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Got 2 Mareetas and 1 Lysithea. I can fix my Lysithea's Spd Flaw, give BH!Ike Close Call, and keep a Mareeta.

+My BH!Ike is +7+9, which should be good enough to make Light Season a lot easier I hope.

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Didn't get any red orbs on the Solo banner, so I pulled the blue one. Got a different lance cavalry with Atk/Spd Solo than the one I expected, but I was missing both so I can't complain.

Sirius is +HP/-Atk, which is unfortunate.

Edited by Othin
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This is one tempting banner. I have enough trying to get the flying kids.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Boey (Yarne you are not. +Spd/-Atk)

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First, the Solo banner. I might as well try to get Mareeta since she's ridiculously OP.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder for Y!Minerva.

Not bad. And now back to trying to find the Whitewing trio. 31 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Mordecai: Feathers.

Not who I was looking for. 26 orbs left.

  1. 3* Shanna: Nice.

I'd appreciate more blues to pull, Feh. 21 orbs left.

  1. 4* Gunter: SI fodder.

I didn't mean zero blues. 16 orbs left.

  1. 3* Peri: Feathers.
  2. 4* Mae: Ugh.

That was a complete bust. Hopefully I can get this over with sooner rather than later.

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Can't say I was expecting this on my free pull~ 


To be honest, I thought it was Ban-Ban when I saw the silhouette~ +HP, -Spd is pretty good~

4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Soo this morning I got this:


Free Close Call! ... wait, that nature kills my plans: +SPD/-RES

Congrats, Mamp! 

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Welp, I may not have anyone to love right now, but my belief in love remains true.

Good Asset and workable Flaw to. Except... I still kinda want a not-HP asseted Legacy Marth to...

Edited by Xenomata
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Horray! But also Goddamnit!

Duo Palla summoned yay! +Def -Atk boo.

And you know what stings most? These last few summons, I've not seen very many Red orbs at all. And the chances of summoning Legacy Marth are already not as good as I'd like, so right now I'm sitting on +HP for Marth, still summoning cause even Neutral would be fine more than HP, and I think I'd have had a good orb stockpile by the next New Hero banner if I hadn't ever summoned from this banner (even if it did mean missing out on Caeda and Palla).

Sigh... still going better than I thought it would go, to be honest, especially after the demoralizing summoning of Nailah...

I also free summoned Takumi. God there must be people thinking I'm looking such a big gift horse in the mouth...

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On 4/24/2020 at 7:27 AM, daisy jane said:


LOL i think that's a fate of Many
I am going to have to hope that Caeda is on the special heroes banner by herself. 

Heheh... update: He’s +9 now 😅 guess I’m fine getting another Marth than Caeda now!

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Free pull was a Saizo but at least he was 4*, as every single hero after Caeda I kid you not has been 3*. Also made my final pull in the rev banner and ended up getting a Magerika. I had a +Atk one already so now she is +1 (the free was foddered). I really hope the legendary is someone passable as I want to skip because possible fallen. 

Also I just remembered that I still have 0 orbs for brave Edelgard, does anyone know how many orbs it takes to +10 a focus unit like her? Note that she will be +1 as free because brave pull and the 40 summon thing so I would like 9 copies. 

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You are 3 years late, dude: 




On 4/24/2020 at 5:50 PM, Landmaster said:

Can't say I was expecting this on my free pull~ 


Ohhh, yay! Congrats! Never got her, she looks so cool (for an armor unit). 

On 4/24/2020 at 5:50 PM, Landmaster said:

Congrats, Mamp! 




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5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Horray! But also Goddamnit!

Duo Palla summoned yay! +Def -Atk boo.

And you know what stings most? These last few summons, I've not seen very many Red orbs at all. And the chances of summoning Legacy Marth are already not as good as I'd like, so right now I'm sitting on +HP for Marth, still summoning cause even Neutral would be fine more than HP, and I think I'd have had a good orb stockpile by the next New Hero banner if I hadn't ever summoned from this banner (even if it did mean missing out on Caeda and Palla).

Sigh... still going better than I thought it would go, to be honest, especially after the demoralizing summoning of Nailah...

I also free summoned Takumi. God there must be people thinking I'm looking such a big gift horse in the mouth...

HP is the new meta in AR, if you play that, so I would think that's a perfectly fine IV to avoid Panic and stuff.

55 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

You are 3 years late, dude: 

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Ohhh, yay! Congrats! Never got her, she looks so cool (for an armor unit). 




Ayyye congrats!

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I'd like another Ryoma merge sometime, and I got four reds in this free pull session. Sweet.

I wound up with this instead.


Meh. Why couldn't it be regular Mareeta? I dislike all the fallen characters. The theme never interested me. Well, at least this is new and the IVs don't suck. She's neutral. I might still fodder her though, since she has Flashing Blade 4. At the same time, if she's a really good unit, it might be in my best interest to keep her...

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@mampfoid Congrats on pulling Mareeta and Ryoma. Been lucky with the red orbs lately huh.

@Landmaster Congrats on free pulling Idunn. Plan on putting her on a armor or dragon team?

7 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Also I just remembered that I still have 0 orbs for brave Edelgard, does anyone know how many orbs it takes to +10 a focus unit like her? Note that she will be +1 as free because brave pull and the 40 summon thing so I would like 9 copies. 

It usually takes anywhere between 1500-2000 orbs to +10 a unit. Maybe if the Brave banner has both the free pick and the sparking system it might only take about 1100 orbs but having more saved up is always better.

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First, Weekly Revival 7. Hoping for Hinoka.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: Feathers.

And now back to Whitewing hunting. 35 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Wendy: Ugh.
  2. 4* Roderick: Feathers.
  3. 4* Valbar: More feathers.

That was a failure. 22 orbs left.

  1. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.

Another failure. 17 orbs left.

  1. 5* Trio!Palla: There we go! The adorable pegasus knight trio has arrived to join their liege lady Minerva. +Res/-Def is more than acceptable for their role. Now to poke the other orbs in the set.
  2. 4* Python: Moonbow fodder.
  3. 4* Ares: Eh.
  4. 3* Seliph: Worthless.

The other orb was grey, so no harm in skipping that. 12 orbs unfortunately wasted at the end, but the Whitewings, 3 5* Y!Marths, and even an errant Adrift!Camilla mean that all in all this banner went swimmingly for me.

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6 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Also I just remembered that I still have 0 orbs for brave Edelgard, does anyone know how many orbs it takes to +10 a focus unit like her? Note that she will be +1 as free because brave pull and the 40 summon thing so I would like 9 copies. 

As NSSKG said, you want at the bare minimum about 1,200. And that's only due to the 2 free copies you are guarenteed. Ideally, 1,500 to 2,000 should be your goal. Which, you have time to save since we get 300 per month. CYL won't be until August, so you have a good 4 months to save.

1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

@Landmaster Congrats on free pulling Idunn. Plan on putting her on a armor or dragon team?


Funnily, my Armor team is basically a Dragon team, too. I usually use H!Myrrh, L!Tiki, W!Sothis, and Mufasa. She could be a good sub for Myrrh if ever I find her having trouble with that nice Prf of hers.

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Ayyye congrats!


2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Congrats on pulling Mareeta and Ryoma. Been lucky with the red orbs lately huh.

Thanks! Haha, yeah. Those were two cool (but not too useful) free pull in a short time frame. 

Perhaps the game tries to hold me, not playing too much lately.

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On 4/24/2020 at 4:31 AM, mampfoid said:

Free Close Call! ... wait, that nature kills my plans: +SPD/-RES

Happened to me with Hinoka. I wanted a copy of Hone Fliers for my VS!Azura, but the game gave me a +Spd Hinoka, so I had to summon another. While I already had a +Atk Hinoka, I did not want to choose between +Atk and +Spd, so I just went with keeping both and I plan to give them separate builds.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

Happened to me with Hinoka. I wanted a copy of Hone Fliers for my VS!Azura, but the game gave me a +Spd Hinoka, so I had to summon another. While I already had a +Atk Hinoka, I did not want to choose between +Atk and +Spd, so I just went with keeping both and I plan to give them separate builds.

I think I'll kill even this one copy of Mareeta in the end. Keeping two copies of a low tier unit like Hinoka doesn't seem very useful. 

Sacrificing one of them will give you a satisfying feeling, don't wait too long. 😉

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Just now, mampfoid said:

I think I'll kill even this one copy of Mareeta in the end. Keeping two copies of a low tier unit like Hinoka doesn't seem very useful. 

Sacrificing one of them will give you a satisfying feeling, don't wait too long. 😉

I keep at least one copy of every unit. While I normally would go with +Spd for most Player Phase units, Hinoka comes with Brave Lance by default, so I thought why not run both. And once she gets her Resplendent Stats, she will be the third best slow Brave Lance flier after TSOIA!Palla and Cordelia.

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4 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Funnily, my Armor team is basically a Dragon team, too. I usually use H!Myrrh, L!Tiki, W!Sothis, and Mufasa. She could be a good sub for Myrrh if ever I find her having trouble with that nice Prf of hers.

Haha, a complete armored dragon team would be cool to have. I almost run one myself with A!Tiki, L!Tiki, Nagi and FH!Tiki. But yeah, Idunn's prf will definitely be useful to destroy any annoying armor units.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

And once she gets her Resplendent Stats, she will be the third best slow Brave Lance flier after TSOIA!Palla and Cordelia.

Wouldn't be a reason for me to keep a second copy. Also there are so many lance fliers ... 

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