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Quite the painful summons since last time I posted. Pretty much nothing good. No Halloween Nowi that I would have liked (sure, still got some days, but its all a waste till now, so I'm not having high hopes), no Alm merge, neither Leif nor Tiki (all would be great or new), nothing on the numerous banners since Halloween Hectors banner except for insta-manuals. The only thing worth something, I guess, is a random Idunn on the Valentia banner with the tickets and some few orbs to get Caeda copies (continuing the struggle of my past post). Ouch, those are the times the game really hurts with its blandness. No good modes running atm, nothing exciting around the corner, same old weekly and bad chores (lol at the cavalry quests), and nothing to build up or expand upon.

Reminds me of the dreadful half of last year where I summoned nothing of what I aimed for. Hopefully this won't be a repetition of that. Don't think I'd take it this time around.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I cared so much for her and her +Spd asset I forgot to update my counter... lol

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 103

Edited by MonkeyCheez3K
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Ahh... I finally got Halloween Mia, but at what cost? I invested way too many orbs in her banner for my liking/sanity, but she finally came at 5.25%. I didn't even finish the circle because I would rather save the few orbs I have for Ephraim/Lyon, and I already have the other 3 units. I don't ever want to invest in a banner this much again LOL. I didn't even try for Leif 😞 oh well... I should be happy I finally got the witch herself. Her IVs? -Atk/+Res of course 🙂


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Decided to do my free pull for this week's revival banner. Was hoping for a red orb on the off chance for a free Celica but the game said no and gave me two greens, two colorless and one blue. Decided to pull the lone blue and I got this cute girl...


Cool, and this is the second time I pulled a free Delthea off a banner this year! +Spd/-Res nature to boot. Delthea is going to be at +3 merges now but now I have to decide between keeping the +Atk nature she has now or replace it with the +Spd nature.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Decided to revisit the Halloween banner to finally take a serious crack at Hector. Didn't get him (or Bantu), but after 108 orbs I got Ilyana! +HP/-Res, which isn't ideal, but it's fine.

I may or may not try it again before it ends. Maybe after I see how my free summons go on the new banner, although I'm not really interested in pulling blue and I wouldn't consider Ephraim much of a substitute for Hector anyway.

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Sigh. Tried another go on another colourless unit (hopefully Leif) before the banner ended, desperately doing chain challenges but sadly, ran out of time and couldn't even get 5 orbs in the last 5 minutes.

Also kicking myself because I forgot I was at Tier 18 for Arena and I thought I did my proper run but I forgot because of VG, so only got 3 orbs for Arena when I demoted toTier 17. Then I went to the summon screen too quickly to click summon, not realised I clicked the Rerun banner instead of the Legendary so that was 5 orbs already wasted.

Thank goodness new banner doesn't have anyone too must have for me (and thank goodness for tickets) because I need to recover from breaking the Chain Challenge bank. At least I know how much I should use Ophelia in those CCs now whenever I'm desperate for orbs again.

At least I got a new Norne in my alt. +Def/-Spd, same as my main account's Norne funnily enough.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Decided to revisit the Halloween banner to finally take a serious crack at Hector. Didn't get him (or Bantu), but after 108 orbs I got Ilyana! +HP/-Res, which isn't ideal, but it's fine.

I may or may not try it again before it ends. Maybe after I see how my free summons go on the new banner, although I'm not really interested in pulling blue and I wouldn't consider Ephraim much of a substitute for Hector anyway.

Ended up jumping back in right away. Put in another 65 orbs and got Hector! Also duplicates of Lethe and Fallen Celica, which I don't have much use for. Hector is +Atk/-Res, which is very nice.

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9 hours ago, Zeo said:

@NSSKG151 That's quite the stash of orbs there! Typically with discipline on a level like that you're saving towards something. Who are you waiting for?

I'm saving for the day Anna finally gets an alt on a banner so I can +10 her right away. Kind of helps that I already have every other character I like in the game so it's just a matter of playing the waiting game and not getting tempted by alts of other characters I like such as Halloween L'Arachel and Valentian Catria.

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Glad at least someone can save!

Meanwhile I went and Yolo'ed even with an SS banner coming up. But hey it payed off. Managed to net a Catria just before the Zofia's Call banner ended. +HP/-DEF so close enough to neutral. At least now I have a bonus unit for next AR season. Though I will have to make up a flier ball for her. I should have a meh flier ball as a team option anyways cause I tried that a while back(but couldn't win consistently with), so it should mostly be tweaking.

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3,336 total pulled units!


Frederick (+Def/-Spd): Not the worst, but I need Luna fodder.

Sheena (+Def/-Spd): Also not bad, but I prefer +Atk.
Claire (+Atk/-Res): Nice~!  And at 3*.
Norne (+Res/-Def): Oh, she exists!  I'll wait until I get a better one.
Leon (+Res/-Spd): NO.
Marth (+Def/-Atk): Also NO.

Forsyth (+Atk/-Res): YES!  THIS IS GREAT!  Tempting to give him a Brave Lance, but Sol Lance makes him a pain to get rid of.  Kinda wish I had DC.

Abel (+Atk/-Res): Dammit, he's good.
Wendy (+Res/-Spd): Like Sheena, prefers +Atk.
Selena (+Spd/-Res): See that note above her.  Yeah.  But Reposition~!
Bantu (+Res/-Atk): NO.
Olivia (+Res/-Def): At least I use Hone Atk sometimes.

Nowi (+Spd/-Def): That's, uh, something?  Not gonna raise this one though.
Jagen (+Res/-HP): Sheesh.
Effie (neutral): Eh, I guess?  I think I can do better.
Merric (+HP/-Def): I'm not even sure why I'd turn him into a combat manual?

Stahl (+Spd/-Def): The other way around!

Robin (+Def/-HP): Bonfire~!

Kagero (+HP/-Res): Well, uh, Shurikenbreaker?
Wrys (neutral): Go Live to Serve?
Marth (neutral): Ugh. . .
Hana (neutral): Ugh, again. . .
Ogma (+Spd/-Atk): That's unfortunate.

Niles (+Spd/-Res): Still not +Atk.
Corrin (+Res/-Atk): I sometimes use Dragonic Aura.
Reinhardt (+Spd/-HP): WHY YOU?
Bantu (+Res/-Atk): REALLY?!
Titania (+Spd/-Res): She's in the same boat as Niles.

Kagero (neutral): I mean, I'm not going to +10 you any time soon. . .
Donnel (+Res/-HP): NO.
Caeda (+Def/-Res): That could've gone better.
Ryoma (+Spd/-Atk): Now I need a second one.  But it's better than nothing~!

Klein (+HP/-Spd): Need to get him to 4* for Death Blow.

Laslow (+Def/-Res): NO.

Seth (+Atk/Res): Congratulations on being competent!

That was a pull session.


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14 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Sigh. Tried another go on another colourless unit (hopefully Leif) before the banner ended, desperately doing chain challenges but sadly, ran out of time and couldn't even get 5 orbs in the last 5 minutes.

Also kicking myself because I forgot I was at Tier 18 for Arena and I thought I did my proper run but I forgot because of VG, so only got 3 orbs for Arena when I demoted toTier 17. Then I went to the summon screen too quickly to click summon, not realised I clicked the Rerun banner instead of the Legendary so that was 5 orbs already wasted.

Thank goodness new banner doesn't have anyone too must have for me (and thank goodness for tickets) because I need to recover from breaking the Chain Challenge bank. At least I know how much I should use Ophelia in those CCs now whenever I'm desperate for orbs again.

At least I got a new Norne in my alt. +Def/-Spd, same as my main account's Norne funnily enough.

ohooo i have had that happen to me- pulling on the wrong banner. that's so horrrible. and i'm sorry you didn't even get anything. YAY for norne though. 

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I got Genny a few days ago when the second revival banner showed up. Since I was missing her and she's +spd -def I'm pretty satisfied.

Also got Spring Marisa off the legendary banner in addition to the legendary Hector I'd already pulled earlier. It's not Leif, but at least she's new and also came with +spd -def. I'm trying to have a couple of orbs on hand just in case Rath somehow makes it onto the farfetched banner. Not that I expect it to happen, but it'd be a nice surprise. Besides, I'm also saving for a second winter Eirika.

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On 11/5/2019 at 9:09 AM, MonkeyCheez3K said:

is won't be a repetition of that. Don't think I'd take it this time around.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I cared so much for her and her +Spd asset I forgot to update my counter... lol

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 103

103 this year? Man, tell me where you're finding the luck for those pulls, I'm feeling pretty devastated with the gacha this year. I went and counted my own and I've only gotten 51. I can't seem to get anything in a reasonable amount of orbs anymore.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster

So uhh, I thought maybe I should try and grab another Silque in the Echoes banner.

Wasted 13 orbs on main to try and fix my -Atk one. Ok fair enough.

On my second account though? At 3%...+Spd/-Res Silque on the first orb!!!! That was certainly crazy, especially since the last time I visited the banner I got a +Res one, plus I got that +Atk one on my very first free summon. Never thought I'd get so many of a unit in a 4 unit banner so fast!

That is the best luck I ever had on a New Heroes banner for a specific unit, and that certainly cheered me up from the legendary banner end. Now I can merge one Silque and still have a spare Silque for fodder! \o/

Oh and the other orb as an Azama, who she powercreeps a lot funnily enough. Echoes really treated me well it seems but now I really have to only stockpile orbs for faves since I'm almost running out of chain challenges. ....but also Gerik's art looks good

@daisy jane Yeah I hate making that mistake. At least getting a new unit is always good, I hope Ross comes faster in the new banner than Norne did!

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4 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So uhh, I thought maybe I should try and grab another Silque in the Echoes banner.

Wasted 13 orbs on main to try and fix my -Atk one. Ok fair enough.

On my second account though? At 3%...+Spd/-Res Silque on the first orb!!!! That was certainly crazy, especially since the last time I visited the banner I got a +Res one, plus I got that +Atk one on my very first free summon. Never thought I'd get so many of a unit in a 4 unit banner so fast!

That is the best luck I ever had on a New Heroes banner for a specific unit, and that certainly cheered me up from the legendary banner end. Now I can merge one Silque and still have a spare Silque for fodder! \o/

Oh and the other orb as an Azama, who she powercreeps a lot funnily enough. Echoes really treated me well it seems but now I really have to only stockpile orbs for faves since I'm almost running out of chain challenges. ....but also Gerik's art looks good

Yeah I hate making that mistake. At least getting a new unit is always good, I hope Ross comes faster in the new banner than Norne did!

Nice, congrats on the Silque!

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17 hours ago, Alkaid said:

103 this year? Man, tell me where you're finding the luck for those pulls, I'm feeling pretty devastated with the gacha this year. I went and counted my own and I've only gotten 51. I can't seem to get anything in a reasonable amount of orbs anymore.

I've always been quite lucky with the quantity, which is the main reason why I started counting this year, to see how far my luck goes. Qualitywise I wanted to make a comparison to last year, because of the aforementioned bad luck in a 6-monthish period (last year is where I felt like you now. It was horrible and I almost quit for being so disappointed with my pulls). I definitely beat that, not a very hard task, but will also be looking closely at the list at the end of the year for a final assessment while also posting my pulls in detail here.

If you have truly half of what I got with F2P orbs, then it seems that you are indeed quite unlucky with the numbers (or me ridiculously lucky, or both), however, maybe your quality is good? As in, you get what you want when you aim for it? That's something I suck at, I can't even pull a freaking Caeda anymore. Regardless, I know how it feels and I truly despise gacha (will never start another one in my life) and if I weren't at a point where almost nothing mattered anymore beyond collecting for the heck of it and bias (colosseum and AR are covered) then I would have quit long ago as I don't want to "keep up" with atrocious gacha systems.

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Pulling for more Silque merges.

66 orbs in I get F!Tiki.

Another ~120 orbs in, I get Fallen Corrin.

Silque is guarded by corrupted dragons.

Now, do I sacrifice the last of my orbs for more Silque merges, or do I save orbs for a surprise Nah/Kliff banner? Or do I need to save for two months for kimono Heroes...

Edit: the next 5 orbs gave me another Silque. Thank goodness.

Edit 2: went all in with my last 180 orbs, got another Fallen Corrin on the very last pull. I've now got one orb left and I've not had under 200 in probably six months.

Two Fallen Corrins, one Fallen Tiki and one Silque in 400 orbs. Yikes.

Edited by Thane
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2 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I've always been quite lucky with the quantity, which is the main reason why I started counting this year, to see how far my luck goes. Qualitywise I wanted to make a comparison to last year, because of the aforementioned bad luck in a 6-monthish period (last year is where I felt like you now. It was horrible and I almost quit for being so disappointed with my pulls). I definitely beat that, not a very hard task, but will also be looking closely at the list at the end of the year for a final assessment while also posting my pulls in detail here.

If you have truly half of what I got with F2P orbs, then it seems that you are indeed quite unlucky with the numbers (or me ridiculously lucky, or both), however, maybe your quality is good? As in, you get what you want when you aim for it? That's something I suck at, I can't even pull a freaking Caeda anymore. Regardless, I know how it feels and I truly despise gacha (will never start another one in my life) and if I weren't at a point where almost nothing mattered anymore beyond collecting for the heck of it and bias (colosseum and AR are covered) then I would have quit long ago as I don't want to "keep up" with atrocious gacha systems.

Unfortunately the quality hasn't been good either. I missed the vast majority of the units I wanted this year and most of what I did get is -atk/-spd. Out of the 51 units I've pulled only about 20 are new units from 2019, the rest just pity breakers like Sword Rein and Brave Hector. Legendaries also fared no better than the regular banners, like last week failing to get legendary Ryoma again with 350 orbs. (just got 2 Ikes and a Tiki, my least wanted things on the banner) Not much luck with 3-4* stuff either. I've really needed some basic Fury and WoM fodder and the 1 Hinata and Cain I got while going for Ryoma were the first I've seen since June.

I had hopes of trying to +10 a 5* exclusive this year, but that dream was squashed when over the summer it took 500 orbs to get 1 copy of Naga for AR(obviously gave up trying for a second), 250 orbs for a -atk Summer Laegjarn, 250 orbs to not get Tibarn from the August hero fest and 400 orbs to get 1 merge for Brave Camilla(-spd) and 2 pity breakers. I've considered quitting a few times but keeping hoping things will turn around, but that has not been the case. Only thing going well is AR rankings, but I'd gladly trade my competitive AR throne streak for better gacha luck.

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14 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Unfortunately the quality hasn't been good either. I missed the vast majority of the units I wanted this year and most of what I did get is -atk/-spd. Out of the 51 units I've pulled only about 20 are new units from 2019, the rest just pity breakers like Sword Rein and Brave Hector. Legendaries also fared no better than the regular banners, like last week failing to get legendary Ryoma again with 350 orbs. (just got 2 Ikes and a Tiki, my least wanted things on the banner) Not much luck with 3-4* stuff either. I've really needed some basic Fury and WoM fodder and the 1 Hinata and Cain I got while going for Ryoma were the first I've seen since June.

I had hopes of trying to +10 a 5* exclusive this year, but that dream was squashed when over the summer it took 500 orbs to get 1 copy of Naga for AR(obviously gave up trying for a second), 250 orbs for a -atk Summer Laegjarn, 250 orbs to not get Tibarn from the August hero fest and 400 orbs to get 1 merge for Brave Camilla(-spd) and 2 pity breakers. I've considered quitting a few times but keeping hoping things will turn around, but that has not been the case. Only thing going well is AR rankings, but I'd gladly trade my competitive AR throne streak for better gacha luck.

Yes, that sounds pretty rough, sorry to hear. It's a shame I can only wish you better luck and recover like I did. I know I'd be pissed at those expenses with nothing to show for.

I just made a quick count of my aimed-at summons. Out of the 103, 18 were aimed for, the rest came along randomly. And while a significant portion of it became useful somehow, contributing to me not being disheartened, it's still interesting how few were actively sought after while pulling. Luckily, fodder exists and AA can always use more counters for some seasons. Regardless, I can imagine some of the pain you're experiencing. Heck, I am on the same boat of not giving a damn about AR anymore where Id trade ranks for better pulls. I meander somewhere in the top 5k most of the time and haven't changed my defense in ages, don't care about aether on stupid maps with stupid, unbalanced units, and don't even bother using escape ladders half the time I probably should when losing a unit.

In short, FEH, gimme 4 more Myrrhs (and some Fortify Fliers fodder), keep the random summons if you want, and I'll be happy, thank you.

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2 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Yes, that sounds pretty rough, sorry to hear. It's a shame I can only wish you better luck and recover like I did. I know I'd be pissed at those expenses with nothing to show for.

I just made a quick count of my aimed-at summons. Out of the 103, 18 were aimed for, the rest came along randomly. And while a significant portion of it became useful somehow, contributing to me not being disheartened, it's still interesting how few were actively sought after while pulling. Luckily, fodder exists and AA can always use more counters for some seasons. Regardless, I can imagine some of the pain you're experiencing. Heck, I am on the same boat of not giving a damn about AR anymore where Id trade ranks for better pulls. I meander somewhere in the top 5k most of the time and haven't changed my defense in ages, don't care about aether on stupid maps with stupid, unbalanced units, and don't even bother using escape ladders half the time I probably should when losing a unit.

In short, FEH, gimme 4 more Myrrhs (and some Fortify Fliers fodder), keep the random summons if you want, and I'll be happy, thank you.

Maybe I should have realized this wasn't going to be a good year when it started with spending 700 orbs on Azura's legendary banner for a -atk Azura and 5 Fjorm pity breakers(I hit 13% three times that banner, all ending with single Fjorm pulls). Then 400 orbs for a Libra pity breaker and -spd Bath Hinoka in the first month.. I might have quit then and there if I knew things would keep going that way for the next 9 months.

I mainly like collecting as well, but without the good pulls AR is what's been left to focus on. I stay top 1k most weeks even with just 1 Naga for Astra, but I'd definitely trade it all for better summons. The paltry amount of extra grails isn't much payoff for that effort.

I have been f2p this year but I spent quite a bit of money the previous 2 years, not that my barracks really reflects that. (usually spending would be like 2-3 $40 orb packs just to get a one-off -spd of a seasonal and and a couple pity breakers). I'd be curious what my pull record would look like from before if I could count out what took money. Maybe the luck's always been this bad and I didn't realize it before. That money spent definitely contributes to some sunken cost feelings that keep me playing.

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Only enough motivation to get two tickets right now, so here's the first two free pulls from Desert Mercenaries. I'm hoping for Gerik since he's got that sweet skillset.

  1. 5* Gerik: Okay then. Unfortunately +HP/-Spd is pretty awful even with Darting Blow 4. Good for his other two skills, but a merge might be needed.

That went well. Now for the first ticket.

  1. 4* Merric: Meh. Since I'm sitting on 437 orbs right now, I think I'll take whatever other greens pop up to see if I can fix Gerik's flaw.
  2. 4* Camilla: More meh.

Now for the second ticket.

  1. 3* Barst: Finally more Reposition fodder.

I'll get the other two tickets later, but for now I'm satisfied.

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