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Uhhhh... alright I guess.

I went in toting all the Black Friday orbs hoping to get rid of the pity rate on the Elibe banner, only to come out with... well... not an Elibe character, but Anamnesis Eirika.

She was one of the last units I had lingering at +9 merge level. Note, was.

Hm... now that I think about it, I haven't updated the 5* +10 thread despite having a few to report...

Also went over to the Mythic banner, sniping Red because the other colors just didn't look that great for me (I already +10ed two of the Blue reps)
It took almost every Black Friday orb I had, but I got Altina, +Res -Def. Could be worse... but really, it seems pretty hard to mess up Altina. She has good Res anyways.

Edited by Xenomata
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Been hoarding free to play orbs for about a month and a half now. Since red was going to be stacked for this mythic banner. Stacked with all 3 that I would be wanting to aim for, Marth and Sothis would have been great. And I had a strong feeling this months mythic was going to be red (I predicted Lif for awhile) so I blew every last one on red, not trying to snipe for a specific unit, since all of them would have been great for me.


I was moments away from just throwing this phone at a wall out of anger (Don't worry, I didn't). Since its also been 3 months or so since i've had anything remotely good show up. I'm at a point where i'm just done with this game. Probably permanently.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just super pissed off with the game right now.

Edited by Faellin
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29 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Been hoarding free to play orbs for about a month and a half now. Since red was going to be stacked for this mythic banner. Stacked with all 3 that I would be wanting to aim for, Marth and Sothis would have been great. And I had a strong feeling this months mythic was going to be red (I predicted Lif for awhile) so I blew every last one on red, not trying to snipe for a specific unit, since all of them would have been great for me.


I was moments away from just throwing this phone at a wall out of anger (Don't worry, I didn't). Since its also been 3 months or so since i've had anything remotely good show up. I'm at a point where i'm just done with this game. Probably permanently.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just super pissed off with the game right now.

Ouch I know how that feels...especially since I feel like that a lot with how awful my luck is...

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32 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Sorry for the rant. I'm just super pissed off with the game right now.

Wow, that sucks. Sorry to hear that. 

At what rate are you now? That should have been more than 400 orbs. 

11 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

@mampfoid Thanks! It looks like you got a nice haul off the Mythic banner. Congrats!

Yup, thanks! :- )


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Got Altina in my second session! Kept going and also picked up Legendary Marth and my first copies of Chad and Bantu, all in a total of about 100 orbs. Also used a few orbs to expand my barracks from 710 to 735 in the process, since they've been getting crowded and I have a big stockpile right now.

...And all four of them are -Atk. I think I'll be waiting for other copies of Chad and Bantu rather than jumping to upgrade these two to 5*, especially since Bantu is 3*. Altina is obviously the most frustrating, but as a mythic, hopefully she'll pick up a merge sometime.

In the meantime, I'll have to do some testing before I'm sure I want to merge my last duplicate Naga into my original, but they've been performing so bad that I really don't think even a -Atk/+Spd Altina can be worse than a second Naga.

Edited by Othin
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Okay, that took less time than expected. Got my Sothis! (Why is her art sparkling?) -def, +res. Not sure how good that is.

Edit: Decided to pull again, and got my Altina on the very next pull! ...but she's +spd/-atk. ... Nope. So, I spent the rest of my orbs (besides 4) trying to get another of her because that's probably her worst possible nature. No dice, though.

Edit again: At a 10% pity rate, by the way, so I should be able to get something at some point here.

Edited by Mercakete
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I used 230 orbs for reds, I got sothis, after 40 orbs. Then it took the remaining 190 orbs and a 11% rate for luckily, Altina. +Def, and s per usual, -Res.  I have not been @Rezzy‘d by a 5 star that wasn’t explicitly summoned as fodder, (so immediate grinder) as long as 2 years now. My last -atk 5 star was a free pull Rhajat, whom I just use in AA for a cav nuke. 


Shame that special dmg will be slightly lower, but when using vantage her Res shouldn’t be an issue.


So many orbs for only two 5 stars is a shame though. Did get valbar, so that is 6k additional feathers!

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Wow! Saving since the last Legendary Banner was worthy, but I barely used my orbs and I can keep saving!

I free summoned Sothis and got Altina with 40 orbs!

PDHaAij.jpg   Wx0rFZ9.jpg

Sothis was my main target, which I free summoned. Altina was a good summon as well, although +Spd is not that great.

I would like a Duma and a Bride Fjorm as well, but I will wait a little bit because Laevatein may appear in the "Heroes with Link Skills" banner and Brave Lucina is returning this Sunday.

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80 orbs. Altina is my main target so hope I can get her without spending money. Sothis would be okay too since I don’t have her. Time for red sniping. So...


One red in first circle. Nothing. Second has three, and it gives me Legendary Marth. Wow, everytime I get a pity breaker this early it’s never good, since I get to use over a hundred orbs before I get the next 5*. Also this circle gave me my first Bantu. Sweet!

I keep sniping reds with no luck, and a couple of scary pulls with two redless circles. Down to the last 20 orbs and 8.50% pity rate. Three reds. It’s now or never. So what happened?



THERE WE GO. Last circle luck saves the day once again! Soooooo happy she came home with no money spent. And the nature? +Atk -Def. Beautiful.


Congrats to everyone who got what they wanted, btw. 

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Let's go for the woman who helped fix and ruin Tellius at the same time as wielding two swords before a certain blank slate ruined it for everyone.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Stahl (Stahp. +Atk/-Res), 3* Odin (Loki and Thorr's dad! +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Selena (Reposition. +Atk/-Res), 4* Cordelia (I HAVE A DOZEN IN MANUALS, GO AWAY. +Def/-Spd), 4* Reinhardt (Can I just get newer units please? +HP/-Atk)

8.5%, I'll be back.

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Alright, Altina's MHB is cleared and I have 557 orbs in the stockpile. Reds and blues only, time to pray for luck. Also a spoiler since this is going to be long.


Free pull first...

  1. 5* L!Marth: That's anticlimactic. He gets a merge now, I guess. +Atk/-Def, so a better master copy than my current +Res/-HP one.
  2. 3* Mae: Draw Back fodder.
  3. 4* Shigure: Useless.
  4. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.

A good start to the splurge. 545 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ares: Meh.

3 greens and 1 grey.  Oh well. 540 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fir: Meh.
  2. 3* Roy: More meh.
  3. 3* Clair: Feathers.
  4. 4* Tailtiu: Drive Speed fodder.

Disappointing. 523 orbs left.

  1. 4* M!Morgan: Okay.
  2. 4* Mamui: Two Dragon Fang units?

Up to a 9% pity rate, on we go. 514 orbs left.

  1. 5* Altina: There we go! She's finally playable and she does not disappoint whatsoever. +Atk/-HP, so a perfect asset if I can get her a merge.
  2. 4* Chrom: Mediocre.
  3. 5* Fjorm: Great! While she's already at +2, now +3, I'm not going to object to more merges. +Def/-Spd, but I keep the original free Fjorm for sentimental reasons.

So far so good. 3 5*s and a little good fodder for 56 orbs. Julia still eludes me though. 501 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Marth: Hello again. Neutral, so pure merge fodder. Although if you want to show up every time I have a base pity rate, I won't say no.
  2. 3* Shanna: Finally Desperation fodder.
  3. 3* L'Arachel: Meh.

Even better. 488 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Fitting, considering I just saved Arcadia in my latest BB playthrough.
  2. 3* Donnel: Worthless.
  3. 4* Est: Also worthless.

Can't win them all. 475 orbs left.

  1. 3* Abel: Swordbreaker fodder.
  2. 5* Fjorm: Hello again. +4 now. +HP/-Spd for the record.

This is going extremely well. Still no Julia though. 466 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eirika: Eh.
  2. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.

Continuing on...457 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Again?
  2. 4* Mathilda: No thanks.

Nothing great there. 448 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: Eh.
  2. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 5* Fjorm: +5 now, but seriously? I'm not going to object to an easy 5*, but I would like to see Julia today? +Spd/-Res for the record.
  4. 5* L!Julia: And there she is! Fjorm must be the bearer of good news. First Altina, now Julia. +Atk/-Def, a perfect asset for the master copy compared to +HP/-Spd.

That was fantastic. 7 5*s and more fodder for only 126 orbs. I still have 431 to spend though. Onward!

  1. 4* Seliph: You're not Marth.
  2. 5* Sothis: Neither are you, but welcome! +Res/-Def is acceptable, but what's important is your great skillset.
  3. 4* Roy: Also not Marth.
  4. 4* Subaki: Meh.

Another good set and a new unit. 414 orbs left.

  1. 4* Henry: Meh.
  2. 4* Peri: The two murder-happy psychopaths.

Still many more orbs to spend. 405 left.

  1. 3* Sophia: Eh.
  2. 4* Silvia: Eh.
  3. 4* Florina: No thanks.

3 useless units. 392 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Marth: Hello again! There's a third merge. +HP/-Spd for the record.
  2. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.

This is getting kind of silly. 3 Fjorms, 3 Marths, and 3 other 5*s. I wouldn't mind if this ratio reversed? Anyway, 383 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eirika: Meh.
  2. 4* Caeda: More meh.
  3. 3* Athena: Moonbow fodder.

Moving on...370 orbs left.

  1. 3* M!Robin: Bonfire fodder.
  2. 3* M!Robin: Really? Although being +Def/-HP I might use you to fix the terrible +Spd/-Def 5* copy of you I got from the Morgan BHB banner.
  3. 3* Shigure: Garbage.
  4. 4* Abel: A decent ending to total garbage.

That was deeply disappointing. 353 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eirika: Go away. I like you, but I don't need you.
  2. 4* Tharja: Meh.
  3. 4* Florina: Bleh.
  4. 4* Nowi: No thanks.

An unfortunate dry spell, I hope. 336 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: Vantage fodder.

No good at all. 331 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seliph: Garbage.
  2. 4* Draug: Also garbage.
  3. 3* Subaki: Ugh.

Up to a 9.5% pity rate. 318 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Marth: Again with you! +Atk/-Def again, so can we please go back to what this was like at the beginning?
  2. 4* Soleil: Eh.
  3. 3* Femui: Eh.
  4. 3* Reinhardt: No.

Not the best 5* to kill my pity rate on. 301 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No thanks.
  2. 3* Sully: Draw Back fodder.
  3. 4* Thea: Meh.
  4. 3* Tailtiu: Eh.

The game really doesn't want me getting Julia. About halfway done with 284 orbs.

  1. 4* Mamui: No thanks.
  2. 4* Roy: Again, no thanks.
  3. 4* Clair: Worthless.

My luck may have run out. 271 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: Garbage.
  2. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Clair: Go away.

Things really aren't going well. 258 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seliph: Feathers.
  2. 4* Ares: Eh.
  3. 3* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.
  4. 4* Donnel: Trash.

Come on Feh, throw me a Julia or three. 241 orbs left.

  1. 5* Altina: Thank you, you fluffy little owl! +Atk/-Def again, so an easy merge.
  2. 4* Shigure: Eh.
  3. 4* Mae: Draw Back fodder.

That makes me feel better. At least it wasn't another Marth. 228 orbs left.

  1. 3* Soleil: Worthless.

Shame about that. 223 orbs left.

  1. 4* Draug: Feathers.
  2. 3* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  3. 4* Florina: Worthless.
  4. 3* Cordelia: Worthless.
  5. 3* Clair: Stop! Please!

Seriously. 4 Clairs, 3 Shigures, 3 Florinas, 2 Subakis, even a Thea and a Cordelia, and only 1 Shanna! 203 orbs left.

  1. 4* Palla: A useful flier at last.
  2. 4* Palla: Okay, don't overdo it.
  3. 4* Nowi: Garbage.
  4. 4* Thea: Eh.

Moving on...186 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: No.
  2. 3* Catria: And now you too.
  3. 4* Sully: Ugh.

This is exasperating. 173 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Tiki: And now she gets a merge! I would say +Spd/-Def is better than +Res/-HP.

That's good. The ratio now is 12 5*s for 389 orbs. Nowhere near as good as at the beginning, but still very nice.

  1. 4* Raigh: Ugh.
  2. 4* Tharja: Eh.
  3. 4* Florina: Go away.
  4. 4* Mae: Okay.

No good. 151 orbs left.

  1. 3* Shigure: Go away! Seriously, you've infested this pull session.

No good at all. 146 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sully: Ugh.

Now Feh won't even give me units to pull. 141 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Julia: Oh thank Naga. There's a second merge. +Def/-Spd for the record.

I feel better now. 136 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seliph: Feathers.
  2. 5* Sothis: Very nice! +Atk/-Def is much better than +Res/-Def
  3. 3* Cain: Eh.

Things are going much better now. 123 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mamui: Bleh.
  2. 4* Est: Worthless.

Getting close to the end now. 114 orbs left.

  1. 4* Reinhardt: No thanks.
  2. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.

I think I'd be happy with one more 5*. 105 orbs left.

  1. 3* M!Morgan: Eh.
  2. 4* Clair: Why do you have to be so worthless?

And I've dropped below 100 orbs. 96 left.

  1. 4* Ogma: I wasn't expecting you.
  2. 4* M!Morgan. Again?
  3. 3* Valbar: A new unit! I think he's the first of the pre-demotes I've gotten. +Atk/-Spd is also almost perfect for him.

No 5*, but another new unit. 83 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: Bleh.
  2. 3* Abel: Swordbreaker fodder.
  3. 5* L!Julia: Yes! I told myself I wouldn't be happy until I got her at least 3 merges, and now that task is done. +Def/-HP for the record.
  4. 4* Tailtiu: Okay.

I'll go for one more 5*. 66 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: Really?
  2. 4* L'Arachel: Okay.
  3. 3* Oscar: More Lancebreaker fodder.

No good. 53 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sophia: Meh.
  2. 4* Florina: Useless.

Running on fumes now. 44 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: You need to go away.
  2. 4* Effie: Eh.
  3. 4* Florina: I'm sorry, did you just come right back to the summoning circle?

Close to done. 31 orbs left.

  1. 3* Marth: His normal self finally makes an appearance.
  2. 4* Caeda: How appropriate.

One more set, a 9% pity rate, 22 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder.
  2. 3* Florina: Go away! Please!
  3. 4* Clair: Not you too!
  4. 5* Fjorm: A nice way to cap things off. I was afraid I'd have to come back to this banner. +HP/-Def for the record.

To sum this gargantuan spoiler up, having spent a total of 552 orbs I've pulled:

  • 4 copies of L!Marth (+Atk/-Def, neutral, +HP/-Spd, +Atk/-Def)
  • 4 copies of Fjorm (+Def/-Spd, +Hp/-Spd, +Spd/-Res, +HP/-Def)
  • 1 copy of L!Tiki (+Spd/-Def)
  • 2 copies of Sothis (+Res/-Def, +Atk/-Def)
  • 2 copies of Altina (+Atk/-HP, +Atk/-Def)
  • 3 copies of L!Julia (+Atk/-Def, +Def/-Spd, +Def/-HP)

That leaves me with a ratio of 34.5 orbs per 5* pulled, absolutely fantastic considering how much I spent. Of course up until the 3rd Marth the ratio was less than 20 orbs per (9 5*s for 176 orbs). Although it really plummeted after that, that's also when I got most of the really good stuff: Tiki, 1 Sothis, 1 Altina, 2 Julias, as well as another Marth and Fjorm. Even if we discount the 3 Marths and 4 Fjorms that I didn't particularly want, that's still a ratio of 61.3 orbs per 5*, which is decent. And now some funny little trivia for anyone who cares about that sort of thing.

  • This session was almost a sort of anti-Rezzy. 8/16 of the 5*s were -Def.
  • 5/16 of the 5*s were +Atk/-Def
  • Out of 25 lance fliers that I pulled (including 7 Florinas, 6 Clairs, and 4 Shigures), precisely 1 was a Shanna. Given how much Desperation fodder I need, this ticks me off quite a bit.

aiOzGtql.jpg?1   vrsWUcvl.jpg?1   Fjorm: Bearer of Good News


RiHm7nZl.jpg?1   IrBfUqMl.jpg?1   Sothis and a summary of the session.

All in all, a lot to be thankful for.

Edited by KMT4ever
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@mampfoid WOW that's a great haul! Congrats!

@daisy jane @Landmaster

So I only had 24 orbs in my main and 17 orbs in my second account when the banner went live.

Firstly my main. I want any of the reds since I have none of them. Or Bride Fjorm. Julia or a Tiki merge would be nice but not a priority.

First circle gave me Bonfire galore (Robin and Adult Tiki). Picked colourless in case Fjorm (and I also want Tethys/Chad) but got a +Atk/-Res Duma! Awesome superboon and my second Duma (first was +Res/-HP). Then I proceeded to get nothing after and after doing the LHB, and GHB orbs my last circle was a single Raigh (red orbs were scarce...)

Then on my second account, I wanted flying Fjorm (mostly for chances of Chad actually). Altina would be nice but already have Marth and Sothis. On my thrid circle sniping red/colourless I got...Duma as well! My first one, so I can finally have reduced lift loss for this account, and funnily, he is +Res/-HP like my first Duma in the main account.

Pretty much done with legendary for the second account- I wanted to try for Nailah yet again after getting LHB orbs.

First circle, 3 greens no blues.... picked bottom right and got a +HP/-Def Nagi!?! Well, at last I finally got a focus unit and she's new!

Farmed more orbs, tried again. 3 reds, 2 colourless. Picked top right red and... +Atk/-Spd Lyn!?!?!? I never got OG Lyn before, great boon but meh bane. Oh well at least nice to have her. (Really sorry @Zeo, I wish I could pass her on because you really wanted her so bad)

Really wanted to try at least one blue orb to ease my mind. Another circle, 4 reds and 1 colourless... picked left red and... +Spd/-Res Male Byleth!?! Well, there's the other focus unit, and with a great boon like that I can fodder off my current +Def/-Spd one now.

but yeah...too late in the night to farm more orbs. Nailah is really playing hard to get all year round. Still, three 5 stars in a row all at 3% is kind of crazy...and it's not even the mythic banner!

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


Also congrats to your pulls, you got your 5*s really early.

+ATK Lyn is perfect, with her Brash Assault she shouldn't care about SPD, right? 

Oh that's true, thanks! I can work around that. I was thinking too much about the Galeforce aspect. Well whenever I get to refine her weapon anyway heh.

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Oh. I just noticed that I have a rep for each mythic season, now. Eir (light), Altina (astra), Duma (anima) and Sothis (dark.) Neat. I don't think I have any other mythics, so having one of each is nice. Though, I want a better Altina before I start using her... -atk +spd is just horrid on her. >_< I'm happy with my +atk Duma, though. =D Sothis' nature is so-so (-def/+res, I think) and Eir...was free. XD

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2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

I used 230 orbs for reds, I got sothis, after 40 orbs. Then it took the remaining 190 orbs and a 11% rate for luckily, Altina. +Def, and s per usual, -Res.  I have not been @Rezzy‘d by a 5 star that wasn’t explicitly summoned as fodder, (so immediate grinder) as long as 2 years now. My last -atk 5 star was a free pull Rhajat, whom I just use in AA for a cav nuke. 


Shame that special dmg will be slightly lower, but when using vantage her Res shouldn’t be an issue.


So many orbs for only two 5 stars is a shame though. Did get valbar, so that is 6k additional feathers!

That's an impressive stretch of luck.

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@Faellin Dang. That sucks.

I get to join the no Altina pile. Apparently the Gacha has determined that I am forbidden to have an Astra mythic.Have never gotten a Naga and now with a complete orb drain I have no Altina as well. To be fair my rate wasn't super terrible(though not great either). I did pull a +ATK/-RES Marth and a +HP/-ATK Julia in the end for a bit under 200 orbs. Still feel burned out though. Legendary banners always seem to hate me. Marth and Julia were probably each last on my desired list for their color. Red was Altina>Sothis>Marth and blue was Tiki>Fjorm=Julia. Really wish Marth had been Altina.

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Let's come back a second.

4 Red, 1 Green (Wew.)

4* Sylvia (Nah. +Def/-Res), 4* Cain (WoM. +Res/-Def), 3* Hana (Blah. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Lilina (I mean, merges could make her something. +HP/-Res)

4 Colourless, 1 Green (Fuck.)

4* Fae (Renewal! +Def/-HP)


3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Odin (Nodin. +Res/-Def), 4* Mae (Shanna would be better. +Spd/-Res), 4* Oboro (OH HELL NO. OUT. +Atk/-Res), 4* Athena (A, the na. +Def/-Res)

3 Red, 2 Colourless

3* Seth (Very much a meh unit. +Atk/-HP), 5* Sothis (IT'S THE THRONE. +Def/-Spd, guess I've got a +1 Sothis), 3* Stahl (SWAP BROS? NO! +Spd/-Atk), 4* Kaze (It's Iceberg. +Def/-Atk), 4* Sakura (Launch healers, am I right? +Res/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Catria (It's Luna. +Def/-Res), 4* Draug (You're not my guard. +HP/-Spd), 5* Sothis (SOTHIS IS HOW I DIE. +Def/-HP)

That's two Sothisis.

3 Colourless, 2 Blue

4* Thea (I HAVE WAITED OH SO LONG. +Res/-Def, at least you've got fodder.), 4* Odin (STOP. IT. +HP/-Def)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Bantu (That's Fierce Stance. +Res/-HP), 3* Valbar (Nice. +Atk/-Res, even nicer.), 4* Oscar (It's +300 free arena score. +HP/-Def)


2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Valbar (Alright, keep book III units coming. +Atk/-Res, twice.)

With that I'm off to gather more orbs for units I hope aren't Sothis. Altina and some blue legendary are all I'm asking for.

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Well I broke down and grabbed the Black Friday Roy orb Pack. I have wanted him for collection reasons and such, but he is so low priority I can never spare the orbs. So two birds with one stone. So what did I get? SothisX2 and another Marth. And then finally an Altina appeared. +SPD/-ATK. The one bane I didn't want. Of course. At least I was already planning on relying on Keaton so this isn't super terrible, though it means she is just a bless bot. But to get that I blew my budget and now will have to put a moratorium on my FEH spending for the next several months. I don't mind paying for FEH, but I tend to try and aim my spending to be similar as an MMORPG. So basically 13 a month(or one 23 pack per month) with an extra allowance for a bigger drop once or so a year to simulate buying an expansion pack. But even with that, the 75 dollar pack breaks the budget. So I really hope I don't like the Christmas units, because to get back on budget I don't get to buy any orbs for about 3 months.

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I Summoned before Church this morning but my internet decided to die~


WE DID IT, BOIS! I don't even think I went under my 50 Orb limit~ Can walk away from this Banner with little damage~

17 hours ago, BoaFerox said:


As for me... This is the last day of the Sacred Stones banner. A friend offered to buy me some orbs as an early christmas present seeing how badly this banner went for me. Actually, I can't say it went badly, the rate of 5-stars is pretty good actually, but the amount of off focus units has been insane. And the focus units were kind of a big deal to me this time around. I thought it over, and figured I'd take them up on the offer and also spend some of the budget that would usually go towards buying FE Cipher cards to get even more. If I could get what I wanted here fast, any leftover orbs could be used for Altina who is also someone I regard as a must have.

And I'm happy to announce that it was a resounding success!

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Started off with a pity breaker, but it was someone I didn't have at least! He's completely neutral which isn't bad, but I don't know if I have much need for him considering I'm pretty set in the blue breath department. It's tempting to squeeze him for feathers and then fodder him for Null Follow-Up, but I'm not sure who I would give it to. With this I have pulled every Corrin in the game though, both male and female, which is neat. This banner gave me both Adrift M!Corrin and Fallen F!Corrin, the two I had been missing.


Then came Keaton almost immidiately after, which is also a unit I didn't have. He's +Res -Def, not that good but not that bad either. I'm pretty neutral on him as a character which is why I haven't pulled for him before, but as a unit he actually looks really fun, already coming with Special Spiral and a dual phase Brave weapon. He also gives me the last Valor skill I was missing, Beast Valor, so I think I'll definitely keep him around. All in all an off focus I'm happy to have pulled.


Another off focus, but also another incredibly good off focus! I might have been more disappointed at getting off focus units even after having bought orbs if it wasn't for the fact that these units came almost back to back, not really giving them any pity to break. That, and also being great fodder or units I didn't have. Idunn here is +Atk -Spd which is great, but I already have a +Def one at +1 merge, so I'm leaning strongly towards using this one for Fortress Def/Res 3. I have so many units who would want that though, so it'll probably be some time before I manage to decide.


And finally, Ewan! +Def -HP, completely fine. I'm just so happy to have him! Now I have the entire trifecta of trainees, Ross, Amelia and him. And I can stop summoning red! Hopefully his sister doesn't take too long to show up as a 4-star. I know I'll be very exited whenever I'm summoning colorless in the coming months at least!


And on the very next circle after Ewan, these guys. It's over! They're +HP -Res, which is quite decent. Now I only have to worry about getting Tethys someday, and my Sacred Stones collection will be complete once again. Because there's no way they don't demote Tethys... right?

So that's it. The final tally is 14 off focus units to 3 focus units. Definitely the most trouble a banner has given me for some time, but in the end I'm quite happy with how it turned out. None of the focus units had awful IVs, I regained Laegjarn who I've wanted to get back, I got some good units I've wanted like Laevatein, Fallen Corrin and Keaton, and I got some great fodder. I also got a Ross in the process, and even though I've spent a lot of orbs and even a bit of money, the rate of 5-stars has been great. These last five in particular showed up in really rapid succession, even leaving me with a few orbs left. Once I do the GHB quests, I'll have over 50 orbs saved up that I can use on Altina! I know that's not actually a lot, so I'm not expecting to definitely get her or anything, but it's a lot better than nothing and a little exitement to look forward to tomorrow at least.


Congrats on your 5*s! Especially KEATON!

9 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Haven't spent any orbs since the Archanean banner but since it looks like Anna isn't getting an alt any time soon I figured I would take this opportunity to +10 Nagi because who knows when I will get the chance to summon her again. 900 orbs later and after getting pitybroken by B!Micaiah, Edelgard, B!Ephraim, Tana, and Nailah (all great pitybrakers by the way they are all new for me) along the way I completed this...


Oh, and as for my free summon on the Mythic Banner...


Ha, you wouldn't give me Naga after spending tons of orbs but you will give the girl whose game I have never played for free? Well, at least now I can score better during Astra season now so I guess that's a plus.

Congrats on finishing Nagi and the Altina!

8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I wanted an Altina and two Bride Fjorms. Sothis and Duma would be nice too.  Sniping red and colorless. 

At 10%:

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Soon after that circle: 

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Wohooo! Great! Too bad Altina is +DEF/-ATK (Fjrom and Marth are neutral), otherwise I would have stopped here. 

After 204 orbs I could stop at least: 

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Altina is +SPD/-DEF

Overall I'm really satisfied, also got my first Chad. Now I have to think of an Astra team. 


None of these are loading so congrats on the Altina, Fjorm, Msrth, and Chad and whatever else you got!

5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Wow! Saving since the last Legendary Banner was worthy, but I barely used my orbs and I can keep saving!

I free summoned Sothis and got Altina with 40 orbs!

PDHaAij.jpg   Wx0rFZ9.jpg

Sothis was my main target, which I free summoned. Altina was a good summon as well, although +Spd is not that great.

I would like a Duma and a Bride Fjorm as well, but I will wait a little bit because Laevatein may appear in the "Heroes with Link Skills" banner and Brave Lucina is returning this Sunday.

Nice, congrats, Dio!! 

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So I only had 24 orbs in my main and 17 orbs in my second account when the banner went live.

Firstly my main. I want any of the reds since I have none of them. Or Bride Fjorm. Julia or a Tiki merge would be nice but not a priority.

First circle gave me Bonfire galore (Robin and Adult Tiki). Picked colourless in case Fjorm (and I also want Tethys/Chad) but got a +Atk/-Res Duma! Awesome superboon and my second Duma (first was +Res/-HP). Then I proceeded to get nothing after and after doing the LHB, and GHB orbs my last circle was a single Raigh (red orbs were scarce...)

Then on my second account, I wanted flying Fjorm (mostly for chances of Chad actually). Altina would be nice but already have Marth and Sothis. On my thrid circle sniping red/colourless I got...Duma as well! My first one, so I can finally have reduced lift loss for this account, and funnily, he is +Res/-HP like my first Duma in the main account.

Pretty much done with legendary for the second account- I wanted to try for Nailah yet again after getting LHB orbs.

First circle, 3 greens no blues.... picked bottom right and got a +HP/-Def Nagi!?! Well, at last I finally got a focus unit and she's new!

Farmed more orbs, tried again. 3 reds, 2 colourless. Picked top right red and... +Atk/-Spd Lyn!?!?!? I never got OG Lyn before, great boon but meh bane. Oh well at least nice to have her. (Really sorry @Zeo, I wish I could pass her on because you really wanted her so bad)

Really wanted to try at least one blue orb to ease my mind. Another circle, 4 reds and 1 colourless... picked left red and... +Spd/-Res Male Byleth!?! Well, there's the other focus unit, and with a great boon like that I can fodder off my current +Def/-Spd one now.

but yeah...too late in the night to farm more orbs. Nailah is really playing hard to get all year round. Still, three 5 stars in a row all at 3% is kind of crazy...and it's not even the mythic banner!

Congrats on those goodies!!


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