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Decided to try my luck on the Year 1 spring banner, since I had a pity rate going and Chrom is the only one of that group I don't have. Unfortunately, no green orbs showed up, and my VERY FIRST summon...was Spring Xander.

How many times is this game gonna break my pity rates and block me from what I'm aiming for?

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Tethys? Excuse me, but her name is not just some random group of letters, which I feel you're acting like it is. It clearly comes from one of two possible origins. There's the Tethys Ocean, an ancient body of water that later would become the Atlantic and Pacific. It existed during the times of the supercontinent Pangaea. Then there's also a moon at Saturn called Tethys.

Science is great imo, so I like her name, personally.

I free pulled a random 3 star, so feathers.

More likely that her name is from the Greek Titaness, Tethys. She's basically a refresher Legault, so useful. 

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Just now, silverserpent said:

More likely that her name is from the Greek Titaness, Tethys. She's basically a refresher Legault, so useful. 

Strange, I've never heard of this. I Googled the name too to make sure I was remembering some things right and only the two things I mentioned came up. But yeah, any refresher is useful to have, really.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Tethys? Excuse me, but her name is not just some random group of letters, which I feel you're acting like it is. It clearly comes from one of two possible origins. There's the Tethys Ocean, an ancient body of water that later would become the Atlantic and Pacific. It existed during the times of the supercontinent Pangaea. Then there's also a moon at Saturn called Tethys.

Science is great imo, so I like her name, personally.

I free pulled a random 3 star, so feathers.

Uh huh.  Yeah totally relatable and memorable.  Also stop being inflammatory please.  It's not nice and actually very rude of you.  Especially since I tend not to be good with names.  Also wasn't mad about getting her, since she has good IV to work with, but sure, put words into my mouth and make implications that weren't meant to be had.

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6 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Uh huh.  Yeah totally relatable and memorable.  Also stop being inflammatory please.  It's not nice and actually very rude of you.  Especially since I tend not to be good with names.  Also wasn't mad about getting her, since she has good IV to work with, but sure, put words into my mouth and make implications that weren't meant to be had.

You're not very nice with your blatant sarcasm here, or the way you tend to bash and insult non-Awakening characters either. I constantly see you say you pulled "worthless trash" or "I don't care for this character" or something like that if it isn't Grima or some form of Chrom or Lucina or whatever. Also, I remember you mentioning at least once before that you don't care about Tethys or remember her name.

I was always called out when I'd say my pulls were trash or whatever multiple times, so I did my best to cut back on it. If I'm not allowed to do it, others shouldn't be either. And I can see how it does get annoying now.

And as eclipse once told me about Tellius, there are other cool things, and you should give them a chance more. Granted, I actually do love FE games outside of Tellius, so eclipse wasn't exactly accurate in that case, but I don't really see you talk about or show much about non-Awakening things.

I'm trying to be civil here, not rude in any way.

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7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Free pulled a decent IVd version of the Dagger Dancer who's name is just not memorable enough +Atk so she might be worth bringing along to build.  Still saving orbs for Lucy's revival banner.  And I seriously hope she comes painlessly.

You can give her the Eir seasonal's dagger if you want since Tethys has great Res and it's by far the best supportive dagger if you don't have Dragonslasher/Cloud Maiougi+

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You're not very nice with your blatant sarcasm here, or the way you tend to bash and insult non-Awakening characters either. I constantly see you say you pulled "worthless trash" or "I don't care for this character" or something like that if it isn't Grima or some form of Chrom or Lucina or whatever. Also, I remember you mentioning at least once before that you don't care about Tethys or remember her name.

I was always called out when I'd say my pulls were trash or whatever multiple times, so I did my best to cut back on it. If I'm not allowed to do it, others shouldn't be either. And I can see how it does get annoying now.

And as eclipse once told me about Tellius, there are other cool things, and you should give them a chance more. Granted, I actually do love FE games outside of Tellius, so eclipse wasn't exactly accurate in that case, but I don't really see you talk about or show much about non-Awakening things.

I'm trying to be civil here, not rude in any way.

Considering the true trash in terms of SI or IVs, I'm fairly sure that anyone would say the same.  Especially if they've got my levels of deplorable luck.  But okay imply I bash everything bar Awakening characters that I summon.  Ya know because that's totally what I mean apparently when I say trashy units.


Which I suppose there's no point in correcting you over since it's not like you don't hate on characters you dislike seeing when you're summoning for Ike or Elincia, or whichever Tellus character you so happen to want.

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Oh yeah, I'm also envious. I'd like to get Tethys at some point. I have yet to pull her at all.

EDIT: Hey, I admit I have my share of disliked/hated characters. But I still appreciate a lot of potential pitybreakers, even if my targets are Ike or Elincia.

That reminds me, I'm saving the orbs I have left for Ike's revival this Sunday! Can't wait. ^^

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@Zeo @mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy

So I decided to give 1 shot at the Spring banner to see if I could get Fir on a YOLO. There were no greens or reds (the circle was 3 colorless and 2 blues) so I said to myself "well, I could use Narcian's weapon one day, so why not?" and pulled on one blue stone, I got this:


Premium unit with a perfect nature...Now I wonder in what kind of team I should put her on.

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@Alexmender Fantastic pull there. She'll serve you well, especially if you want to toss her into AR.

Saving going forward. Lyn's about to disappear, and while B!Ike is a fantastic merge project, he's not one I'm pursuing right now. Best thing to do is build up orbs and see what comes next. If that Dawn Brigade banner spooks us in the next few months I'd like to at least guarantee myself one Edward.

...Might toss a few orbs at Takumi though. I really need more Close Counter...

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@Zeo Wow, lucky pulls. I guess the lead banner didn't treat us too poorly.

@mcsilas Thanks! Two great pulls, and then Close Call fodder too. I personally like Mareeta a lot, so I've been keeping my subpar-IV copy around. She's a lot of fun to use.

@Alexmender Wow, nice. I was trying for Spring Est and got two, one +HP -Spd and the other +HP -Def so I merged. I'm a bit jealous.

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Did my forty summons on the Fates banner and got Midori, Lilith and two copies of Kjelle (Didn't know she was a focus unit too). Went and used my free summon on Midori so I have two Spendthrift Bows so one can go to NY!Anna for memes and the other goes to Norne (once I get around to building her) since that bow probably works best with her.

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Decided not to spend orbs on the Fates banner, so I got around to doing my free summons. Got a duplicate Myrrh on the first one, but then junk for the rest. New Myrrh is +Atk, so I merged my old +Spd/-HP Myrrh into her.

The free lord summon a few days ago game me a second Leif. Like Myrrh, I have no real use for his SI, but also this one has the same +Res boon as my old one. I guess I can merge them to clear the -Def? Better than getting a 3-4* like Corrin, I suppose.

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Did one final shot in the dark summon on the Lyn & Hector revival banner, and...I got pity-broken by Male Byleth. Good for fodder, but still not Lyn. Then, on the second (and final) red orb...it FINALLY happened. I FINALLY summoned Lyn, bringing my Lyn up to +3. It's gonna be super slow going getting her up to +10 now since she isn't being brought back for a long time, but progress is progress! If I could get her to +10, then I'd have one Lyn of each color at +10 and I could make a super nice team with her. That'd be so cool, especially for me as a enormous Lyn fan.

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I was feeling lucky on the BHB even though my free pull was a 3 star Clarine (4red, 1 grey) 

I did not get my first Mist, but the pull after had one green orb. And lo and behold, it contained the new base for my B!Ike! He went from +Atk at +3 to a much better +Spd with a nice +4 merge. Now I feel fine giving him additional skills and swapping out his B skill from Dull ranged to NFU.

I decided to go in one more time, got two green stones. First one was my second Rath, who is a merge project. And the other green stone held a unit i hadn’t seen for a long time. It was a random Minerva! She is now +1, and has kept her nice Spd boon.

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Ike, Ike and a bad healer.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Dammit.)

4* Roy (This is not the smash rep I wanted. +Spd/-Def)

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@Rezzy @Arcanite @mampfoid Time for OG Ike merges, YAAAAS! Gotta get him to +10 for Easter and my early birthday gift! (My birthday is May 5, still a few weeks away, but still. lol)

And boy did I end up getting more than what I bargained for with just the promo orb packs and the free orbs I had already. XD


I didn't just get one Ike, I got three! HELL YEAH! I'm just short 3 more now for +10. Can I get them in a reasonable amount of more bought orbs? We'll see.

And I got some extra fun! I did say I got more than I bargained for. And my bonus was...


This dude! And with freaking +Atk! And the best part? I'd pulled his son literally right before this and both Eldigan and Ike are Greg Chun characters. This isn't just Easter, it's Greg Chun Day too, apparently. LOL

I gotta admit though, despite that I do see some difference between Chun's other voice roles in this game, Eldigan doesn't sound any different from Ike. Yeah, that's kinda boring. But I like his voice and three of his characters are three of my favorites in this series, so it doesn't bother me too much, thankfully.

And this was in just 160ish orbs, I'm happy this Easter. 😄

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Wanted my free pull on the revival banner to be colorless since Mist is the only unit I'm missing from it, got forced into green and got another Brave Ike. This makes... the sixth one I've pulled, I think? Since I fed one to Adult Tiki and one (ironically) to my +10 BK, and now I have four. Wait, no, only the fifth, since there was that free one. Still, that's four that showed up randomly, since I only sniped for the first one. 

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Anacybele Happy Easter and congrats! Good luck getting the next Ike to +10 soon.

I actually did incredibly quickly! lol I got three more Ikes in like 60 orbs!



I actually gave him another dragonflower boost and a different seal after this shot was taken. I posted his status screen in the +10 thread with those added.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite @mampfoid Time for OG Ike merges, YAAAAS! Gotta get him to +10 for Easter and my early birthday gift! (My birthday is May 5, still a few weeks away, but still. lol)

And boy did I end up getting more than what I bargained for with just the promo orb packs and the free orbs I had already. XD


I didn't just get one Ike, I got three! HELL YEAH! I'm just short 3 more now for +10. Can I get them in a reasonable amount of more bought orbs? We'll see.

And I got some extra fun! I did say I got more than I bargained for. And my bonus was...


This dude! And with freaking +Atk! And the best part? I'd pulled his son literally right before this and both Eldigan and Ike are Greg Chun characters. This isn't just Easter, it's Greg Chun Day too, apparently. LOL

I gotta admit though, despite that I do see some difference between Chun's other voice roles in this game, Eldigan doesn't sound any different from Ike. Yeah, that's kinda boring. But I like his voice and three of his characters are three of my favorites in this series, so it doesn't bother me too much, thankfully.

And this was in just 160ish orbs, I'm happy this Easter. 😄


27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I actually did incredibly quickly! lol I got three more Ikes in like 60 orbs!



I actually gave him another dragonflower boost and a different seal after this shot was taken. I posted his status screen in the +10 thread with those added.

@Rezzy @Arcanite

Super congrats, it's really hard to +10 5* exclusives. 

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