merge time~!  With this as the base!
Kana (+Spd/-HP): Who's that Pokemon?  Can't complain about this!
Lucius (+Def/-Res): And we end this with a combat manual.

I can't believe I was pity-broken twice on the same circle by the wrong thing.  And it took the free summon and all my summoning tickets for this.  Welp, back to saving.


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Weekly Revival 16 first.

  1. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder.

And back to A Splendid Soiree. 27 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Seliph: Ugh.
  2. 4* Sophia: No thanks.

One more attempt. 18 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: Really?
  2. 5* SS!Ishtar: there we go! Took her long enough, but she's here now. Neutral, which is good enough for me.

After 3 pitybreakers (B!Celica, Siegbert merge, Fallen!Tiki), I finally found who I've been looking for this whole time. Now I need to actually start saving again for L!Julia's return.

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Ooops forgot the weekly revival ended today.

Missed my chance to fix Deirdre but oh well, low on orbs anyway.

So new one? Got a free Jaffar on my main which is nice! Always wanted to use him. +Def/-HP but at least his (low) offenses aren't touched since he really needs those. +1 to Assassin Emblem!

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I free summoned an Ephraim! -Spd/+Def, but I don’t care! I’m glad to have another copy, which I won’t merge this time 😄

I then made a huge mistake... since I got Ephraim for free, I thought it gave me a free pass to spend some orbs to try and get my first jaffar... I should’ve taken my good luck and went... I should’ve continued saving up for Innes next week... I spent around 180 orbs only to get my rate up to 6%, and my third -Atk Mikoto... sigh... I hope these Rokkr orbs will come in handy next week 😞 I really regret investing so much, but oh well. You win some, you lose some.

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Ugh, I hate to sound so ungrateful, but random 5* aren't really doing it for me at the moment. I just want one copy of PA!Olivia and at least one copy of Myrrh, not the recent free pull Deirdre on her banner, free pull Karel today and random ass Fallen Berkut on.... uuh... I forgot where he came from, but I think it was on the Arcanea banner when there were no greens. I don't care about any of those, especially Karel who has nothing of interest in his kit.

I'd even be content with Caeda copies that have mirculously disappeared from my pool for some reason.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 96

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Oooo. Got Surtr as a free pull from the Ephraim banner. I wonder which other character I could give SS4 to. I already have 2 fortress def/res and a WS4. Lot of possible EP builds for units

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17 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

I free summoned an Ephraim! -Spd/+Def, but I don’t care! I’m glad to have another copy, which I won’t merge this time 😄

I then made a huge mistake... since I got Ephraim for free, I thought it gave me a free pass to spend some orbs to try and get my first jaffar... I should’ve taken my good luck and went... I should’ve continued saving up for Innes next week... I spent around 180 orbs only to get my rate up to 6%, and my third -Atk Mikoto... sigh... I hope these Rokkr orbs will come in handy next week 😞 I really regret investing so much, but oh well. You win some, you lose some.

I'll give you my Jaffars for that Ephiriam?!
I know what you mean though. you get lucky and then you are like LET'S GO!!

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I got a +def 4* Boey with my last summoning ticket! Now he's 5*, has his refined Inscribed Tome, and is +5. He's going to be fun to build. =D

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Me: I have a good feeling about this
Me: *goes to Soiree banner and pulls 4-stars I already have*
Me: I don't have a good feeling about this anymore
Me: *pulls Ishtar*

She's got a shitty nature, but at least I have her.

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14 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I'll give you my Jaffars for that Ephiriam?!
I know what you mean though. you get lucky and then you are like LET'S GO!!

Ooh you got several Jaffars?? Lucky! Oh man, I wish! Haha and this isn’t the first time I tried intensively for him! Year 1 he was on a banner and I poured all my (low) orb resources for him. I ended up giving up before I even managed to get pity broken. I can only imagine how high my rate was back then, and I’m scared to take a guess lol. I have a feeling he is gonna rudely show up unannounced when I’m sniping colorless in the future... 😛


That “let’s go” feeling happens every mythical / legendary banner, only to little to no success! 😅

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14 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Ooh you got several Jaffars?? Lucky! Oh man, I wish! Haha and this isn’t the first time I tried intensively for him! Year 1 he was on a banner and I poured all my (low) orb resources for him. I ended up giving up before I even managed to get pity broken. I can only imagine how high my rate was back then, and I’m scared to take a guess lol. I have a feeling he is gonna rudely show up unannounced when I’m sniping colorless in the future... 😛


That “let’s go” feeling happens every mythical / legendary banner, only to little to no success! 😅


LOL not so 'lucky'. I was trying for Halloween mia, and i got 3 of him after 3 back to back to back high pity rates. I wanted to punch him in the face. (he's fine now 😉 but still it was so brutal). ahh gatcha.. cruel mistress sometimes. 

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Pity broken further by Tibarn, M!Byleth, BE!Alm, and SF!Nino. I think I am done with this Focus and just let the second copy of Phina to pity break me in the future.

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I had started gathering orbs slowly, 11 to excact as of now for the mythic banner, but seeing nagi and taking into consideration how she is the perfect fit for the dragon squad, I made two pulls one non green circle, pulled in red and got a Draug and when I had only 6 orbs there were 3 greens and got a Cherche. That Yanrne pity-breaker I got some days ago was good but still far from ideal.

Should I stop and go for whatever dragons are in the mythic banner or keep going for nagi? 

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