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@Landmaster YAAHH #operationgetsothis is complete!

@Usana I'm really sorry about that. I understand that (regarding watching the spending and not wanting to be tempted). and finally getting what you wanted only that they were broken. but you do now have an astra so that's okay and it's helpful (but i get the other side too). 

@mcsilas that's great!

@Diovani Bressan that's so awesome. 🙂 NOW she can quad an armour 😉

(HUGS) for people who didn't do so well, and YAY! for those who did really well. 

I got what I wanted - woulda been nice to snag a julia but I really can't complain about this banner. like literally ever in life. 

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So my original goal for that banner was Sothis, and I succeeded and I ended up getting a +Hp -Res Sothis and I am very excited about it as I now have 28 DF for corrin and I will complete my 2nd Dragon, and I can build her and also she is my first defensive mythic. I am at 8.50 and I will keep pulling in red only, as long as I have orbs left from any source. Hoping for any non -akt -Res Altina and a second sothis. 

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Well, I quickly burned through ~100 orbs last night, mostly sniping on red since I don't have any of the focus units and Altina looks awesome. Didn't get any 5*, got my rate up to 10%, and of course my last session didn't have any red to choose from 🤬 So this was my result


Now it's not the end of the world, because she was one of the top units I wanted from this banner, but of course they both have the same IV (+HP -Res). 😣

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20 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

Now it's not the end of the world, because she was one of the top units I wanted from this banner, but of course they both have the same IV (+HP -Res). 😣

You know I hate it when that happens. And it seems to happen a lot. I got two Sothis and two Marths in my hunt for Altina. Both Sothis are +DEF/-HP and both Marths were +ATK/-RES. Its like, really? You couldn't have given me a boon/bane option at least?

Edit- Forgot to give you a congrats on the Julias, though for a 10% rate you were probably hoping for more than a dupe.

Edited by Usana
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Bought the Orb packs, so I decided to go for Nailah again, but nope, I got pity broken by Lewyn and Kliff instead.

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On 11/27/2019 at 11:41 PM, BoaFerox said:

@Anacybele Congrats on finally getting them! So sorry about that bane though... But their attack will still be pretty good in spite of it! 

@Stroud Ouch, that doesn't sound good. Crossing my fingers it'll be Igrene who breaks that 6% for you!


As for me... This is the last day of the Sacred Stones banner. A friend offered to buy me some orbs as an early christmas present seeing how badly this banner went for me. Actually, I can't say it went badly, the rate of 5-stars is pretty good actually, but the amount of off focus units has been insane. And the focus units were kind of a big deal to me this time around. I thought it over, and figured I'd take them up on the offer and also spend some of the budget that would usually go towards buying FE Cipher cards to get even more. If I could get what I wanted here fast, any leftover orbs could be used for Altina who is also someone I regard as a must have.

And I'm happy to announce that it was a resounding success!

Thanks, I got free today. Igrene finally came home so it doesn't feel too bad anymore. At least getting her is worth a lot with this struggle..

Also grats on the late Banner. Always feels better to get out with the intended unit. Especially on the new banners which are always 4 units, which always feels like it has a worse chance (At least to me). 

Have to say that Altina looks really tempting but for now I hold back and go to saving. The next Legendary Banner with Julia looks like one I should prepare this time. With L!Azura and Julia its totally worth it. Also I have the feeling that Rinkah is not too far away anymore.

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250 orbs, and got her, with a +RES-SPD.

Was getting a little worried, was getting pitybroken by Julia haha. Got 2 more Julias (one with +ATK), Bow Lyn (+SPD-HP), Marth +ATK-DEF. Also Bantu and Valbar (hm, demoted already?), Chad.

Year would have been perfect if I had also an Igrene or a +ATK Nagi.

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This banner is really stubborn... incredibly so. I have a 9.50% as you already know but then I got on my nephew's account who has quite a few story orbs as he's done very little story content and no CC's. After some grinding around on his account I got up to 10.50% on him with no *5's. Bonkers.

No luck across 2 accounts so far. Ugh.

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10 hours ago, Landmaster said:

WE DID IT, BOIS! I don't even think I went under my 50 Orb limit~ Can walk away from this Banner with little damage~

Cool, finally! Congrats and have fun with her!

10 hours ago, Landmaster said:

None of these are loading so congrats on the Altina, Fjorm, Msrth, and Chad and whatever else you got!

They are loading for me? 

Thanks! Actually it was Altina x2, Sothis, Marth, Bride Fjorm and Gunnthrà. 

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Well after spending way too much than I care to admit this past week on the DC banner, and then using ~120 orbs last night on the Altina banner and only getting 2x Julia on my last summon I was feeling pretty bummed. Well I decided to grab the Roy black friday packs because I'm a newer player and don't have either of the free units so I figure it's a good deal. Well, I'm glad I did because on my first summon after re-stocking orbs, I GOT HER 😁 And she's +Atk -Spd. Just about perfect, no? I'm thrilled


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After being pitybroken by marth and sothis (at least she has some good fodder unlike marth) I wanted to call it quits as I don't like leaving a pity rate behind or risk getting another marth. However, Altina was too tempting to pass up and I grinded whatever orb I could find (believe it or not, only recently did I find out you could do blessed gardens without owning a corresponding legendary hero, lol).

In any case, after getting up to 9% pity she came home!

+hp-res. Fine with that!



Edited by eclipse
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...I hate this game sometimes.

grinded 20 orbs. either only 1 blue orb, or none at all.

Then I grew impatient and YOLOed with only 5 orbs and...

...all blue circle... *eye twitches*

got an Est.

Alright Nailah, I get it I'll stop now.


...at least I got a Shanna on one of the blue-only circles...

Edited by mcsilas
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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

...I hate this game sometimes.

grinded 20 orbs. either only 1 blue orb, or none at all.

Then I grew impatient and YOLOed with only 5 orbs and...

...all blue circle... *eye twitches*

got an Est.

Alright Nailah, I get it I'll stop now.


...at least I got a Shanna on one of the blue-only circles...


(HUG). that's the worse. you go to yolo and it's like. geee thank you. 
do you want Nailah for fodder or Nailah for yourself?


10 hours ago, TEKWRX said:

Well after spending way too much than I care to admit this past week on the DC banner, and then using ~120 orbs last night on the Altina banner and only getting 2x Julia on my last summon I was feeling pretty bummed. Well I decided to grab the Roy black friday packs because I'm a newer player and don't have either of the free units so I figure it's a good deal. Well, I'm glad I did because on my first summon after re-stocking orbs, I GOT HER 😁 And she's +Atk -Spd. Just about perfect, no? I'm thrilled


that's positively perfect! this will help you for sure in Astra weeks!



5 hours ago, Super Endriu said:

After being pitybroken by marth and sothis (at least she has some good fodder unlike marth) I wanted to call it quits as I don't like leaving a pity rate behind or risk getting another marth. However, Altina was too tempting to pass up and I grinded whatever orb I could find (believe it or not, only recently did I find out you could do blessed gardens without owning a corresponding legendary hero, lol).

In any case, after getting up to 9% pity she came home!


+hp-res. Fine with that!



hurrah!! a clutch victory!

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More tries for Altina.

3 Red, 2 Green

3* Selena (Alright. +HP/-Spd), 3* Hinata (Great. +Spd/-HP), 4* Lilina (Meh. +HP/-Spd)


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This is pretty nice considering I only got a 8.5% pity rate and I think I was going to hit 9%. I never do full circles so this cost me like ~45 orbs


She's +Spd -Hp. Not good but it isn't that bad either, having less Hp will help her get into Vantage range faster and the Spd may come in handy in case she needs to quad a stray Surtr in AR.

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Before going to bed last night I decided to throw a few orbs at the DC banner. So glad I did because my second Nailah came home 😁 That makes 2 copies of each focus unit so I don't have to worry about foddering off my only copy. Although it has the exact same IV as the first one I got early in the week. How does that happen? I'm officially done with that banner (good thing too, since it ends today, lol). Now the only thing to figure out is who gets DC & Null C 😎


Edited by TEKWRX
spelling derp
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Well the Mythic banner has been fairly nice so far.  I managed to get a better version of L!Marth (+def my old one was +res), a Chad and Sothis!  I finally have a mythic hero of every blessing.  I am still going to try for Altina because Tellius, but if I don't get anyone else I am still happy with my Sothis even if she is +hp, -res.

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Gacha, i swear....

Still wasting all my orbs (should be saving up for the next Myrrh banner, but I'm dumb, whatcha gonna do) to get Caeda copies and apparently it's easier to get Igrene, Altina, L!Marth before a single copy of Caeda..... seriously? I'll probably get enough copies of all the other red units to +10 them all before I get another Caeda.... my god.

Anyways, wasted too much, once again, on BB banner to get a -Spd (of course) Igrene.... sucks. Sorry, dear. I really wanted to keep ya, and I would have with any other flaw, but not the one that is important for your weapon. Anyways, Hero Merit and fodder for my favorite, Leon. Also, Brave Camilla in the same circle, good fodder, since I already have two copies.

As for Altina banner, I wanted a circle with reds and be done with it. Free pull had none, so I bailed after Kaze, second circle had three reds: (Stahl,) Altina and L!Marth. Can't complain too much, even with -Att flaw on Altina, and L!Marth instead of Sothis, since I didn't waste orbs for it. Probably gonna waste a couple of orbs more for the off chance of another Altina or any Sothis (buzz off, Marth).... or, Naga forbid, Caeda copies.... lol.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 108


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6 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:


Anyways, wasted too much, once again, on BB banner to get a -Spd (of course) Igrene.... sucks. Sorry, dear. I really wanted to keep ya, and I would have with any other flaw, but not the one that is important for your weapon. Anyways, Hero Merit and fodder for my favorite, Leon. Also, Brave Camilla in the same circle, good fodder, since I already have two copies.



Heh, reading your post reminded me that I've been sitting on a pity rate of just over 4% on that banner for a few days so I figured, what the hell. The second red orb in the circle gave me a Igrene! So thanks for that, lol. Not great IVs, -HP +Def, but I guess it could have been worse 😉

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34 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

Heh, reading your post reminded me that I've been sitting on a pity rate of just over 4% on that banner for a few days so I figured, what the hell. The second red orb in the circle gave me a Igrene! So thanks for that, lol. Not great IVs, -HP +Def, but I guess it could have been worse 😉

I'm glad me giving you that impulse didn't turn into simple waste. I'd take that Igrene, at least her speed isn't hit.

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3 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I'm glad me giving you that impulse didn't turn into simple waste. I'd take that Igrene, at least her speed isn't hit.

Yeah, -Spd does kinda suck. Sorry man. I still think she could be viable, but I know her fodder is valuable. She's my first unit with Special Spiral, and I'm leveling her up right now in the magic workout map and it's insanely fun triggering Blazing Wind 3 times in a round (with help from 2 dancers) 😁

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6 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

Yeah, -Spd does kinda suck. Sorry man. I still think she could be viable, but I know her fodder is valuable. She's my first unit with Special Spiral, and I'm leveling her up right now in the magic workout map and it's insanely fun triggering Blazing Wind 3 times in a round (with help from 2 dancers) 😁

It's more a matter of principle, I guess. I like Igrene as a character and find her flaw to be an insult to her. Valuable units aren't really important to me anymore, I can clear all the content and place sufficiently high in all pvp modes, so all that is left is bias. She can still do a lot of work with -Spd, but I just don't want to look at it if I can, in exchange, buff up one of my favorites with perfect fodder for my usual build of Leon/Luna/Brave Bow+/LaD3. Now he'll just Luna every attack with 2 extra stats in Att/Spd, which I like quite a bit more than being sad at a disrespected -Spd Igrene. Heck, maybe I'll get another copy down the line someday.

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