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On 5/12/2020 at 4:22 PM, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @SatsumaFSoysoy @DLNarshen @Landmaster @Alexmender @daisy jane

Well... I did this on the 10th, but I didn't get around to posting... so here it is. After a lot of waiting and discipline, I was prepared to spend all my tickets/free summons across 3 banners. Picnic, Fallen Heroes and the weekly revival. With 94 orbs in hand and 26 in my mailbox, I was approaching my lifetime record of 130 so I felt good about pulling Special Fighter fodder and getting at least one of the Fallen Heroes.

Weekly revival didn't give me anything but I didn't spend any orbs so we're good there. Moved on to picnic and early on she appeared.

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Yeah no, not Felicia. So here are the problems I have with this pull... 1, Yes I've never pulled a Julia before and I've always tried a bit whenever she showed up. However I didn't want her on this banner, Special Fighter fodder is some of the very best you can get for armors so her pitybreaking me here hurts. 2. She's +DEF/-SPD, the second worst nature imaginable. Her weapon removes adaptive damage from dragons so the extra def has literally no value. There would have been quite a few scenarios I would have been happy to see her even as a pitybreaker, this was not one of them.

So after a long strong of nothing, I got down to my 6th ticket and I think my orbs were around 60ish and-

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Reds were a lower priority but I was pulling quite a few of them too, hoping to be rewarded with a Flora. Instead... this appeared. This guy won't leave me alone... I've pulled him twice on focus and twice off focus. I already have a +ATK copy, he has no fodder value and even if I was interested in merging him he's been utterly powercreeped by both Keaton and Altina the latter of whom I have already. Considering everything good in the *5 pool I scraped really close to the bottom of the barrel here.

Eldigan, Leif, Seigbert, Alm, Sigurd, Leo, SM!Eirika and of course Luke. Those are the only other bad pitybreakers in a pool of 57 reds. And even then, I don't have some of them so there's value there.

So the tickets ran out and... needless to say I was underwhelmed. So I moved onto the Fallen Banner and let's cut to the chase. I went down to 20ish orbs and used all the tickets and nothing. I'd already gone over budget at this point but I figured what the heck with my last 20 so I went in one final time and-

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Nope, no light at the end of this tunnel. She's +RES and I already have 2 of her and one is +DEF. Here's the thing. I like Myrrh. I wanted her when I first got her, but I don't use her anymore, she lacks the fodder she needs (DC doesn't grow on trees) and she's been somewhat invalidated by other units of late. So unfortunately, Fallen Lyon aside, she was one of the worst green pitybreakers I could personally get. In fact, she's the 4th worst one possible for me. Beaten only by Sonya, Lugh and Rhajat.

All 120 of my orbs + 20 free pulls = 225 orbs of pull value in all for 3 underwhelming pitybreakers. No fallen units, no Special Fighter. For what I got I could have saved my 120 orbs. Left feeling pretty hollow. I wish I could say the consolation was Ross merges for all the green stones I pulled from but I only pulled one of him (pulled 3/4x Barst/Nino/Cecillia plus a couple of Libras, of course right?).

I'm now 157/120 on my May budget so no more pulling. Realistically I'm 18/40 on the fallen banner, I could spend 84 of the 300ish orbs we'll get between now and the next new heroes banner and grab Fallen Ike but I'd be going grossly over budget and throwing myself into a hole for next month. It's simply not worth it. I spent what I was going to spend.

It's sad that this was the reward for my discipline but all it really means is that there's much more saving to be done. It might be rough letting all the rest of this month's banners pass me by but by June I'll have more orbs than I've ever had before.

Wish me luck.

okay, good luck. 
also -  as someone who uses  Myrrh all the time. I can firmly say that she's not invalidated at all. Things make life a lot harder for her, but she's not invalidated. (I do get the whole DC doesn't grow on trees, it took me about 6-7 months for me to get it on her (thanks for your sacrifice, useless Hrid),  but even at +2 she was able to handle a tonne of content for me. (to be fair you are a LOT better than me in a lot of modes). 

i am only putting this out there, just in case you do get DC - Myrrh is really good. but i am sorry that in your situation she came to you - because it would have been better if you had gotten something more beneficial. 

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I did it!! With the Grand Conquest I managed to get 9 orbs and pull Julia. She is +Def -Spd which is one of the best natures for me as she has Close foil (from the second Midori I had made a manual back in the fates banner). I am now at 25 summons. 

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25 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

I did it!! With the Grand Conquest I managed to get 9 orbs and pull Julia. She is +Def -Spd which is one of the best natures for me as she has Close foil (from the second Midori I had made a manual back in the fates banner). I am now at 25 summons. 

Congrats! I believe you plan to keep summoning until reach 40 summons, right? Which one will be your freebie now that you got Julia?

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If you haven't gotten the freebie yet, I recommend Ike! Not just because I'm biased for him, but because he's really good and is great for AR. You can't go wrong with this guy at all, this Ike is a beast. lol

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 I was considering giving Julia the first merge however -Spd is amazing on her as it allows during EP to trigger any 3 turn special even against those armors like Iddun with with 26 base Spd and since +1 would be the best she could get as far as merges go, I will probably go Ike to fix his -Def as I use him a lot in AR. 

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Free-summoned my first Helbindi. I actually did kinda want him (and I already have Grima) so this is a win.

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I think my luck on this fallen banner has been some of my best yet.

25/40 summons got me:

+attack Shannan, +def Kiria, +speed fallen Ike, Julia and Lyon both with neutral IVs. Very tempted to continue so I can hit that 40 mark and grab a Corrin.

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Just now, Faellin said:

I think my luck on this fallen banner has been some of my best yet.

25/40 summons got me:

+attack Shannan, +def Kiria, +speed fallen Ike, Julia and Lyon both with neutral IVs. Very tempted to continue so I can hit that 40 mark and grab a Corrin.

Congrats, that luck happens only once in a while. 

I got to 27, I got nothing but it doesn't matter as I got Julia wanting for the 40 summons and the Ike merge. 

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I haven't pulled in the last few days. That BHB banner does have one sick unit though.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (Of course. Sure, lots of unseen colourless, but why not?)

4* Ross (I'm near +10 for him. Shame I want Echidna more. +HP/-Atk)

Back to Dark Burdens of not enough orbs.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (Really?)

4* Merric (Definitely not. +Def/-Spd), 3* Cecilia (Ugh. +Res/-Def), 3* Hana (Hell nah. +Spd/-Res)

Still have 11 summons left. I've really not been paying attention with Heroes lately to not be gathering orbs much.

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Alright, BHB banner first. Let's see if I can get Femui for that sweet Sudden Panic.

  1. 3* Cecilia: No greys.

And back to the Fallen banner with 26 orbs.

  1. 3* Chrom: Feathers.
  2. 4* Marth: More feathers.

One more circle. 17 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fir: Ugh.

That was very disappointing.

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I have all the units on the current BHB banner, so I pulled green hoping for another Grima and got one! He's +Atk/-Spd, which is a nice upgrade over my previous +Spd/-HP one.

I've had some good times with my old Grima, but I feel like I have to make him Gwendolyn food now. I've fed him some 3-4* skills that will go to waste (along with the Earth blessing, which is even less significant at this point) but he also has Aether, which means she can get it without me needing to upgrade another Chrom. So that's certainly handy, it's not like he's been using it in a while anyway. Between Legendary Hector, Nagi, and my +10 Winter Jaffar, I have plenty of better 1-2 range green armors by now.

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Fortunate to have been able to pull Lyon before I hit 40 summons. So I pulled Fallen Ike as free unit to neutralize the Def flaw my existing one had.

Now, with the Dark Burdens banner done and over with, I move back to Kid banner and get...

three Kid Marths and a Phina pitybreak.

You really can't win them all, can you.

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Sigh... this banner was one big bust. I had to shell out money to get enough orbs to get the freebie (Lyon cause that ranged breaker, yo), and then I only wound up getting one other Fallen Hero anyway in Fallen M!Corrin (+Atk -Spd, mixed feelings but he still good). I did get 2 others in total, but they were M!Byleth early on and Quan in the same banner as Corrin. I got better results from the Legacy banner, and I didn't spend a dime on that one.

Sigh... I'm not looking this gift of a Fallen Hero in the mouth, but I'd have at least liked to get a little more... although on this note, Quan is now +8. Welcome to the almost-+10-but-not-quite club, meet your club mates Nina, Flying Nino, Female Kana, Amelia, Legendary Lucina, Keaton, and club president Laevatein (she +9).

Edited by Xenomata
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Weekly Revival 10, let's get Amelia a merge.

  1. 3* Fae: Nope.

And another try at the Fallen banner with 20 orbs.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: Meh.
  2. 3* Draug: Feathers.
  3. 5* Ewan: And here's a pitybreaker! Hardly a bad one, but I would have much preferred Julia. +Def/-HP is a superasset/superflaw combo, so that's amusing.

Nice to add Ewan to the barracks, but he's really not who I was looking for. Anyway, back to scraping together as many orbs as I can.

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I went for green in the revival banner hoping for Armor March as I didn't pick the Olwen manual (or a random Edelgard pity breaker would be perfect but I should stop dreaming). I got a Gunter. 

In the Fallen banner I am at 29 summons, 11 more to go for the free Ike. I made 2 more pulls today and I got a Raigh and an Athena at least I have another Moonbow fodder. 

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So I did some more summoning and...Grima is now +8.  This has been the most generous rate of summoning Male Grima since I got him, so I'm going to quit while I'm ahead and wait for the next Grima focus banner.  In the meantime I am going to make some very good use of my even stronger Grimmy 😊

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Weekly revival. Merges or Armour March. It's all good if I get one.

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (OOOOF. Screw it, Colourless)


Brides are coming, quick pull fallen units.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Fucking really?)

3* Olivia (Literal merge or feather. Neutral), 4* Boey (I ain't pulling 3 Colourless with you being here. +HP/-Def)

4.5%. Fuck.

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@DLNarshen @Alexmender @mcsilas @Landmaster @mampfoid @daisy jane @SatsumaFSoysoy 

So I'd forgotten about the BHB Banner and between Grima who I've never been able to pull and F!Corrin who would be really nice ATK/SPD Solo fodder, I went over my budget even more with 8 orbs with nothing to show for it for a very unimpressive 165/120 on my new monthly budget.

But with every stroke of misfortune a blessing awaits the patient and diligent. Weekly revival dropped. I pretty much have 0 interest in Olwen at this point so it's all about Amelia and Ayra merges at this point. Had 4 reds and one blue. Pretty much just going to grab my free Seliph and be on my way-


That was unexpected. Yep, free Ayra~ Nature doesn't matter since I already have a +SPD one at +1. Now she's +2. She may have been fittingly powercreeped by her daughter, but she doesn't appear to want to be outdone by her. A refine should be on the way and at 44 Base SPD, she's in a pretty good position for it. It'll likely be something like Karla/Mia's refine. But Roy's Blazing Durandal effect or even just an impact refine would be pretty nice for her.

Being a member of my OG team, pulls like this are always special. I wouldn't mind a +10 of her. But with Edward being a very possible candidate before the year is over, can't spend the orbs on her.

I'm at 40 orbs again now. I'm 74 orbs away from a guaranteed *5 on the fallen banner and I'm undecided on weather I'll hold on to my orbs or utterly destroy my budget in hopes of an Ike or a Lyon to make AR much easier. I'll decide on the last day of the banner if It's worth it.

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Well what do you know, the tedious Grand Conquest grind was actually worth something:



Even better, he got +Spd (with a slightly unfortunate -Def) to match his genderbent and colorless self.

And so with this, my freebie choice after those next five summons is now entirely certain hint: it is not Lyon.


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Grabbed 20 together and pulled Julia with my only red.

+res / -spd is nearly perfect, still a superboon.

Slightly less than 200 orbs for pulling all focus units once and two Lysitheas was a feast!

Ike, Julia and Corrin got even a superboon in their strong stat(s), but I foddered Corrin to Hilda since she could inherit atk/spd solo 4 and the C skill and can run galeforce unlike Corrin unfortunately.

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