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In the tempest trial banner i got Micaiah in the free pull. Yes, another merge for Miccy (+4 for now).

Now in the bridal banner:

She almost cost me 180 orbs but bride Micaiah finally decided to come home, after being pity broken by Nina.

She is +Hp/-atk, that hurts. Still i am really excited for her and her duo skill (And 185 bst) will come very handy for arena and AR.



Edited by NicolaTesla&you
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Had enough for right pulls. The only colourless orb gave me a +atk Eleanora which feels pretty much as good as Sothcaia. She's pretty much the best player phase archer in this game. I have no Idea if I will come back. It depends on the content of next New Heroes's banner.

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I wanted to get BB!Rafiel, BB!Nailah, and BB!Micaiah, but I only got one copy of Rafiel so far and got pity broken by Forsyth, Altena, and DW!Y!Tiki.

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Was going to open all the greys in the first circle, but of course there were none. 4* Hawkeye. As I wanted to open at least one grey, I went another round, pre-spending my apology orbs, and got a 3* Tethys. That's fine, she's a potential +10 project and this is only my third copy ever.

Waiting to see who will accompany Leif and Alm on the Legendary banner this month. Hopefully it's a new hero and not Eleanora. If it is her, then I might wait and see who's on the New Heroes banner now that the effective 5* rate on those is finally competitive.

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~50 Orbs finishing the circle:


Micaiah is +Def -Spd... at least her Atk and Res are safe.

Rafiel is +HP -Atk... At least he can IP better, I guess. And -Atk on a dancer is not bad either.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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2 hours ago, LoneStar said:

Seeing how broken the dominance effect is, I saw a level 1 Donnel one round Edelgard on twitter, I got baited into pulling. Only had to spend 80 orbs to get her, so things worked out.

I also saw this (possibly) on this guy's You Tube channel. And I think that also confirms that dominance grants true damage like Lunar Arc and not Blade tome damage. 

Micaiah is truly broken, I might consider pulling for her after the 40 summons (I am at 35 and tomorrow I'll be at 36).

@DiovaniBressan congrats on Michy, have fun with dominance. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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I got a free Ishtar on the TT banner, so maybe I'll be extra lucky and get Micaiah on the Bridal banner.

  1. 4* Virion: Screw you.

Darn. Well, she'll show up again sooner or later. Now 26 orbs for some more Fallen pulls.

  1. 4* Stahl" Swap fodder.
  2. 4* Bantu: Meh.

One more circle with 17 orbs.

  1. 4* Eirika: Nope.

Hopefully I don't have to leave this banner with a pity rate.

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Micaiah is the one and only character I'd whale for, so I purchased some orbs in addition to my saved ones. Ended up spending around 250 orbs.

Got Bride Nailah, Brave Camilla, Silque and finally Duo Micaiah. She's -Atk but I don't care because I got her. Also got one Rafiel in the way, so I'm happy with the results.

But man, I forgot how stressing sniping colorless can be. TEN JAKOBS. TEN FRIGGIN' JAKOBS.

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Did the story maps for fallen and bridal, did those quests, and i got another + Atk Micaiah + Sothe! 

So that's triple + Atk, I will use on for Astra and one for Light. Dominance is amazing. Still no Nailah and no more orbs besides the TT.  So there is hope, but not much.

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4 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Micaiah is truly broken, I might consider pulling for her after the 40 summons (I am at 35 and tomorrow I'll be at 36).

Sad to say that you don't get the free pick on seasonal banners.

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3 minutes ago, LoneStar said:

Sad to say that you don't get the free pick on seasonal banners.

I believe the meaning is that after the 40th summon on Fallen, the next objective will be Micaiah.

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Only 9 more pulls until the free Fallen hero... I hope I can get enough orbs in time. x_x Ideally, I'd get a +spd Fallen Ike somewhere in those next 9 pulls. Super-ideally, I'd get a Fallen M!Corrin, too. Just have to keep earning orbs... I'm at 7, and will pull again once I get up to 20.

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Took over 300 orbs sniping colorless before pulling Micaiah. Picked up Loki, a second Leanne, and a 4 star Rafiel. Dropped me down to 44 orbs, the lowest I have been since the middle of last year. Time to start saving again.

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Did one more circle after doing the Chain Challenges and Grand Conquest. Got a 5* Rafiel and Bernadetta at 3%. I'm more glad about latter because she's an amazing unit and new to me. +atk / -HP feels like perfect at first sight despite she might prefer +spd. Rafiel is +def / -atk which is actually not too bad for being a support unit. However leveling and especially beating his trial will become painful.


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It's time for more angery people.

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (I'm going to snipe one, get 5 more and try another circle)

4* Abel (I could do with so many others. +Res/-Def)

2 each Red, Colurless, 1 Green (Cripes this is bad. Colourless on every circle)

4* Caeda (Stop it please. +HP/-Spd), 4* Henry (AH FUCK SAKE I'M ON A PITY RATE, BUGGER OFF. +Atk/-HP), 4* HAWKEYE (FUCK YOU.)

I'm getting angery, you can tell.

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Did 3 more pulls and got a +Res Eyvel. I am very happy as out of nowhere I ended up with a +Res +1 Eyvel, when I get a DC I will give it to her. 1 last pull remaining and I will begin saving until mid August for CYL. As much as I wanted a Michy, the Brave one does the nearly the same job. 

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I have been waiting for Sirius to show up as a focus unit for a while now since he was the only character I was missing from the Chosen Ones banner. Glad I was able to get him after spending 50 orbs.


He came with a +Atk/-Spd nature which makes me kind of tempted to pull for another one but his base kit already gives him an extra 13 speed anyways so he might be fast enough regardless of the speed bane to double things.

And with that I have now summoned and have all my favorites again in Heroes unless the June new heroes banner has a character I like on it.

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