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Huh, thought the Mythic banner was tomorrow, pleasant surprise. Just the first (full) round today though, will start sniping on it once we know what's around for the anniversary.

4* Bantu
4* Kagero
3* Virion
4* Nino
4* Altena

My first Altena, cool I guess. Didn't even realise she already demoted so I was confused when I saw her.

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With F!Morgan inevitably coming soon on a New Power banner I need to save all of my orbs. Might as well try red for the free pull since both L!Eliwood and Lif would be useful.

  1. 5* F!Byleth: You're neither legendary nor mythic, but welcome nonetheless! +Spd/-Res is fantastic too. 44 base Speed!

I'm hardly short of sword infantry, but that was still a very nice free pull. However, since my daughter demands merges my orbs will have to wait to be spent another day.

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WOW! Time to share my haul! I spent about... 500 orbs?? I had a bunch saved up + some bought.



goal was Lif, with Leif as back up.

4 F Byleth—one neutral, one +Res, one +Atk, one +Spd... bleh.

2 Caineghis—one +HP, one +Res

1 Loki—+Atk

1 Lif—+Atk! -Res

i spent around... 300 orbs for my first Lif!!

Then I decided to break my revival banner rate for my first Linde... 60 orbs got me just a green, and a +Def Sonya. 

My summoning finger was still hot though...

Then I decided to try for my first Kliff... -Spd/+Def Hubert LOL. It’s okay, my first one.

and I have like 50 orbs left!

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@mampfoid woooowwww and you said Legendary/Mythic banners hate you..

@Sock Puppet Wow nice haul and great natures!

@Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

So I wanted to get L!Leif so I sniped on colourless. Obviously the game decides to make that colour rare.

Ended up with a Caineghis on both accounts, which is decent. Maybe I can merge the -Def away for one of them.

Back to 0 orbs now but I have stratum quests to do. Have to wait for anniversary stuff first, before thinking of going back (or maybe the beast VG banner?)

At least I finally got Chad on my other account (+Atk/-Def) and got another Norne on each account after so long (neutral and +Def/-HP)

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid woooowwww and you said Legendary/Mythic banners hate you..


Well, I was very lucky on the last mythic/legendary banners. Let's not hope that bad luck returns in February (where I want to got for Alm merges) or April  (where I want to got for Celica merges). 

Congrats again to both of your Caineghis. Leif will come hopefully, goof luck! 



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I said I wasn't going to summon again until the FEH channel but I lied. My sister was doing her first round so I did another round alongside. 4 greys and a green and I accidentally a Yune because it was 3 orbs and only 8.5%. Like my other copy, she has an Atk bane, so I suppose I'll just merge into the +Res copy. Still doubt I'd ever actively use her beyond turning my guaranteed AR losses from 80 point to 55 point losses, but hey.

3* Felicia
5* Yune +Spd -Atk
3* Gaius
4* Tanya
4* Tethys

That's pretty cool actually, both Tanya and Tethys are new to me, and adding Altena from the previous round means I got 3 new units for my catalogue in two rounds. Tanya's +Spd even, albeit -Atk, but a good base if I decide to +1 her at some point (but I probably won't). Tethys is potentially my favourite dancer in the series so maybe in 3-4 years I'll get the requisite number of copies to +10 her.

EDIT: Oh, and the Altena was +Def too, might promote her after my next +10 is done.

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Didn't have red in the free pull session. So I did a second one to get a red.

Legendary Eliwood. Well, not Lif, but I could delete my original legendary Eli's -Atk, so yay there.

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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Did one full circle with my free summon and 15 orbs this morning and got a

+ATK/-SPD Lif! 

Congrats, perfect IV, too~

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So I wanted to get L!Leif so I sniped on colourless. Obviously the game decides to make that colour rare.

Ended up with a Caineghis on both accounts, which is decent. Maybe I can merge the -Def away for one of them.

Back to 0 orbs now but I have stratum quests to do. Have to wait for anniversary stuff first, before thinking of going back (or maybe the beast VG banner?)

At least I finally got Chad on my other account (+Atk/-Def) and got another Norne on each account after so long (neutral and +Def/-HP)

Nice, congrats on Mufasa!

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I got a +res/-spd Lif myself (one summon after the free one), so color me thankful. Might end up using him until I get one with better asset/flaw.

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32 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Who's eating him?

Not sure yet, Velouria enjoyed to eat Sothis back then. I'll keep him around for a while I guess. 

25 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Got her in the free summon circle (not free summon):


I have two now... Still don't know what to do with her. But at least I have another Ruptured Sky in case I need it... and Fury 4.

Congrats! Fury for everyone! 


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Not sure what is with my luck when I pick red as my free summon color on Mythic Banners. Back in August I got Sothis as my free summon when I chose red, in November I pick red again and got Altina as my free summon and this month I picked red yet again and got...


F!Byleth this time. Not sure what I'm going to do with her though. She has a good nature (+Atk/-HP) but I don't know if I want to train up another sword infantry. I have more than plenty of those already plus Byleth has nice fodder in Ruptured Sky, Fury 4, Wrath and Even Attack Wave that several of my other units would like to have. At the very least I will get the flowers and feathers out of her first before I decide what her fate will be.

11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Did one full circle with my free summon and 15 orbs this morning and got a

+ATK/-SPD Lif! 

Congrats on getting Lif in one circle's worth of summoning! You plan on using him or is he just Distant Counter fodder for you?

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50 orbs spent got me my third (!) Loki and ny first Lion King. He’s +Def -Spd too so that’s quite a plus!

Happy with this outcome so I’m done with this banner. 

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Well, I used up the orbs on my previous device and then spent a bunch of the ones I saved up on my current one. All told, probably about 200 orbs. I got 2 Lif's, the first of which was +atk and the second, +spd. Now I need to figure which is merging onto which (since I may as well not wait for a +def one.) I also summoned on blue (hoping for L!Ephraim, but would've been happy with Picnic Lukas) occasionally, as well as green (hoping for a +spd Hilda or a L!Hector or the last Boey I need to +10 mine.) I got a +spd/-HP Yune. One of gthe only heroes I never wanted. Whyyyy-

Well, the good news is that I have to choose between a +spd Lif and a +atk Lif. Leaning towards the +atk one.

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2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Congrats on getting Lif in one circle's worth of summoning! You plan on using him or is he just Distant Counter fodder for you?

Thanks! Also congrats to your Byleth! (I killed mine to give Fury 4 to Roy).

Lif will end up as Time's Pulse fodder one day, but right now I don't have the perfect recipient. Velouria got it from my Sothis. 

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