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So what are the odds of getting the unit you actually want on the Seasonal Heroes Free Summon? I don't think I ever felt so lucky before in my life because...


I wanted H!L'Arachel because she has one of the coolest seasonal outfits in the game in my opinion and I didn't get her last October and I actually got her as my free summon! She has +Res/-HP nature which will work well enough. Now I don't have to wait until rerun banner in October or try fighting the odds against pitybreakers if she showed up on a Legendary Banner. Third Anniversary is looking great for me so far!

Edited by NSSKG151
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39 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Yep. It's another pitybreaker, and yep it's another *4-5 unit. I'm not even mad. I feel literally nothing at this point. I didn't even expect to get him. She's +SPD so it's the first workable nature Thea I've ever pulled and the 2nd *5 pitybreaker copy. Whatever.

If it makes you feel any better, my time on the Genealogy banner ended much the same just with a different face:



I already got her as a 4* a time or two of course, but I at least hadn't promoted her.

Keep in mind, I just wanted any of the four new FE4 kids. Instead, I left with none of them and only got the above along with a troll +Spd/-Atk Surtr. Misery loves company, am I right?

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Special hero free summon: 

Ursula, which is not that amazing, but a Rally+ is useful for scoring. Could have been a B!Fjorm or so but nope. 


Also got a free Genny! And ofc she is +atk.

No B!Micaiah yet on the Hero fest.

Also had a pity rate on the Lif banner, don’t like that. 9 orbs later I get a merge for Cain. It’s fine. Loki for C duel would have been nice, don’t have Leif. Done with the banner, since it isn’t a peticularly enticing banner.

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Got Anna! +Atk/-Def, which seems like her best option.

57 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

So what are the odds of getting the unit you actually want on the Seasonal Heroes Free Summon? I don't think I ever felt so lucky before in my life because...


I wanted H!L'Arachel because she has one of the coolest seasonal outfits in the game in my opinion and I didn't get her last October and I actually got her as my free summon! She has +Res/-HP nature which will work well enough. Now I don't have to wait until rerun banner in October or try fighting the odds against pitybreakers if she showed up on a Legendary Banner. Third Anniversary is looking great for me so far!

Assuming you get a stone of the right color, it's 1 in 11 for red or green, 1 in 12 for blue, or 1 in 10 for colorless.

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Oh man which color to choose for the special heroes summoning event? Green is the safest bet for me, I think. I don't have, and would be happy with, most of them. But blue has heroes in it I want more mixed in with more units I wouldn't be entirely thrilled about. Hmm...I'm curious about this so...

Red: 4 men, 7 women

Blue: 6 men, 6 women

Green: 3 men, 8 women

Colorless: 3 men, 7 women

Total M:F ratio: 16 men, 28 women

Duo units are counted here as the lead unit (which thus far, have always been male, so these numbers don't represent the Lilina, Sharena, or Elice who are part of their respective duo units. Otherwise, add them where they count.)

So, if you like summoning women, your best bet is green. If you like summoning men, your best bet is blue. Funny how these are the two colors I'm struggling to choose between.

For green, I'd be happy summoning Griel, Felicia, Wolt, maybe Reinhardt, L'Arachel, or Lethe. For blue, my main focus is on Berkut (since I want merges for mine), but I'd be happy with several others, too.

I think I'll go blue. Maybe I'll get a Picnic Lukas or merge fodder. Urgh, but those odds are kind of low...but I also need a regular Boey, so I should summon green when I have the potential to summon him, too. This is tough... Ummm worst-case scenario for blue is another Summer Lyn, I guess, since I didn't care to get her in the first place but I have her. Anyone else will be fine, I think.

Alright, here we go!

Oh. Well, my wheel is colorless, red, blue, red, colorless. Guess they didn't want me picking green anyway.

I got...Bride Tanith. +def, -atk. ...At...least she's new?

Well, you know what they say about gacha. "You get what you get and you don't get upset." So, I'm choosing to be cool with this.

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A grab bag of stuff before resuming on the Mythic banner. To start with, I've gotten my new record of 701 orbs, no real plan on how many to spend but let's go.

Valor Skills: 3* Cherche

BHB Banner: 4* Norne

Weekly Revival: 3* Titania

3* Niles
4* Niles

Free 5* Seasonal: 5* Bruno +Spd -HP. Awful.

Hero Fest - No interest in Alm, but will open red if there's just one in a round. Happy to open all others.

3* Peri
4* Altena

4* Lissa
3* Gunter
4* Subaki
4* Laslow
4* Reyson

Onto the Mythic Banner then. Going Red + Grey but if Byleth pops up (to make her +1) I'll be done with red. Spoiler: Concentrated awfulness ahead, which I will spoiler tag because it's stupidly long.


4* Wrys
3* Soleil
3* Cain
3* Soleil
4* Echidna

4* Virion
4* Fir
4* Hinata
3* Setsuna

4* Gaius
4* Sothe

4* Athena
3* Lissa
4* Matthew
4* Brady
4* Kaze

3* Clarine
4* Felicia

4* Jeorge
4* Laslow
4* Soleil

3* Saizo
4* Saizo

4* Norne
3* Legault
3* Sakura

4* Athena
4* Fir
4* Olivia
4* Saizo

4* Olivia
5* F Byleth +Spd -Atk
3* Silvia
4* Jakob
3* Barst

11% got me the unit I wanted least. Not unwanted mind you, just least. Tilted me kept going, just grey this time with red as backup. Not even one copy of Ares either.

4* Lissa

3* Chad

4* Hinata

5* Legendary Leif +Spd -HP
4* Cain
3* Fir

Okay that goes a little towards repairing the situation. Bad nature so just a merge to +2. Might resume red if it's good value - i.e. 3-4 greys with 1-2 reds.

4* Leon
3* Kagero
4* Virion
4* Roy
4* Selena

4* Eliwood

3* Azama
3* Jeorge

4* Wrys

3* Lissa
4* Klein
4* Setsuna

4* Clarine
3* Lachesis

4* Fae

4* Clarine

4* Matthew
3* Tanya

4* Virion
4* Maria

4* Klein
4* Kagero

4* Clarine
3* Tanya

4* Azama
3* Saizo

3* Matthew
4* Nanna
4* Saizo

4* Saizo
4* Maria

3* Setsuna

5* Caineghis +Def -Atk
4* Niles
4* M Corrin
4* Reinhardt
4* Tailtiu

What's with 11% odds breaking with only one 5* per circle? Ugh. Still, this fixes my other Cainghis who is also +Atk.

4* Wrys

3* Chad

3* Leon
5* Caineghis +HP -Spd
4* M Morgan

Why again? I'm not really interested in going past +1 on him. At least the 5* rate is repaired again somewhat. Going back to red and grey on equal footing now.

4* Raigh
4* M Corrin

3* Olivia
4* Azama
4* Setsuna
4* Gaius

4* Azama
3* Kaze
3* Klein

4* Klein
5* Legendary Eliwood +HP -Atk
3* Chad
4* Echidna
3* Peri

Unfortunate nature but I guess he's there to buff? That is, if I can be bothered setting up a team for him.

4* Caeda
4* Stahl

4* Saizo
4* M Corrin
4* Fir

4* Felicia
4* Caeda

4* Felicia
4* Cain

4* A Tiki
4* Soleil

4* Olivia
3* Caeda

4* M Morgan
4* Lilina
4* Seliph
4* Felicia

4* Fir
4* Leon
4* Soleil

4* Raigh
3* Seth

3* Tharja
4* Eliwood
3* Leon
3* Matthew

4* Bantu

4* Leon
4* Bantu
4* Sophia

4* Wrys
4* Lon'qu
3* Maria

4* Lissa
4* Maria

4* Serra
5* Lif +HP -Atk
3* Est
3* Camilla
5* Lif +HP -Def

Oh thank goodness that 11.5% was broken by a double 5-star. Especially since the first one had a godawful nature.

So with all that done, my 701 orbs have become a mere 77. I'll spend those on full ticket rounds of the CYL3 Hero Fest. Good riddance Mythic banner.


624 orbs got me -

F Byleth +Spd -Atk
L Leif +Spd -HP
Caineghis  +Def -Atk
Caineghis +HP -Spd
L Eliwood +HP -Atk
Lif +HP -Atk
Lif +HP -Def

And precisely zero Ares, who I have not seen for half a year. Disappointing but we move on. Hopefully the Hero Fests salvage this anniversary for me.

Edited by Humanoid
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My free special hero: duplicate Ishtar with -Atk. This is why I hate these. They seriously need to let you pick the unit you want and the unit should have neutral IVs. 😕 It's too easy to get completely screwed.

I can give Swift Sparrow 3 to someone, but it still wouldn't be as cool as getting a new unit I don't have with decent IVs or getting a merge for someone I do want to merge (GD Ike).

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Odd bit of symmetry today. My main account’s seasonal banner had 4 blue orbs and 1 green. I chose the green, netting a +Atk -HP Soiree Reinhardt. My sub account got 4 blue orbs and 1 colorless, in the exact same positions. The colorless orb got me a +Atk -HP Bunny Bruno. No complaints, of course. Just a curious happening. 

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Oh yeah, I pulled the two greens in my free pull session on the Hero Fest banner because Micaiah would be handy to have for FTP strats if I need them. One of the greens was...Julia. lol

And what's so funny about this? It's the exact same IVs as my original Julia, +Spd, -Res. And my one and only Deirdre is also +Spd. Mama and daughter want to be the same. XD

My ticket didn't give me anything noteworthy.

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Pulled Blue on the Free *5 because no Greens. I got Summer Ryoma. Already had him and nothing worth noting from him. Getting merged, I suppose.

Nothing noteworthy from other free pulls, but I used my leftover orbs on the first Brave banner and got Brave Camilla, whom I was missing. Alm is now my only missing Brave Hero.

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Ffs, why did they have to make this seasonal unit a stupid random one again, just to repeat the torment I felt last year. After Summer Leo comes Bride Sigrun, worthless junk I couldn't care less about (TT Sigrun is already there, so I can't even care about the character). Oh, but she has +Att! Wow! F... off IS, Fehnix and Sigrun! Sent her home, no lvl 40 conversation, no dragon flowers, no HM, no skill Inheritance (it's junk anyways), just go away. I'm sick of this random trash I don't care about. Only 2 reds were trash out of all the red options, and I wanted to pull green on a greenless circle (of course). So obviously I get the worst, once again.

God I hate these anniversaries in FEH. Now off to get another bad popular vote in the gauntles and pull nothing when Myrrh comes back in her BHB banner.

I sincerely hope other people got something they care about with this rng nonsense.

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44 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I sincerely hope other people got something they care about with this rng nonsense.

. . .was the rest of that really necessary?  Because if the answer is "yes" in your mind, it's time to take a long break from Heroes (and video games in general).  I don't expect you to be thrilled about every pull, but complaining about "trash" when it's free is worrying.


3,644 total pulled units.  I REALLY need to clean out my barracks!


Hinata (+Atk/-Def): Dammit, this one's competent.

Echinda (+Res/-Def): This one isn't, and I was eyeing Drive Atk on someone!
Jagen (+Def/-HP): Wasn't thinking about his C skill for anyone, though. ;/
Florina (+Spd/-Res): She really wants +Atk.
Catria (+Def/-Res): LUNA~!
Mathilda (+Spd/-Res): See Florina.

Jagen (+HP/-Res): This isn't any better!
Oboro (+HP/-Res): Or this.
Reyson (+Atk/-Res): Not bad!  Need to cross-reference him with my existing one.  Though he might want +Spd since he's not a main combat unit.  I'll have to think about this.
Hector (+Spd/-HP): I can live with -Res on my current Hector, so he's gonna donate DC/VF to Lissa.
Niles (+Spd/-Res): Four +Spd units, none that I want to train.  What's going on?!

Zephiel (+Res/-HP): Was looking for Helbindi, wound up with him instead.  I think Lissa will make better use of Hector's skills, but if I ever come across another DC, he's getting it.  38/39 defenses are NOT to be trifled with!

Jakob (+HP/-Res): Merge fodder, at best.

Tailtiu (+Spd/-Res): Dammit, this one's also competent.

Reyson (+Def/-Spd): I wonder who can make use of Steady Posture?
Mercedes (+Atk/-Def): FINALLY!  This one's definitely worth training!  I'm going to completely overhaul her skill set, though (Absorb looks like it would be hilarious on her).
Legault (+Def/-HP): And Mercedes gets Atk Tactic.
Tanya (+Def/-Spd): I like her bow, but I don't know who'd make the best use of it.  Norne, perhaps?
Est (+Def/-Spd): Not even good fodder. ;/

Henry (+HP/-Spd): Not the worst.  Somehow.

Wrys (+HP/-Spd): Also not the worst.

Can't complain too much, since Lissa can join the ranks of "hilarious green armors", and Zephiel's competition is himself or Zelgius.


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Well salt from the channel has worn off a bit but no red in the special heroes summon resurfaced it a bit since red is a color where i would have appreciated every unit not named Sigrun and even then her sword would have been nice fodder.

I ended up summoning a Bruno. Would have preferred an extra Ursula merge but his fodder is pretty nifty so I'll take it.

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35 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .was the rest of that really necessary?  Because if the answer is "yes" in your mind, it's time to take a long break from Heroes (and video games in general).  I don't expect you to be thrilled about every pull, but complaining about "trash" when it's free is worrying.

I fail to see how this is particularly surprising or worrisome. Don't worry, my more explicit rant is pretty much done with my previous post. I am surprised, however, how me, standing in line like every other user with open hands, while Fehnix flies by and drops a diamond in each of my neighbor's hands, but dung into mine, is - in your opinion - in any way a surprise/cause of worry when I react the way I did in my post. I understand that you, as a moderator, would like to keep outrage in check, and as I said, its pretty much done from my part, but me having to take a long break from video games because of that? If anything, I should play more video games outside of mobile gaming, which I will in March. Just because it's free doesn't exempt it from being hugely flawed and can still make it worthy of a critique or rant. We could also discuss in length what comment is or isn't necessary in this topic, but let's not waste our time with it. Sigrun is dead, bad rng gift, moving on.

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I got a Lethe for the free Summon, who I foddered before so someone can get a Lull whenever I need that, I guess~

More importantly, finally did my Keaton Summoning. I wanted to get 1-2 merges depending on luck. Spent 100+ Orbs and got a Tibarn so I thought to cut my losses and quit but I figured I could spend 50 more Orbs~ 1 Session in and I got


+Res, -Spd so...okay I guess~

Next Session


+Atk, I will take it, that's all I wanted, I'm good with this~ Hopefully Divine Toilet Paper will offer Keatons~

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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I fail to see how this is particularly surprising or worrisome. Don't worry, my more explicit rant is pretty much done with my previous post. I am surprised, however, how me, standing in line like every other user with open hands, while Fehnix flies by and drops a diamond in each of my neighbor's hands, but dung into mine, is - in your opinion - in any way a surprise/cause of worry when I react the way I did in my post. I understand that you, as a moderator, would like to keep outrage in check, and as I said, its pretty much done from my part, but me having to take a long break from video games because of that? If anything, I should play more video games outside of mobile gaming, which I will in March. Just because it's free doesn't exempt it from being hugely flawed and can still make it worthy of a critique or rant. We could also discuss in length what comment is or isn't necessary in this topic, but let's not waste our time with it. Sigrun is dead, bad rng gift, moving on.

. . .holy shit your attitude.

I can understand being disappointed because you didn't get something you wanted.  But your reaction to it extends far beyond that (as in, you're toeing the line for a warn).  I just happened to see that post, hence why I commented on it.

If you think this is a reasonable reaction for not getting the freebie you want, seriously rethink your priorities in life.  FEH is a game, it's not asking for custody of your kids.

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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

. . .holy shit your attitude.

I can understand being disappointed because you didn't get something you wanted.  But your reaction to it extends far beyond that (as in, you're toeing the line for a warn).  I just happened to see that post, hence why I commented on it.

If you think this is a reasonable reaction for not getting the freebie you want, seriously rethink your priorities in life.  FEH is a game, it's not asking for custody of your kids.

Figured you'd pull that card. Fine, I concede.

Thank you FEH for the free 5*. 1k feathers is going to be quite useful for my next +10 project (I have a few in mind) and I'm looking forward to all the other announced gifts coming along my way. Who knows, maybe I'll pull some real bangers on the way to more merge copies for my +10 Myrrh project.

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Got a blue stone in the seasonal pull. Alas, I got the worst possible outcome for pulling blue -- a Picnic Lukas. (Insert a very long string of curse words here)

Essentially got an inheritable Sturdy Stance 2 lance and the lame AR-O Atk/Def skill.

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So, this is what my friends who play FEH pulled as their seasonal freebie:

Friend 1: +res -def summer Wolt
Friend 2: "naked Hinoka", nature unknown
Friend 3: +HP -atk dancing Berkut
Myself: +spd -atk New Years Alfonse+Sharena

In other words, most of us didn't get lucky with natures (I don't know what the Hinoka was) but I guess considering only the unit I was overall the luckiest since a duo unit is still stupid OP?

EDIT: Also, friend 3 free-pulled a basically perfect Tsubasa despite not giving a shit about the banner or the game or any of the characters on it.

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