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This morning I woke up to a new banner, and like I always do I did 1 extra summon along with the free one. Really worked out this time, my second pull gave me Lethe with decent IVs (-HP +Spd😁 Now I have someone decent to use in the TT. I was going to use Ranulf, but I haven't built him yet as I found him underwhelming to use. Just leveled her 40 and so far she seems really good. Might make her a galeforcer


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@mcsilas Hey! Nice Ranulf pull there! I'm jealous! More so of the Ross though, honestly. Lately I've ONLY been getting Cecillias lately which is increasingly annoying.

@TEKWRX Literally the exact same nature as mine, and a great one it is. She'll serve you well.

I already had Lethe so I was only going for Ranulf or Selkie. Only getting one green stone and all the other ones being colorless made this pretty simple though. *3 Cecillia made it even simpler. 

Maybe next year.

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On 12/30/2019 at 2:56 AM, mampfoid said:

While 2 free 5* seem very lucky, I get what you mean. At least both are pretty good fodder for skill inheritance. 

Good luck getting your Thrasir and Edelgard! 

(Funny, it looks like the rest of the people (not me) here wants Dimitri and fear to get pity broken by Edelgard)

Ty! I got up to 13% and finally pulled Thrasir and Grima Robin! Both not great IVs (+Res-Spd and +Spd-Def respectively) but I'll take it for sure. 

I like Dimitri's character a lot and played Azure Moon first in TH, but in the initial TH banner he was the House leader I wanted the least mainly because I don't particularly like his artwork in Heroes. So far Edelgard and Claude still elude me. 

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Got another 4* Fir and was tempted to try pulling a little more for Lethe, but I figure it's better if I'm patient. Maybe a better red beast cav will show up at some point. 🙂

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2 hours ago, uhmuzing said:

Ty! I got up to 13% and finally pulled Thrasir and Grima Robin! Both not great IVs (+Res-Spd and +Spd-Def respectively) but I'll take it for sure. 

I like Dimitri's character a lot and played Azure Moon first in TH, but in the initial TH banner he was the House leader I wanted the least mainly because I don't particularly like his artwork in Heroes. So far Edelgard and Claude still elude me. 

Yay, glad you got Thrasir! -SPD is a bummer, but at least -DEF doesn't hurt Grima too much (mine is -DEF as well). 

Didn't play three houses so far, but I share your sentiment on Dimitri's art. 

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3,529 total pulled units.  Doing this to clean out my barracks for New Year's!


Setsuna (+Res/-Spd): Ew.
Virion (+Atk/-Res): I think I have this one already?
Jeorge (+Atk/-Res): Oh hello there. . .
Sothe (+Spd/-Def): Not bad!

Beruka (+HP/-Atk): Very bad.

Raven (+HP/-Def): Eh, no.

So I can bin most of these.  Now for the new year's banner~!


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May the new year bring good luck and greater fortune for one and all~

*First pull is 4* Tethys*

Okay screw luck and good for-

*One orb later, First 5* is New Year Anna*

May the new year bring great luck and the bestest of all fortune for one and all~
...and also spare our wallets.

+Spd -Atk... huh. Well, least I know it's Anna with her eh Attack and awesome Speed.
Also got Dimitri in the next session. He's a pretty good boon for any Brave weapon users.

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Started with 270 orbs, all in on red for Anna.

Got Igrene on my 5th pull. New unit and early, so okay.

On the next summoning session there were no reds, so I pulled green and...Helbindi. Well, new unit and early, so okay!

Went up to 3.5% before...Laegjarn. New unit and late, not okay!

Went up to 3.75% and got Lene. Not a new unit and late, so very not okay! But there was one more red in that session and it was Anna, so okay! +Res, -Def. Not bad, but not great. At this point I have just over 100 orbs and I was already planning on pulling for at least two, so I continue.

Luckily, about 60 orbs later my next 5* is my 2nd Anna, and this one is +Spd, -Res. +Atk might be better, but +Spd is a superboon so I'll take it!

Finally, my girl gets some love.

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New Year's freebie pulls:
2018 banner: Draug, Leon, +Atk Fir, +Atk New Year's Azura, Sophia, Virion
2019 banner: Draug, Lilina, Matthew, Ares, +Spd Norne, Hinata

Will do the 2020 banner in a few days (just want to get the tickets first).

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TT banner: 3* Selena

NY banners: A bunch of disappointment, all quest tickets used. I don't even remember which specific banners the following sorry bunch came from:

3* Soren
4* Marth
4* Florina
3* Roy
3* Chrom
4* Corrin
4* Bartre
4* Cecilia
3* Caeda
4* Frederick
4* Fae
4* Eliwood
4* Bartre
4* Camilla

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I burned all the tickets and got jack. At least I still have a few chances for the new banner. 

The Legendary banner is stingy, throwing nothing but Sorens and Cherches...

Not the best start of the year in FEH, but I can't complain because it seems my luck lies somewhere else.

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Got a Gunnthra on my 2nd ticket on the Fire and Ice Revival. Was hoping for Geishun, but oh well~

Meanwhile, my free Summon on the new Banner


Well, that's a first. I don't think I've ever gotten a focus unit as my free Summon on a Seasonal Banner. Considering this was my main target, I'm super pleased!

Of course they were -Atk, though. So I spent 200 Orbs trying to fix it. Ordinarily I wuldn't really care, but since I want to use them on my Def team, I kinda want it fixed~

200 Orbs and a Shiro later, I got a +Atk, -Res copy, which is the reverse of the first one~ Glad I could fix it even though it took so many Orbs~ But the first was free so I can't complain~

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I had a summon-off with my friends, and I was the only one who didn't get any 5-stars at all in the session. It sucked. I guess my luck went somewhere else. At least I got some good bases for my other projects.

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My Husbando collection is COMPLETE!


Holy shit it was an annoying journey and a half because I so whaled hard in the Winter's Envoy banner...but it paid off in the end.


I have Winter's Envoy Chrom +HP/-Res essentially neutral so I'll take.  Though the Lugh I pulled is vindictively going to be foddered off to I don't care who, but he's fodder for someone damn it!  I also got a Winter Tharja merge/fodder so that's fun.

The other banners gave me fodder and Celica's banner gave me a Hrìd merge so win/win.


@Nym @SoulWeaver @Rezzy 

@Anacybele Looks like we both won from Celica's banner XD he's going into my +Res Hríd for now.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @Alexmender

Eh, yeah so every ticket for the oldies spent and 1 ticket along with the freebie for the 2020 banner. Spent a few orbs here and there but nothing major on the old banner which is good cause for the most part I got nothing. Gunnthra/Hrid banner was really stingy and only gave me blue/colorless for the most part when I only cared about Red/Green. On the other hand the old banner gave me mostly red and green when colorless was my goal. Not really satisfied but I didn't exactly leave empty handed.


I don't really know what to do with this. She lacks value for me and I've already got a +1 B!Veronica. But seeing those gold stars is definitely better than nothing. Not like NY!Takumi has much more value, I was just going for him for the collector's aspect of it. So I guess in hindsight this is fine. Proves I can always count on colorless to throw me a bone, as you already know.

Four tickets coming over the week for the new banner. I'll be all in on that one. I really want Duo Alfonse.

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I finally FINALLY FINALLY got NY Hrid!! All my tickets for the Y2 NY banner were unsuccessful... but as soon as I started spending orbs, HE CAME!!! -Def/+Res, but I don’t care, my boy is home!!!!

After, I began my grind for Y1 tickets. I have all 3, so I decided to pull for green in hopes of another flying dancer. On one circle, there was no green, so I went colorless for another cute Takumi. Instead, I got my first Jaffar! +Spd/-Def! Yay!!! I was actually toying with the idea of going for him on the revival banners, but there will be no need! He came, my first!

After, I began to break my stash apart for the NY Alfonse duo, with Anna as my backup. Well, along the way I got my FIRST 4* mordecai! At last!! I think he was like +HP/-Res lol.

anyway, one circle has 0 blues, so I went for red... and I got my first F Byleth! She was -Spd/+Def so that’s unfortunate lol.

but then... the next session: NY Alfonse!!! -Def/+Res so it’s not the best but I’ll take them!!! ^~^

I’m happy to Start the new year off with so many new 5*s. I think I’ll focus the next upcoming orbs on W Zephiel after all!

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Got 1 Renewed Spirit Anna and 3 RN!Alfonses. I also got a lot of pitybreakers. I want to get 1 more RN!Anna before giving up.

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