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Haven't pulled anything great lately. I finally got myself back to 100 orbs, and I need to wait unit L! Alm comes back out so I can hopefully get a not -atk one! Please game, this is all I want.

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I got a +Atk Laevatein as my free summon today! The one unit who is one of my 5* +10 Projects, and with a perfect IV! She will be +6 soon! 

For her role as a DC Vantage, +Atk is better right? Because my current Laevatein is +Spd.


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I spent WAY too many orbs for my first Genny... but I got her. -Atk+Spd, hmph. Well, I love her and I’m just one step closer to getting all book 1 5*s.

I also got my first Spring Narcian as well at 4*. Think I’m done with this spring banner...

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

That sounds like the luck I had earlier this year, followed by my Petra disaster yesterday.

Oof, that just gives me more reason to believe that some future banner I wanna pull on is gonna give me squat XD;

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Well I am up to a 4.25% pity rate on the spring banner I hope S!Idunn +Fae come tomorrow.  I did get a 4* S!Narcian so at least I got one focus unit.  Revival banner gave me a free Genny so I have fodder for when I want to build another staff unit.

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Weekly Revival's given me squat lately.

3 Red, 2 Blue

4* M!Robin (Case in point. +Atk/-Def)

For now, I'm saving to see the Mythic.

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11 hours ago, Othin said:

That sounds like the luck I had earlier this year, followed by my Petra disaster yesterday.

Same with me; I have three speed-based units by their default kit, (NY! Lethe, Mia, Flying nino,) and all three were -spd and +def. Nino's still okay if shecan bomb the enemy in one hit, Lethe is absolutely broken nevertheless, but Mia is useless, especially with Larcei yeeting the competition out the window with her shamelessly high speed.

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Had 100 orbs saved up for a Palla on the revival banner. Need two, but one is a manual in the Compile section so 1 is enough. A n extra Veronica for G duel Flying would be nice, helps Yune score better in MS.


20 orbs later: +Atk Palla, that’s great! Still fodder though. And a session later: -Atk Veronica! 

Perfect, still only getting -atk when the unit is specifically sought for fodder.


Time to break my rates on the Petra/Catria banner, a merge for either would be nice, since I want them +10.

Pitybreaker Hardin! Also fine, that is 6k feathers since he is new! With a +atk nature he can serve as a fine AA unit.



Maybe a claude for lull spd def fodder? Also yes! Also +atk, and also still fodder! Klein appreciates the def smoke and lull skills, he is going to be a Quad terror soon.



17 orbs left with some unclaimed her and there. Hopefully enough to get a H!Dozla when he returns, I want that dagger for. GaleCam strats in astra.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Another day, another banner I'm not interested in pulling for again. Especially after how this went last year.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colouress

3* Lachesis (The launch colourless pool. +Spd/-HP)

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Funnily enough both me and my nephew both pulled sheena. His was *4 but it doesn't really matter.

Only did the free pull on the Regal Rabbits banner to try to fix the bane on my Veronica. No such luck but no orbs wasted as there is literally no value for me in pulling on this banner so I'm good.

Moving on.

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This is my first time in more than a year that I am under 100 orbs. I'm so close! It's hard to believe that I am close to +10'ing a 5* exclusive.


I spent over 500 orbs on her. I was hoarding for months waiting for her or another favorite of mine to reappear, and she finally did reappear on the Aerobatics banner. I think I'll keep saving again until she appears on a legendary banner or something, then go for the last merge.

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I'm not interested in anyone from Regal Rabbits, so I'll see if I can get Palla to join Catria in the barracks.

  1. 4* Rath: He's new for me. Unfortunately +Def/-Atk is garbage, so he'll have to wait to join Sue and Lyn.
Edited by KMT4ever
Wrong asset and flaw.
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11 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:


  1. 4* Rath: He's new for me. Unfortunately +Atk/-Def is garbage, so he'll have to wait to join Sue and Lyn.

That's actually decent.  Read on to see why.

3,756 total pulled units.


Claude (+Def/-Res): I DON'T CARE, HE'S MY FIRST!  Woohoo, favorite 3H lord~!
Rath (+Atk/-Spd): This is workable, though I'll want a second one to get rid of -Spd.  His Atk is already naturally high, with two units in the regular pool outright beating him (Frederick and Yarne).  Assuming he wasn't -Spd, that would be 36/35 offenses, which is pretty damn good for a green cavalry unit.  And unlike Python, Rath doesn't give a flying flip about his durability.

Boey (+Spd/-Res): If you and Rath swapped, I'd have two amazing units.
Raven (+Def/-Atk): You are not my waifu.
Micaiah (+Res/-Spd): Now THIS is a bizarre pitybreaker.  Oh well, guess the Valentian girls still won't give me the time of day.  But she's new, and this is damn good on her, so I'll take it~!
Cherche (neutral): Good timing, Kjelle needs Pivot.
Raven (neutral): I use him as a base for Aether.

Hana (+Spd/-HP): This isn't bad.
Olivia (+Def/-Res): Neither is this, but that's because I'm cheap and use Hone skills.

Odin (+Spd/-HP): You need to be +Atk my man.  But you're good fodder~!

Lucius (+Res/-HP): Good timing, needed to give Pain to someone else!

Three new units.  I'm happy!


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OK, so I wanted a second Veronica for a while. Firstly for her Duel skill, but also a better boon (than +HP) would be nice. 

45 orbs later:



No better boon, but she came much faster than last year, which is cool. Now, who should eat her? Reyson or Cherche? 



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3 hours ago, eclipse said:

That's actually decent.  Read on to see why.

3,756 total pulled units.

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Claude (+Def/-Res): I DON'T CARE, HE'S MY FIRST!  Woohoo, favorite 3H lord~!
Rath (+Atk/-Spd): This is workable, though I'll want a second one to get rid of -Spd.  His Atk is already naturally high, with two units in the regular pool outright beating him (Frederick and Yarne).  Assuming he wasn't -Spd, that would be 36/35 offenses, which is pretty damn good for a green cavalry unit.  And unlike Python, Rath doesn't give a flying flip about his durability.

Boey (+Spd/-Res): If you and Rath swapped, I'd have two amazing units.
Raven (+Def/-Atk): You are not my waifu.
Micaiah (+Res/-Spd): Now THIS is a bizarre pitybreaker.  Oh well, guess the Valentian girls still won't give me the time of day.  But she's new, and this is damn good on her, so I'll take it~!
Cherche (neutral): Good timing, Kjelle needs Pivot.
Raven (neutral): I use him as a base for Aether.

Hana (+Spd/-HP): This isn't bad.
Olivia (+Def/-Res): Neither is this, but that's because I'm cheap and use Hone skills.

Odin (+Spd/-HP): You need to be +Atk my man.  But you're good fodder~!

Lucius (+Res/-HP): Good timing, needed to give Pain to someone else!

Three new units.  I'm happy!


I accidentally got the asset and flaw backwards. He's actually +Def/-Atk, which might be good with a merge to remove the flaw, but for now he's pretty useless when I have a +2 +Atk Sue.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

OK, so I wanted a second Veronica for a while. Firstly for her Duel skill, but also a better boon (than +HP) would be nice. 

45 orbs later:



No better boon, but she came much faster than last year, which is cool. Now, who should eat her? Reyson or Cherche? 



I'd give it to Reyson.

Also, your avatars are weirder than the ones I saw the last time I was on this site...

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Also, your avatars are weirder than the ones I saw the last time I was on this site...

I had to honor L!Celica for materializing 6 times in my barracks. Imagine the +10 Avatar ... 

Congrats to all those Catrias btw! Good luck getting the last one soon!


No reason necessary to post this almost complete VG



2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'd give it to Reyson.


1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

My Reyson has it, it's great, healing and a dancer(though that scores slightly less) is fantastic. I also pulled one this year since I wanted to give Yune one for Mjolnir's Strike.

Healing and 3-mov are his pros, his refresh skill isn't (too few SP). Biggest cons are the missing 4 copies and the fact that Cherche is the better killer. 

Edited by mampfoid
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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I had to honor L!Celica for materializing 6 times in my barracks. Imagine the +10 Avatar ... 

Congrats to all those Catrias btw! Good luck getting the last one soon!

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No reason necessary to post this almost complete VG




Healing and 3-mov are his pros, his refresh skill isn't (too few SP). Biggest cons are the missing 4 copies and the fact that Cherche is the better killer. 

For some reason Mordecai looks like the worst one.


Thanks! I'm glad that she is my highest 5* exclusive 🙂 She has 68 atk with summoner support. It's crazy!


Are you saving for anything else?

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The 2020 Spring banner wouldn't give me Est/Fir/Idunn + Fae, but I got some good luck with the 2019 Spring rerun! Got my first Spring Palla, and she's +Atk/-Res. I'm pretty happy with that, now I just need Spring Est to complete the Whitewing sister trio.

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14 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

For some reason Mordecai looks like the worst one.

Blue is extravagant on him, but I used that avatar for a long period. 

14 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

🙂 She has 68 atk with summoner support. It's crazy!


I really wanted to get her from her first banner, but it didn't work. Have fun with her! 

14 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Thanks! I'm glad that she is my highest 5* exclusive


Are you saving for anything else?

I have Brave Roy at +10 among the 5* exclusives, he already saved me so many times. 

I'm currently saving for L!Celica merges. She should be on the banner at the end of April. 

After that L!Leif and L!Alm sharing a banner. 

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