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Finally did my legendary banner summoning! Chrom was the first to show up, and took a while - 202 orbs in total, which resulted in a pretty high pity rate. Sothis was another 93 orbs later, which is more reasonable. I'm tempted to keep going for Eirika or Phina, but that's not a great rate, I'd rather work on building my stockpile back up. Only having 346 orbs in store feels so low after all that.

Chrom is +Res/-Spd, which seems solid. Sothis is +HP/-Atk, which is not so great. Well, if Sothis and Altina win their respective rounds, I'm erasing an Atk bane on a mythic one way or another. Hopefully Altina.

Also picked up my second Valbar on the way. This one is +Atk, which is nice. Nine more copies to go.

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LOL... after too many orbs later... I got a +Res Sothis (my third... ew), and a -Spd Phina (my second). And then... finally... L Eirika!! My first!! She came in at -Atk/+HP of COURSE, but I don’t care cuz I’m so happy to have gotten her!!

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I got SUPER lucky on today's pull.

Got my +spd Rath (he's -res) and also managed to get a Nils! He's -HP, which admittedly isn't ideal for him, but +atk at least.

I can leave the Blazing Sword banner happy.

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I have been summoning in the Valentine Banner ewith all the orbs I could get, and today finally I broke my pityrate.


It's not a Valentine Alm & Celica, but I am still happy that it's a good unit with great fodder, and not a 5* Python or Echidna... or even a Rhajat (bleh).

Now I am done with the banner and I will try to save for Alm's return in a Double Seasonal or Legendary/Mythic Banner... or until a random banner tempt me to summon.

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41 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I have been summoning in the Valentine Banner ewith all the orbs I could get, and today finally I broke my pityrate.


Congrats Diovani! It's not Alm, but I'm glad you have use for this guy. 

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Well, I have zero interest in the upcoming 3H banner. Back to finding a merge for B!Lucina. 112 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Gunter: Bleh.

Disappointing. 107 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nowi: Feathers.

Still disappointing. 102 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hana: Of course the circle would be all red.

Pulling here may have been a mistake. 97 orbs left.

  1. 3* Florina: Feathers.

Yeah...92 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roderick: More feathers.
  2. 3* Tailtiu: SI fodder.

Finally more than one blue orb. 83 orbs left.

  1. 5* B!Lucina: There we go! Neutral, but she's going to be merge fodder anyway.
  2. 4* Mathilda: Well, it was worth a shot.

68 orbs to get B!Lucina a merge. Pretty good, although I wouldn't have minded better fodder pulls. Now back to stockpiling.

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Finally decided to cave in and tossed some orbs at the Legendary banner. Thankfully my luck seemed to have pulled through because I managed to get the one character I was aiming for on the banner.


Got her! She has a +HP./-Def nature which is good enough for now. Also pulled another Sothis before Phina showed up so that's neat. Now I'm just missing Sirius from the last Archanea banner. Hopefully I can get him before the next Archanean banner brings characters I like such as Nyna, Wolf, Julian and Lena into Heroes.

Edited by NSSKG151
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@Zeo @BoaFerox @daisy jane @Diovani Bressan

Luckily the 3H banner is a skip for me, so went to try back for the double seasonal.

Searching for any blue or a Nephenee. Had to start a few CCs after getting 7.50% (thank goodness for Sothis being good in CCs) but finally ended with a +Res/-Def Summer Laegjarn! Unfortunately didn't get Nephenee but I did get a colourless dancer: a +HP/-Spd Tethys which is good enough for dancing purposes. All in all a fairly good result, getting one focus from blue/green/colourless in the end, it's a great banner indeed.

As for my main, I kind of wanted to try for Eirika otherwise I would wait for 6 months. So in I went to the L!Chrom banner- wasted 5 orbs with a no red session, then the next circle had 4 red orbs and a green.

2 of those red orbs? Both OG Chrom. Funnily enough my free summon was OG Chrom too. The other two was his ancestors- Marth and Caeda. The green? I would like a Gerik...but even funnier with the theme, it was Frederick.

...So umm a Chrom banner alright in a sense lol

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@mcsilas Congrats on Summer Laegjarn! She's a great unit, and you didn't get bad IVs either. Too bad about Nephenee not showing up, but I'm jealous of the Tethys since I'm merging her, hehe. And wow, that's a lot of Chrom.


As for me, the double special banner has been very good to me. I got to pick up Dancer Nephenee like I wanted, +Spd -Def even which is great. I also wanted to try getting a better IV for Summer Laegjarn since I use her a lot, and since the Three Houses banner looks skippable to me I decided to go all in. I got a lot of Lyn instead. In the beginning they were looking like Sturdy Impact fodder, but now she's looking a lot more like a +10 project. In all I got seven Lyn merges from this banner, so I'm very exited to try getting the last three once the rerun of her banner comes around.

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It's literally two units at 3,688 total pulled units, so no need for the usual spoiler tag.

Lucina (+Spd/-Def): YAHOO~!  With that, I'll have a really fast Brave Lucina once I merge my old one!
Titania (+Def/-HP): How unfortunate.

Now I gotta clean my barracks out.  I either pull someone immediately, or I'll need a lot of space.

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Just sniping grey with tickets and the occasional +1.

4* Saizo
4* Tethys

3* Legault

Pleased to get just my second ever Tethys. Sadly my two are Def/Res and Res/Def, but it's a start. Just need nine more...

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2 tickets so far, so I might as well get started now. Ferdinand is the demote, so no point pulling for him. I cannot bring myself to tolerate Lysithea's art and Bernadetta majorly annoys me, so I guess Annette wins by default.

  1. 4* Klein: Hello, Death Blow fodder.
  2. 4* Priscilla: Feathers.
  3. 4* Stahl: Bleh.

Not a single green that entire time. Oh well, it could have been on a banner I cared about. I'll get the last two tickets later.

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@BoaFerox Thanks, good luck on the Lyn rerun!

@Zeo @daisy jane @Diovani Bressan @Landmaster

So funny thing happened.

Did my free pull + tickets on my main, and this was the result:

free summon: +Def Raven
1st ticket: +Def Raven
2nd ticket: -Def Raven
3rd ticket: Python
4th ticket: -Def Raven. 4 orbs for my first Rath.

So yeah a lot of Ravens, and then the green bow cavs haha. Really happy about Rath even if he's +Res/-Def, he's my first one and the Wolf of Sacae is welcome to my Wolf Emblem team. 


As for my second account? Immediately 3 greens on the first circle so already tempting me straight away. Went bottom right and... I got  a +Spd/-Def Annette!!! Def Superbane is a shame but can't complain about 39/39 offenses! Was really tempted to try the other greens but was convinced be happy with it to try for other units.

Sniped red for tickets but only got two Stahls in a row.

Last circle had 3 reds- none were Lysithea so oh well. Then decided to just try the colourless anyway and out comes a +Spd/-HP Bernadetta!!! Now I'm glad I didn't use those orbs on those other greens! 

Hopefully new calendar banners aren't tempting!

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Free Summon: 4* Camilla;
1st Ticket: 3* Nino;
2nd Ticket: 3* Lon'qu;
3rd Ticket: 3* Arthur;
4th Ticket: 5* Annette!!!


I got a +Spd -HP Annette with my last ticket, which is funny because Annette's Ticket was the last ticket I got! It's like "Here, take this ticket to summon me".

The Annette's circle also had 4 red orbs, but I was strong and didn't summon on them. Lysithea would be nice, but I have others priorities.

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130 orbs and all tickets for Annette, Zelgius, Laevatein and 4* Ferdinand.

Not great honestly, especially since all of them have poor IVs.

And I only pulled Annette because I got neither red nor colourless.

When it came to reds, this banner didn't give them to me.

Seriously it has been the banner with the lowest amount of red orbs ever.

Poor poor Lysithea...

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I was pulling all but blue (even tho Ferdinand is my favorite I’m not wasting orbs on an instant 3/4*>, and I have like a 3.75%. Hmm... I wasn’t planning on pulling too much, but I guess I’ll do it until something breaks me. I would prefer Lysithea and then Anette, but I’ll take anything. Wouldn’t even mind a Siegbert! 
gotta save up for the next bunny boy, but I hope he’s free.

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70 orbs and all tickets to get:

5-star Reyson (+attack/-hp), well another merge for my + attack one.

Larum -attack/+spd. It could be worse to be honest.

And the best pull i got is: Lysithea!. But she is -spd/+res (Game, that hurts). At least i got her.

Edited by NicolaTesla&you
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Well I LOVE that Ferdinand is going to be the demote and at 4* on this banner right now.  With the story orbs and the tickets I have pulled 4 of him already and one who is +Atk which looks like a good boon for him.  I plan on keeping at pulling for more merges until I break my pity rate on this banner.  I now want all my favorites not in the game to get the same treatment as Ferdinand so I can make them +10 without having to worry about pity breakers.  I always end up having to give my favorites a bunch of fodder anyway so being able to get merges easily is for me better then my favs being 5* only with great skills.

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Welp, trying to get DB4+Time's Pulse fodder (sorry Lysithea, I like you well enough but your art is ugh) ended with me getting Flylivia. +Atk -Def which is barely puts her above sitting duck tier in terms of combat, not like she's going to be seeing much of it but having the option of doing some dmg is nice.

With this I think the only flying dancer I don't have is Reinhardt. I might try to get him for completion's sake. 

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Got pretty lucky today got a +Spd Annette (I wanted her the most) as well as a +Atk 4 star Ferdie. I like it when I get the units I want and they come with good ivs. It's rare.

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11 hours ago, mcsilas said:


So funny thing happened.

Did my free pull + tickets on my main, and this was the result:

free summon: +Def Raven
1st ticket: +Def Raven
2nd ticket: -Def Raven
3rd ticket: Python
4th ticket: -Def Raven. 4 orbs for my first Rath.

So yeah a lot of Ravens, and then the green bow cavs haha. Really happy about Rath even if he's +Res/-Def, he's my first one and the Wolf of Sacae is welcome to my Wolf Emblem team. 


As for my second account? Immediately 3 greens on the first circle so already tempting me straight away. Went bottom right and... I got  a +Spd/-Def Annette!!! Def Superbane is a shame but can't complain about 39/39 offenses! Was really tempted to try the other greens but was convinced be happy with it to try for other units.

Sniped red for tickets but only got two Stahls in a row.

Last circle had 3 reds- none were Lysithea so oh well. Then decided to just try the colourless anyway and out comes a +Spd/-HP Bernadetta!!! Now I'm glad I didn't use those orbs on those other greens! 

Hopefully new calendar banners aren't tempting!

Congrats on your Ravens, the true prize here, and your Bernie and Annette!

8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I got a freebie Lysithea out of the tickets. Annette is my preference but I'm very fine with her too. 


7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Free Summon: 4* Camilla;
1st Ticket: 3* Nino;
2nd Ticket: 3* Lon'qu;
3rd Ticket: 3* Arthur;
4th Ticket: 5* Annette!!!


I got a +Spd -HP Annette with my last ticket, which is funny because Annette's Ticket was the last ticket I got! It's like "Here, take this ticket to summon me".

The Annette's circle also had 4 red orbs, but I was strong and didn't summon on them. Lysithea would be nice, but I have others priorities.

Yaaaay, congrats on Annette! RIP those 4 Lysitheas you didn't Summon.

4 hours ago, NicolaTesla&you said:

70 orbs and all tickets to get:

5-star Reyson (+attack/-hp), well another merge for my + attack one.

Larum -attack/+spd. It could be worse to be honest.

And the best pull i got is: Lysithea!. But she is -spd/+res (Game, that hurts). At least i got her.

Congrats on your pulls!

2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well I LOVE that Ferdinand is going to be the demote and at 4* on this banner right now.  With the story orbs and the tickets I have pulled 4 of him already and one who is +Atk which looks like a good boon for him.  I plan on keeping at pulling for more merges until I break my pity rate on this banner.  I now want all my favorites not in the game to get the same treatment as Ferdinand so I can make them +10 without having to worry about pity breakers.  I always end up having to give my favorites a bunch of fodder anyway so being able to get merges easily is for me better then my favs being 5* only with great skills.

Congrats on your Ferdinand von Aegirs!

18 minutes ago, Holla99 said:

Got pretty lucky today got a +Spd Annette (I wanted her the most) as well as a +Atk 4 star Ferdie. I like it when I get the units I want and they come with good ivs. It's rare.

Congrats on your Annette and Ferdie!~

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Speaking of getting Annette on the fourth ticket. lol


Mine gave me her too! Though my last ticket was Bernadetta's. Annette's was the first one I got.

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